Гривня встановила новий рекорд – курс НБУ

Українська національна валюта оновила більш як трирічний рекорд курсу щодо долара США. За результатами торгів 18 вересня Національний банк України встановив на 19 вересня курс 24 гривні 67 копійок за одиницю американської валюти. Попереднє досягнення гривні було встановлене 16 вересня – 24 гривні 71 копійка. Такі значення в парі гривня-долар не спостерігалися 38 місяців – від липня 2016 року. На український валютний ринок нині прийшли значні ресурси, які іноземці вводять для купівлі облігацій внутрішньої державної позики. На курс також впливає позитивна кон’юнктура щодо товарів українського експорту. Востаннє поблизу позначки 24 гривні 50 копійок за долар офіційний курс перебував у січні 2016 року. …

Nigeria’s Diesel-dependent Economy Braces for Clean-fuel Rules

Nigeria’s frenetic commercial capital, Lagos, is plunged into darkness several times a day. Then its generators roar, and the lights flood back on. Nigeria is one of the world’s largest economies where businesses rely so heavily on diesel-powered generators. More than 70% of its firms own or share the units, while government data shows generators provide at least 14 gigawatts of power annually, dwarfing the 4 gigawatts supplied on average by the country’s electricity grid. The machines guzzle cash and spew pollution, but they are reliable in a nation where nearly 80 million people – some 40% of the population – have no access to grid power. Now diesel costs could spike globally, and many businesses are not prepared. Diesel prices are expected to surge as United Nations rules aimed at cleaning up international shipping come into effect on Jan. 1, with many ships expected to burn distillates instead of dirtier fuel oil. Slowing economic growth and nascent trade wars could blunt a price spike, and as the shipping industry adapts to the rules, vessels will likely consume less diesel. But in the short term their impact could be profound. Estimates vary widely, but observers warn that prices could surge by nearly 20%. A diesel-run generator is on display at Mikano head office in Lagos, Nigeria, Sept. 9, 2019. Higher costs for operating generators that power the machinery, computer servers and mobile phone towers that run Nigeria’s economy could impair growth in gross domestic product, already limping along at 1.92% …

Purdue Pharma to Stay in Business as Bankruptcy Unfolds

A judge cleared the way Tuesday for OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma to stay in business while it pursues bankruptcy protection and settlement of more than 2,600 lawsuits filed against it in a reckoning over the opioid crisis. At the first court hearing since the Chapter 11 filing late Sunday, Purdue lawyers secured permission for the multibillion-dollar company based in Stamford, Connecticut, to maintain business as usual — paying employees and vendors, supplying pills to distributors, and keeping current on taxes and insurance. The continued viability of Purdue is a key component of the company’s settlement offer, which could be worth up to $12 billion over time. Under the proposal, backed by about half the states, the Sackler family, which owns Purdue, would turn the company, its assets and more than $1 billion in cash reserves over to a trust controlled by the very entities suing it. The Sacklers have also agreed to pay a minimum of $3 billion of their own money to the settlement over seven years, as well as up to $1.5 billion more in proceeds from the planned sale of their non-U.S. pharmaceutical companies. “This is a highly unusual case in that the debtors have pledged to turn over their business to the claimants,” U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert Drain said. “All of the claimants, in essence, have the same interest in maximizing the value of the business and avoiding immediate and irreparable harm.” Attorney Joe Rice, who represents a group of plaintiffs in the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy, …

ICC Judges Authorize Appeal Against Afghanistan Rejection

International Criminal Court judges said Tuesday that the court’s prosecutor can appeal against the rejection of her request to open an investigation into crimes linked to the long-running conflict in Afghanistan. In April, a panel of judges rejected the proposed investigation, saying it would not be in the interests of justice because an investigation and prosecution were unlikely to be successful as those targeted — including the United States, Afghan authorities and the Taliban — are not expected to cooperate. Seeking leave to appeal, Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said that reasoning ran contrary to the court’s goal of prosecuting grave crimes when national authorities are unwilling or unable to do so. Bensouda must now file a detailed appeal that will be considered by judges, a process likely to take months. FILE – Public Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda attends the trial for Malian Islamist militant Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the Netherlands, July 8, 2019. Her November 2017 request to open an investigation angered Washington because as well as alleging that crimes were committed by the Taliban and Afghan security forces, Bensouda said she had information that members of the U.S. military and intelligence agencies were involved in crimes. Her request said they allegedly “committed acts of torture, cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity, rape and sexual violence against conflict-related detainees in Afghanistan and other locations, principally in the 2003-2004 period.” Earlier this year, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said …

