Tiny Phytoplankton Threaten America’s Most Diverse Waterway

Florida’s Indian River lagoon is considered the most biologically diverse estuary in the Northern Hemisphere. But it is facing a serious threat to the plants and animals in its waters. The water’s surface is increasingly dotted with thousands of dead fish, manatees, birds and other creatures. Faiza Elmasry has more about the problem, the cause and the solution. VOA’s Faith Lapidus narrates. …

WHO Confirms Second Ebola Case in Congo Outbreak

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed on Sunday a second case of Ebola in Democratic Republic of Congo after an outbreak this week of 17 other suspected cases. Health officials are trying to trace 125 people thought to be linked to the cases identified in the remote northeastern province of Bas-Uele province in northeastern Congo near the border with Central African Republic, WHO’s Congo spokesman Eugene Kabambi said. Three people have so far died among the 19 suspected and confirmed cases, he added. It was not immediately clear how the first victim, a deceased male, caught the virus, although past outbreaks have been linked to contact with infected bush meat such as apes. The outbreak comes just a year after the end of an epidemic in West Africa killed more than 11,300 people mostly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. However, Congo, whose dense forests contain the River Ebola near where the disease was first detected in 1976, has experienced many outbreaks and has mostly succeeded in containing them without large-scale loss of life. The GAVI global vaccine alliance said on Friday some 300,000 emergency doses of an Ebola vaccine developed by Merck could be available in case of a large-scale outbreak and that it stood ready to support the Congo government on the matter. …

Реконструкцію Шулявського мосту в Києві проводитимуть дорожники з Китаю – Кубів

Міністерство економічного розвитку і торгівлі України та Китайська корпорація доріг і мостів домовилися про реконструкцію Шулявського шляхопроводу у Києві, інформує у неділю урядовий портал з посиланням на очільника українського міністерства Степана Кубіва. Згідно з повідомленням, крім реконструкції столичного мосту, китайська сторона дала згоду на будівництво мосту біля Кременчука. Як повідомив перший віце-прем’єр, міністр Економрозвитку Степан Кубів проектні пропозиції щодо цих двох об’єктів оцінюються у 400 мільйонів доларів. «Пропоную вам завершити підготовчі роботи щодо цих проектів не пізніше вересня, щоб після цього можна було перейти до укладення кредитних угод та договору на виконання робіт з корпорацією», – сказав Кубів 14 травня у Пекіні на зустрічі з керівництвом Китайської корпорації доріг та мостів. 27 лютого у Києві обвалилася частина бетонної огорожі на Шулявському шляхопроводі, що є важливою транспортною артерією міста. Причинами обвалу конструкцій назвали минулі пожежі біля шляхопроводу і корозію бетону. Тоді внаслідок обвалу ніхто не постраждав, але уламки пошкодили припарковані під мостом машини. Рух мостом нині дозволено із деякими обмеженнями. …

WHO to Vote for New Director-General; David Nabarro Wants the Job

Dr. David Nabarro says he wants to rid the world of two diseases that are close to being eradicated: polio and guinea worm. Polio exists mainly on the Pakistani-Afghan border and in northern Nigeria. Both are conflict zones, where vaccine workers risk their lives to immunize children. “The last part of eradicating any disease is always the hardest part,” Nabarro said during a visit to VOA. “If you don’t do it, you lose everything. To do it, you’ve got to really bring all the energy and commitment you can to bear.” The World Health Organization has worked to eliminate polio for more than 30 years. Nigeria was to be declared polio-free this year, meaning the country had no cases for three continuous years, but then the disease returned. “We must remain vigilant and focused until we are certain that the last case has been found and that we have got everybody protected,” Nabarro said. Watch: WHO to Vote on New Director-General; David Nabarro Wants the Job Guinea worm Nabarro also wants to rid the world of Guinea worm, a disease that starts when people drink water containing fleas infected with guinea worm larvae. The larvae grow in human intestines. And while it is not life-threatening, it is painful when the worm emerges. In 1986, about 3.5 million people had Guinea worm disease. Last year, 25 people had it. This was the result of efforts by United Nations agencies, the Carter Center, which was founded by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, and …

