U.S. officials are “not satisfied yet” about all the issues standing in the way of a deal to end the U.S.-China trade war but made progress in talks with China last week, a top White House official said on Monday. The United States and China have been embroiled in a tit-for-tat tariff battle since July 2018, roiling global financial markets and supply chains and costing both of the world’s two largest economies billions of dollars. U.S. officials are pressing China to make changes to address longstanding concerns over industrial subsidies, technology transfer and intellectual property rights. The two sides wrapped up the latest round of talks in Washington late last week and will be resuming discussions this week remotely. “We’re making progress on a range of things, and there’s some stuff where we’re not satisfied yet,” Clete Willems, a top White House trade official, told Reuters on the sidelines of a U.S. Chamber of Commerce event on Monday. He declined to get into specifics on which issues remained unsettled. Last week, President Donald Trump said a deal could be reached in about four weeks. Willems also declined to specify a timeline for the pact, noting: “It should be a good sign for people that we’re not rushing into this we want to get it right and we need to nail down specifics.” Willems said that the two sides were still trying to settle on how to handle existing tariffs. The United States has slapped tariffs on hundreds of billions of …
Commissioner: SEC Steps on Tesla ‘Reasonable’ to Prevent Problems
The U.S. securities watchdog’s request that a federal judge hold Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk in contempt over the billionaire entrepreneur’s use of Twitter was “reasonable,” said a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission official on Monday. SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson, a Democrat, told reporters at a conference in Washington that the SEC was reasonable in suggesting greater oversight of Musk’s communications, including the threat of new fines if he backslides. “The idea (is) that we would have future oversight to prevent future problems from recurring,” Jackson said. The SEC had asked U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan to hold Musk in contempt over a Feb. 19 tweet in which the agency said he had improperly posted material information about Tesla’s vehicle production outlook without seeking approval from its lawyers. In a Friday order, the judge gave both sides until April 18 to reach a resolution. If they do not, the judge said she would decide whether to hold Musk in contempt. If he is held in contempt, the judge would allow discussions on possible sanctions. “I understand those who are skeptical and who feel that it’s innovative relief … to me it was important relief and I thought enforcement took very reasonable steps, both to the nature of the relief and our oversight of that relief,” added Jackson of the judge’s order. The SEC, which had sued Tesla, asked the company in September to consider removing Musk. The CEO agreed to step down as Tesla’s chairman in an agreement that also …
Russia Signals OPEC and Allies Could Raise Oil Output From June
One of the key Russian officials to foster a supply pact with OPEC, Kirill Dmitriev, signaled on Monday that Russia wanted to raise oil output when it meets with OPEC in June because of improving market conditions and falling stockpiles. Dmitriev, head of Russian sovereign wealth fund RDIF, was the first Russian official to predict a deal with OPEC in 2016 and since then has become a key defender of the pact despite pressure from domestic oil firms to drop the agreement. Dmitriev, an envoy for Moscow in the Middle East in general and Saudi Arabia in particular, had in recent months said it was still too early to terminate output cuts, echoing the position of OPEC’s de facto leader, Saudi Arabia. But in an apparent change of position, Dmitriev said on Monday supply cuts may not be required after June. “It is quite possible that given the improving market situation and falling stocks, [OPEC and its allies] could decide in June this year to abandon supply cuts and subsequently increase output,” Dmitriev told a conference in Moscow. “This decision will not mean the end of the deal, but a confirmation that participants continue their coordinating efforts when it is important not only to cut but to increase output depending on market conditions,” he told the conference. Speaking to reporters on Monday evening, Dmitriev added that it could be appropriate for Russia to increase output by 228,000 barrels per day, by which it had previously cut production, “and maybe even …
У ФБР «не підтвердили і не заперечили» наявність розслідування проти Коломойського
