More Sanctions as Trump Shows Military Restraint on Iran

U.S. President Donald Trump announced new sanctions Friday on Iran’s central bank, calling them the most severe sanctions ever imposed on a country. But it appears that he wants to avoid military action against Tehran, in response to recent cruise missile and drone strikes against Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities. White House Correspondent Patsy Widakuswara has this story.   …

Will US Republicans Feel the Heat from Climate Change?

Francis Rooney is a Republican congressman from a conservative Florida district who opposes federal funding for abortions and supports President Donald Trump’s plans for construction of a wall along the Mexican border. But he also recently co-sponsored a carbon pricing bill and is one of a handful of lawmakers from his side of the aisle who have bucked orthodoxy and acknowledged human beings are responsible for global warming. The modern Republican Party is one of the few political forces in the world whose leadership denies manmade climate change, but there are now small yet perceptible signs of changes within its ranks, driven by an increase in extreme weather events and shifting public opinion. FILE – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., second from left, poses during a ceremonial swearing-in with Rep. Francis Rooney, R-Fla., right, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 3, 2019. “Seventy-one percent of the people in my district say that climate change is real. We’re scared of sea-level rise and we want the government to do something about it,” Rooney, citing recent polling, said at a talk this week organized by the World Resources Institute. In late July, he along with Democrat Dan Lipinksi of Illinois introduced a new bill aimed at setting a price on carbon emissions, one of several similar proposed laws currently before the House of Representatives. Extreme weather For now, the legislation has no hope of passing: fellow Republicans are highly unlikely to take it up in the Senate, and even if it …

Kiribati Cuts Diplomatic Ties to Taiwan in Favor of China

The United States said it is deeply disappointed in Kiribati’s decision to abandon its diplomatic ties with Taiwan, in favor of China. Several Republican and Democratic lawmakers voiced grave concerns. A Senate panel plans to move forward with a congressional proposal that could “impose consequences on nations downgrading ties with Taiwan.” In a stern statement on Friday, a State Department spokesperson said “countries that establish closer ties to China primarily out of the hope or expectation that such a step will stimulate economic growth and infrastructure development often find themselves worse off in the long run.” The spokesperson said the U.S. supports the status quo in cross-Strait relations, which includes Taiwan’s diplomatic ties and international space, as important to maintaining peace and stability in the region. “China’s active campaign to alter the cross-Strait status quo, including by enticing countries to discontinue diplomatic ties with Taiwan, are harmful and undermine regional stability. They undermine the framework that has enabled peace, stability, and development for decades,” the spokesperson told VOA. Kiribati The Pacific island nation of Kiribati severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan on Friday, becoming the second country to do so this week and bolstering China’s hand. This comes as another blow to Taiwan, as its three decades’ diplomatic relations with the Solomon Islands ended on Monday after the Pacific island state’s cabinet voted in favor of switching ties to China. “In the last couple weeks, the Solomon Islands and now Kiribati have cut formal ties with Taiwan under pressure from Beijing. …

US Inspector: ‘Sustainable Peace in Afghanistan’ Depends on Careful Reintegration of Fighters

The United States Special Inspector General, tasked with monitoring U.S. reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan, said the reintegration of tens of thousands of fighters into the Afghan society would be necessary for sustainable peace should talks resume. Direct peace talks between the U.S. and the Taliban are currently “dead” after President Donald Trump called them off earlier this month after a spike in violence. FILE – John F. Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 10, 2014. John F. Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), said Thursday that whenever peace talks begin with the Taliban, the issue of reintegration would be a central factor in ensuring a “sustainable peace” in the country. “For if there is ever to be a true, sustainable peace in Afghanistan, reintegration of the Taliban and other combatants will be a necessary component of that process, whether that process begins days — or years — from now,” Sopko said at an event at U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP). Sopko, however, cautioned against the U.S. supporting a comprehensive reintegration program in Afghanistan prematurely. “As long as the Taliban insurgency continues, the U.S. should not support a comprehensive program to reintegrate former fighters, because of the difficulty in vetting, protecting and tracking former fighters,” Sopko said while discussing his organization’s recent report on Afghanistan. “We recommend that the U.S. should consider supporting a reintegration effort if first, the Afghan government and Taliban sign a peace agreement that provides …

