Зміцнення гривні щодо долара не є критичним – голова НБУ

Голова Національного банку України Яків Смолій заявив 31 липня, відповідаючи на запитання Радіо Свобода, що зміцнення гривні щодо долара США не є надмірними. «Ми діємо згідно з нашими правилами, відповідно до наших документів, якими керується Департамент відкритих ринків, і те, що відбувається сьогодні на ринку щодо національної валюти, жодним чином не є чимось критичним, щоб реагувати на коментарі публічних менеджерів», – сказав керівник НБУ, реагуючи на запитання про критику дій регулятора з боку міністра фінансів України Оксани Маркарової. Зранку 31 липня Маркарова залишила в мережі Facebook свій коментар під текстом фінансиста Романа Сульжика. Фахівець, який працював у JP Morgan та Deutsche Bank, написав, що «зміцнення гривні мало бути зупинене ще на рівні 26–27 за долар, і те, що зараз відбувається, межує зі злочинною халатністю на посаді». «Недооцінена гривня – найцінніший ресурс, який потрібно використовувати для: накопичення резервів, зниження ставок, скасування всіх адміністративних обмежень, запровадження повної свободи руху капіталу в країні. Замість цього їй абсолютно бездарно дають зміцнюватися», – наголосив Сульжик. «Мінфін говорить про курс вже пару місяців у контексті виконання бюджету. Але ми на політику НБУ не впливаємо», – вказала Оксана Маркарова під постом Сульжика. Національний банк України встановив на 1 серпня курс 25 гривень 2 копійки за долар США. Це рекордне з січня 2016 року значення на сім копійок менше за офіційний курс на 31 липня. Своїми діями на торгах міжбанківського валютного ринку регулятор дав зрозуміти, що чинитиме опір посиленню національної валюти нижче за 25 гривень за долар. Надмірне посилення національної валюти може ускладнити виконання дохідної частини державного бюджету. …

Border Crossings: Ron Bultongez

Singer-songwriter Ron Bultongez is living the American Dream from growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo to being named the “Hometown Hero” of Plano, TX to becoming a Top 24 Finalist on American Idol 2018, where he left Lionel Richie, Katy Perry, and Luke Bryan in awe of his voice. Ron’s dreams have taken him far. His journey, depth, and spirit are evident in his smooth yet raspy vocals and his bluesy, soulful songwriting. …

Puerto Rico Governor Chooses Possible Successor

Puerto Rico’s governor says he’s chosen former Congress representative Pedro Pierluisi as the U.S. territory’s secretary of state. That post would put Pierluisi in line to be governor when Rossello steps down this week – but he’s unlikely to be approved by legislators. Ricardo Rossello made the announcement Wednesday via Twitter and said he would hold a special session on Thursday so legislators can vote on his nomination. Puerto Rico Official: Pierluisi to Be Nominated as State Secretary Puerto Rico legislator says the US territory’s embattled governor is nominating former congressional representative Pedro Pierluisi as secretary of state   Rossello has said he’ll resign on Friday following massive protests in which Puerto Ricans demanded he step down.   Top legislators have already said they will reject Pierluisi’s nomination because he works for a law firm that represents the federal control board overseeing Puerto Rico’s finances and say that’s a conflict of interest.   Pierluisi represented Puerto Rico in Congress from 2009-2017.   …

Roadside Bomb Blast Kills Dozens in Afghanistan

Security officials in western Afghanistan say at least 34 people were killed and around 17 others injured after a passenger bus was hit by a roadside bomb on a highway between the cities of Herat and Kandahar. A provincial official says the bomb tore through the bus, which was carrying mostly women and children. The injured were taken to Herat Regional Hospital for treatment.   No group has claimed responsibility. Taliban insurgents, however, operate in the region and frequently use roadside bombs to target government officials and security forces, even as peace talks involving U.S. officials and Taliban representatives are scheduled to resume.    The two sides hope to establish a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign forces in exchange for security guarantees by the Taliban.   The deadly violence Wednesday came a day after the United Nations reported that nearly 4,000 Afghan civilians were killed or wounded in the first half of 2019. The U.N. Afghan mission noted in its report released Tuesday that more civilians were killed by government and NATO-led troops than by the Taliban and other insurgent groups in the first half of 2019.   …

