Russia and Ukraine announced terms of a new gas transit deal on Saturday, under which Moscow will supply Europe for at least another five years via its former Soviet neighbour and pay a $2.9 billion settlement to Kyiv to end a legal dispute. The deal is a major breakthrough for both countries, which have been seeking to resolve disputes over Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region and the Crimea peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. Under the new agreement, Russia’s Gazprom, which supplies over a third of Europe’s gas needs, would use an agent to book the transit of 225 billion cubic metres (bcm) of the fuel via Ukraine over five years. Of the total, 65 bcm would be shipped in 2020, falling to 40 bcm in 2021 and in each of the subsequent years, Gazprom said. The Russian gas company would also pay Ukraine the $2.9 billion before Dec. 29, in line with the amount proposed in arbitration rulings between Gazprom and Ukrainian energy firm Naftogaz in 2018. In exchange, Ukraine is expected to sign a legal settlement and withdraw all outstanding claims, also before Dec. 29, aiming to resolve the issue before the existing supply deal expires. Russia’s Gazprom and Ukraine’s Naftogaz had gone to an arbitration court in Stockholm in a number of disputes over gas prices and transit fees dating back to 2014. The presidents of Russia and Ukraine met in Paris on Dec. 9 to discuss options for a settlement over Donbass and terms for the new …
US Official: US Concerned as Libyan Conflict Turns Bloodier With Russian Mercenaries
The United States is “very concerned” about the intensification of the conflict in Libya, with a rising number of reported Russian mercenaries supporting Khalifa Haftar’s forces on the ground turning the conflict into a bloodier one, a senior State Department official said on Saturday. The United States continues to recognize the Government of National Accord (GNA) led by Fayez al-Serraj, the official said, but added that Washington is not taking sides in the conflict and is talking to all stakeholders who could be influential in trying to forge an agreement. “We are very concerned about the military intensification,” the official told Reuters. “We see the Russians using hybrid warfare, using drones and aircraft…This isn’t good.” “With the increased numbers of reported Wagner forces and mercenaries on the ground, we think it’s changing the landscape of the conflict and intensifying it,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, referring to a shadowy group of mercenaries known as Wagner. Years-long rivalry Libya has been divided since 2014 into rival military and political camps based in the capital Tripoli and the east. Serraj’s government is in conflict with forces led by Khalifa Haftar based in eastern Libya. Haftar is backed by Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and most recently Russian mercenaries, according to diplomats and Tripoli officials. The issue has come up in a meeting earlier this month between U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. Pompeo said there could be no military solution to …
Venice Hotels Call On Tourists to Come Visit Without Fear of Floods
Venice’s Hotel Association is urging tourists to visit the lagoon city without fear of high waters. Hoteliers say there have been many cancellations for Christmas and New Year’s, and that bookings have dropped more than 45 percent following the exceptional high tide of November 12. They add that the city is as beautiful as ever and that all museums, shops and restaurants are functioning properly, as is transportation. The Venice Hotel Association is calling on tourists all over the world to come to see for themselves the beauty of a city that has always lived with high tides, which hoteliers stressed, come and go. They fear that the many cancellations received by hotels following the extraordinary high tide of Nov. 12 has scared tourists away. FILE – The ‘Acqua Alta,’ a term used to describe Venice’s exceptional tide peaks, is seen outside the city’s Luna Baglioni Hotel during November flooding. (Sabina Castelfranco/VOA) Venice’s hotel association president, Vittorio Bonacini, said that tide certainly caused many problems in the city, with its hotels alone suffering $33 million in structural damage. He explained that the exceptionally high tide, which peaked at 187 centimeters (74 inches) and caused the worst flooding in the city in 50 years, was brought on by four factors: a rare lunar attraction, sirocco winds, extremely low atmospheric pressure on the high Adriatic Sea and winds blowing from the east at more than 126 kilometers (79 miles) an hour. Bonacini added that the convergence of those factors was a …