White House Upgrade: First Lady’s Done a Lot with the Place

She’s done a lot with the place. Like anyone who has ever spruced up their home, Melania Trump will have a few new touches to showcase Friday when guests visit the White House for only the second state dinner of the Trump presidency. There’s refreshed wall fabric in the Red Room, repurposed draperies in the Green Room and restored furniture in the Blue Room. And those are just some of the home improvement projects the first lady has overseen to keep the well-trod public rooms at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. looking their museum-quality best. Some of the projects were long overdue. Sunlight streaming into the Red Room had left some of the wall fabric “so faded it was almost pink,” said Stewart McLaurin, president of the White House Historical Association, which helps finance upkeep of some rooms in the 132-room mansion. First lady Jacqueline Kennedy founded the private, nonprofit organization in 1961. “Those rooms should always look their very best and it was just very faded and really, really needed to be done,” McLaurin said. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his wife, Jenny, and guests for Friday’s three-course state dinner in their honor should have an opportunity to check out the spiffed-up public rooms. Repurposed draperies are seen in the Green Room of the White House in Washington, Sept. 17, 2019. They are among the improvement projects that first lady Melania Trump has overseen to keep the well-trod public rooms looking their best. In her role as caretaker, the first …

NBCUniversal Names Streaming Service ‘Peacock,’ to Launch in 2020

Comcast’s NBCUniversal will name its upcoming streaming service “Peacock,” offering a broad slate of original content, including “Dr. Death” starring Emmy and Golden Globe winner Alec Baldwin, the company said on Tuesday. Peacock, which will also offer classic sitcoms like “The Office” and “Parks and Recreation”, is scheduled to launch in 2020, NBCUniversal said. The company owns traditional television network NBC, whose logo features a peacock. The service will compete with streaming giant Netflix and Walt Disney Co.’s upcoming Disney+ streaming service as well as other digital subscription options, as traditional media companies seek to attract online viewers. Details on pricing and distribution will be announced closer to launch, the media company said. Reuters had reported in January that an ad-free version of the NBC service will be available for about the same price as other subscription video services. Peacock will also have other shows such as a reboot of “Battlestar Galactica” and original comedy “Rutherford Falls,” the company said.   …

Зеленський очікує, що ЄБРР наростить інвестиції в Україну – ОП

Президент України Володимир Зеленський очікує, що в наступні два-три роки Європейський банк реконструкції та розвитку наростить інвестиції в Україну до більш ніж 1 мільярда євро на рік і зробить їх більш конкурентоспроможними для приватного сектору в Україні, передусім у питанні вартості капіталу. Про це повідомляє Офіс президента України за підсумками зустрічі Володимира Зеленського із віце-президентом ЄБРР Аланом Пію. «Дякую, що інвестуєте в Україну. Ми це дуже цінуємо», – сказав Зеленський. Він запевнив, що іноземні інвестори та партнери можуть розраховувати на «відвертий і чесний діалог» у рамках Національної інвестиційної ради, роботу якої планують продовжувати. Аланом Пію сьогодні також мав зустріч із головою Верховної Ради Дмитром Разумковим, на якій, як інформує сайт парламенту, спікер заявив, що Україні від ЄБРР «дуже важливо отримувати підтримку фінансового, політичного та економічного плану». Повідомляється, що Алан Пію про намір ЄБРР продовжувати співпрацю з Україною в довгострокових інфраструктурних проектах, пов’язаних із компанією «Нафтогаз», «Укренерго», будівництвом доріг у Миколаївській, Херсонській та Одеській областях, метро у Харкові, Дніпрі, об’єктів на сході України. Безпосередньо у ЄБРР поки не коментували підсумки зустрічі з представниками української влади. 12 червня президент Володимир Зеленський вже мав зустріч з делегацією Європейського банку реконструкції та розвитку. За чверть століття від початку своєї діяльності в Україні ЄБРР інвестував близько 12 мільярдів євро. …

