Гривня стрімко посилюється на міжбанку, довідковий курс НБУ – 26,8

На міжбанківському валютному ринку 5 квітня триває стрімке посилення гривні. Як інформує профільний сайт «Мінфін», «на торгах по долару пропозиція, як і раніше, перевищує попит, що поступово притискає котирування». О 13:00 торги на міжбанку відбувалися на рівні 26 гривень 64 – 68 копійок за долар. Національний банк України оприлюднив після 12:00 довідкове значення курсу, яке частково відбиває тенденції міжбанківського ринку. Воно становить 26 гривень 80 копійок. Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …

Japan Space Probe Drops Explosive on Asteroid to Make Crater

Japan’s space agency said its Hayabusa2 spacecraft successfully dropped an explosive designed to make a crater on an asteroid and collect its underground samples to find possible clues to the origin of the solar system. Friday’s crater mission is the riskiest for Hayabusa2, as it had to immediately get away so it won’t get hit by flying shards from the blast.  The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, said that Hayabusa2 dropped a “small carry-on impactor” made of copper onto the asteroid Friday morning, and that data confirmed the spacecraft safely evacuated and remained intact. JAXA is analyzing data to examine if or how the impactor made a crater. The copper explosive is the size of a baseball weighing 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds). It was designed to come out of a cone-shaped piece of equipment. A copper plate on its bottom was to turn into a ball during its descent and slam into the asteroid at 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) per second.  JAXA plans to send Hayabusa2 back to the site later, when the dust and debris settle, for observations from above and to collect samples from underground that have not been exposed to the sun or space rays. Scientists hope the samples will be crucial to determine the history of the asteroid and our planet.  If successful, it would be the first time for a spacecraft to take such materials. In a 2005 “deep impact” mission to a comet, NASA observed fragments after blasting the surface but did not …

US Health Officials: Measles Cases This Year Have Exceeded the 2018 Count

U.S. health officials say that between January and March, 387 cases of measles have been reported in 15 states, exceeding the count for all of last year. In 2018, 372 cases were reported, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public health authorities worry about outbreaks in communities where vaccination rates are low, fueled by a growing movement of people who view the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella as dangerous. The measles component of the vaccine has been in widespread use since the 1960s, and medical experts say the MMR vaccine is safe and highly effective. “We have growing pockets of susceptibility,” said epidemiologist Arthur Reingold of the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health, as the virus is carried from regions where measles is more widespread. “When we do have someone travel from New York to Israel or from Europe to Disneyland or whatever you envision, we have the opportunity for much larger outbreaks.”  Measles deaths declined worldwide from 550,000 in 2000 to 110,000 in 2017. Public health officials say the vaccine is the reason. The World Health Organization says measles immunizations prevented 21 million deaths between 2000 and 2017. The organization says more than 95 percent of such deaths occur in countries with low per capita incomes and poor health infrastructure.  In 2017, however, 20 million infants did not receive at least one of the recommended two doses of the measles vaccine, putting their communities at risk. India, Pakistan and Nigeria are among …

UN: Climate Change in Bangladesh Could Rob Future from Millions of Children

The U.N. Children’s Fund says climate change in Bangladesh is threatening the lives and futures of 19 million children or one-third of all children under age 18 in the country. The report forecasts a grim future for millions of children who live in Bangladesh’s flood- and drought-prone lowlands in the country’s north and in the storm-ravaged coastline along the Bay of Bengal. They are the areas most likely to be devastated by floods, cyclones and other environmental disasters. Included among the 19.4 million vulnerable children are nearly one-half-million Rohingya refugee children. They and their parents fled to Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar area to escape violence and persecution in Myanmar. They are living in fragile bamboo and plastic shelters, which will not be able to withstand a climatic disaster. The report’s author, Simon Ingram, says climate change will have direct implications on children’s lives, especially the poor, who are most at risk from its devastating impacts. He says more than 6 million climate change refugees have migrated from rural to urban areas. He warns many of the children who end up in Dhaka and other large cities are forced to fend for themselves. “Many children being pushed into very hazardous forms of child labor. Many girls who end up being pushed into taking early marriages because their families can no longer look after them,” Ingram said. “And, there are other girls who also end up in what is clearly a flourishing and expanding sex trade in the cities. Girls who are left …

Pompeo Cautions NATO Allies: China’s Outreach Has ‘National Security Component’