Factbox: Ebola Virus Outbreaks in Africa

Democratic Republic of Congo Ebola Outbreak On May 13, the World Health Organization declared an Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uele province, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, after a person tested positive for the Ebola virus. The last Ebola outbreak in Congo happened in 2014 and killed more than 40 people. In 2013, an Ebola crisis began in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Congo’s outbreaks have all been in areas not linked to the West African cases. 2013-16 Western Africa Ebola Outbreak Where: Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone Began: December 2013 Ended*: March 2016 * WHO declared the outbreak in West Africa a public health emergency in August 2014. It declared the end of the transmission of Ebola in Guinea in December 2015, Liberia in January 2016 and in Sierra Leone in March 2016. Even after the last transmission, WHO warned the countries were still at risk of sporadic transmission of Ebola because of the presence of the virus in some survivors. WHO noted flare-ups of Ebola cases in Guinea in March 2016 and Liberia in June 2016. 2013-16 West Africa Ebola Outbreak, Death Tolls* Guinea                 3,814 cases         2,544 deaths Liberia                10,678 cases        4,810 deaths Sierra Leone      14,124 cases        3,956 deaths Total                      28,616 cases       11,310 deaths Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention * The 2013-16 West Africa Ebola outbreak was the largest in history. Ebola Symptoms Symptoms of the virus may include: Fever Severe headache Muscle pain Weakness Fatigue Diarrhea Vomiting Abdominal (stomach) pain Unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising) …

Congo Faces New Ebola Outbreak

The World Health Organization says the Democratic Republic of the Congo is again facing an outbreak of the contagious and deadly Ebola virus. Congolese Health Minister Oly Ilunga announced Saturday that three people had died of the virus in the northeast of the country. Ilunga urged people not to panic and said officials had taken all necessary measures to respond to the outbreak. The World Health Organization said it was working with Congolese authorities to deploy health workers in the remote area where the three deaths occurred, all on April 22. Eleven other cases are suspected in the area. WHO’s regional director for Africa, Matshidiso Moeti, went to the Congolese capital, Kinshasa, on Friday to discuss disease response. The remoteness of the affected area, 1,300 kilometers from Kinshasa, means word of the outbreak was slow to emerge. WHO said specialist teams were expected to arrive in the area, known as the Likati health zone, within the next day or two. This was the first outbreak of the virus in DRC since 2014, when 49 people died of Ebola. Larger outbreak Experts say the 2014 DRC outbreak was not linked to a much larger outbreak that killed 11,000 people in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, beginning in 2013. They say active virus transmission for that outbreak was halted last year. In December 2016, The Lancet, a medical journal, published results of a WHO-led trial  showing that the world’s first Ebola vaccine provides substantial protection against the virus. Among more than 11,000 …

Insecurity Creates Challenges for HIV Treatment in Southeast C.A.R.

Violence in the southeastern part of the Central African Republic, where five U.N. peacekeepers were killed this month, has made it tougher for HIV-positive residents in the remote, lawless region to get treatment. The prevalence rate of HIV in southeastern C.A.R. is 13 percent, nearly three times the national average. The migration of people between the bordering areas of South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo contributes to the spread of the disease in all three countries. “Here, it’s a crossing where everything converges. It’s why the level of HIV is high,” said Bienvenu Sapioko, a government nurse who works at the only hospital in Zemio. He said the rebels and refugees in the area also increase the high prevalence.    An internal U.N. report obtained by VOA found HIV rates increased following the arrival of the Ugandan security forces in the C.A.R. in 2009. The Ugandan and American forces tasked with tracking down Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army ended their mission in April and are heading home. With prostitution, polygamy and effectively no state authority in the area, weak education contributes to the problem.   Stigma, superstition “People believe in the power of nature and traditional doctors. So bush doctors, shamans are also very common in the community,” said Olivier Pennec, the Doctors Without Borders project coordinator in Zemio. Stigma compounds the problem. “Before, the people didn’t treat themselves. The people would hide the microbes, this disease,” said Marcel Elonga, a community leader. They would …

