Judge Sets New Sentencing Date For Michael Flynn

A lawyer for Michael Flynn accused federal prosecutors of misconduct on Tuesday as a judge set a December sentencing hearing for President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser.   The arguments from Flynn attorney Sidney Powell were the latest in a series of aggressive attacks on the foundations of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. They represented yet another step in Flynn’s evolution from a model cooperator he was the first and only White House official to cut a deal with prosecutors to a defendant whose newly combative and unremorseful stance may cost him a chance at the probation sentence prosecutors had previously recommended.      Even as U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan set a Dec. 18 sentencing date for Flynn, Powell made clear that she considered the case far from resolved. Though she said she was not seeking to have Flynn’s guilty plea thrown out, she contended the “entire prosecution should be dismissed because of egregious government misconduct.” “There is far more at stake here than sentencing,” Powell said. She later accused the government of “being too busy working on what they wanted to accomplish in convicting Mr. Flynn” to seek truth or justice. Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack, a member of Mueller’s team, strongly denied the accusations and said the government had given Flynn’s team more than 22,000 pages of documents. He said the information Powell was seeking either had no bearing on the case against Flynn, or was material that Flynn had been made aware of before pleading …

Brazil Indicts Model Over Rape Allegation Against Neymar

Sao Paulo police say they are indicting Brazilian model Najila Trindade and her former partner over her rape allegation against soccer star Neymar. Police said Tuesday they indicted the model for procedural fraud, slanderous denunciation and extortion.   Her former partner Estivens Alves is accused of disclosing erotic content, which was then published online.   Trindade went to Sao Paulo police to accuse Neymar of raping her at a Paris hotel in May. Neymar denied the accusation and said their relations were consensual.   Prosecutors officially closed the investigation against Neymar earlier this month, citing a lack of evidence against him.   The Associated Press doesn’t name alleged sexual assault victims unless they make their identities public, which Trindade did in several interviews.   …

Scientists Rethink Alzheimer’s, Diversifying Drug Search

When researchers at the University of Kentucky compare brains donated from people who died with dementia, very rarely do they find one that bears only Alzheimer’s trademark plaques and tangles — no other damage. If they do, “we call it a unicorn,” said Donna Wilcock, an Alzheimer’s specialist at the university’s aging center. Contrary to popular perception, “there are a lot of changes that happen in the aging brain that lead to dementia in addition to plaques and tangles.”   That hard-won lesson helps explain how scientists are rethinking Alzheimer’s.   For years researchers have been guided by one leading theory — that getting rid of a buildup of a sticky protein called amyloid would ease the mind-robbing disease. Yet drug after drug has failed. They might clear out the gunk, but they’re not stopping Alzheimer’s inevitable worsening. Today’s treatments only temporarily ease symptoms.   The new mantra: diversify.   With more money — the government had a record $2.4 billion to spend on Alzheimer’s research this year — the focus has shifted to exploring multiple novel ways of attacking a disease now considered too complex for a one-size-fits-all solution. On the list, researchers are targeting the brain’s specialized immune system, fighting inflammation, even asking if simmering infections play a role.   Most of these fresh starts are in the earliest research stages. It’s far from clear that any will pan out, but “the field is now much more open-minded than it ever was to alternative ideas,” Wilcock said.  Breaking the plaque and tangle …

У серпні споживча інфляція сповільнилася до 8,8% – НБУ

У серпні споживча інфляція сповільнилася до 8,8%, повідомив Національний банк України. У липні це значення було на рівні 9,1%. Базова інфляція також уповільнилася і в річному вимірі в серпні становила 7,2%. За підсумками 2018 року споживча інфляція сповільнилася до 9,8% (з 13,7% у 2017 році). У травні Національний банк України прогнозував, що інфляція досягне цілі у 5% (плюс-мінус один відсотковий пункт) у 2020 році. …