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told visiting NATO foreign ministers Thursday that the 29 country alliance must alter its approach to developing threats, singling out Russian aggression and China’s “strategic competition.” Pompeo cautioned his NATO allies that there is a risk the U.S. will not be able to share information in the same way it could if there were not Chinese network supplier systems operating inside of their networks. VOA’s diplomatic correspondent Cindy Saine reports. …

Anti-Vaccination Message Spreading

Public health authorities are coping with outbreaks of measles in communities where vaccination rates are low.  In the United States, this is fueled by a growing movement of people who view vaccines as dangerous. Mike O’Sullivan reports that the battle is being fought on the Internet and in state legislatures. …

Despite Further Talks, No US-China Deal Yet   

The U.S. president and the vice premier of China confirmed on Thursday that while significant progress has been made, there is no new trade agreement yet between the world’s two largest economies.  “We’re certainly getting a lot closer,” Trump said sitting at his desk in the Oval Office with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He alongside him. Announcement of a deal could come in “the next four weeks, maybe less, maybe more” and at that time, something “monumental could be announced,” he said, adding, “We are rounding the turn. We’ve made a lot of progress.”  Liu, speaking in English, praised the direct guidance of Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, adding: “Hopefully, we’ll get a good result.”   Trump said if a deal can be reached, then he will hold a summit with Xi. “If we have a deal, there will be a summit,” he said. “I look forward to seeing President Xi. It’ll be here.”  Intellectual property protection, as well as certain tariffs remain under discussion, Trump confirmed.   “Some of the toughest things have been agreed to,” he added.  Asked to make a comment by the president about the status of the negotiations, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer was more cautious, replying, “We’ve made a lot of headway. We’re working very hard,” but “there are still some major, major issues left.”  Responding to questions from reporters, Trump said, “We’ve never done a deal like this with China,” predicting the agreement could be “the granddaddy of them all” and “a …

Next UN Food Chief Must Tackle Hunger ‘Emergency’

As candidates jostle to head the United Nations’ multibillion dollar food agency, experts called on Thursday for a strong leader to tackling rising hunger and climate change threats. Levels of hunger have grown for the past three years, with one in nine people — or 821 million — worldwide without enough to eat, due to drought, floods, conflict and economic slowdowns, U.N. figures show. “We don’t see improvement in terms of poverty and hunger. What we see is degradation and resources that would be lost for future generations. So there’s an emergency,” said Frederic Mousseau, a food policy expert at U.S.-based Oakland Institute. “Agriculture and the way we produce our food and the way we consume our food has to have a major solution. That’s the key challenge for the new director.” The Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has a budget of $2.6 billion for 2018 and 2019, employs nearly 6,000 people and works in more than 130 countries with governments to reduce rural poverty and hunger. The four contenders include a European Union-backed French agronomist, who could become the FAO’s first female head of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and an agriculture vice-minister from China, whose global influence is on the rise.  Georgia and India have also fielded candidates for the June vote by delegates from the FAO’s 194 member states. “There is very much at stake in an election like this,” said Mousseau, adding that governments are under constant pressure “to expand the corporate-driven model of …

Зеленський про «Приватбанк»: «Чому Коломойському мають повертати державну установу?»

Кандидат на посаду президента Володимир Зеленський відповів на запитання журналістів, які шанси у олігарха Ігоря Коломойського повернути собі націоналізований «Приватбанк». Про це йдеться у спецрепортажі програми «Схеми: корупція в деталях» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та телеканалу «UA:Перший») – «Вперед, на Банкову!». «Та мені все одно, що буде з Ігорем Коломойським. Ну, це повинні розбиратися… «Приватбанк» зараз – державна установа, чому вона повинна повертатись Коломойському?» – відповів у коментарі Зеленський. ​ Під час цієї розмови зі знімальною групою «Схем», яка відбулася під час його концерту у місті Бровари під Києвом, охоронці Володимира Зеленського силоміць відтіснили оператора Радіо Свобода від журналіста на кілька десятків метрів за лаштунки. Відтак, цей фрагмент інтерв’ю з кандидатом на пост президента вдалося записати лише на аудіо. У грудні 2016 року уряд України за пропозицією Нацбанку й акціонерів «Приватбанку», найбільшими з яких на той час були Ігор Коломойський і Геннадій Боголюбов, ухвалив рішення про націоналізацію цієї найбільшої на українському ринку фінустанови. Банк перейшов у державну власність, на його докапіталізацію загалом держава витратила понад 155 мільярдів гривень. Як заявили в НБУ, до націоналізації «Приватбанку» завдали збитків щонайменше на 5,5 мільярдів доларів. Колишній акціонер «Приватбанку» Ігор Коломойський назвав «маячнею» опубліковані Національним банком України дані. У травні 2017-го журналісти програми «Схеми» показали, що напередодні націоналізації «Приватбанк» оформив 110 мільярдів гривень кредитів на понад 30 фірм, більшість із яких мають ознаки фіктивності. Такого висновку автори дійшли, отримавши доступ і проаналізувавши аудиторський звіт про фінансово-господарську діяльність банку, складений аудиторською фірмою Ernst&Young. Після виходу розслідування Ігор Коломойський заявив, що всі операції проходили під повним …