Відповідно до політики Міністерства юстиції США Федеральне бюро розслідувань країни «не підтверджує і не заперечує існування будь-якого розслідування». Про це повідомила у листі Радіо Свобода речник ФБР Тіна Джагерсон. Запит стосувався інформації, оприлюдненої американськими ЗМІ, стосовно розслідування, яке Бюро нібито веде щодо українського олігарха Ігоря Коломойського. Видання The Daily Beast з посиланням на три джерела повідомляло, що Федеральне бюро розслідувань США веде розслідування проти олігарха Ігоря Коломойського через можливі фінансові злочини, зокрема відмивання коштів. За словами джерел Daily Beast, розслідування є широкомасштабним і триває доволі давно. При цьому Коломойському не висували звинувачення, а адвокат, який його представляє, заявив, що той заперечує провину. …
US Measles Tally Hits 465, With Most Illnesses in Kids
U.S. measles cases are continuing to jump, and most of the reported illnesses are in children. Health officials say 465 measles cases have been reported this year, as of last week. That’s up from 387 the week before. The numbers are preliminary. The 2019 tally is already the most since 2014, when 667 were reported. The most before that was 963 cases in 1994. Outbreaks have hit several states, including California, Michigan and New Jersey. New York City accounted for about two-thirds of the U.S. cases reported last week. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated the numbers Monday. Roughly 80% of the cases are age 19 or younger. The CDC recommends that all children get two doses of measles vaccine. It says the vaccine is 97% effective. …
Brain Zaps Boost Memory in People Over 60, Study Finds
Zapping the brains of people over 60 with a mild electrical current improved a form of memory enough that they performed like people in their 20s, a new study found. Someday, people might visit clinics to boost that ability, which declines both in normal aging and in dementias like Alzheimer’s disease, said researcher Robert Reinhart of Boston University. The treatment is aimed at “working memory,” the ability to hold information in mind for a matter of seconds as you perform a task, such as doing math in your head. Sometimes called the workbench or scratchpad of the mind, it’s crucial for things like taking medications, paying bills, buying groceries or planning, Reinhart said. “It’s where your consciousness lives … where you’re working on information,” he said. The new study is not the first to show that stimulating the brain can boost working memory. But Reinhart, who reported the work Monday in the journal Nature Neuroscience, said it’s notable for showing success in older people and because the memory boost persisted for nearly an hour minimum after the brain stimulation ended. One scientist who has previously reported boosting working memory with electrical stimulation noted that the decline in this ability with normal aging is not huge. But “they removed the effects of age from these people,” said Dr. Barry Gordon, a professor of neurology and cognitive science at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore. “It’s a superb first step” toward demonstrating a way …
Spacewalking Astronauts Tackle Battery, Cable Work
Spacewalking astronauts tackled battery and cable work outside the International Space Station on Monday. It was the third spacewalk in just 2 { weeks for the space station crew. NASA astronaut Anne McClain and Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques hustled through their part in battery swap-outs that began last month. “All right, you rock,” Mission Control radioed. Next up: laying cable outside the 250-mile-high outpost to provide a backup power circuit for the station’s Canadian-made robot arm and expand wireless communications. The ongoing battery work involves re-installing two old batteries. One of six new lithium-ion batteries did not work, so McClain had to remove an adapter plate she put in. Last week, flight controllers used the space station’s robot arm to remove the failed battery along with an associated charging device. Working remotely, the controllers also installed a spare charging device and one of the old batteries made of nickel hydrogen. The second outdated battery will go in — robotically — later this week. NASA said it will send up another new battery, although it’s uncertain when. Until then, this combination of old and new batteries is expected to work fine, according to managers. McClain has now logged two spacewalks and Saint-Jacques one. Their six-month mission began in December. The next spacewalk will be next month by the two Russians on board. Two other Americans round out the six-person crew. …
Ford Workers in Russia Protest Planned Closure
Ford workers in Russia have started work-to-rule action over plans to close a plant. Mikhail Sergeyev, head of a trade union which represents around a third of the St. Petersburg plant’s 900-strong workforce, has told The Associated Press on Monday the work-to-rule will continue until Ford negotiates, and it’s already causing disruption. Sergeyev says his union is pushing for more generous layoff packages equivalent to twice a worker’s annual salary. Ford said last month that it’s leaving the Russian car market and closing two assembly plants and an engine plant, after years of lackluster sales. Ford will keep making vans at another site through a joint venture. Organized industrial action is uncommon in Russia, where many unions have close ties to management, though the auto industry is a rare exception. …