Mnuchin Says G-7 Nations More Comfortable With New US Economic Approach

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Saturday after meeting with officials from the world’s other industrialized democracies that he thought they were more at ease with Donald Trump’s economic policies. “People are more comfortable today, now that they’ve had the opportunity to spend time with me and listen to the president and hear our economic message,” Mnuchin said after a two-day meeting in Bari, Italy, with members of the Group of Seven, industrialized nations commonly known as the G-7. Officials from the G-7 countries hoped to learn more about the U.S. president’s plans, which they feared would revive protectionist policies and result in a global regression on issues such as banking reform and climate change. After the meeting, officials from Japan and member European countries remained concerned about the economic shift in Washington, particularly after Mnuchin said the U.S. reserved the right to be protectionist if it thought trade was not free or fair. “All the six others … said explicitly, and some very directly, to the representatives of the U.S. administration that it is absolutely necessary to continue with the same spirit of international cooperation,” said French Finance Minister Michel Sapin. Don’t ‘backpedal’ on free trade Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau said continued uncertainty about U.S. policy could dampen optimism within the G-7 about the global economy’s gradual recovery from the financial crisis that began nearly a decade ago. De Galhau echoed the sentiments of Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, who said, “We must not backpedal …

Страховий стаж для пенсії українців підвищиться до 25 років – Гройсман

Мінімальний страховий стаж для отримання пенсій українцям буде збільшено із 15 до 25 років у рамках пенсійної реформи, сказав в ефірі «112 Україна» прем’єр-міністр Володимир Гройсман. «Ми вважаємо, що до 25 років це буде абсолютно оптимальний стаж, який притаманний більшості українських громадян», – заявив прем’єр. При цьому, наголосив він, підвищення пенсійного віку наразі не планується. Загалом, як зазначив Гройсман, він сподівається представити проект пенсійної реформи до кінця травня, а з 1 жовтня він обіцяє, що понад 5 мільйонів українських пенсіонерів отримуватимуть підвищену пенсію. Пенсійна реформа є одним із ключових пунктів меморандуму про співпрацю між Україною та Міжнародним валютним фондом. 18 квітня голова місії МВФ в Україні Рон ван Роден наголосив, що пенсійна реформа потрібна Україні терміново. Раніше прем’єр-міністр України Володимир Гройсман повідомив, що пенсійна реформа передбачає підвищення пенсій для 9 мільйонів пенсіонерів з 12 мільйонів. За його словами, уряд має намір забезпечити оновлення пенсій від 200 гривень до тисячі гривень на місяць для понад 5 мільйонів пенсіонерів. Тим часом, як повідомив в ефірі Радіо Свобода міністр соціальної політики Андрій Рева, найбільше зростання пенсій стосуватиметься тих, хто отримує пенсію вже давно. У 2016 році держава продотувала Пенсійний фонд на понад 140 мільярдів гривень. …

Companies Affected by Global Cyber Attack

A global cyber attack on Friday affected British hospitals, government agencies and companies in 99 countries, with Russia, Ukraine and Taiwan the top targets, security software maker Avast said. Hacking tools widely believed by researchers to have been developed by the U.S. National Security Agency that were leaked online last month appear to have been leveraged to launch the attacks. Around 1,000 computers at the Russian Interior Ministry were affected by the cyber attack, a spokeswoman for the ministry told Interfax. Some of the companies affected: FedEx Corp Telefonica SA Portugal Telecom Telefonica Argentina …

Ideological Divide Over Abortion Again Affects US Foreign Aid

Among the first executive actions at the White House this year, President Donald Trump reinstated a law that bans any U.S. aid to international organizations that support the practice of abortion. Trump’s memorandum on the “Mexico City policy” reversed one aspect of U.S. foreign aid policy that had been in effect under former President Barack Obama. It changed the way U.S. financial assistance is distributed internationally, and most likely will affect the lives of many women in developing countries. The “Mexico City policy” dates to 1984, when then-President Ronald Reagan declared it at a population conference in the Mexican capital. Opponents call the U.S. prohibition on aid to groups that perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning a “global gag rule.” U.S. foreign aid practices have switched back and forth several times since 1984; aid was barred to pro-abortion-rights groups whenever a Republican president was in power, then was reinstated when a Democrat controlled the White House. WATCH: Reaction to Trump’s ‘Global Gag Rule’ Abortion stance affects aid The political divide between the two major U.S. political parties is based on a fundamental issue: Republicans consider abortion an assault on human life, and most pledge to resist it in every way possible; Democrats say a woman should have the right to choose whether to terminate a pregnancy, for financial or personal reasons, and that the decision should not be directed by government. The deep ideological divide over abortion affects many aspects of American politics, and certainly …