Why Women Live Longer Than Men

New data finds women everywhere live on average 4.4 years longer than men because they see the doctor more frequently and generally take better care of their health. While women outlive men around the world, the World Health Organization’s Statistics Overview 2019 says their life expectancy is sharply reduced because of maternal deaths. It says this highlights the big health gap that still exists between rich and poor countries. The World Health Organization reports one in 41 women die from maternal causes in poor countries where access to health services are scarce. This compared with one in 3,300 maternal deaths in rich countries. Samira Asma is WHO assistant director general for data, analytics and delivery. She says men die earlier than women because they do not take as good care of their health as women. Also, they tend to be exposed to greater risks. “In many circumstances, men use health care less than women. They are less likely to seek care and to continue care once diagnosed of a certain condition. And also, men are more likely to die from preventable and treatable noncommunicable diseases and road traffic accidents,” says Asma. Leading causes of death Of the 40 leading causes of death, the report says men have higher death rates than women from 33 of the risk factors. For example, the report says men smoke and drink alcohol much more than women. It finds global suicide mortality rates are 75 percent higher in men than in women. Asma says noncommunicable …

New North American Trade Deal Faces Hurdles in US Congress

U.S. lawmakers of both parties say hurdles remain for approving a new trade pact between the United States, Canada and Mexico, rejecting President Donald Trump’s call for prompt votes on a replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA. Last year, the administration made good on one of Trump’s main campaign promises – negotiating a replacement for NAFTA, which went into effect in 1994, with a new trade accord, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA. Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California made headlines Tuesday demanding changes to the pact to strengthen enforcement provisions and announcing the chamber will not vote on the accord until Mexico approves and implements tougher labor standards. “No enforcement, no treaty,” Pelosi said at a Politico event, adding, “It’s a big issue, how workers are treated in Mexico.” Senate Democrats echoed the speaker. “There’s still work to do [on the USMCA]“ Maryland Sen. Chris Van Hollen told VOA. “I agree with Speaker Pelosi that Mexico needs to fully enact the labor rights reform measures. There are also a number of issues on the environmental front, and we need to make sure we have an effective enforcement mechanism.” “We’re waiting to see whether or not the proposal will have a lot more fortified enforcement provisions, that’s my top concern,” Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania said. “That’s always been a major concern of trade agreements generally. That’s why I have always been an aggressive skeptic, and I remain so.” Democrats are not alone in expressing …

China Tech Workers Protest Long Work Hours in Online Campaign

Joyce Huang contributed to this report. BEIJING – An online campaign protesting the long hours Chinese high-tech employees work has gone viral on the Internet in China. At the same time, it is putting an uncomfortable light on the labor practices of China’s biggest high-tech firms. The campaign known as 996.icu may have been small when it started on Microsoft’s code sharing website Github.com, but now, it is the second highest bookmarked project on the open source collaborative site. It has also spread quickly on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, where it is a hotly discussed topic. One posting alone had more than half a million views. Chinese programmers came up with the ironic name 996.icu to draw attention to a work schedule reality and problem. The name is a pithy way of saying if you work the 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. six-day-a-week work schedule, you’ll end up in the intensive care unit of a hospital. And while the campaign takes aim at some of China’s biggest tech firms and includes a blacklist that details labor practices, organizers have been careful in their approach to addressing the problem. “This is not a political movement,” the campaign said, in a bullet point outline of its principles and purposes. “We firmly uphold the labor law and require employers to respect the legitimate rights and interests of their employees.” Beyond guidelines China’s labor law states that employers can request employees to work overtime for an hour or even three hours a day, …