Pinterest Sets Conservative Pricing After Lyft Drop
Pinterest, among the gaggle of tech companies hoping to go public this year, set a conservative price range Monday for its initial public offering. It hopes to raise as much as $1.5 billion in its initial offering of shares. The digital scrapbooking site said in a regulatory filing that it will put about 75 million shares up for sale at a price between $15 and $17 each. That, at the higher end, could put the value of the company at around $9 billion. But it falls below the estimated $12 billion value from earlier sales of shares to private investors, according to reports two years ago. Companies set their price range for an initial public offering with a tricky calculus set by investment banks and underwriters. They don’t want to set the bar too low, but going too high can lead to a sell-off. And those tech companies still planning to go public this year may be treading more carefully following the debut of Lyft 11 days ago. After a much ballyhooed debut , the stock slumped for two days. While its shares bounced back from their lows last week, they remain far below the heights reached in the flurry of first-day trading, and they fell 3% Monday, again dipping under the initial offering price. The Lyft drop was a “major gut check time for Lyft and the tech IPO world to see how this stock trades given it was the first one out of the box,” said Wedbush Securities …
Гривня продовжує посилюватися до річного максимуму щодо долара – курс НБУ
Національний банк України встановив на 9 квітня курс 26 гривень 64 копійки за долар. Це на 13 копійок менше, ніж курс, встановлений регулятором на 8 квітня. Торги на міжбанківському валютному ринку 4 квітня відбувалися так: з початкового рівня 26 гривень 65 – 70 копійок котирування до 13:00 опустилися до 26 гривень 59,5 – 62,5 копійки, а до закриття торгів зросли – 26 гривень 64,5 – 67,5 копійки, повідомляє сайт «Мінфін». Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …
ОПЕК і союзники можуть наростити видобуток нафти з червня – Росія
Росія прагне в червні на зустрічі у форматі «ОПЕК+» досягти угоди про зростання обсягів видобутку нафти. Підставою член російської групи переговірників із цих питань Кирило Дмитрієв назвав 8 квітня поліпшення ринкових умов і падіння запасів сировини у ключових споживачів, інформує Reuters. «Цілком можливо, що… (ОПЕК та її союзники) в червні цього року (ОПЕК та її союзники – ред.) можуть вирішити відмовитися від скорочення поставок і згодом збільшити обсяги виробництва. Це рішення буде означати не закінчення угоди, а підтвердження того, що учасники продовжують координувати свої зусилля, коли важливо не тільки скорочувати, а й збільшувати випуск продукції в залежності від ринкових умов», – сказав Дмитрієв. Близький до президента Росії Володимира Путіна керівник компанії «Роснєфть» Ігор Сєчін стверджує, що Росія втрачає частку на ринку США, які не беруть участі в скороченні виробництва та наростили обсяг виробництва до рекордного рівня близько 12 мільйонів барелів на день. Росія і Саудівська Аравія виробляють близько 11 І 10 мільйонів барелів нафти відповідно, але за необхідності можуть збільшити видобуток досить швидко. Упродовж останнього місяця котирування нафти регулярно оновлюють максимуми 2019 року, 8 квітня ці показники сягнули 70 доларів 71 цента за барель Brent, що відповідає рівню листопада 2018 року. …
Гривня далі посилюється на міжбанку, довідковий курс НБУ – 26,65
На міжбанківському валютному ринку 8 квітня триває посилення гривні. Як інформує профільний сайт «Мінфін», «попит нижчий за пропозицію, що відбивається на котируваннях». О 12:00 торги на міжбанку відбувалися на рівні 26 гривень 60 – 63 копійки за долар. Національний банк України оприлюднив після 12:00 довідкове значення курсу, яке відбиває тенденції міжбанківського ринку. Воно становить 26 гривень 65 копійок за долар. Офіційний курс, встановлений НБУ на 8 квітня, становить 26 гривень 77 копійок за долар. Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …
More Endangered Turtles Beached on US Coast
When the weather turns cold and stormy around Cape Cod, it’s common for some sea turtles to get stranded in the choppy waters and end up on the areas beaches. But the numbers of turtles getting beached has been going up dramatically every year, and that’s worrying local scientists. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports. …
American Airlines Extends Max-Caused Cancellations to June 5