Man Who Subdued Last Month’s London Bridge Attacker Identified
A mysterious figure who used a rare narwhal tusk to help subdue a knife-wielding extremist on London Bridge last month has been identified as a civil servant in Britain’s Justice Ministry. Darryn Frost ended his silence Saturday, telling Britain’s Press Association that he and others reacted instinctively when Usman Khan started stabbing people at a prison rehabilitation program at a hall next to the bridge on Nov. 29. Frost used the rare narwhal tusk to help subdue Khan even though the attacker claimed to be about to detonate a suicide vest, which turned out to be a fake device with no explosives. The intervention of Frost and others help keep the death count to two. He said another man used a chair as a weapon in the desperate struggle. “When we heard the noise from the floor below, a few of us rushed to the scene,” the 38-year-old said. “I took a narwhal tusk from the wall and used it to defend myself and others from the attacker. Another man was holding the attacker at bay with a wooden chair.” He said Khan had a large knife in each hand and pointed at his midriff. “He turned and spoke to me, then indicated he had an explosive device around his waist,” Frost said. “At this point, the man next to me threw his chair at the attacker, who then started running towards him with knives raised above his head.” The confrontation quickly moved onto London …
Firm Suspends Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Work Over US Sanctions
A company that operates ships laying sections of a new German-Russian pipeline said Saturday it is suspending that work after U.S. President Donald Trump signed legislation threatening sanctions. Trump on Friday signed the bill passed earlier this week by the Senate that provides for sanctions against individuals and companies involved in laying the Nord Stream 2 pipeline under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. The U.S. has been an outspoken opponent of the pipeline, which will transport natural gas about 1,200 kilometers. Along with eastern European countries that also oppose the project, the U.S. government argues that it will increase Europe’s dependence on Russia for energy. On Saturday, Switzerland-based Allseas, which operates ships laying sections of the undersea pipeline, said in a brief statement that in anticipation of the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Allseas has suspended its Nord Stream 2 pipelay activities. The company will “expect guidance comprising of the necessary regulatory, technical and environmental clarifications from the relevant U.S. authority,” it added. Construction of the pipeline is already well advanced, and it wasn’t immediately clear what the impact will be. Nord Stream 2 spokesman Jens Mueller said in an emailed statement that “completing the project is essential for European supply security.” “We together with the companies supporting the project will work on finishing the pipeline as soon as possible,” he added. The German government said it regretted the approval of the U.S. legislation. “The German government …
Вищий антикорсуд утричі зменшив заставу для Гримчака
Вищий антикорупційний суд частково задовольнив клопотання адвокатів колишнього заступника міністра з питань тимчасово окупованих територій Юрія Гримчака щодо запобіжного заходу, зменшивши суму застави для нього із 5,9 мільйонів гривень до 1,9 мільйнів. Гримчак при цьому залишиться під арештом у Чернігівському СІЗО, засідання 19 грудня із ним відбувалося у форматі відеоконференції, йдеться у повідомленні пресслужби суду. Водночас, як там же зазначається, 11 грудня слідчий суддя ВАКС змінив міру запобіжного заходу з тримання під вартою на цілодобовий домашній арешт «помічникові» ексзаступнику міністра з питань тимчасово окупованих територій, якого слідство вважає співучасником кримінального провадження. Юрія Гримчака і брата його дружини Ігоря Овдієнка затримали 14 серпня у справі про вимагання 1,1 мільйона доларів хабарів за нібито сприяння в ухвалені рішень особами, уповноваженими на виконання функцій держави. Затримані наразі перебувають в ІТТ. Перед затриманням вдома у заступника міністра пройшов обшук. Їм інкримінують злочин, передбачений статтею 190 Кримінального кодексу України (шахрайство). 15 серпня Юрію Гримчаку та Ігорю Овдієнку оголосили підозру. За версією слідства, «бралися кошти на погодження проєктів будівництва та реконструкції будівель та споруд» і «вирішення цивільного позову у Верховному суді». 22 жовтня Гримчаку змінили підозру на частину 2 статті 28, частину 3 статті 369-2 (зловживання впливом). …