Michelle Obama Criticizes Trump School Lunch Directives

Former U.S. first lady Michelle Obama has criticized the new Trump administration’s directives on school lunches during her first high-profile public appearance since leaving the White House. Obama, who led a nationwide effort to reduce childhood obesity while first lady, told an annual health conference Friday in Washington that more nutritious school lunches are important because millions of children receive federally subsidized meals at school. The Trump administration recently said it would delay federal rules promoted by Obama aimed at trying to make school lunches healthier. Without mentioning the Trump administration by name, Obama urged parents to think about the new government directives and the motives behind them. “I don’t care what state you live in, take me out of the equation — like me, don’t like me — but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap. Why would you celebrate that?” she said during the keynote speech. She said healthier school lunches should not be a political issue. “You have to stop and think, ‘Why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school?’ What is wrong with you? And why is that a partisan issue? Why would that be political? What is going on?’ ” she asked. In one of his first major actions, Sonny Perdue, Trump’s new agriculture secretary, said the department will delay some school lunch rules, including reducing sodium in the meals and increasing whole wheat. “If kids aren’t eating the food and it’s ending up in the trash, …

Агентство Standard&Poor’s підтвердило рейтинги України зі стабільним прогнозом

Агентство Standard&Poor’s підтвердило рейтинги України зі стабільним прогнозом Міжнародне рейтингове агентство Standard&Poor’s підтвердило довгострокові і короткострокові рейтинги в іноземній і національній валютах на рівні «B–/B» зі «стабільним» прогнозом. Як мовиться в повідомленні агентства, такий рівень відображає необхідність для України в осяжному майбутньому виплачувати значні боргові суми, а також політичні виклики і блокаду на сході країни, що вповільнює економічне зростання і впливатиме на стан економіки. За оцінкою агентства, рівень напруженості з Росією і, як мовиться у прес-релізі, «квазі-сепаратистськими регіонами» на сході погіршився від часу попередньої оцінки. Але той факт, що на наступні 12 місяців уряд України збереже доступ до підтримки офіційних кредиторів, дає підстави висловити стабільний прогноз, мовиться в повідомленні. Наприкінці квітня ще одне з провідних міжнародних рейтингових агентств Fitch теж підтвердило свій суверенний довгостроковий рейтинг України в іноземній і національній валютах на рівні «B–» зі «стабільним» прогнозом. …

Insecurity Creates Challenges for HIV Treatment in Southeast CAR

The killing of five U.N. peacekeepers in the Central African Republic this month points to the continued insecurity in the southeastern part of the country. That violence has had an impact on public health with the southeast reporting a rate of HIV infection that is three times the national average and HIV-positive residents struggle to get treatment. For VOA, Zack Baddorf has the story from the town of Zemio. …

By the Numbers: China’s Chase of ‘Golden Visa’ Abroad

From the United States and Canada to small islands in Europe and the Caribbean, Chinese are spending billions on new passports and visas to move their families away from their homeland. China’s middle and upper classes are demanding better schools, cleaner air and a more secure life for their children. And as China gets wealthier, millions of families have the means to purchase a new life elsewhere.   Their demand has transformed a once obscure market for immigration by investment. To study China’s impact, the Associated Press collected statistics from 13 countries that offer citizenship or permanent residency for a price. Here’s a look at AP’s analysis of the market, by the numbers. China’s favorite programs Consulting firms in China’s biggest cities hawk investor visa programs in weekly sessions at hotels and on social media. The market leader is the United States, as urban Chinese are widely familiar with American schools and culture.   Here are the five countries in the AP’s analysis with the most visas issued to Chinese investors and their families in the last decade: — 43,448: the United States’ investment visa program, known as EB-5. — 35,278: Canada’s investment bond programs, including a program offered by the province of Quebec. — 7,875: Portugal’s “golden visa” program for real estate investors.   — 6,405: Hungary’s residence bond program, recently suspended by the government. — 4,640: Australia’s program for high-dollar “significant investors.”   What they buy Depending on the country, Chinese investors looking for a second home can …