НБУ: євро – найдешевший з грудня 2016 року

Офіційна вартість євро щодо гривні – найдешевша з 26 грудня 2016 року, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України. На 11 вересня офіційний курс євро встановлений на рівні 27 гривень 47 копійок. Вартість долара складатиме 24 гривні 88 копійок – мінімум з 14 серпня 2016 року. …

Монети 1,2 та 5 копійок вийдуть з обігу з 1 жовтня

З 1 жовтня з обігу вийдуть монети номіналом 1, 2 та 5 копійок. Про це повідомили у Національному банку України. З 1 жовтня ці монети не будуть приймати при готівковому розрахунку за товари та послуги, регулятор почне їх вилучати. Обміняти ці монети можна буде у всіх відділеннях українських банків до 30 вересня 2020 року, а у Нацбанку та відділеннях «Ощадбанку», «Приватбанку» і «Райфайзен Банку» до 30 вересня 2022 року. Для полегшення розрахунку у НБУ пропонують застосовувати правила округлення загальної суми в чеку до цифри, кратної 10 копійкам. …

Гривня оновить трирічний максимум щодо долара – довідковий курс НБУ

Національний банк України опівдні 10 вересня встановив довідкове значення курсу на рівні 24 гривні 86 копійок за долар. Зазвичай офіційний курс, який НБУ встановлює близько 16:00, незначно відрізняється від довідкового. Нинішнє значення є найвищим за понад три роки. У липні 2016 року курс піднімався до 24 гривень 80 копійок, але вже в серпні того року становив понад 25 гривень за долар. На міжбанківському валютному ринку станом на 13:00 котирування сягнули рівня 24 гривні 90–93 копійки. «На торгах по долару перед обідом ситуація дещо змінилася. Попит трохи зріс, а за рахунок викупу Нацбанком пропозиції – продавці стали задирати котирування», – інформує сайт «Мінфін», який відстежує перебіг торгів. …

European Space Agency Records Amazon Air Pollution

New satellite images published Monday by the European Space Agency show an increase in air pollution in the Brazilian Amazon while fires burned in the region last month. Several maps showed more carbon monoxide and other pollutants in August than in the previous month, when there were fewer fires. The agency said fires released carbon dioxide once stored in the Amazon forests back into the atmosphere, potentially having an impact on the global climate and health. Burning continues in the Amazon despite a 60-day ban on land-clearing fires that was announced last month by President Jair Bolsonaro. Data from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research showed the number of fires in all of Brazil has surpassed 100,000 so far this year, up 45 percent compared to the same period in 2018. FILE – A fire burns a tract of the Amazon jungle in Agua Boa, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, Sept. 4, 2019. Renata Libonati, a professor in the department of meteorology at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University, said that aside from gases, the burning of forests also released particles into the atmosphere, which can lead to an increase in respiratory problems, especially among young children and the elderly. Particles can be transported by winds in cities that are not immediately close to where the fires are taking place. “The impact of the fires go far beyond where the forests are burning,” Libonati told The Associated Press. The lack of rain during the current dry season in the Amazon region …

How Polluted, Noisy Barcelona Could Save Lives by Cutting Traffic

Barcelona could cut deaths from air pollution and improve quality of life by implementing in full a plan to calm traffic and free up space for residents, researchers said Monday. The compact Spanish city is home to more than 1.6 million people and is plagued by contaminants and noise largely due to heavy density of traffic, as well as lack of greenery. A study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), published in the journal Environment International, found the city of Barcelona could prevent 667 premature deaths every year if it created 503 “superblocks” as first proposed. The superblocks — which keep cars out of designated areas in the city and develop public space in streets — have been complex to roll out, with only six put in place so far. “What we want to show with this study is that we have to go back and put the citizen at the center of … urban plans, because the health impacts are quite considerable,” said lead author and ISGlobal researcher Natalie Mueller. As a city with the highest traffic density in Europe, Barcelona also needed to make it easier for people to commute in from the wider metropolitan area by public transport, she added. The projected reduction in deaths from the superblocks plan would be achieved mainly as a result of a 24% decrease in air pollution from nitrogen oxide (NO2), along with lower traffic noise and urban heat, the study said. Data released Friday from the Barcelona Public Health Agency …