Уряд оприлюднив протокол газових переговорів у Мінську
На сайті Кабінету міністрів України опублікували протокол зустрічі представників Європейського Союзу, України та Російської Федерації, а також компаній цих країн (ООО «Оператор газотранспортної системи України», НАК «Нафтогаз України», ПАО «Газпром»). За цим документом, передбачається виплата «Газпромом» до 29 грудня 2,9 мільярдів доларів США пені, присуджена Стокгольмським арбітражем, відкликання сторонами усіх позовів, поданих одне проти одного, щодо яких станом на зараз немає рішення, зняття арештів з майна «Газпрому», а також відмову від претензій у майбутньому щодо контрактів на поставку і транзит газу від 19 січня 2009 року. Після цього планується укласти договір між «Газпромом» та «Оператором газотранспортної системи України» про транзит газу через Україну. «За умови виконання у повному обсязі домовленостей, передбачених пунктами 1-3 цього протоколу сторони розглянуть можливість поставок газу в Україну із урахуванням принципу формування ціни на базі ціни європейського хаба (NCG) за винятком обґрунтованої знижки з огляду на обсяг таких поставок», – йдеться у документі. Раніше сьогодні на пресконференції міністр енергетики України Олексій Оржель запевнив, що прямих поставок газу з Росії ухвалені 20 грудня домовленості між трьома сторонами не передбачає. Газові переговори України і Росії пройшли в атмосфері секретності, брифінг для преси за їхніми підсумками був скасований. Хоча біля спортивно-стрілкового центру «Сябри» за 20 кілометрів від Мінська учасників переговорів чекали близько 20 журналістів із Росії та України. Переговори тривали 6 годин, від України в них брав участь міністр енергетики Олексій Оржель, від Росії – голова «Газпрому» Олексій Міллер. 18 грудня голова НАК «Нафтогаз України» Андрій Коболєв назвав дуже низькою імовірність підписання нового контракту щодо транзиту з російським «Газпромом». Якщо контракту з …
Швейцарська компанія припинила участь у будівництві «Північного потоку-2» через можливі санкції США
Allseas діятиме відповідно до норм законодавства та очікує вказівок…» – заява компанії …
US Agency, GM Discuss Deployment of Self-Driving Cars
The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is holding talks with General Motors Co. on the automaker’s petition to deploy a limited number of self-driving vehicles on American roads without steering wheels or other human controls, the head of the agency said Friday. Acting NHTSA Administrator James Owens said his agency aims to decide soon on GM’s January 2018 petition as well as on a request by Nuro, a driverless delivery startup backed by Softbank Corp., to deploy a limited number of low-speed, highly automated delivery vehicles without human occupants. The agency’s review comes at a time of heightened concerns about the safety of automated piloting systems in vehicles and aircraft, a potential revolution in ground and air transportation. “I expect we’re going to be able to move forward with these petitions soon — as soon as we can,” Owens told Reuters, adding action “definitely” would come next year. “This will be a big deal because this will be the first such action that will be taken,” Owens said. GM, the No. 1 U.S. automaker, confirmed it has been in talks with NHTSA about the petition. Nuro also confirmed it is in talks with NHTSA. Still work to do GM Chief Executive Mary Barra and U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao last week met and discussed the petition, officials said, but significant work remains at the technical level. Owens said NHTSA officials are “crawling through these petitions because we want to make sure” the driverless vehicles are at least as safe as other cars on the roads. “There’s a lot of back and forth between us and the companies,” Owens said during a Reuters interview that also included Chao and other Transportation …
Junior Johnson, ‘Last American Hero,’ Dies at 88