US to Attend China’s Belt and Road Forum

In a move that is likely to give a boost to China’s Belt and Road Forum, the United States has announced that it will participate in meetings on the initiative beginning this weekend in Beijing. The decision to attend is part of a 100-day plan and new deal between Washington and Beijing that was initially hammered out when President Donald Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping met early last month in Florida. The interagency delegation from Washington will be led by Matthew Pottinger, a top adviser to the Trump administration and National Security Council senior director for East Asia. China is pleased with the decision. “We welcome all countries to attend. And we welcome the United States’ attendance as the world’s largest economy in the relevant activities of the Belt and Road initiative,” said Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao. Fact and fiction China has long been playing up the global benefits of its ambitious trade project, but analysts note that the plan is opaque and vague. Besides, the economic benefits for developed nations such as the United States are still unclear. For many, the project still seems largely China-centric. It boasts six economic corridors, all of which are to enhance links with China through connectivity and trade infrastructure. Those include connections between China and Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. “It’s about making China great again — in Trumpian terms — and making China great on the international stage,” said Tom Miller, author of China’s Asian Dream: Empire Building …

Six Months After India Currency Ban, Poor Still Feel Effects

Like thousands of other small-business entrepreneurs in India, Charanjit Yadav saw his sales of generator sets and batteries plummet in the weeks after the government’s surprising move to scrap 86 percent of the country’s currency last November. Six months on, as business booms, Yadav only recalls the currency ban when he looks at the crisp new notes that have replaced the old ones. “Everything is back to normal. It is absolutely OK for my work,” he said, glancing at the orders placed on another busy day. But less than a kilometer from the bustling market where his shop is located in the business hub of Gurugram, near New Delhi, the massive cash crunch that India faced for more than two months has left its mark. Braving sizzling summer temperatures of 44 degrees C (111 degrees F), a group of construction laborers had waited since dawn at a junction where contractors normally come to hire daily wage workers. Fewer opportunities Dhani Ram left for his village in January after work dwindled as cash shortages stopped many real estate projects. He returned a month ago, hoping that finding work would be easier. That has not happened. “I hardly get work for 15 days in a month,” he said. “Earlier, I used to get work for about 25 days a month.” Unable to eke out a living from his tiny farm in Uttar Pradesh state, Gajinder Singh and 11 others in his village came to the city with a contractor who promised them …

Apple to Give $200 Million to Corning for Kentucky Plant

Apple says it will give $200 million to Corning Inc. so it can invest in a Kentucky plant that makes glass screens for iPhones and iPads. The California-based company says the money will come from its Advanced Manufacturing Fund. It has pledged to spend $1 billion on US-based companies to create “innovative production and highly skilled jobs.” Corning has had a facility in Harrodsburg for 65 years. The company has collaborated with Apple for the past 10 years by making scratch-resistant Gorilla Glass for Apple’s products. The companies say their partnership has sustained 1,000 jobs, including 400 in Harrodsburg. Apple Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams, Corning CEO Wendell Weeks, and U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell are scheduled to formally announce the spending during a 2 p.m. news conference in Harrodsburg. …

Strange Exoplanet Bucks Planet Formation Trends

An exoplanet located 437 light years away could shed light on the different ways planets form around their stars. HAT-P-26b, which astronomers call a “warm Neptune,” has a “primitive” atmosphere made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. Its atmosphere is not cloudy and has a “strong water signature,” astronomers say. They say the planet, which was first spotted in 2011, is like Neptune and Uranus on mass, but that HAT-P-26b probably formed closer to the star it orbits, or at some point later in the development of the system – or both. “Astronomers have just begun to investigate the atmospheres of these distant Neptune-mass planets, and almost right away, we found an example that goes against the trend in our solar system,” said Hannah Wakeford, a post-doctoral researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and lead author of the study published in the May 12, 2017, issue of Science. “This kind of unexpected result is why I really love exploring the atmospheres of alien planets.” The analysis of HAT-P-26b’s atmosphere was done using both the Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes as the planet transits its star. That allows astronomers to peek into the planet’s atmosphere and analyze the light wavelengths that pass through the planet’s atmosphere. “To have so much information about a warm Neptune is still rare, so analyzing these data sets simultaneously is an achievement in and of itself,” said co-author Tiffany Kataria of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Astronomers were also able …