Experts: Saudi Arabia’s Sophisticated Defense Vulnerable to Drone Strikes

The recent attacks on Saudi Arabia’s crude oil hub at the Abqaiq and Khurais production facilities reveal that even a nation with a sophisticated military and a massive defense budget is still vulnerable to drone strikes. The United States says satellite images and intelligence information show Iranian weapons were used in the aerial attacks that have shut down half of the kingdom’s oil production. Security experts say this latest incident sparks growing concern over the rapid evolution of technologies expanding drones’ offensive capabilities.   Unidentified U.S. officials have been telling Western media that more than a dozen attacks targeted the installations from a west-northwest direction and not from the southwest as claimed by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen who said they carried out the coordinated assault.    In July, the Houthis, who are fighting a Saudi-led coalition war in Yemen, showed off their Iranian-made weapons long-range cruise missiles, dubbed “Al-Quds”, and explosives-laden “Sammad 3” drones that reportedly can hit targets as far as 1,500 kilometers away. No previous attack, since the Yemen conflict began four years ago, however, has interrupted oil supplies. But the assaults have taken 5.7 million barrels of oil a day off the world’s markets.  They have also exposed the vulnerability of the pumping heart of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry. Defense analysts say the attacks have exposed structural problems in the kingdom’s defenses. They say the systems – albeit sophisticated – are designed to defend against traditional-style attacks – and not asymmetrical ones from the air by …

Vegetarian Diets not Always the Most Climate-friendly, Researchers Say

It may be possible to help tackle climate change while still munching on the occasional bacon sandwich or slurping a few oysters, a new study suggested on Tuesday. Scientists found that diets in which meat, fish or dairy products were consumed only once a day would leave less of a footprint on climate change and water supplies than a vegetarian diet including milk and eggs, in 95% of countries they analysed. That is partly because raising dairy cows for milk, butter and cheese requires large amounts of energy and land, as well as fertilisers and pesticides to grow fodder, emitting greenhouse gases that are heating up the planet, the study said. Diets that contain insects, small fish and molluscs, meanwhile, have as similarly small an environmental impact as plant-based vegan diets but are generally more nutritious, said researchers at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future. They calculated greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater use for nine different diets – ranging from one meatless day a week and no red meat, to pescatarian and vegan – in 140 countries. Many climate activists and scientists have called for a shift to plant-based diets to keep climate change in check and reduce deforestation, since producing red meat requires a lot of land for grazing and growing feed. Agriculture, forestry and other land use activities accounted for nearly a quarter of man-made greenhouse gas emissions from 2007-2016, the U.N. climate science panel said in a flagship report last month. But there is no …

Ghani Escapes Election Violence That Killed 24

Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani escaped an attack on his campaign rally in Parwan province that killed 24 people and wounded more than 30 others Tuesday. The president was about to address the rally when a suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonated his explosives near the military facility where the gathering was held. Nasrat Rahimi, a spokesman for Afghan Ministry of Interior, tweeted that no one inside the building was harmed and the rally continued after the incident. Qasim Sangeen, the head of Parwan provincial hospital told VOA bodies of the dead and wounded had been taken to a provincial hospital. This is the first security incident since July 28, the official beginning of the election campaign in Afghanistan.   The Afghan Taliban have taken responsibility for the attack, warning people to stay away from rallies and election related gatherings, promising to carry out further attacks on election activity. “If despite the warnings they go to such meetings and get harmed, it is their responsibility,” a message from Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said. Afghan security forces work at the site of a suicide attack near the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sept. 17, 2019. Afghans are expecting a higher level of violence in the run up to the September 28 election due to a breakdown in peace talks between the United States and Taliban earlier this month. The insurgent group has intensified its regional outreach, taking a trip first to Moscow and more recently to Iran. “The main purpose was to …