American Airlines is extending by over a month its cancellations of about 90 daily flights as the troubled 737 Max plane remains grounded by regulators. American said Sunday it is extending the cancellations through June 5 from the earlier timeframe of April 24. The airline acknowledged in a statement that the prolonged cancellations could bring disruption for some travelers. The Boeing-made Max jets have been grounded in the U.S. and elsewhere since mid-March, following two deadly crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia. Airlines that own them have been scrambling other planes to fill some Max flights while canceling others. American Airlines Group Inc., the largest U.S. airline by revenue, has 24 Max jets in its fleet. The Dallas-based airline said it is awaiting information from U.S. regulators, and will contact customers affected by the cancellations with available re-bookings. Boeing and the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said last week the company needs more time to finish changes in a flight-control system suspected of playing a role in the two crashes. That means airlines could be forced to park their Max jets longer than they expected. American said Sunday that by canceling the flights in advance, “we are able to provide better service to our customers with availability and re-booking options,” and to avoid last-minute flight disruptions. American’s reservations staff will contact affected customers directly by email or phone, the airline said. “We know these cancellations and changes may affect some of our customers, and we are working to limit the impact to …
Swiss Scientists Create First Computer Generated Genome
Ever since Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818, the world has been fascinated with the idea of creating life in a lab. But it remained in the realm of fiction… until it became a bit closer to reality with genetic engineering work in a Swiss lab. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports. …
No Breakthrough Expected in EU-China Summit
Top EU leaders meet Chinese Premier Li Keqiang this week at a summit in Brussels, but their hopes of winning solid commitments on trade look set for disappointment. Brussels is trying to beef up its approach to the Asian giant as it shows little willingness to listen to longstanding complaints about industrial subsidies and access to its markets, and as fears grow about growing Chinese involvement in European infrastructure. But the half-day summit on Tuesday is on course to fizzle out with little to show in terms of agreements, with European sources saying it looks highly unlikely a final joint statement will be agreed. EU officials say China is unwilling to give binding commitments on their key demands, including the inclusion of industrial subsidies as part of World Trade Organization reform, and they are reluctant to agree the kind of anodyne declaration of good intentions pushed out after last year’s summit in Beijing. The European Commission last month issued a 10-point plan proposing a more assertive relationship with Beijing, labelling China a “systemic rival” — a move welcomed by French President Emmanuel Macron as a belated awakening. But while the EU’s 15 trillion euro market gives it significant economic clout, it struggles to maintain unity among its 28 members on issues of foreign policy, allowing China to pursue one-on-one deals with individual countries. “When economic policy intersects with foreign policy and security, the EU lacks the will and capacity to act strategically,” Philippe Legrain, visiting senior fellow at the London …
Experts: Venezuela Sees Rise in Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. scientists warn that a growing number of patients in Venezuela are getting vaccine-preventable diseases like measles, diphtheria and polio. One of the main hospitals at the Colombia-Venezuelan border says it’s seeing more people who need treatment. Cristina Caicedo Smit has the story. …
Tens of Thousands Protest Climate Change in Switzerland
Tens of thousands of people demonstrated Saturday in several Swiss cities against climate change, the Swiss news agency Keystone-ATS reported. Around 50,000 marched in all, the news agency estimated, including 15,000 in Zurich and up to 9,000 in the capital, Bern, and in Lausanne. “It’s about knowing if finally we want to listen to the voice of science,” high school student Jan Burckhardt told ATS. “Save the climate, please: It’s the last time we ask politely,” read one of the placards at the Lausanne demonstration, an AFP photographer saw. The marches were organized by an alliance of activist groups in Switzerland, including Greenpeace, Swiss Youth for Climate and green groups. “We don’t want to stop our movement as long as our claims have not been heard, as long as we have not obtained concrete results,” said Laurane Conod, one of the organizers of a smaller march in Geneva. The climate change protests in Switzerland were in part inspired by the teenage Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who started weekly school strikes calling for policy change on the climate issue. …
Belize Triples Protected Marine Area, Environmental Group Says