British PM Scrambles to Avoid Chaotic Brexit Finale

Britain’s government redoubled its efforts Thursday to win over the main opposition party in a last-gasp bid to avoid a chaotic exit from the European Union next week. The latest round of talks came after lawmakers tried to safeguard against a doomsday ending to the 46-year partnership by fast-tracking a bill Wednesday night seeking to delay Brexit. May is racing against the clock in a desperate search for votes that could push her ill-loved divorce deal with the other 27 EU leaders through parliament on the fourth attempt. May’s spokesman said there would be “intensive discussions over the course of today”, noting the “urgency” of the situation. Britain’s latest deadline is April 12 and resistance to May’s plan remains passionately strong. But increasingly weary EU leaders — tired of Britain’s political drama and eager to focus on Europe’s own problems — want to see either a done deal or a new way forward from May before they all meet in Brussels on Wednesday. Her European counterparts will decide whether to grant May’s request to push back Brexit until May 22 — the day before nations begin electing a new European Parliament. One alternative is to force her to accept a much longer extension that could give Britain time to rethink Brexit and possibly reverse its decision to leave. The other is to let Britain go without a deal on April 12 in the hope that the economic disruption is short-lived and worth the price of eliminating long-term Brexit uncertainties. ‘Sense of resignation’ May …

The Doctor Won’t See You Now

The day after Tarek Saoud contemplated ending his life, the college student reached out for help on the campus of the university in Ohio he attended. “I called the student mental health services and they told me I could see one of their therapists in, like, two months, which wasn’t going to work for me, unless it was urgent,” he recalls. “So I called back a week later when I was like, ‘I’m not going to survive this any longer, and they asked if it was urgent and I said, ‘Yes.’ They said, ‘Does that mean suicidal?’ I said ‘Yes’ and then at that point they got me an appointment the next week.” The delay frustrated Saoud, now 22, who by that point had been thinking about suicide for months. “For me it was a do-or-die situation,” he says. “When I called health services and told them I was suicidal, that was very true. I don’t want to say I made an attempt the night before but it looks like it was very close. A friend found me and told me straight up what I needed to hear, which was, ‘You can’t be here anymore. You need help now.’” The delay Saoud experienced in getting the mental health care he was desperate for highlights a growing unmet need on college campuses throughout the country. In the spring of 2018, more than 63 percent of college students experienced overwhelming anxiety, according to the American College Health Association. But those who seek …

Гривня посилилася на 6 копійок щодо долара – курс НБУ на 5 квітня

Національний банк України встановив офіційний курс на 5 квітня на рівні 27 гривень 2 копійки за долар США. Це на 6 копійок менше, ніж курс, встановлений регулятором на 4 квітня. Торги на міжбанківському валютному ринку 4 квітня відбувалися так: з початкового рівня 27 гривень 7 – 10 копійок котирування до 13:00 опустилися до 26 гривень 90 – 94 копійок, повідомляє сайт «Мінфін». Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …

Гривня різко посилилася на міжбанку

На міжбанківському валютному ринку 4 квітня значно посилюється українська валюта. Станом на 13:00, як повідомляє сайт «Мінфін», торги відбувалися на рівні 26 гривень 90 – 94 копійки. У перші години сьогоднішньої сесії котирування були на рівні 27 гривень 7 – 10 копійок. Національний банк України опівдні встановив довідкове значення курсу на рівні 27 гривень 7 копійок, це на одну копійку менше, ніж офіційний курс на 4 квітня. Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …

НБУ дозволив іноземним компаніям відкривати рахунки в українських банках

Національний банк України надав можливість іноземним компаніям відкривати рахунки в банках України, повідомляє сайт регулятора. Право відкривати рахунки в українських фінансових установах і здійснювати через такі рахунки валютні операції юридичним особам-нерезидентам України передбачають закони «Про валюту та валютні операції» і «Про внесення змін до деяких законів України щодо сприяння залученню іноземних інвестицій», угода про асоціацію між Україною та Європейським союзом. «Спрощення в порядку відкриття рахунків клієнтів… позитивно вплине на умови ведення бізнесу в Україні завдяки таким новаціям: скасування подання клієнтами банків при відкритті рахунків картки із зразками підписів – відтепер розпорядження рахунком здійснюватиметься на підставі переліку осіб, які згідно із законодавством мають на це право, і що не вимагає нотаріального посвідчення; зміна найменування юридичної особи не передбачає закриття діючих рахунків», – повідомляє Національний банк.  Закон «Про валюту та валютні операції» набрав чинності 7 лютого. …