Reports Show Rise in US Inflation, Retail Sales

U.S. consumers bought more cars and hardware, and stepped up online purchases in April, after two months of sluggish sales. Friday’s report from the Commerce Department says retail sales rose four-tenths of a percentage point in April, and sales were a bit better than first reported the previous month. The data show even stronger growth for online retailers, while sales at traditional “bricks and mortar” stores sagged half a percentage point. Investors and economists watch retail sales closely because consumer demand drives more than two-thirds of economic activity in the United States, which is the world’s largest economy. A separate study by the Labor Department shows U.S. inflation rose 2.2 percent in the year ending in April, with a gain of two-tenths of a percent for the month. Some analysts say that makes it likely that the U.S. central bank will raise interest rates slightly at their next scheduled meeting in June. The Federal Reserve is supposed to promote stable prices and full employment. When inflation threatens to rise a modest level, they may raise interest rates to cool economic activity and keep prices from rising so fast they disrupt economic growth. …

WHO Confirms Ebola Case in DR Congo

A person has tested positive for the Ebola virus in the northern Democratic Republic of Congo. A spokesman for the World Health Organization says officials declared an Ebola outbreak in Bas-Uele province after laboratory tests confirmed the presence of the virus. The spokesman, Christian Lindmeier, tells VOA English to Africa that nine people in the area fell sick with what is currently listed as hemorrhagic fever. He said three people have died. The WHO said on its Twitter feed it is working with Congo’s Ministry of Health to contain the outbreak. The ministry says in a statement that teams of doctors, coordinators and specialists are headed to the remote area and should arrive by Saturday. The last Ebola outbreak in Congo happened in 2014 and killed more than 40 people. A much larger outbreak swept across Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone that year and killed more than 11,000.     …

Перед націоналізацією з «Приватбанку» були виведені десятки мільярдів гривень на фірми-бульбашки – «Схеми»

Напередодні націоналізації «Приватбанк» оформив 110 мільярдів гривень кредитів на понад 30 фірм, більшість із яких мають ознаки фіктивності. Такого висновку дійшли журналісти програми «Схеми», отримавши доступ та проаналізувавши аудиторський звіт про фінансово-господарську діяльність банку, складений аудиторською фірмою Ernst&Young. Проаналізувавши список фірм-боржників, кожна з яких винна тепер вже державному «Приватбанку» від півмільйона до майже п’яти мільярдів гривень, журналісти виявили, що ці юрособи не ведуть реальної господарської діяльності, мають у статутному капіталі в середньому не більше ніж 1000 гривень, а їхні засновники та директори – це люди, що не мають стосунку до бізнесу.   За допомогою Єдиного держреєстру юридичних осіб журналісти дізналися адреси реєстрації нових фірм, їхніх засновників та директорів і вирушили до них, щоб запитати, як їм вдалося отримати мільярдні кредити в «Приватбанку» і як вони планують розраховуватися.  За адресами реєстрації цих фірм, їхніх засновників та керівників або нікого немає, або там перебувають зовсім інші люди.  Деякі компанії оформлені за адресою масової реєстрації, на автозаправних станціях, станціях техобслуговування або в квартирах житлових багатоповерхівок. За реєстрацією інших фірм розташовані вже нові компанії.  За вказаними в реєстраційних документах номерами телефонів або ніхто не відповідає, або вони вже не обслуговуються. «Виходить, що коли банк був приватним – він роздав понад 100 мільярдів гривень фірмам-бульбашкам. А зараз ті винні гроші вже державному «Приватбанку». І якщо не повернуть, то за них розрахуються звичайні громадяни – платники податків, – тому що держава вже влила в установу облігації внутрішньої державної позики (ОВДП) на суму понад 100 мільярдів гривень, щоб він не збанкрутував», – мовиться в матеріалі журналістів програми …