Nettles With Regal Roots Hit The London Catwalks

Fashion models wearing dresses made from nettles harvested at Prince Charles’s country estate in southwest England will feature at London Fashion Week on Tuesday, in one of this year’s most unusual offerings. The quirky eco-friendly attire stems from an unexpected collaboration between the heir to the British throne, who is passionate about ecology, and the sustainable fashion pioneers Vin + Omi. The designer duo met the Prince of Wales last year and the conversation quickly turned to horticulture and its place in their fashion-focused research and development. “We were looking at nettles, cow parsley and horseradish,” Vin, the British half of the pair, told AFP ahead of their show. “We discussed it with Prince Charles and he said: ‘I’ve got a lot of nettles in Highgrove, why don’t you come and get them?” he added, referring to the monarch’s private residence in rural Gloucestershire. And so began the unlikely union between two self-described “very punk” stylists and the upper echelons of Britain’s royal family.   “It is a very odd marriage,” conceded Vin. For Omi, who hails from Singapore, Prince Charles’s green ethos was “mind-blowing”. “You wouldn’t think that someone like the future king of England would (think) about that,” he said, noting “proper conversations about (the) environment” clearly captivate him. ‘Very time-consuming’ The fruits of this shared interest will be unveiled Tuesday night at the Savoy Hotel in central London. Among the creations hitting the catwalk: an elegant beige coat, resembling wool but in fact crafted from several thousand …

From the US to Ghana, a Taste of Home in the Homeland

African Americans are being encouraged to visit Ghana to mark 400 years since the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade. In the capital, Accra, one returnee chef is awaiting U.S. visitors to give them a taste of home in the homeland. At her roadside cafe in Accra, Chef Sage cooks up food influenced by her time in the United States, the Caribbean and Ghana. Spices from her lentil burgers waft into the air, as members of her loyal customer base take their seats at the outdoor tables. “I had that Southern influence, my grandmother with cornbread and macaroni cheese – the whole soul food works, and then also being in the Caribbean, having that Caribbean influence as well. I don’t know if a lot of people residing in Africa know that the foods in the Caribbean are so similar, you have direct descendants coming from Africa to the Caribbean,” Sage said. Chef Sage — she prefers not to use her real name — says she’s seeing more African American customers who are in Ghana for “Year of Return” activities, visiting to mark 400 years since the start of the transatlantic slave trade.   They sit alongside regular customers as Chef Sage and her family serve up plant-based fusion meals. Chef Sage was born in Brooklyn, New York, moved to Saint Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands as a child and in 2005 relocated to Ghana.  “I think when African Americans relocate to Ghana, we do consider this our homeland and we are …

Курс гривні змінився на 1 копійку – НБУ

Ситуація на українському валютному ринку залишається стабільною. Опівдні Національний банк України оприлюднив довідкове значення курсу 24 гривні 76 копійок за долар, це на одну копійку менше за офіційний курс на 17 вересня. На українському міжбанківському ринку зміни також мінімальні – станом на 12:00 котирування склали 24 гривні 75,5–78 копійок за долар, повідомляє сайт «Мінфін». Офіційний курс на 16 вересня 24 гривні 71 копійка за долар був рекордним за останні понад три роки – від липня 2016 року. На український валютний ринок нині прийшли значні ресурси, які іноземці вводять для купівлі облігацій внутрішньої державної позики. На курс також впливає позитивна кон’юнктура щодо товарів українського експорту. Востаннє поблизу позначки 24 гривні 50 копійок за долар офіційний курс перебував у січні 2016 року. …

Україна може залишитися без підтримки Заходу через «Приватбанк» і Коломойського – FT

Будь-який компроміс держави з бізнесменом Ігорем Коломойським у справі «Приватбанку» може спричинити призупинення підтримки України з боку Заходу, пише британське ділове видання Financial Times у статті «Київ обговорює угоду «Приватбанку» з Коломойським, попри скандал на 5,5 мільярда доларів». В інтерв’ю FT прем’єр-міністр України Олексій Гончарук заявив, що українська влада шукає «компромісу» з Коломойським у справі «Приватбанку». Гончарук повідомив, що президент України Володимир Зеленський хотів би домовитися з Коломойським про вирішення питання. «Я повністю переконаний, що зараз нам потрібно зосередитися на зростанні і шукати спільні рішення, а не витрачати наші ресурси на знищення один одного. Тому я дуже позитивно ставлюся до будь-якої риторики, спрямованої на пошук компромісу», – цитує видання слова Гончарука. Водночас глава уряду додав, що «яке б рішення ми не знайшли, ми повинні знайти його разом з МВФ». Міжнародний валютний фонд попередив Україну, що відмова від націоналізації «Приватбанку» поставить під загрозу програму співпраці на суму 3,9 мільярда доларів. Кредитори очікують, що Україна і далі наполягатиме на поверненні колишніми акціонерами «Приватбанку» 5,5 мільярда доларів, витрачених державою на порятунок банку. FT також цитує колишню голову НБУ Валерію Гонтареву, яка заявила, що запропонований регулятором наприкінці 2016 року план рекапіталізації вирішував проблеми «Приватбанку». «Він (Коломойський – ред.) не виконав своїх обіцянок», – твердить ексголова НБУ. У центральному офісі «Приватбанку» в Дніпрі 11 вересня відбуваються слідчі дії. Речник «Приватбанку» Олег Серга повідомив, що правоохоронці «прибули для вилучення низки документів, пов’язаних із договірними зобов’язаннями з нашими партнерами». Читайте також: НБУ подав скарги на суддів через справи щодо націоналізації «Приватбанку»​ Бізнесмен Ігор Коломойський оскаржує націоналізацію «Приватбанку». 18 квітня Окружний адміністративний суд …