Robert Glenn “Junior” Johnson, the moonshine runner turned NASCAR driver described as “The Last American Hero” by author Tom Wolfe in a 1965 article for Esquire, died Friday. He was 88. NASCAR announced the death of Johnson, the winner of 50 races as a driver and 132 as an owner. He was a member of the inaugural class inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame in 2010. NASCAR is America’s Fastest-Growing Spectator Sport A small city in North Carolina has been transformed from an old lumber mill and textile manufacturing center into the home for automobile racing teams that compete in America’s fastest growing spectator sport known as NASCAR. VOA’s Chris Simkins takes a look at the growing phenomenon of NASCAR, and why the sport is attracting thousands of auto racing fans each year. This is NASCAR, the popular American sport of stock car racing. “From his early days running moonshine through the end of his life, Junior wholly embodied the NASCAR spirit,” NASCAR Chairman Jim France said in a statement. “He was an inaugural NASCAR Hall of Famer, a nod to an extraordinary career as both a driver and team owner. Between his on-track accomplishments and his introduction of (sponsor) Winston to the sport, few have contributed to the success of NASCAR as Junior has. “The entire NASCAR family is saddened by the loss of a true giant of our sport, and we offer our deepest condolences to Junior’s family and friends during this difficult time.” From North Wilkesboro, …
Australia’s NSW Braces for Catastrophic Fire Conditions
Firefighters in the Australian state of New South Wales were bracing for “catastrophic” fire conditions on Saturday as temperatures well above 40C (104F) and strong winds were set to fuel more than 100 fires burning across the state. Authorities asked people to delay travel, at the start of what is normally a busy Christmas holiday period, warning of the unpredictability of the fires as winds of up to 70 kph (44 mph) were set to fan flames through the middle of the day. “Catastrophic fire conditions are as bad as it gets,” NSW Rural Fire Services Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons told journalists. “They are the very worst of conditions. Given we have a landscape with so much active fire burning, you have a recipe for very serious concern and a very dangerous day.” Flowers and the helmets of volunteer firefighters Andrew O’Dwyer and Geoffrey Keaton, who died when their fire truck was struck by a falling tree as it traveled through a fire, are seen at a memorial n Horsley Park, Australia, Dec. 20, 2019. Greater Sydney and two surrounding areas were rated as catastrophic for Saturday, and other areas were at extreme or very-high fire danger ratings. Close to 10,000 emergency personnel would be working across NSW on Saturday, which the NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said was likely the largest emergency deployment the state had ever seen. “They’re there, four days before Christmas, to keep families safe,” Elliott told media. A southerly wind change is …
GOP Lawmakers in Wisconsin Want to Intervene in Voter Lawsuit
Republican Wisconsin lawmakers took steps Friday to spend taxpayer dollars to hire their own attorney and intervene in a federal lawsuit seeking to stop the purge of more than 200,000 voter registrations. The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin filed the lawsuit this week against the state Elections Commission. It did so after a state judge ruled against the commission and said it must immediately deactivate more than 200,000 voter registrations of people identified as possibly having moved. That decision, in a case brought by a conservative law firm, is being appealed but the ruling has not been put on hold. The legal battles are being closely watched because the affected voters come from more heavily Democratic parts of the state. Democrats fear forcing them to re-register would create a burden and could negatively affect turnout in the 2020 presidential election. Republicans argue that removing the voters ensures the rolls are not full of people who shouldn’t be voting. Key state in 2020 President Donald Trump won Wisconsin by fewer than 23,000 votes in 2016. The state is one of a handful of battlegrounds in the upcoming election. Republican leaders of the state Senate and Assembly on Friday circulated a ballot to approve the hiring of a private attorney to represent them in the federal lawsuit, rather than Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul. Republicans have increasingly turned to hiring their own attorneys, paid for by taxpayers, rather than have Kaul represent them in lawsuits. Republicans don’t trust that Kaul will represent their interests …