US Education Department Criticizes Duke-UNC Middle East Studies 

The U.S. Department of Education has notified Duke University and the University of North Carolina that their joint Middle East studies program might see its federal funding curtailed. In a letter dated Aug. 29 and published Tuesday in the Federal Register, Assistant Secretary Robert King wrote that the Education Department is “concerned” that the Center for Middle East Studies, which promotes the learning of critical Mideast languages, might lose its Title VI funds. Issue with Iran curriculum The Education Department, headed by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, takes issue with curriculum around Iran. “Although Iranian art and film may be subjects of deep intellectual interest and may provide insight regarding aspects of the people and culture of the Middle East, the sheer volume of such offerings highlights a fundamental misalignment between your choices and Title VI’s mandates,” the letter stated. “Although a conference focused on ‘Love and Desire in Modern Iran’ and one focused on Middle East film criticism may be relevant in academia, we do not see how these activities support the development of foreign language and international expertise for the benefit of U.S. national security and economic stability,” the letter said. The department laments that elements of the Middle East program do not, in its opinion, hold up under Title VI as it applies to the teaching of Farsi, or Persian, the national language in Iran. The program is in jeopardy of losing its $235,000 federal grant. Lack of balance Additionally, the Education Department letter said the studies program “lacks balance” …

Зеленський зустрівся з представниками місії МВФ – ОП

Президент України Володимир Зеленський 20 вересня провів зустріч із заступницею директора Європейського департаменту Міжнародного валютного фонду Джулією Козак та керівником місії МВФ в Україні Роном ван Роденом, повідомляє пресслужба Офісу президента. Як повідомляє ОП, учасники зустрічі обговорили програму підтримки реформ в Україні з боку МВФ. Окрім Зеленського, в ній взяли участь прем’єр-міністр Олексій Гончарук та очільниця Міністерства фінансів Оксана Маркарова. «Я запевняю у повній підтримці структурних реформ в економіці, незалежності Національного банку та всебічного розслідування зловживань у банківському секторі», – наводить пресслужба слова Зеленського. Крім того, за повідомленням, перемови торкнулися ситуації навколо «Приватбанку», який був націоналізований в 2016 році. Наразі колишній акціонер банку Ігор Коломойський оскаржує націоналізацію в суді. Читайте також: Україна може залишитися без підтримки Заходу через «Приватбанк» і Коломойського – FT​ «Президент зазначив, що подальша співпраця з Міжнародним валютним фондом є важливим елементом посилення довіри до України з боку іноземних інвесторів і міжнародних партнерів», – йдеться в заяві ОП. 16 вересня перша заступниця голови Національного банку Катерина Рожкова повідомила, що НБУ очікує на нову програму співпраці з Міжнародним валютним фондом до кінця 2019 року. 21 грудня 2018 року Україна отримала перший і наразі єдиний транш за поточною програмою співпраці з Міжнародним валютним фондом обсягом близько 1,4 мільярда доларів. Загалом розмір програми складає 3,9 мільярда доларів. Згідно із базовим прогнозом Національного банку, за новою програмою співпраці з МВФ Україна може отримати два мільярди доларів від МВФ у цьому році та ще по два мільярди у 2020 й 2021 роках. Місія Міжнародного валютного фонду приїхала до Києва 11 вересня. Вона працюватиме в українській столиці …

Leader of Zimbabwe Doctors Strike Reappears After 5 Days Missing

The Zimbabwean doctor whose disappearance sparked off a wave of doctors’ protests across the country, has reappeared, alive. Speaking Thursday on VOA Zimbabwe Service’s Livetalk program, a disoriented-sounding Dr. Peter Magombeyi, the president of the Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors’ Association, confirmed he was the one on the other end of the phone. “I honestly don’t know how to truly identify myself, but I am Dr. Peter Magombeyi, I work at Harare Hospital,” he said. The doctor, who had been spearheading calls for an increase of doctors’ salaries when he disappeared on September 15, said he could not remember exactly what happened to him or how he ended up where he was — an area called Nyabira, about 33 kilometers from Harare. “That part I’m just so vague about, I need time to recall,” he said. A Zimbabwean doctor lays on a banner during a protest in Harare, Sept, 18, 2019. Dr. Magombeyi said his last recollection before being taken by unnamed people was the memory of being electrocuted. “I remember being in a basement of some sort, being electrocuted at some point, that is what I vividly remember. I, I just don’t remember,” Dr. Magombeyi said, struggling to speak. Zimbabwe’s government and police have denied involvement in Magombeyi’s disappearance, but said they were doing all they could to find the doctor.   Officials also suggested a third party could be involved in the disappearance to taint the government’s image. Responding to the police allegation, and also Twitter posts alluding to the …