No new Measles Cases Reported in Fading US Outbreak

The nation’s worst measles epidemic in 27 years could be in its final stages as a week went by with no new reported cases. “To get to zero is tremendously encouraging,” said Jason Schwartz, a Yale University expert on vaccination policy. The current epidemic emerged about a year ago and took off earlier this year, with most of the cases reported in Orthodox Jewish communities in and around New York City. It started with travelers who had become infected overseas but spread quickly among unvaccinated people. In the spring, 70 or more new cases were being reported every week. Not long ago, the nation that saw that many measles cases in a whole year. So far this year, 1,241 cases have been confirmed — a number that didn’t rise last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday. The last time the CDC reported no new measles cases was 11 months ago. New York Declares End of Worst Measles Outbreak in Three Decades About 654 people, many in areas with large Orthodox Jewish communities, were infected since October last year but there have been no new cases since mid-July, the city government said New York officials responded to the explosion of measles cases with a wave of measures, including education campaigns to counter misinformation about vaccine safety and fines for people who didn’t get vaccinated. The epidemic has threatened the Unites States’ nearly 2-decade-old status as a nation that has eliminated measles. The status could come to an …

Global Nuclear Threat ‘Highest Since Cuban Missile Crisis’

World leaders meeting at the United Nations General Assembly, which begins Tuesday in New York, must make nuclear arms control a priority, according to a group of over 100 political, military and diplomatic figures. They have issued a statement warning that the risks of nuclear accident, misjudgment or miscalculation have not been higher since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Henry Ridgwell reports from London. …

IS Says it Releases News Audio of Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

The Islamic State terror group has issued a new audio recording , claiming to show the group’s reclusive leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi encouraging his supporters and fighters to conduct more military operations and engage in more propaganda. The recording, posted to the internet Monday by IS’s al-Furqan media division, also calls on IS supporters not to forget about Muslims being held in prisons and refugee camps. U.S. officials have yet to comment on the purported recording. Earlier this year, the terror group released a video of the man it claimed was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi seeking revenge for the fall of the terror group’s self-declared caliphate In Iraq and Syria. IS Claims Video Shows Reclusive Leader, Calls for Revenge The Islamic State issued a new video Monday claiming to show its reclusive leader delivering a message to his followers, urging them to seek revenge for the fall of the terror group’s self-declared caliphate In Iraq and Syria. The more than 18-minute-long video posted to the internet by IS’s al-Furqan media division shows a man, allegedly Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sitting cross-legged against a white backdrop with a machine gun and a couple of pillows by his side.  The man is seen speaking with other IS members, whose faces are blurred or covered with masks, acknowledging the recent fall of the Before that, the 48-year-old Baghdadi had not been seen since he gave a sermon at the al-Nuri Mosque in Mosul, Iraq, in July 2014. The lack of public appearances and the sporadic …