UK Prosecutors to Charge US Diplomat’s Wife Over Fatal Car Crash
British prosecutors said on Friday they had decided to charge the wife of a U.S. diplomat over a fatal car crash in England and to seek her extradition, a decision that “disappointed” Washington. Harry Dunn, 19, died after his motorcycle was in a collision with a car driven by Sacoolas near RAF Croughton, an air force base in the English county of Northamptonshire that is used by the U.S. military. Anne Sacoolas, 42, was given diplomatic immunity and left Britain shortly after the accident, setting off a dispute between London and Washington over whether she should return to face investigation. Charlotte Charles, mother of Harry Dunn, who died after his motorbike was involved in an August 2019 accident in Britain with Anne Sacoolas, wife of an American diplomat, speaks at a news conference, Oct. 14, 2019. Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said on Friday it would charge Sacoolas with causing death by dangerous driving and had started legal proceedings. But it said it was up to the Home Office (interior ministry) to decide whether to seek Sacoolas’ extradition formally through diplomatic channels. “The Director of Public Prosecutions has met with Harry Dunn’s family to explain the basis of the decision we have made following a thorough review of the evidence available,” the CPS said in a statement. The U.S. State department expressed its disappointment. “We are disappointed by today’s announcement and fear that it will not bring a resolution closer,” a State Department spokesperson said. “The United States has been …
Росія виплатить Україні 3 млрд доларів боргу перед «Нафтогазом» – Єрмак
Під час переговорів у Мінську представник Росії погодився виплатити Україні 3 мільярди доларів боргу перед «Нафтогазом» за рішенням Стокгольмського арбітражу. Про це у коментарі «Громадському» заявив помічник президента України Андрій Єрмак». «Ми повертаємось додому з дуже хорошими новинами, і матимемо транзитний контракт на вигідних для України умовах. Завдяки цим домовленостям Україна отримає 3 мільярди доларів згідно з рішенням Стокгольмського арбітражу», – заявив Єрмак. Він додав, що борг «Газпром» виплатить грошима. Про досягнення домовленостей у Мінську повідомили у Офісі президента України. Подробиці мають розповісти на брифінгу 21 грудня. Термін дії укладеного 2009 року контракту на постачання газу спливає 1 січня 2020 року. Україна, Росія та Європейський союз досі не домовилися щодо умов транзиту російського газу українськими газогонами до ЄС. Ускладнює справу те, що Росія на 90% збудувала трубопровід «Північний потік-2», що технічно дасть їй можливість припинити транспортування газу через Україну. …
Газові переговори у Мінську між Україною та Росією завершилися підписанням протоколу
Переговори пройшли в атмосфері секретності, брифінг для преси за їхніми підсумками був скасований …
Україна, ЄС та Росія досягли остаточної домовленості з принципових позицій щодо транзиту газу – Офіс президента
Представники України, Європейської комісії та Росії досягли 20 грудня «остаточної домовленості з принципових позицій» щодо транзиту російського газу українською територією. Про це повідомили у Офісі президента України. В ОП анонсували більше подробиць на брифінгу міністра енергетики та захисту довкілля України Олексія Оржеля та виконавчого директора НАК «Нафтогаз України» Юрія Вітренка, який запланований на 21 грудня. Напередодні в столиці Німеччини Берліні вдалося досягти принципових домовленостей про деталі нового договору на транспортування газу. Новий їх раунд переговорів пройшов сьогодні у Мінську. 18 грудня голова НАК «Нафтогаз України» Андрій Коболєв назвав дуже низькою імовірність підписання нового контракту щодо транзиту з російським «Газпромом». Якщо контракту з 1 січня 2020 року не буде, то сторони можуть відновити переговори лише у квітні 2020-го, додав він. Україна, за його словами, має близько 20 мільярдів кубометрів газу у підземних сховищах, чого достатньо, щоб пережити зиму. Термін дії укладеного 2009 року контракту на постачання газу спливає 1 січня 2020 року. Україна, Росія та Європейський союз досі не домовилися щодо умов транзиту російського газу українськими газогонами до ЄС. Ускладнює справу те, що Росія на 90% збудувала трубопровід «Північний потік-2», що технічно дасть їй можливість припинити транспортування газу через Україну. …
СБУ вимагає від «Приватбанку» погоджувати з ними позови проти Коломойського в іноземних судах