Music Starts for Earthlings Around Area 51 Events in Nevada

Sound checks echoed from a distant main stage while Daniel Martinez whirled and danced at dusty makeshift festival grounds just after sunset in Rachel, the Nevada town closest to the once-secret Area 51 military base. Martinez’s muse was the thumping beat from a satellite set-up pumping a techno tune into the chilly desert night Thursday. Warm beneath a wolf “spirit hood” and matching faux fur jacket, the 31-year-old Pokemon collectible cards dealer said people, not the military base, drew him drive more than six hours from Pomona, California, alone. “Here’s a big open space for people to be,” he said. “One person starts something and it infects everybody with positivity. Anything can happen if you give people a place to be.” Minutes later, the music group Wily Savage started, and campers began migrating toward main stage light near the Little A’Le’Inn. The music kicked off weekend events — inspired by an internet hoax to “see them aliens” — that Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee said had drawn perhaps 1,500 people to two tiny desert towns. Lee said late Thursday that more than 150 people also made the rugged trip on washboard dirt roads to get within selfie distance of two gates to the Area 51 U.S. Air Force installation that has long fueled speculation about government studies of space aliens and UFOs. The Air Force has issued stern warnings for people not to try to enter the Nevada Test and Training Range, where Area 51 is located. Lee said no …

UN Urged by Own Staff to Look at Its Climate Footprint

More than 1,000 United Nations employees have called for the global body to reduce its carbon footprint, including through curbs on their own diplomatic perks like business-class flights and travel handouts, a letter obtained by Reuters showed. The United Nations calls climate change the “defining issue of our time” and is hosting a New York summit on it next week. But reformers within say in the letter addressed to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that it needs more radical change to get its own house in order. “Our commitments need to be more ambitious and at least as concrete as those of the UN Member States and non-party stakeholders attending the UN Climate Action Summit,” said the letter, signed by more than 1,000 employees. It was organized by a group called Young UN, an internal network committed to ensuring the organization embodies the principles it stands for. Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg testifies at a Climate Crisis Committee joint hearing on “Voices Leading the Next Generation on the Global Climate Crisis,” on Capitol Hill, in Washington, Sept. 18, 2019. “As Greta Thunberg just sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and young people across the world continue to strike every Friday, let us look at our own impact and take bold steps to address the climate emergency,” the letter said, referring to the Swedish teenager who has inspired global climate strikes. The United Nations, a 75-year-old institution employing 44,000 people in more than 60 countries, emitted 1.86 million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent …

Trump Administration Blocks ‘Urgent’ Whistleblower Disclosure

The Trump administration plunged into an extraordinary showdown with Congress over access to a whistleblower’s complaint about reported incidents including a private conversation between President Donald Trump and a foreign leader. The blocked complaint is “serious” and “urgent,” the government’s intelligence watchdog said. The administration is keeping Congress from even learning what exactly the whistleblower is alleging, but the intelligence community’s inspector general said the matter involves the “most significant” responsibilities of intelligence leadership. A lawmaker said the complaint was “based on a series of events.” The Washington Post and The New York Times reported Thursday that at least part of the complaint involves Ukraine. The newspapers cited anonymous sources familiar with the matter. The Associated Press has not confirmed the reports. The inspector general appeared before the House intelligence committee behind closed doors Thursday but declined, under administration orders, to reveal to members the substance of the complaint. The standoff raises fresh questions about the extent to which Trump’s allies are protecting the Republican president from oversight and, specifically, if his new acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, is working with the Justice Department to shield the president from the reach of Congress. Trump, though giving no details about any incident, denied Thursday that he would ever “say something inappropriate” on such a call. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said he was prepared to go to court to try to force the Trump administration to open up about the complaint. “The inspector …