UN: Myanmar is Not Safe for the Return of Rohingya Refugees

A U.N. investigator finds that two years after the violent expulsion of more than 700,000 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, the situation in their home country remains too dangerous for them to return from their refuge in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. U.N. Special Rapporteur, Yanghee Lee, says Myanmar commits ongoing gross violations of international law and uses brutal measures to repress ethnic minorities in Rakhine and southern Chin states. She says many civilians have been killed and tens of thousands displaced by the indiscriminate use of heavy artillery and other methods of warfare used by both the Tatmadaw, Myanmar’s armed forces, and the Arakan Army, an insurgent group in Rakhine. Doubts Hang Over Fresh Rohingya Repatriation Attempt to Myanmar  Rohingya interviewed by UN say they don’t want to go home until their safety is guaranteed and they are recognized as citizens in Buddhist-majority country She says by no stretch of the imagination is it possible to believe the Rohingya refugees would be safe if they returned to Myanmar. In August, she notes an agreement was hatched to repatriate 3,450 refugees. She says Myanmar claims to have done what is necessary for the repatriation to be successful and blames Bangladesh for delays in the operation going ahead. She says the contrary is true. “Myanmar has done nothing to dismantle the system of violence and persecution, and the Rohingya who remain in Rakhine live in the same dire circumstances that they did prior to the events of August 2017,” said Lee. “They are denied …

Construction of Native American Veterans Memorial to Begin

This Saturday, the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) in Washington will break ground on a $15 million monument to Native American military veterans, after more than two decades of planning. In 1994, Congress passed legislation calling for the museum to build the memorial, noting that Native Americans, Native Alaskans and Native Hawaiians have a “long, proud and distinguished tradition of service” in the U.S. Armed Forces, “in numbers which far exceed their representation in the population of the United States.” The decorated hat of an American Indian veteran appears at the Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, in Bedford, Mass., Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007. Logistical and funding issues, however, stalled the project. Congress did not commit funds for the memorial and ruled that it should be housed inside the NMAI. That changed in 2013 when Congress clarified the bill, allowing NMAI to begin raising funds from private donors and gave the green light to constructing the monument on museum property.  More than 120 artists submitted design proposals. Jurors were unanimous in selecting the winning design by Harvey Pratt, a former forensic artist, member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes in Oklahoma and a veteran himself. Headshot photo of Cheyenne/Arapaho artist Harvey Pratt, who submitted the winning design for a new Native American Veterans’ Memorial in Washington, D.C. Photo by and courtesy of Neil Chapman. His design, “Warriors’ Circle of Honor,” features a three-and-a-half meter stainless steel circle, a symbol culturally and spiritually significant to tribes across the United …

Нацбанк очікує на нову програму співпраці з МВФ до кінця 2019 року

Національний банк України очікує на нову програму співпраці з Міжнародним валютним фондом до кінця 2019 року, повідомила перший заступник голови НБУ Катерина Рожкова. «Ми, дійсно, чекаємо, що до кінця року програму буде підписано», – сказала Рожкова. Вона наголосила, що наразі зарано говорити про параметри програми. Водночас перша заступниця голови НБУ припустила, що термін програми становитиме три роки, а її обсяг буде зрозумілий уже після аналізу проєкту державного бюджету України на 2020 рік. 21 грудня 2018 року Україна отримала перший і наразі єдиний транш за поточною програмою співпраці з Міжнародним валютним фондом обсягом близько 1,4 мільярда доларів. Загалом розмір програми складає 3,9 мільярда доларів. Згідно із базовим прогнозом Національного банку, за новою програмою співпраці з МВФ Україна може отримати два мільярди доларів від МВФ у цьому році та ще по два мільярди у 2020 й 2021 роках. Місія Міжнародного валютного фонду приїхала до Києва 11 вересня. Вона працюватиме в українській столиці до 24 вересня. …

Гривня зберігає позиції на міжбанку

Торги на міжбанківському валютному ринку 16 вересня відбуваються поблизу рівнів, досягнутих наприкінці минулого тижня і зафіксованих курсом НБУ. Станом на 12:00 регулятор встановив довідкове значення курсу на рівні 24 гривні 77 копійок за долар. Це на 6 копійок більше за офіційний курс на 16 вересня. Котирування міжбанку станом на 11:00 становили 27 гривень 70–74 копійки, але вже опівдні повернулися до рівнів відкриття 27 гривень 77–80 копійок за долар. Офіційний курс на 16 вересня 24 гривні 71 копійка за долар є рекордним на останні понад три роки – від липня 2016 року. На український валютний ринок нині прийшли значні ресурси, які іноземці вводять для купівлі облігацій внутрішньої державної позики. На курс також впливає позитивна кон’юнктура щодо товарів українського експорту. Востаннє поблизу позначки 24 гривні 50 копійок за долар офіційний курс перебував у січні 2016 року. …