Такий лист спецслужби на адресу керівництва «Приватбанку» є в розпорядженні журналістів програми «Схеми» …
Курс Нацбанку: гривня зміцніла ще на 4 копійки
Курс гривні щодо долара зріс на 4 копійки – такі офіційні дані Національного банку. Згідно з ними, курс 20 грудня дорівнює 23,37 гривні за долар, тоді як напередодні становив 23,41 гривні. Довідковий курс, який регулятор встановив опівдні, дорівнює 23 гривні 32 копійки проти 23,38 гривні 19 грудня. Читайте також: «Ніяких секвестрів»: Маркарова розповіла про причини недовиконання бюджету За даними порталу «Мінфін», торги на міжбанківському ринку о 15 годині 20 грудня трималися на рівні 23,32-33 гривні за долар. Котирування минулого тижня пройшли один із орієнтирів січня 2016 року. Тоді 14 січня офіційний курс складав 23 гривні 64 копійки за долар. Наступний орієнтир – 23 копійки 26 копійок за долар, це курс на 13 січня 2016 року. …
Democratic Presidential Contenders Clash in Latest Debate
The Democratic presidential candidates held their liveliest debate yet Thursday in Los Angeles, California. Seven contenders were on the debate stage and clashed over the economy, health care, climate change, campaign finance reform and who best can defeat President Donald Trump next year. VOA National correspondent Jim Malone has more from Washington …
Грального бізнесу під «виглядом лотерей» не буде – Гончарук
Прем’єр-міністр України Олексій Гончарук повідомив, що уряд своїм рішенням виключив можливість розповсюдження грального бізнесу під виглядом державних лотерей. «Міністри проголосували за скасування відповідних положень щодо розповсюджувачів лотерей в ліцензійних умовах. Тепер заклади з гральними автоматами не зможуть нелегально працювати під виглядом державних лотерей, прикриваючись договорами передорученнями на розповсюдження державних миттєвих лотерей», – повідомив Гончарук у фейсбуці. Він заявив, що дав доручення поліції вже сьогодні почати перевірку діяльності всіх операторів держлотерей на дотримання закону про заборону грального бізнесу, а Державній фіскальній службі організувати перевірки ліцензій всіх так званих «державних лотерей». З 2009 року в Україні заборонений гральний бізнес, однак експерти вказують, що він просто перейшов працювати в «тіні». 18 жовтня цього року Верховна Рада зареєструвала розроблений урядом проєкт закону про державне регулювання діяльності у сфері організації та проведення азартних ігор. Документ, серед іншого, передбачав, що азартні ігри будуть проводитися винятково на території готелів і на гральному обладнанні з використанням програмного забезпечення, яке відповідає міжнародним стандартам. 19 грудня Верховна Рада не ухвалила законопроєкт за основу, а відправила його на доопрацювання. …
Virginia Biochemist Camille Schrier is Crowned Miss America
Organizers wanted to make it clear the 99th Miss America competition isn’t your grandmother’s beauty pageant, and their winner did just that on Thursday. Virginia biochemist Camille Schrier won the crown just minutes after wowing the crowd with science. Dressed in a lab coat, she gave a colorful chemistry demonstration of the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Schrier, a native of Pennsylvania, said she hopes to “break stereotypes about what it means to be a Miss America in 2020” by being a “woman of science” who is authentic to herself. “I’m not the beauty queen,” she said. “I’m the brand ambassador for this organization and I’m more than just someone with a crown on my head.” Victoria Hill of Georgia placed first runner-up. No longer called contestants, the 51 women “candidates,” who hailed from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, competed for a $50,000 scholarship and the “job” of Miss America, a one-year paid position they hope to use as a public platform for their “social impact initiative.” For the second year in a row, women were not judged in a swimsuit or how they look in an evening gown. Instead, a series of interviews and talent demonstrations will determine who is best qualified to wear this year’s crown. “To make it relevant for these young women, it was important for us as a scholarship and service organization to make sure that we were reflective of this generation, meaning that you no longer had to be defined by …
US Watching North Korea for ‘Christmas Gift’ Missile Launch