US Doctors’ Group Says Just Stop Vaping as Deaths, Illnesses Rise

The American Medical Association on Monday urged Americans to stop using electronic cigarettes of any sort until scientists have a better handle on the cause of 450 lung illnesses and at least five deaths related to the use of the products. The AMA, one of the nation’s most influential physician groups, also called on doctors to inform patients about the dangers of e-cigarettes, including toxins and carcinogens, and swiftly report any suspected cases of lung illness associated with e-cigarette use to their state or local health department. The recommendation followed advice from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday for people to consider not using e-cigarette products while it investigates the cause of the spate of severe lung illnesses associated with vaping. Many, but not all, of the cases have involved those who used the devices to vaporize oils containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis. CDC officials said some laboratories have identified vitamin E acetate in product samples and are investigating that as a possible cause of the illnesses. Public health experts have not found any evidence of infectious diseases and believe the lung illnesses are probably associated with a chemical exposure. Megan Constantino, 36, from St. Petersburg, Florida, quit vaping six days ago after hearing reports of the illnesses and deaths related to vaping. “It scared me into quitting,” she said. Like many users of vaping pens, Constantino picked up the device after quitting cigarette smoking three years ago, and said, “It’s the hardest …

British Parliament Again Rejects New Elections

Britain’s parliament has for the second time rejected Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to hold early elections in an attempt to break the Brexit deadlock. Johnson had lobbied for snap elections on October 15 in an effort to win a parliamentary majority to approve his Brexit plans ahead of an EU summit of the continent’s leaders. Following Tuesday’s vote, Johnson carried out his controversial suspension of parliament for five weeks, until the queen gives her annual address to parliament outlining the government’s legislative plans for the upcoming year. Parliament’s rejection of a new election came hours after Britain’s Queen Elizabeth gave her approval to legislation seeking to block Johnson from carrying out a no-deal Brexit, his plan to take the country out of the European Union on October 31 without spelling out the terms of the split. Johnson insisted Monday that Brexit would take place in October despite the new law, which was passed by parliament last week, but did not say how he would accomplish that. The prime minister has few options left to carry out Brexit by the end of October, including persuading EU leaders to reach a new deal at the October summit or convincing lawmakers to back no deal. In another sign of acrimony, parliament members Monday passed a motion demanding the government publish all documents relating to its efforts to prepare for a “no deal” Brexit. Before Johnson took office in July, parliament three times rejected Brexit plans advanced by former Prime Minister Teresa May. …

Downton Abbey Cast Feeling Pressure Ahead of Movie

Get out the tiaras and the best china. Hit British television series Downton Abbey is about to arrive on the big screen and the makers are feeling uncharacteristically nervous. Driven by fan demand, the aristocratic family and their servants return with a movie set around a royal visit to the vast Grantham country home. “When something’s been a big, big hit on television and you make a movie, there is a kind of onus that the movie should satisfy those people who loved the show. … I think I was aware of that and conscious of it,” creator Julian Fellowes, who wrote the screenplay for the Downton Abbey movie, told Reuters at the world premiere Monday. Most of the original cast, including Hugh Bonneville (Lord Grantham), Michelle Dockery (Lady Mary) Jim Carter (butler Mr. Carson) and Maggie Smith as the crusty Dowager Countess, reprised their roles for the movie, which opens in much of Europe on Sept. 13 and in the United States on Sept. 20. The television series, set in the early 20th century, ran from 2011-2015 and won numerous awards for its portrayal of the quintessentially British stiff upper lip. Elizabeth McGovern, who plays Lady Grantham, said Monday she was particularly nervous about making the movie “because I didn’t want to destroy the affection that people have for the show.” Carter said he hoped the movie lived up to the expectations of fans. “It’s been driven by the fans really, this film. In the three years since the …