У світі різко зросли котирування нафти

Котирування нафти на світових ринках різко зросли на торгах 16 вересня. Ціна нафти марки Brent нині складає понад 66 доларів, хоча на закритті торгів у п’ятницю ледь перевищувала позначку 60 доларів за барель. Зростання котирувань на 10% сталося внаслідок ударів по нафтових заводах у Саудівській Аравії, які були завдані 14 вересня. Нафтовидобувна компанія Aramco, підприємства якої зазнали повітряних ударів при нальоті дронів, скоротила видобуток нафти на 5 мільйонів барелів на добу. Єменські повстанці з шиїтського антиурядового руху Хуті, підтримуваного Іраном, заявили про свою відповідальність за напад, в якому брали участь десять безпілотних апаратів. У світових ЗМІ, однак, з’явилося припущення, що напад організував Іран або проіранські сили. Державний секретар США Майк Помпео поклав відповідальність на Іран за напад дронів на саудівські нафтові заводи. За словами Помпео, «Тегеран завдав безпрецедентного удару по світових поставках нафти». Голова Держдепартаменту США відзначив відсутність доказів, що удари завдавалися з території Ємену. Помпео звинуватив президента Ірану Хасана Роугані і голову МЗС Ірану Могаммада Джавада Заріфа у використанні прийомів «фальшивої дипломатії».   Іран відкинув звинувачення США у причетності до атак на саудівські нафтові заводи, які вплинули на світовий видобуток нафти. Речник Міністерства закордонних справ Ірану Аббас Мусаві, виступаючи на державному телебаченні, назвав заяву США «безглуздою». А один із чільних командирів Корпусу вартових Ісламської революції, елітного іранського військового формування, попередив, що Іран готовий до «повноцінної» війни. …

Democratic Presidential Candidates Call for Kavanaugh’s Impeachment

Several Democratic presidential candidates on Sunday lined up to call for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in the face of a new, uninvestigated, allegation of sexual impropriety when he was in college. Kavanaugh was confirmed last October after emotional hearings in the Senate over a sexual assault allegation from his high school years. The New York Times now reports that Kavanaugh faced a separate allegation from his time at Yale University and that the FBI did not investigate the claim. The latest claim mirrors one offered during his confirmation process by Deborah Ramirez, a Yale classmate who claimed Kavanaugh exposed himself to her during a drunken party. When he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last year, Kavanaugh denied all allegations of impropriety . Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said after the new report that “Brett Kavanaugh lied to the U.S. Senate and most importantly to the American people.” She tweeted: “He must be impeached.” A 2020 rival, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, tweeted that “Confirmation is not exoneration, and these newest revelations are disturbing. Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached.” Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke asserted in a tweeted, “We know he lied under oath. He should be impeached.” He accused the GOP-run Senate of forcing the FBI “to rush its investigation to save his nomination.” Their comments followed similar ones from Julian Castro, a former U.S. housing secretary, on Saturday night. “It’s more clear than ever that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath,” he …

Biden on Racism: Whites ‘Can Never Fully Understand’

Visiting a black church bombed by the Ku Klux Klan in the civil rights era, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday the country hasn’t “relegated racism and white supremacy to the pages of history” as he framed current tensions in the context of the movement’s historic struggle for equality. He spoke to parishioners at 16th Street Baptist Church in downtown Birmingham as they commemorated the 56th anniversary of the bombing that killed four black girls in 1963. “It’s in the wake of these before-and-after moments when the choice between good and evil is starkest,” he said. The former vice president called out the names of the victims — Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley. He drew nods of affirmation as he warned that “the same poisonous ideology that lit the fuse on 16th street” has yielded more recent tragedies including in 2015 at a black church in South Carolina, in 2018 at a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh and in August at an El Paso, Texas , Wal-Mart frequented by Latino immigrants. Key Takeaways From Democrats’ Third 2020 Debate Will it have any effect on fundamentals of nominating fight that remains remarkably stable at top with five months until voting begins? He condemned institutional racism as the direct legacy of slavery and lamented that the nation has “never lived up to” the ideals of equality written into its founding documents. But then he added a more personal note. “Those who are white try,” Biden said, “but …