Second Ebola Death in DRC City of Goma

Lisa Schlein contributed to this report from Geneva. Officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo say the person who was confirmed as the second case of Ebola in the city of Goma has died. The announcement was made Wednesday, a day after the latest case was first revealed. The case involved a man who traveled to Goma from a northeastern rural community in Ituri province. He was diagnosed a few days after arrival and was being treated at the Goma Ebola Treatment Center. Goma is home to more than a million people and lies directly on Congo’s border with Rwanda, where tens of thousands cross on foot daily. Earlier this month, a pastor tested positive and later died after arriving in Goma by bus, sparking fears the disease could spread quickly through the densely populated city. After that incident, the World Health Organization declared the Ebola epidemic in DR Congo’s conflict-ridden North Kivu and Ituri provinces a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.   More than 2,500 cases of Ebola have been reported since the outbreak began in August 2018. Of them nearly 1,670 people have died.   The United Nations’ Children’s Fund, or UNICEF, reports an unprecedented number of children have been infected in this outbreak. Children account for more than 700 of the 2,671 reported cases of Ebola. UNICEF health specialist Jerome Pfaffman said more than half of the youngsters infected are below the age of five.    This is the 10th outbreak of the disease over the …

Sagging Growth, Inflation Build Case for Europe Rate Cut

Inflation and growth have sagged in the eurozone, official figures showed Wednesday, bolstering the case for the European Central Bank to inject another dose of monetary stimulus into the 19-country currency bloc at its September meeting. The European Union’s statistics agency said that growth in the eurozone halved in the second quarter, to 0.2% and that inflation in July fell to an annual rate of 1.1% from 1.3% the previous month. The inflation figure is well below the ECB’s goal of just under 2% considered best for the economy. The ECB is moving toward adding more stimulus even as unemployment at 7.5% in June hit its lowest rate since July 2008.   Risks to growth, however, from the U.S.-China trade conflict have led the ECB as well as the U.S. Federal Reserve to lean toward cutting interest rate benchmarks the Fed is in fact set to cut its main interest rate later Wednesday for the first time since 2008 from its current range of 2.25%-2.5%. Additionally, employment is what economists call a trailing indicator it reflects past progress more than it points to the future. The ECB however must look ahead to ward off potential risks to growth and inflation from higher trade tariffs imposed by the U.S. and China as well as any disruption from a chaotic Brexit. Britain is due to leave the European Union on Oct. 31 and new Prime Minister Boris Johnson has indicated he is willing to do so without a divorce agreement, a development …

Гривня посилилася ще на 7 копійок щодо долара – курс НБУ

Національний банк України встановив на 1 серпня курс 25 гривень 2 копійки за долар США. Це на сім копійок менше за офіційний курс на 31 липня, але на чотири копійки більше від оприлюдненого опівдні довідкового значення курсу. Своїми діями на торгах міжбанківського валютного ринку регулятор дав зрозуміти, що чинитиме опір посиленню національної валюти нижче за 25 гривень за долар. На міжбанківському валютному ринку до 11:00 котирування встановилися на рівні 24 гривні 94–97 копійок, але після виходу на ринок НБУ, який викупив весь надлишок долара, попит став переважати пропозицію, станом на 15:00 торги відбувалися на рівні 25 гривень 8–11,5 копійки, вказує сайт «Мінфін». Надмірне посилення національної валюти може ускладнити виконання дохідної частини державного бюджету. У державному бюджеті-2019 розрахунки про стан державного боргу зроблені з використанням прогнозного курсу на кінець року 29 гривень 40 копійок за долар. …