Singapore Awaits Spillover of Companies Tired of Protest-Torn Hong Kong

Hong Kong and Singapore have always been rivals of a sort. Government stability and transparent legal systems have attracted thousands of multinationals to both since the 1960s, giving each the title of Asian financial center. Antigovernment protests since June suddenly threaten the prowess of Hong Kong. The millions of people massing in the streets, shutting down the airport and setting fires in public places are eroding the sense of stability that multinationals want when they pick a base in Asia. Singapore is standing by now to take any Hong Kong refugees. Pro-democracy protesters react as police fire water cannons outside the government headquarters in Hong Kong, Sept. 15, 2019. Hong Kong would start giving ground to Singapore, people close to one or both places think, if the protests show signs of going on long term and especially if they drive changes in the law or keep snarling the airport. That would mean an exodus of multinationals to Singapore or at least corporate decisions to add Singapore staff rather than Hong Kong staff during Asia expansions. “It really depends how long this continues,” said Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist at the market research firm IHS Markit. “If it becomes protracted and the disruptions are ongoing, then I think it does erode confidence in the financial center. Definitely it could undermine Hong Kong’s ability to compete with Singapore.” The rise of two dragons Hong Kong was described in the 1960s as one of Asia’s four economic dragons, a reference to fast industrialization …

У Раді сьогодні представлять проєкт держбюджету

У Верховній Раді сьогодні, 20 вересня, представлять проєкт державного бюджету на наступний рік. Про це мовиться у порядку денному. Представляти держбюджет буде міністр фінансів Оксана Маркарова. 15 вересня у Верховній Раді зареєстрували проєкт державного бюджету. Парламент має схвалити його в першому читанні до 20 жовтня. Закон про державний бюджет мають ухвалити до 1 грудня.   Доходи кошторису передбачені у сумі 1 079,5 мільярда гривень, видатки – 1 170,0 мільярда гривень. Видатки на безпеку і оборону – 245,8 мільярдів гривень, на розвиток дорожньої інфраструктури – 74,4 мільярда гривень, на охорону здоров’я – 108 мільярдів гривень. Мінімальна зарплата, згідно з проєктом бюджету, складатиме 4723 гривень. Фінансування Пенсійного фонду складе 172,6 мільярда гривень. Прем’єр-міністр України Олексій Гончарук повідомив, що Україна востаннє буде ухвалювати державний бюджет на один рік, оскільки надалі ухваленню кошторису передуватиме ухвалення «повноцінної трирічної декларації». …

French Experts Restore Three Sudanese Relics 

A team of French diggers has restored three Sudanese artifacts, including a 3,500-year-old wall relief, and it handed them to the African country’s national museum Thursday, a French archaeologist said.    The three artifacts were discovered at separate archaeological sites in recent years in Sudan and were restored by a French team of experts.    The items are a wall painting of an ancient Kandaka Nubian queen, a Meroite stela and a wall relief inscription believed to be almost 3,500 years old.  A stela, discovered at Sedeinga pyramids, is displayed at the National Museum of Sudan in Khartoum, Sept. 19, 2019. “The idea is to give back to the museum the most important archaeological pieces discovered and restored,” said Marc Maillot, director of the French archaeological unit deployed in Sudan.    The wall painting was found at El-Hassa site, the stela at Sedeinga and the relief at the temple of Soleb, where French diggers along with Sudanese counterparts have conducted extensive archaeological work for several years.    On Thursday, the three artifacts were handed over to the Sudan National Museum to mark the completion of 50 years of French archaeologists’ presence in the country.    For decades, international archaeologists have worked extensively in Sudan, proving that the northeast African nation has its own extensive wealth of ancient relics and was not merely a satellite of neighboring Egypt.    Archaeologists are convinced that many kingdoms still lie buried, waiting to be discovered.  …

Iran Envoy: ‘All-out War’ to Result if Hit for Saudi Attack

Any attack on Iran by the U.S. or Saudi Arabia will spark an “all-out war,” Tehran’s top diplomat warned Thursday, raising the stakes as Washington and Riyadh weigh a response to a drone-and-missile strike on the kingdom’s oil industry that shook global energy markets. The comments by Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif represented the starkest warning yet by Iran in a long summer of mysterious attacks and incidents following the collapse of Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, more than a year after President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew the U.S. from the accord. They appeared to be aimed directly at U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who while on a trip to the region earlier referred to Saturday’s attack in Saudi Arabia as an “act of war.” Pompeo Visits Saudi Arabia, Meets With Crown Prince in Wake of Oil Facility Attacks ‘Iran is behind the attacks and not Yemen’s Houthis,’ US secretary of state says Along with the sharp language, however, there also were signals from both sides of wanting to avoid a confrontation. In his comments, Zarif sought to expose current strains between the Americans and the Saudis under Trump, who long has criticized U.S. wars in the Middle East. Trump’s close relationship with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been challenged by opponents following the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi last year in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul and the kingdom’s long, bloody war in Yemen. That country’s Houthi rebels claimed the oil field attack …