«Укрзалізниця» хоче відмовитись від «традиційних підсклянників»

«Укрзалізниця» розглядає можливість перейти на паперові склянки у потягах, написав у фейсбуці керівник підприємства Євген Кравцов. «Замість традиційних підсклянників обговорюємо такий варіант. Що скажете?» – запитав він і додав фото нового брендованого посуду. У липні у ЗМІ з’явилася інформація про закупівлю «Укрзалізницею» 231 набору з підсклянника, склянки, ложки та упаковки. За результатами тендеру, вартість закупівлі склала 468 тисяч гривень. Пізніше Євген Кравцов заявив, що відмовляється від такої закупівлі, а на ці гроші УЗ закупить додаткову порцію рідкого мила у вагони.       …

НБУ запровадить цілодобовий режим роботи системи електронних платежів

Національний банк України запровадить цілодобовий режим роботи системи електронних платежів, за допомогою якої переказують кошти переказують між банками. Про це повідомляє пресслужба регулятора. Перехід на цілодобовий режим роботи планують здійснити у два етапи. На першому етапі СЕП працюватиме 23 години на добу, сім днів на тиждень. Не працюватиме система годину о півночі. «Водночас буде збережено діючу технологію роботи СЕП, порядок складання бухгалтерської та статистичної звітності. Такий режим роботи СЕП пропонується запровадити у другому кварталі 2020 року», мовиться у повідомленні. На другому етапі СЕП працюватиме у режимі 24/7. «Такий режим роботи СЕП планується реалізувати в межах робіт зі створення наступного покоління СЕП», – зазначили у НБУ. Зараз система електронних платежів працює 12 з половиною годин на добу і лише у будні дні: з 8:30 до 19:00. У вихідні і святкові дні система не працює. …

«Укртрансгаз»: українська ГТС на 85% готова до опалювального сезону

«Укртрансгаз» на 85% виконав роботи з ремонту та модернізації об’єктів української газотранспортної системи перед новим опалювальним сезоном. «За травень-серпень 2019 року відповідно до графіків виконання виробничих програм було обстежено 142,2 км трубопроводів, здійснено капітальний ремонт 11,5 км магістральних газогонів, 26 свердловин на газосховищах та 11 газоперекачувальних агрегатів, відремонтовано 858 одиниць автотранспортної техніки, а також відновлено 3541 км ліній зв’язку та 16,6 км ліній електропередач на об’єктах ГТС. Звершено дев’ять з 13 комплексів планово-профілактичних та ремонтних робіт (ППР) згідно з планом на 2019 рік», – мовиться у повідомленні концерну. Підготовка ГТС до опалювального сезону передбачає діагностику та ремонт об’єктів, технічне забезпечення процесу закачування природного газу до підземних сховищ газу. Ризиком для України перед початком нового опалювального сезону є ймовірне припинення або суттєве скорочення російського транзиту газу через українську газотранспортну систему (ГТС) з січня 2020 року, коли завершується дія довгострокової угоди на транзит. Росія зможе вдатися до такого кроку, якщо запустить до кінця 2019 року газопровід «Північний потік-2». Переговори щодо нової угоди про транзит газу з використанням української ГТС нині тривають. …

Гривня штурмує річний максимум щодо долара

Українська гривня вкотре наближається до свого багаторічного максимуму на торгах українського міжбанківського валютного ринку та за довідковим курсом Національного банку України. Регулятор опівдні встановив орієнтир на рівні 25 гривень 4 копійки за долар, це на 5 копійок менше за офіційний курс на 9 вересня. На міжбанку котирування склали станом на 12:00 25 гривень 3–5 копійок за долар, вказує сайт «Мінфін». «На торгах по долару зростає обсяг пропозиції на фоні стриманого попиту», – відзначать експерти. На 1 серпня НБУ встановив найвищий за останні три з половиною роки курс гривні до долара – 25,02 за одиницю американської валюти. …