Долар коштує менш як 25 гривень – НБУ

Національний банк України оприлюднив опівдні 31 липня довідкове значення курсу на рівні 24 гривні 98 копійок за долар. Востаннє офіційний курс показував такі значення понад три з половиною роки тому – в січні 2016-го. На міжбанківському валютному ринку до 11:00 котирування встановилися ще нижче за показники НБУ – 24 гривні 94–97 копійок, вказує сайт «Мінфін». Але після виходу на ринок регулятора, який викупив весь надлишок долара, попит став переважати пропозицію, і вже на 13:00 торги відбувалися на рівні 25 гривень 7,5–11,5 копійок. Надмірне посилення національної валюти може ускладнити виконання дохідної частини державного бюджету. У державному бюджеті-2019 розрахунки про стан державного боргу зроблені з використанням прогнозного курсу на кінець року 29 гривень 40 копійок за долар. …

«Нафтогаз» вимагає відшкодування Росією 5,2 мільярда доларів за анексію Криму

НАК «Нафтогаз України» вимагають від Росі компенсацію збитків, завданих експропріацією активів корпорації під час анексії Криму. Відповідний позов наприкінці червня «Нафтогаз» подав до Трибуналу при Постійній палаті Третейського Суду в Гаазі, повідомляє пресс-служба корпорації 31 липня. «Група «Нафтогаз» просить Трибунал зобов’язати Російську Федерацію виплатити на користь позивачів 5,2 мільярда доларів. Очікується, що Трибунал винесе рішення щодо компенсації збитків не раніше кінця 2020 року», – мовиться у повідомленні. Як нагадали у корпорації, трибунал вже визнав, що Росія порушила низку положень Угоди про захист інвестицій, експропріювавши активи групи у Криму. «Нафтогаз України» 20 вересня 2017 року повідомив, що подав до Міжнародного трибуналу при Постійній палаті Третейського суду в Гаазі (Нідерланди) позов проти Росії з вимогою відшкодувати 5 мільярдів доларів збитків, яких компанія зазнала в результаті захоплення Росією активів «Нафтогазу» в анексованому Криму. Арбітражний трибунал дійшов висновку, що дії Росії були незаконними і порушили двосторонню угоду між Україною й Росією про взаємний захист інвестицій, за якою Москва має поважати і захищати українські активи, включно з тими, що перебувають у Криму. …

Ціна на нафту Brent перевищила 65 доларів

Ціна за барель нафти еталонної марки Brent 31 липня перевищила 65 доларів на фоні сигналів про скорочення запасів палива у США. На лондонській біржі вересневі ф’ючерси подорожчали більш ніж на пів долара – до 65,24 за барель. На Нью-Йоркській біржі нафта марки WTI коштує 58,42 долара за барель. Котирування нафти впливають на формування бюджетів країн-експортерів цього продукту, таких, як Росія чи Саудівська Аравія. …

Boston Gang Database Made Up Mostly of Young Black, Latino Men

Boston police are tracking nearly 5,000 people — almost all of them young black and Latino men — through a secretive gang database, newly released data from the department shows. A summary provided by the department shows that 66% of those in its database are black, 24% are Latino and 2% are white. Black people comprise about 25% of all Boston residents, Latinos about 20% and white people more than 50%. The racial disparity is “stark and troublesome,” said Adriana Lafaille, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, which, along with other civil rights groups, sued the department in state court in November to shed light into who is listed on the database and how the information is used. Central American youths are being wrongly listed as active gang members “based on nothing more than the clothing they are seen in and the classmates they are seen with,” and that’s led some to be deported, the organizations say in their lawsuit, citing the cases of three Central American youths facing deportation based largely on their status on the gang database. ”This has consequences,” Lafaille said. “People are being deported back to the countries that they fled, in many cases, to escape gangs.” Boston police haven’t provided comment after multiple requests, but Commissioner William Gross has previously defended the database as a tool in combating MS-13 and other gangs. One 24-year-old native of El Salvador nearly deported last year over his alleged gang involvement said he was a …