Study: Poor Diet Linked to 1 in 5 Deaths Globally 

One in five deaths globally is linked to poor diet, experts said in a study released Thursday, warning that overconsumption of sugar, salt and meat was killing millions of people every year.    The United Nations estimates that nearly 1 billion people worldwide are malnourished, while nearly 2 billion are “overnourished.”     But the latest study on global diet trends, published in The Lancet, showed that in nearly every one of the 195 countries surveyed, people were also eating too much of the wrong types of food — and consuming worryingly low levels of healthier produce.  Sugar, sodium   For example, the world on average consumes more than 10 times the recommended amount of sugar-sweetened beverages, and 86 percent more sodium per person than is considered safe.    The study, which examined consumption and disease trends between 1990 and 2017, also cautioned that too many people were eating far too few whole grains, fruit, nuts and seeds to maintain a healthy lifestyle.    Of the 11 million deaths attributed to poor diet, by far the largest killer was cardiovascular disease, which is often caused or worsened by obesity.    “This study affirms what many have thought for several years — that poor diet is responsible for more deaths than any other risk factor in the world,” said study author Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.     “Our assessment suggests the leading dietary risk factors are high intake of sodium, or low intake …

South Korea to Launch World’s First National 5G Networks 

South Korea on Friday launches the world’s first nationwide 5G mobile networks, a transformational leap that has superpowers sparring for control of an innovation that could change the day-to-day lives of billions of people. The fast communications heralded by fifth-generation wireless technology will ultimately underpin everything from toasters to telephones, from electric cars to power grids.    But while Seoul has won the race to be first to provide the user experience, that is only one part of a wider battle that has pitted the United States against China and ensnared giants including Huawei.    Hyper-wired South Korea has long had a reputation for technical prowess, and Seoul has made the 5G rollout a priority as it seeks to stimulate stuttering economic growth.    The system will bring smartphones near-instantaneous connectivity — 20 times faster than existing 4G — allowing users to download entire movies in less than a second.    In the same way that 3G enabled widespread mobile web access and 4G made new applications work ranging from social media to Uber, 5G will herald a new level of connectivity, empowered by speed.    It is crucial for the future development of devices ranging from self-driving vehicles that send data to one another in real time to industrial robots, drones and other elements of the Internet of Things.   That makes it a vital part of the infrastructure of tomorrow, and the 5G standard is expected to bring about $565 billion in global economic benefits by 2034, according to the …

Spain’s Health Minister Calls for End to Gay ‘Conversion Therapy’

Spain’s health minister called on Wednesday for so-called conversion therapy to be abolished after a report that a branch of the Catholic Church had offered to “cure” gay people. El Diario, an online newspaper, said a reporter posing as a gay man trying to change his sexuality was told to stop watching porn and masturbate less in a counselling session provided by a diocese of the Catholic Church close to the capital Madrid. Its representatives called the report “fake news.” Minister expresses regret But Maria Luisa Carcedo Roces, Spain’s minister for health, consumption and social welfare, expressed regret that the practice persisted, saying it was illegal and calling for it to be “completely abolished.” “I thought that in Spain, accepting the various sexual orientations was assumed in all areas, but unfortunately we see that there are still pockets where people are told what their sexual orientation should be,” she said at a press conference. “I regret that this is happening and that a law is being broken,” she said, according to an audio recording sent to the Thomson Reuters Foundation by the ministry press office. Conversion therapy, which can include hypnosis and electric shocks, is based on the belief that being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is a mental illness that can be cured. Promoting or carrying out conversion therapy is banned in the region of Madrid, regardless of whether the person undergoing it has consented or not. Punishments include fines of up to 45,000 euros ($51,000). ‘Fake news’ In …