The U.S. is closely watching North Korea for signs of a possible missile launch or nuclear test in the coming days that officials are referring to as a “Christmas surprise.” A significant launch or test would mean the end of North Korea’s self-imposed moratorium and raise tensions in the region. It would also be a major blow to one of the Trump administration’s major foreign policy initiatives: the drive to get North Korea back to negotiations to eliminate its nuclear weapons and missiles. Pentagon Tests Long-Banned Ballistic Missile Over Pacific The Pentagon says it’s conducted a flight test of a missile that had been banned under a treaty that the United States and Russia abandoned last summer Earlier this month, the North conducted what U.S. officials say was an engine test. North Korea described it as “crucial” and experts believe that it may have involved an engine for a space launch vehicle or long-range missile. Officials worry that it could be a prelude to the possible launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile in the coming days or weeks. Any test involving an ICBM would have the most serious impact on the diplomatic effort because it would be considered a move by North Korea to acquire the ability to strike the United States, or, even worse, to show they already have it. “North Korea has been advancing. It has been building new capabilities,” said Anthony Wier, a former State Department official who tracks nuclear disarmament for the Friends Committee on National …
US Will `Curb Malign Iranian Behavior’ if it Doesn’t Stop
The United States renewed its offer to engage in talks with Iran on Thursday but warned it will do everything in its power “to curb malign Iranian behavior” if Tehran continues to destabilize the Middle East. The U.S. ambassador at the United Nations, Kelly Craft, said the Trump administration also “rejects Iran’s use of nuclear brinkmanship to normalize its destabilizing behavior.” She commented at a U.N. Security Council meeting on implementation of a resolution endorsing the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and key world powers. Iranian Ambassador Majid Takht Ravanchi called the U.S. offer of unconditional talks “disingenuous.” The U.S. wants to enter dialogue from a position of strength from maintaining sanctions and maximum pressure, “and not based on equal footing,” he said. “Iran does not negotiate under the threat of a sword,” Ravanchi said. He said U.S. implementation of the council’s 2015 resolution endorsing the international Iran nuclear deal “will pave the way for a genuine dialogue to start.” Ravanchi said that in negotiations on the nuclear deal, Iran rejected attempts to include its legitimate defense capabilities and its role in the region. He said that “under no circumstances will Iran compromise on its security.” After the meeting, a live camera at the United Nations filmed Craft come up to Ravanchi, a rare, direct diplomatic interaction between the two countries. Craft tried to shake hands with Ravanchi and his colleague, though both men bowed and folded their hands as if in a prayer to acknowledge her and avoid shaking …
Democratic Debates: Comments by Each Candidate
The sixth Democratic presidential candidate debates took place Thursday in Los Angeles. The candidates were peppered with questions on a range of issues, including the impeachment of President Donald Trump, climate change and foreign policy. Democratic Presidential Candidates Assail Trump as Corrupt Party contests to pick the US leader’s 2020 opponent start in six weeks Here are some comments from each of the seven candidates: Former Vice President Joe Biden, in a discussion about foreign policy regarding issues such as Hong Kong and China, said, “We should be going to the U.N. immediately and seek sanctions against [China]. … We have to be firm. We don’t have to go to war [for Hong Kong]. But we have to make it clear this is as far as you go, China.” Mayor Pete Buttigieg, in responding to a comment about Trump’s leadership abroad, said, “When the American president refers to unfavorable press coverage as the product of the enemy of the people, democracy around the world gets weak. Freedom of the press, not just here at home, but around the world, gets weaker. It’s one more reminder of what is at stake, not just here at home, but for world history.” Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Dec. 19, 2019, in Los Angeles. Senator Amy Klobuchar, in stopping a quarrel between Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren over fundraising, said, “I did not come here to listen to this argument. I came here to make a …