California Governor Signs Bill on Presidential Tax Returns

California’s Democratic governor signed a law Tuesday requiring presidential candidates to release their tax returns to appear on the state’s primary ballot, a move aimed squarely at Republican President Donald Trump. But even if the law withstands a likely legal challenge, Trump could avoid the requirements by choosing not to compete in California’s primary. With no credible GOP challenger at this point, he likely won’t need California’s delegates to win the Republican nomination. ”As one of the largest economies in the world and home to one in nine Americans eligible to vote, California has a special responsibility to require this information of presidential and gubernatorial candidates,” Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote in his veto message to the state Legislature. “These are extraordinary times and states have a legal and moral duty to do everything in their power to ensure leaders seeking the highest offices meet minimal standards, and to restore public confidence.” New York has passed a law giving congressional committees access to Trump’s state tax returns. But efforts to pry loose his tax returns have floundered in other states. California’s first attempt to do so failed in 2017 when then-Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, vetoed the law, raising questions about its constitutionality and where it would lead next. ”Today we require tax returns, but what would be next?” he wrote in his veto message. “Five years of health records? A certified birth certificate? High school report cards? And will these requirements vary depending on which political party is in …

Chinese Officials Defend Treatment of Muslim Minority Amid International Scrutiny

Government officials in China’s Xinjiang region Tuesday defended re-education camps for Muslim minorities, saying the centers serve as a deterrent against religious extremism and terrorism. Human rights groups have alleged the camps routinely engage in widespread violations. According to estimates by the United Nations, China has detained some 1 million people at the camps. Rights groups say a number of them are Uighurs. China has come under international scrutiny over its treatment of Uighurs and other members of largely Muslim minority groups.  22 UN Ambassadors Condemn Chinese Treatment of Uighurs Concerns were expressed in letter to UN Human Rights Council  China says the camps are vocational education centers that provide job skills and decrease extremism. “Most of the graduates from the vocational training centers have been reintegrated into society,” Xinjiang’s governor, Shohrat Zakir, was quoted by Time magazine as saying.  “More than 90% of the graduates have found satisfactory jobs with good incomes,” he added, using a term for students who finish a course of study. Another regional official also rejected the characterization of the centers by outsiders. “Individual countries and news media have ulterior motives, have inverted right and wrong, and slandered and smeared [China],” said Xinjiang vice chairman Alken Tuniaz. He also said a number of people at the camps were being released. “Currently, most people who have received training have already returned to society, returned home.”  In early June, 22 U.N. ambassadors signed a letter condemning the camps, urging China to release the Uighurs from detention. In a related …

Lebanon Music Festival Cancels Show After Christian Pressure

A multi-day international music festival in Lebanon said Tuesday that it’s cancelled a planned concert by a popular Mideast rock band whose lead singer is openly gay, apparently caving to pressure after weeklong calls by some Christian groups to pull the plug on the show, as well as online threats to stop it by force. Festival organizers released a statement saying the “unprecedented step” of cancelling the performance by Mashrou’ Leila was done “to prevent bloodshed and maintain peace and stability.” ”We apologize for what happened, and apologize to the public,” it added. Some church leaders and conservative politicians set off a storm of indignation on social media this week when they demanded that the Mashrou’ Leila concert be canceled, accusing the Lebanese group of blasphemy and saying some of its songs are an insult to Christianity. The band, known for its rousing music and lyrics challenging norms in the conservative Arab world, soon became the center of a heated debate about freedom of expression. Online, some groups and users posted threats suggesting they would violently stop the concert. Mashrou’ Leila was scheduled to perform in the coastal city of Byblos on Aug. 9, marking the third time the group takes part in the annual Byblos International Festival. The other performances will still take place. The cancellation triggered a storm of protests and a campaign of solidarity with the band on social media by Lebanese who described it as shameful and a dangerous precedent. ”This is a step back for …