29 Killed in Two Attacks in Burkina Faso

Officials in northern Burkina Faso say at least 29 people were killed in two separate incidents Sunday.  Government spokesman Remis Dandjinou said, in a statement, at least 15 people were killed when a truck carrying people and goods “rode over an improvised explosive device in the Barsalogho area.”  Fourteen people were killed when a food convoy of trucks came under attack in Sanmatenga province, according to the spokesman.  The French news agency AFP reports that locals sources said many of the dead in the convoy were the drivers of the vehicles carrying provisions for people displaced by fighting.  “Military reinforcements have been deployed and a thorough search in under way,” said Dandjinou.  Millions of people in Burkina Faso are facing an unprecedented humanitarian emergency because of growing hunger, instability and displacement,  the World Food Program warned recently.  The United Nations reports escalating fighting, some fueled by ethnic and religious beliefs, has forced more than 237,000 people to flee their homes.   Jihadists have frequently launched attacks on Burkina’s military.  A former French colony, Burkina Faso in one of the poorest countries in the world. …

State Media: China will Not Tolerate Attempts to Separate Hong Kong from China

Hong Kong is an inseparable part of China and any form of  secessionism “will be crushed,” state media said on Monday, a day after demonstrators rallied at the U.S. consulate to ask for help in bringing democracy to city. The China Daily newspaper said Sunday’s rally in Hong Kong was proof that foreign forces were behind the protests, which began in mid-June, and warned that demonstrators should “stop trying the patience of the central government”. Chinese officials have accused foreign forces of trying to hurt Beijing by creating chaos in Hong Kong over a hugely unpopular extradition bill that would have allowed suspects to be tried in Communist Party-controlled courts. Anger over the bill grew into sometimes violent protests calling for more freedoms for Hong Kong, which returned to Chinese rule in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula.  Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam formally scrapped the bill last week as part of concessions aimed at ending the protests. “Hong Kong is an inseparable part of China – and that is the bottom line no one should challenge, not the demonstrators, not the foreign forces playing their dirty games,” the China Daily said in an editorial. “The demonstrations in Hong Kong are not about rights or democracy. They are a result of foreign interference. Lest the central government’s restraint be misconstrued as weakness, let it be clear secessionism in any form will be crushed,” it said. State news agency Xinhua said in a separate commentary that the rule of …

Nissan to Discuss Saikawa Resignation, CEO not ‘Clinging to his Chair’: Source

Nissan Motor Co’s nominating committee will discuss Chief Executive Hiroto Saikawa’s resignation and possible successors at a meeting on Monday, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters. Saikawa has expressed his desire to resign from the troubled automaker and is not “clinging to his chair”, the source said, declining to be identified because the information has not been made public. The Nikkei newspaper earlier reported that Saikawa told reporters on Monday he wanted to “pass the baton” to the next generation as soon as possible. The executive has come under pressure since admitting last week to being improperly compensated.   …

Charity Ship Rescues 50 African Migrants in Sea off Libya

A charity ship run by humanitarian groups in the Mediterranean spent a rainy Sunday searching open waters for a fragile rubber boat overloaded with migrants before finally plucking 50 people to safety not far off Libya’s coast. The Norwegian-flagged Ocean Viking, which is operated jointly by SOS Mediterranee and Doctors Without Borders, sent its own boats to pick up a pregnant woman close to full term, 12 minors and 37 men, all from sub-Saharan Africa. “God bless you!” one of the men told the rescuers as they passed life vests to the wet and barefoot passengers. At least two people feeling ill collapsed upon arrival on the Ocean Viking, while three others were soaked in fuel and two were suffering from mild hypothermia. The operation was witnessed by an Associated Press journalist aboard the ship, which found the migrant boat some 14 nautical miles (16 statute miles) from Libya. The rescue occurred 14 hours after the Ocean Viking as well as Libyan, Italian and Maltese authorities, the United Nations’ refugee agency and Moonbird, a humanitarian observation plane, received an email by Alarm Phone, a hotline for migrants. It was an urgent call seeking help for the rubber boat carrying 50 people without a working engine. The Ocean Viking, which was already in the Libyan search and rescue zone of the central Mediterranean, informed all authorities that it was beginning an active search for the migrant boat. Throughout the morning, the charity ship chased several objects spotted on the horizon, including …