Huawei Faces Public Test as it Unveils Sanction-Hit Phone

Chinese tech giant Huawei launched its latest high-end smartphone in Munich on Thursday, the first of its mobile devices not to carry popular Google apps because of U.S. sanctions. “Today because of the U.S. ban … we cannot pre-install” Google’s applications, said Richard Yu, who heads Huawei’s consumer business group, as he unveiled the group’s latest Mate 30 and Mate 30 Pro models. But heading off fears that a phone without popular apps like Whatsapp, YouTube or Google Maps could not succeed, he stressed that the equivalent platform by the Chinese giant offered a choice of 45,000 apps through the Huawei App Gallery. Richard Yu, head of Huawei’s consumer business group, speaks on stage during a presentation to reveal Huawei’s latest smartphones Mate 30 and Mate 30 Pro in Munich, Germany, Sept. 19, 2019. Yu added that the Chinese giant was investing US$1 billion (900,000 euros) into its Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) core software ecosystem, as he urged app developers to bring their creations to the system. Huawei, targeted directly by the United States as part of a broader trade conflict with Beijing, was added to a “blacklist” in Washington in May. Since then, it has been illegal for American firms to do business with the Chinese firm, suspected of espionage by President Donald Trump and his administration. As a result, the new Mate will run on a freely available version of Android, the world’s most-used phone operating system that is owned by the search engine heavyweight. OS wars While …

Trumps Denies Improper ‘Promise’ to Foreign Leader

VOA National Security Correspondent Jeff Seldin contributed to this report.   WHITE HOUSE — U.S. President Donald Trump is uttering his oft-cited ‘Fake News’ accusation to rebut reports he made a ‘promise’ to a foreign leader that sparked an American intelligence official to file a whistleblower complaint. “Is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially ‘heavily populated’ call. I would only do what is right anyway, and only do good for the USA!” the president tweeted on Thursday. Trump, who has frequently accused the U.S. intelligence community of being part of a ‘Deep State’ opposition to his presidency, said he is aware that “virtually anytime I speak on the phone to a foreign leader, I understand that there may be many people listening from various U.S. agencies, not to mention those from the other country itself. No problem!” Another Fake News story out there – It never ends! Virtually anytime I speak on the phone to a foreign leader, I understand that there may be many people listening from various U.S. agencies, not to mention those from the other country itself. No problem! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 19, 2019 Trump’s comments came as the House intelligence committee held a closed-door session with Michael Atkinson, the U.S. intelligence community’s inspector general. The Trump administration is declining to comment on reports that the whistleblower, whose identity has not been disclosed, is an intelligence officer detailed to the …

New Video Emerges of Canada’s Trudeau Wearing Blackface Makeup

New images of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wearing blackface makeup emerged on Canadian television Thursday, throwing his floundering re-election bid into further disarray. Released by broadcaster Global News, and confirmed to AFP by his campaign as being Trudeau “in the early 1990s,” the footage depicts the Liberal leader in ripped jeans and a t-shirt, his arms up and dark makeup on his face. Late Wednesday, Trudeau apologized after Time magazine published a photograph of him wearing dark makeup at a party 18 years ago. He also admitted to wearing similar makeup in his teens when he sang Harry Belafonte’s 1956 hit “Banana Boat Song (Day-O)” at a high school talent contest. “I have worked all my life to try to create opportunities for people, fight against racism and intolerance,” he told a televised news conference on his campaign aircraft. “I can say I made a mistake when I was younger and I wish I hadn’t. I wish I had known better then, but I didn’t and I’m deeply sorry for it.” “Now I recognize it was something racist to do,” he said, acknowledging that his enthusiasm for costumes — which has also included dressing as Clark Kent/Superman and a “Star Wars” rebel pilot for Halloween — has not always been “appropriate.” Trudeau, 47, whose party won a landslide victory in 2015, has already been under attack for an ethics lapse and other controversies. The controversial images are fresh blows, coming out one week into a federal election campaign with Trudeau’s …