Belize approved a plan Friday to set aside 10 percent of its territorial waters as a protected area, tripling the size of existing reserves in the world’s second largest barrier reef, according to an environmental group. The major expansion of the small Caribbean island’s protected areas follows a six-year effort by international scientists and conservation groups led by Belizeans, the Environmental Defense Fund said in a statement. The coalition found zones that can protect marine habitat and allow for recovery of degraded ecosystems, while helping replenish fish stocks, the EDF said. Coral reefs, diverse marine ecosystems formed from tiny organisms, have faced intensifying stress worldwide from rising ocean temperatures compounded by overfishing, pollution and tourism. Scientists say they are key barometers of global warming. The Belize government did not immediately respond to requests for confirmation of the move. ‘Critical condition’ Parts of the Belize reef, a World Heritage Site, are in “critical condition,” according to a 2018 report from environmental group Healthy Reef for Healthy People. But a 2017 decision to ban offshore oil and gas activities was a step toward its possible removal from the World Heritage Site’s “in danger” list, the group said. “A healthy reef and vibrant fisheries sector is necessary for Belize to achieve its goals for reducing poverty, improving food security and nutrition and increasing investment,” said Belize Fisheries Administrator Beverly Wade in the EDF statement. Katie McGinty, EDF’s Senior Vice President for Oceans at Environmental Defense Fund, called Friday’s expansion of protected sites a …
Обрано нового президента Світового банку
Новим президентом Світового банку обрали колишнього заступника міністра фінансів США з міжнародних справ Девіда Мелпаса. Мелпас приступить до виконання своїх обов’язків з 9 квітня. Нового президента обрали за процедурою, схваленою у 2011 році. Відповідно до неї, будь-який член банку може бути запропонованим на посаду будь-яким виконавчим директором. Після цього виконавчі директори ретельно перевіряють кандидатів та проводять всебічне інтерв’ю. 7 січня керівник Світового банку Джим Ен Кім оголосив про відставку після більш ніж шести років на цій посаді. Вже 1 лютого він залишив свій пост. …
«Нафтогаз»: завершуємо опалювальний сезон з рекордними залишками газу
Із проханням про відключення опалення можна звертатися «до голови ОСББ або до ЖЕО» …
Hiring Rebounds as US Employers Add a Solid 196,000 Jobs
in the United States rebounded in March as U.S. employers added a solid 196,000 jobs, up sharply from February’s scant gain and evidence that many businesses still want to hire despite signs that the economy is slowing. The unemployment rate remained at 3.8 percent, near the lowest level in almost 50 years, the Labor Department reported Friday. Wage growth slowed a bit in March, with average hourly pay increasing 3.2 percent from a year earlier. That was down from February’s year-over-year gain of 3.4 percent, which was the best in a decade. The employment figures reported Friday by the government suggest that February’s anemic job growth — revised to 33,000, from an initial 20,000 — was merely a temporary blip and that businesses are confident the economy remains on a firm footing. Even with the current expansion nearly 10 years old, the U.S. economy is demonstrating its resilience. At the same time, the economy is facing several challenges, from cautious consumers to slower growth in business investment to a U.S.-China trade war that is contributing to a weakening global economy. Stock futures rallied after Friday’s jobs data was released at 8:30 a.m., and bond prices rose as well, with yields slipping. So far this year, U.S. job gains have averaged 180,000 a month, easily enough to lower the unemployment rate over time, though down from a 223,000 monthly average last year. Last month, job growth was strongest in the service sector. Health care added 47,000 jobs, restaurants and bars 27,000 …
Гривня посилилася на 25 копійок щодо долара – курс НБУ на 8 квітня
Національний банк України встановив офіційний курс на 8 квітня на рівні 26 гривень 77 копійок за долар США. Це на 25 копійок менше, ніж курс, встановлений регулятором на 5 квітня. Торги на міжбанківському валютному ринку 5 квітня відбувалися так: з початкового рівня 26 гривень 81 – 84 копійки котирування впродовж сесії опустилися до 26 гривень 65 – 69 копійок, повідомляє сайт «Мінфін». За цими даними, впродовж активної частини сесії пропозиція долара постійно переважала попит. Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …
Світовий банк погіршив прогноз зростання ВВП України у 2019-му
Світовий банк погіршив прогноз зростання валового внутрішнього продукту для України в 2019 році з 2,9% до 2,7%. Про це свідчить квітневий огляд Світового банку. При цьому банк зберіг прогноз зростання ВВП в Україні у 2020 році (3,4%), в в 2021-му – знизив до 3,7% із 3,8%. За даними уряду України, в 2018 році ВВП країни зріс на 3,2%. …