WWII ‘Screaming Eagle’ Veteran Henry Ochsner Dies at 96

World War II veteran Henry Ochsner, who landed on the beach at Normandy on D-Day and later received the French government’s highest honor for his service, has died. He was 96. Family friend Dennis Anderson says Ochsner died Saturday at his home in California City of complications from cancer and old age. As part of the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division — known as the “Screaming Eagles” — Ochsner also fought at the Battle of the Bulge. In 2017 Ochsner and nine other veterans were awarded France’s National Order of the Legion of Honor during a ceremony at Los Angeles National Cemetery. Ochsner married Violet Jenson in 1947. He is survived by his wife, their four daughters and two granddaughters. Funeral plans are pending. …

OPEC Kingpin Saudi Arabia Replaces Energy Minister with King’s Son

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Sunday replaced the energy minister with one of his sons, state media said, in a major shakeup as the OPEC kingpin reels from low oil prices. The appointment of Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, half-brother to de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, marks the first time a royal family member has been put in charge of the all-important Energy Ministry. He replaces veteran official Khalid al-Falih as the world’s top crude exporter accelerates preparations for a much-anticipated stock listing of state-owned oil giant Aramco, expected to be the world’s biggest. “Khalid al-Falih has been removed from his position,” the official Saudi Press Agency said, citing a royal decree. “His royal highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman is appointed minister of energy.” Since his appointment as oil minister in 2016, Falih has been the face of Saudi energy policy but the veteran technocrat had seen his portfolio shrink in recent weeks. His ouster comes just days after he was removed as chairman of Aramco and replaced by Yasir al-Rumayyan, governor of the kingdom’s vast Public Investment Fund. Falih’s powers were diminished last month when the world’s top oil exporter announced the creation of a new ministry of industry and mineral resources, separating it from his energy ministry. It was widely speculated that top officials were dissatisfied with Falih as oil prices sagged ahead of the Aramco IPO. Economic uncertainty fanned, by an ongoing US-China trade war, has dragged Brent crude prices to around $60 a barrel …

Oil Majors to Mull Fresh Cuts as Trade War Hits Prices

Top oil producers will consider fresh output cuts at a meeting this week, but analysts are doubtful they will succeed in bolstering crude prices dented by the U.S.-China trade war. The OPEC petroleum exporters’ cartel and key non-OPEC members want to halt a slide in prices that has continued despite previous production cuts and US sanctions that have squeezed supply from Iran and Venezuela. Analysts say the OPEC+ group’s Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee, which monitors a supply cut deal reached last year, has limited options when it meets in Abu Dhabi on Thursday. UAE Energy Minister Suheil al-Mazrouei said Sunday the group would do “whatever necessary” to rebalance the crude market, but admitted that the issue was not entirely in the hands of the world’s top producers. Speaking at a press conference in Abu Dhabi ahead of the World Energy Congress, to start Monday, he said the oil market is no longer governed by supply and demand but is being influenced more by U.S.-China trade tensions and geopolitical factors. The minister said that although further cuts will be considered at Thursday’s meeting, they may not be the best way to boost declining prices. “Anything that the group sees that will balance the market, we are committed to discuss it and hopefully go and do whatever necessary,” he said. “But I wouldn’t suggest to jump to cuts every time that we have an issue on trade tensions.” While cuts could help prices, they could also mean producers lose further market share, …