Гривня встановила третій за тиждень трирічний рекорд – курс НБУ

Українська національна валюта втретє за тиждень оновила більш як трирічний рекорд щодо долара США. Станом на 16 вересня офіційний курс НБУ становив 24 гривні 71 копійка за одиницю американської валюти, на 19 вересня – 24 гривні 67 копійок. Нове досягнення – 24 гривні 62 копійки за долар, таким є курс, встановлений регулятором на 20 вересня. Такі значення в парі гривня-долар не спостерігалися 38 місяців – від липня 2016 року, тоді найкращим для гривні був курс близько 24 гривень 80 копійок. Новий орієнтир – показники січня 2016 року. Приміром, на 18 січня того року офіційний курс НБУ складав 24 гривні 52 копійки за долар. На український валютний ринок нині прийшли значні ресурси, які іноземці вводять для купівлі облігацій внутрішньої державної позики. На курс також впливає позитивна кон’юнктура щодо товарів українського експорту. …

НБУ планує надрукувати 5 мільйонів банкнот номіналом 1000 гривень

Національний банк України планує першим випуском ввести в обіг 5 мільйонів банкнот номіналом 1000 гривень. Про це повідомив журналістам директор департаменту грошового обігу НБУ Віктор Зайвенко. «Щодо попереднього випуску, ми плануємо його здійснити в обсягах 5 мільйонів штук банкнот. А далі, по мірі надходження замовлень від банків та потреби економіки», – зазначив Зайвенко. Раніше у Національному банку України повідомили, що у жовтні поточного року введуть у обіг банкноту нового найвищого номіналу 1000 гривень. Відбудеться це з 25 жовтня, коли банкноту почнуть видати в банках. На банкноті буде зображений Володимир Вернадський – український науковець, мислитель і природознавець. Водночас з 1 жовтня 2019 року монети 1, 2 та 5 копійок перестануть бути платіжним засобом – ними не можна буде розрахуватися. …

Trump Makes His Mark on Signature Border Wall Project

The border wall literally became President Donald Trump’s signature project Wednesday. Trump used a permanent marker to sign a new portion of the rust-colored metal barrier, reinforced with concrete and rebar, rising as high as 9 meters at Otay Mesa, a suburb of San Diego that separates California from Tijuana, Mexico. “It is really virtually impenetrable,” Trump declared. “There are thousands of people over there that were trying to get in” before this portion of the barricade went up, said Trump, who described the work he inspected Wednesday afternoon as “pretty amazing.” “The wall does not answer the crisis at the border today,” said Muzaffar Chishti, director of the New York office of the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. “The situation at the border today is not people sneaking in. The crisis at the border today is asylum-seekers showing up and voluntarily turning themselves in to the Border Patrol.” Migrants, many who were returned to Mexico under the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” program, wait in line to get a meal in an encampment near the Gateway International Bridge in Matamoros, Mexico, Aug. 30, 2019. Limiting arrivals Chishti told VOA that the near-total ban on asylum implemented via administrative regulation, along with the “Migrant Protection Protocol” and metering of asylum claims at ports of entry, will have far more to do with limiting arrivals than will the wall. The president told reporters that up to 800 kilometers of border wall, about 1 meter thick, was under construction, but that it was premature …

Lawsuit by Relatives of 9/11 Victims Shakes Loose Name of Saudi ‘Mystery Man’ 

Relatives of the victims of the 9/11 attacks who are suing Saudi Arabia for compensation obtained a coveted piece of information last week that they hope will strengthen their case. The FBI disclosed the name of a Saudi official who is believed to have helped two of the 19 hijackers who carried out the terror attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001. The name, included in a 2012 FBI report on suspected Saudi ties to the terrorists, was released to lawyers representing the families of nearly 3,000 victims of the worst act of terrorism on American soil. The mystery man allegedly tasked two other Saudis living in the Los Angeles area before the 9/11 attacks — Omar al-Bayoumi and Fahad al-Thumairy — to aid Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, who crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon. FILE – Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., right, is flanked by John D’Amato, an attorney for the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, as he faces reporters in New York, July 27, 2003, with a copy of the government report on the attacks. Al-Bayoumi allegedly did such things as finding the two terrorists an apartment, co-signing their lease and paying their first month’s rent. Fourteen other hijackers forced two other airliners to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and a third into a field in Pennsylvania. “This has been a very important name to our case because it will now tie the kingdom of Saudi Arabia …