Closure Threat Hurts Truckers, Stores on US-Mexico Border

Trucks inched through traffic Wednesday and some stores reported fewer customers in U.S.-Mexico border towns as staffing shortages tied to a surge in asylum seekers slowed checkpoints and threats of a complete closure of the border scared shoppers. U.S. President Donald Trump reiterated his threat to close the border, or parts of it, saying Congress could avert such a shutdown by changing laws to fix what he called immigration “loopholes.” Business leaders on both sides of the border have lashed out against the threat, saying a shutdown would hurt supply chains and $1.7 billion in daily trade at some of the world’s busiest land crossings. Already, Washington’s decision to move 750 agents from commercial to immigration duties has triggered long delays for legitimate cross-border traffic.  Petra Gomez, 63, who owns discount store Buy 4 Less near the Otay Mesa crossing in California, opposite Tijuana, said Trump’s threats were also taking a toll.  ​Fear of being trapped “Many people are not crossing for fear that if they close the border, they will be trapped,” she said, referring to the tens of thousands of people who cross every day from the Tijuana area into California. “If they close the border, I will have to close because I will not have clients.” However, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Wednesday there were no “serious problems” at the border, and that the government was in constant communication with U.S. authorities to keep it open.  “It’s not in anyone’s interest to close the border,” he told reporters at his regular morning news conference.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has estimated that 100,000 migrants …

US-China Trade Talks Progressing, White House Says  

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Wednesday that U.S. trade talks with China are continuing to progress as negotiations between the world’s two biggest economies resume in Washington this week. Kudlow told reporters that the two countries made good headway in Beijing last week, with China acknowledging such problematic issues as the theft of intellectual property, forced technology transfers and computer hacking. He said no decisions have been made on automobile tariffs. U.S. lawmakers are taking a wait-and-see attitude on the lengthy talks. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, a key ally of President Donald Trump, told VOA’s Mandarin service, “I’m hopeful. I think the president is right to insist on change. We want it to be a win-win for both countries. And I will see. We will know in a few weeks.” He added, “It’s got to be some enforcement mechanism that future Congresses and presidents can believe will work, because it just can’t be, you know, a deal in name only.” Another Republican, Sen. Thom Tillis, said, “One of the things that I’m particularly focused on is intellectual property and intellectual property protection. So, I hope that we’re moving along not only the general terms of the trade agreement but also a real focus on what I think is the single greatest threat long term, and that’s having China more productively participate in the production of intellectual property.” Republican Sen. Charles Grassley said the U.S. hopes to complete the trade negotiations by the end of April.  But Myron Brilliant, …

Ivanka Trump Plans Africa Trip to Promote Women’s Initiative

White House adviser Ivanka Trump is planning a trip to Africa to promote a global women’s initiative she’s leading.      President Donald Trump’s daughter will visit Ethiopia and Ivory Coast over four days this month. The White House said Wednesday that her schedule includes a women’s economic empowerment summit in Ivory Coast as well as site visits and meetings with political leaders, executives and female entrepreneurs in both countries.    Accompanying her will be Mark Green, administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. On parts of the trip, they will be joined David Bohigian, acting president of the Overseas Private Investment Corp., and Kristalina Georgieva, interim president of the World Bank Group.    OPIC provides loans, loan guarantees and political risk insurance, funding projects that stretch across continents and industries.    It will be Ivanka Trump’s first visit to Africa since the White House undertook the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative in February. In a statement to The Associated Press, she said she was “excited to travel to Africa” to advance the effort.  Multi-agency effort   The initiative involves the State Department, the National Security Council and other U.S. agencies. It aims to coordinate current programs and develop new ones to assist women in job training, financial support, legal or regulatory reforms and other areas.      Ivanka Trump says the goal is to economically empower 50 million women in developing countries by 2025.      Money for the effort will come through USAID, which initially set up a $50 million …

More Delays Ahead for Boeing’s New Space Capsule for Astronauts

Boeing’s new space capsule for astronauts faces more launch delays. The Starliner capsule was supposed to make its debut this month, after a series of postponements. But the first test flight is now off until August. And the second test flight, with astronauts, won’t occur until late in the year. NASA announced the revised lineup Wednesday. At the same time, officials said the first Starliner crew will remain at the International Space Station longer than the few weeks originally anticipated. The mission length will be decided later. SpaceX, NASA’s other commercial crew provider, successfully flew its new Dragon capsule without a crew to the International Space Station last month. The first flight with astronauts could be as early as this summer, but the schedule is under review. Boeing said the last major milestones have been cleared and the capsule is almost finished. But scheduling conflicts with an early summer Air Force launch helped push the Starliner’s debut into August.  The Starliner will fly on United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V rocket, the same kind of rocket needed for the Air Force’s critical mission in late June, from the same pad. While the first SpaceX astronauts will visit the space station for a few weeks at most, the Starliner’s three-person crew will move into the orbiting complex for an extended period. The typical station stay is about six months. NASA wants to reduce its reliance on expensive Russian Soyuz capsules as soon as possible, and so the Boeing test flight will double …