South Africa Says Unemployment At Highest Level in A Decade

South Africa says unemployment has reached its highest level in a decade at 29%. Second-quarter figures released Tuesday show the number of unemployed rose by 573,000 over the past year, with only 21,000 jobs created. It is the latest grim report for Africa’s most developed economy, which in May announced that growth had dropped by the most in a decade during the first quarter. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s administration is under public pressure to turn around the economy and clean up corruption. That dissatisfaction led to the worst election showing in 25 years for Ramaphosa’s ruling African National Congress in May. The unemployment numbers were released on the same day that South Africa’s struggling state-owned power utility Eskom announced losses of more than 20 billion rand ($1.4 billion) last fiscal year. Eskom supplies about 95% of the country’s electricity and is at the center of Ramaphosa’s efforts to rid state-owned enterprises of corruption and mismanagement. When Ramaphosa won election in May “we expected a solid emergency plan to address the economic challenges and these unemployment challenges,” Lumkile Mondi, an economics lecturer at Witwatersrand University, told The Associated Press. “But that has not been forthcoming and all we have had so far has been political bickering. The ruling party is more concerned about the politics of power than the health of the economy. That is why these figures were not necessarily unexpected,” Mondi said. The ruling ANC faces an internal struggle between allies of Ramaphosa and former president Jacob Zuma, who led …

Американська Frontera судитиметься через результати конкурсу на «Дельфін», якщо уряд їх не анулює

Американська компанія Frontera Resources, яка програла в конкурсі на право розподілу нафти та газу на рекордній за площею ділянці «Дельфін» на Чорноморському шельфі, має намір оскаржити його результати. Раніше про цей конкурс і американську фірму Frontera Resources, яка його й ініціювала, розповіли журналісти програми «Схеми: корупція в деталях» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та телеканалу «UA:Перший») у розслідуванні «Полювання на «Дельфіна». ​Відповідну заяву зробив президент та засновник Frontera Resources Заза Мамулаішвілі. «У випадку, якщо конкурс УРП (конкурс на укладення угоди про розподіл продукції – ред.) на ділянку «Дельфін» не буде анульовано, Frontera Resources залишає за собою право звернутися в суд. На наш погляд, процес підготовки конкурсу та його проведення йдуть у розріз з міжнародною практикою», – зазначив він. Мамулаішвілі пояснив, що на його думку, комісія «порушила процедуру проведення конкурсу, зокрема оцінки заяв учасників, визначену законом України «Про угоди про розподіл продукції» – зокрема, щодо термінів подання пропозицій уряду. «Міжвідомча комісія повинна була не пізніше ніж до 13 липня 2019 року підготувати та подати уряду висновки та пропозиції щодо визначення переможця конкурсу. Однак, за даними компанії, цих вимог не було дотримано належним чином. Таким чином, якщо Кабмін оголосить переможця конкурсу, це рішення буде ухвалене з порушенням українського законодавства», – йдеться у заяві компанії. Крім того, президент Frontera Resources додав, що в компанії «розчаровані неоднозначною заявою прем’єр-міністра України Володимира Гройсмана» про те, що конкурс на «Дельфін» був недостатньо представницьким і конкурентним та тим, що він пропонуватиме уряду «розглянути можливість оголошення нового конкурсу». Потенційні інвестори мали 60 днів на подачу заявок. Умовами до інвестора були …