Print Media Outlets Struggle to Survive in South Sudan

South Sudan had a vibrant print media when it separated from Sudan in 2011, with 34 newspapers and six magazines in circulation.    Today, there are only five newspapers left. Most publishers trying to establish a foothold do not last long enough to celebrate their first anniversary.    Several newspaper owners blame the country’s economic crisis for their downfall. Charles Rehan, founder of the defunct Juba Post, told VOA’s South Sudan in Focus that his paper failed to survive more than two years because of a lack of materials needed to publish the paper.    “We printed newspapers in Khartoum, and when South Sudan separated from Khartoum, we went to print in Uganda. When you bring newspapers from Uganda, the newspaper will come late,” and that affected the paper’s ability to grow, Rehan said.   Future of print    A lack of newspapers could hurt South Sudan’s future, Rehad said. Journalists serve an important function, he said, when they ask questions, investigate wrongdoing and force government officials to address the problems facing the country.    “If there is something going wrong, the journalists will say, ‘This is wrong, this is the right direction.’ But without newspapers, the country cannot develop at all,” he said.    Thomas Manase, CEO of Brisker magazine, said South Sudan has a poor reading culture that limits the growth of print media.    “In South Sudan, young people don’t like to pick up stuff to read and be informed,” Manase told VOA. In addition, he said, businesses don’t value advertising. “This has really affected our sales.”    Brisker stopped printing …

Trump Cancels California’s Auto Pollution Rules 

The state that made smog famous is losing its half-century-old authority to set air pollution rules.    President Donald Trump announced Wednesday on Twitter that the Environmental Protection Agency was withdrawing California’s authority to issue stricter vehicle efficiency rules than the federal government.    The move was the latest in the administration’s efforts to loosen regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.    Thirteen states and the District of Columbia follow California’s standards. Together, they account for a third of auto sales in the United States.   ‘Devastating consequences’ California has pledged to fight the decision.    “It’s a move that could have devastating consequences for our kids’ health and the air we breathe if California were to roll over,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, said in a statement. “But we will fight this latest attempt and defend our clean car standards.”    Trump tweeted that the administration was revoking California’s air pollution prerogative “in order to produce far less expensive cars for the consumer, while at the same time making the cars substantially SAFER.”    Opponents said the action was illegal and unwise.    “It slams the brakes on technological advancement and throws a wrench into states’ ability to deal with air pollution and confront the growing risk of climate change,” Ken Kimmell, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists, said in a statement. “It’s yet another way the administration is defying science, the law and democratic norms to enable increased pollution.”    FILE – Vehicles make their way west on Interstate 80 across the San Francisco-Oakland Bay …

Concerns Mount Over Makeshift Prisons for Islamic State Fighters 

Efforts to secure prisons holding thousands of captured Islamic State fighters appear to be on the verge of crumbling, a development that could help strengthen the terror group’s efforts to re-emerge in Syria and Iraq.    For months, officials have said the prisons, run by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, were “good enough” to hold the fighters, many of whom were captured following the fall of Baghuz, the terror group’s last Syrian stronghold, in March.    But as efforts to repatriate IS foreign fighters to their countries of origin have stalled, and as thousands more wait to face some sort of justice, fears are growing that the prisons may be reaching a breaking point.   FILE – Syrian Democratic Forces fighters watch illumination rounds light up Baghuz, Syria, as the last pocket of Islamic State militants is attacked, March 12, 2019. “There are not prisons controlled by forces in northeast Syria that can house 10,000 ISIS fighters,” Chris Maier, director of the Pentagon’s Defeat IS Task Force, told reporters Wednesday, using another acronym for the terror group.    “This is not sustainable over time,” he added, noting that the United States’ anti-IS coalition partners “share that assessment.”    Many of the prisons are buildings, like schools, that were quickly converted into detention facilities as the U.S. and coalition forces rolled back the last of the terror group’s territory in Syria.    Soon, the prisons were close to overflowing. In March, the U.S. began sending the SDF material for repairs and refurbishment.   Yet those repairs have gone only so far, …