Гривня оновила максимум за три з половиною роки – курс НБУ

Українська гривня оновила максимум щодо долара США за три з половиною роки. Національний банк України встановив на 31 липня курс 25 гривень 9 копійок за американський долар, востаннє на такому рівні гривня перебувала в січні 2016 року. Торги на міжбанківському валютному ринку завершилися показниками 25 гривень 2–5 копійок за долар. Упродовж сьогоднішньої сесії НБУ кілька разів виходив на міжбанк із викупом надлишку долара, але цього вистачило лише для призупинення падіння американської валюти. Надмірне посилення національної валюти може ускладнити виконання дохідної частини державного бюджету. У державному бюджеті-2019 розрахунки про стан державного боргу зроблені з використанням прогнозного курсу на кінець року 29 гривень 40 копійок за долар. …

25 гривень за долар: міжбанк штурмує новий бар’єр

На українському міжбанківському валютному ринку триває зміцнення гривні щодо долара США, національна валюта стрімко наближається до позначки 25 гривень за долар. Про це свідчать дані, які наводить сайт «Мінфін». Станом на 14:00 котирування становлять 25 гривень 7-9 копійок за долар. Опівдні Національний банк України встановив довідкове значення курсу на рівні 25 гривень 9 копійок за долар. Раніше цього тижня офіційний курс гривні щодо долара зміцнився на 18 копійок – за даними НБУ, 30 липня долар коштує 25 гривень 25 копійок проти 25,43 гривні за долар 29 липня. Надмірне посилення національної валюти може ускладнити виконання дохідної частини державного бюджету. Зазвичай НБУ викуповує надлишок пропозиції долара, але транзакції регулятора теж є обмеженими за обсягом. У державному бюджеті-2019 розрахунки про стан державного боргу зроблені з використанням прогнозного курсу на кінець року 29 гривень 40 копійок за долар. …

Puerto Ricans Anxious for New Leader Amid Political Crisis

The unprecedented resignation of Puerto Rico’s governor after days of massive island-wide protests has thrown the U.S. territory into a full-blown political crisis. Less than four days before Gov. Ricardo Rossello steps down, no one knows who will take his place. Justice Secretary Wanda Vazquez, his constitutional successor, said Sunday that she didn’t want the job. The next in line would be Education Secretary Eligio Hernandez, a largely unknown bureaucrat with little political experience. Rossello’s party says it wants him to nominate a successor before he steps down, but Rossello has said nothing about his plans, time is running out and some on the island are even talking about the need for more federal control over a territory whose finances are already overseen from Washington. FILE – Demonstrators march on Las Americas highway demanding the resignation of Governor Ricardo Rossello, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 22, 2019. Rossello resigned following nearly two weeks of daily protests in which hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans took to the streets, mounted horses and jet skis, organized a twerkathon and came up with other creative ways to demand his ouster. On Monday, protesters were to gather once again, but this time to demand that Vazquez not assume the governorship. Under normal circumstances, Rossello’s successor would be the territory’s secretary of state, but veteran politician Luis Rivera Marin resigned from that post on July 13 as part of the scandal that toppled the governor. Next in line Vazquez, a 59-year-old prosecutor who worked …

Trump Administration Further Tightens Asylum Eligibility Requirements

The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has tightened the eligibly requirements for seeking asylum in the United States, making it more difficult for those persecuted because of family ties to be granted protection. U.S. Attorney General William Barr ruled Monday that that those who seek asylum because of a threat against another family member usually do not have enough of a reason to be granted asylum in the United States. Barr, as head of the Department of Justice, has the ability to set standards for all U.S. immigration judges and to overturn immigration court rulings.  U.S. law states that people can seek asylum in the United States if they can prove a fear of persecution based on their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a specific social group. Until now the term “social group” was often interpreted by immigration judges to include families. In his ruling Monday, Barr argued that virtually all asylum-seekers are members of a family and said “there is no evidence that Congress intended the term ‘particular social group’ to cast so wide a net.” His decision was in regards to a case involving a Mexican man who sought asylum because his family was targeted after his father refused to let a drug cartel use the family store. The Trump administration has taken a series of measures to restrict asylum claims, including denying asylum requests to victims of gang violence or domestic abuse. The administration has argued that the asylum system is often abused …

Chinese ‘Cyberdissident’ Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison

A prominent Chinese human rights activist and journalist has been sentenced to 12 years in prison on charges of disclosing state secrets. Huang Qi, 56, is the founder of the website 64 Tianwang, which documents alleged rights abuses by the government. He has been in custody for more than two years.  His sentence is one of the harshest given to a dissident since President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, according to court records. Huang was guilty of “leaking national state secrets and providing state secrets to foreign entities,” the statement by the Mianyang intermediate people’s court said. FILE – Hong Kong pro-democracy activists hold a placard, at right, that reads “rights activism is not wrong, free Huang Qi” during a protest outside the Chinese Liaison Office in Hong Kong, Jan. 29, 2019. His website, which reported on local corruption, human rights violations, and other topics rarely seen in ordinary Chinese media, is blocked on the mainland. The journalism advocacy group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) refers to Huang as a “cyberdissident,” and awarded him its Cyberfreedom Prize in 2016. A few weeks later, Huang was detained in his hometown of Chengdu, according to human rights group Amnesty International. Human rights groups, including the RSF, called on Xi on Monday to pardon Huang. “This decision is equivalent to a death sentence, considering Huang Qi’s health has already deteriorated from a decade spent in harsh confinement,” said RSF chief Christophe Deloire. Huang’s mother, Pu Wenqing, has asked authorities to move him …

UN Warns Islamic State Leader Plotting Comeback from Iraq

Margaret Besheer contributed to this report. The Islamic State terror group’s self-declared caliphate may be dead, but its leaders are hanging on in Syria and Iraq, dreaming of the day when they can again direct attacks on targets around the world. The conclusion is part of a sobering assessment in a newly released quarterly United Nations report on IS, also known as ISIS or ISIL, which warns the epicenter for the terror group’s budding renaissance is Iraq, “where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and most of the ISIL leadership are now based.” “The leadership aims to adapt, survive and consolidate in the core area and to establish sleeper cells at the local level in preparation for eventual resurgence,” the report cautioned. “When it has the time and space to reinvest in an external operations capability, ISIL will direct and facilitate international attacks.” In the meantime, the report warns the terror organization, “has continued its evolution into a mainly covert network,” since the fall of Baghuz, the last territory it held in Syria, this past March. While the assessment that Baghdadi is operating mostly out of Iraq is new, the other warnings are similar to concerns voiced by U.S. officials and others dating back to last year. Islamic State ‘Well-Positioned’ to Rebuild Caliphate Destroying the Islamic State is proving more difficult than the United States and its allies envisioned, with the most recent intelligence assessments warning that the self-declared caliphate is well-positioned to rise again. For months, U.S. IS “is well-positioned to rebuild …

UN’s Libya Envoy Calls for Eid al-Adha Truce

The United Nations envoy for Libya is calling for a truce during the upcoming Eid al-Adha holiday, along with such confidence-building measures as a prisoner exchange and freedom for those jailed without charges. “Following the truce, I request a high-level meeting of concerned countries to cement the cessation of hostilities … and promote strict adherence to international humanitarian and human rights law by Libyan parties,” Ghassan Salame told the Security Council Monday. He accused both parties of serious human rights violations and also says a number of foreign players are sending in weapons and using the country for their own battleground. “More than ever, Libyans are now fighting the wars of other countries who appear content to fight to the last Libyan and to see the country entirely destroyed in order to settle their own scores.” He says armed drones and armored vehicles, machine guns, and rocket launchers have poured into Libya, violating an international arms embargo. Much of Europe and Turkey back the internationally recognized government of Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj, while the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates have all expressed support for Gen. Khalifa Haftar, who has set up a rival government in eastern Libya. Fighting between forces from both sides have been concentrated in the Tripoli suburbs for several months. Neither side has made much progress but have succeeded in terrorizing civilians and refugees seeking safety. U.N. efforts to get both sides to commit to a lasting cease-fire and seek a political settlement …