Haitian Slums Descend into Anarchy as Crisis Sparks Worst Violence in Years

Venite Bernard’s feet are bloodied and torn because, she said, she had no time to grab her sandals when she fled her shack with her youngest children as gangsters roamed the Haitian capital’s most notorious slum, shooting people in their homes. Now the 47-year-old Bernard and her family are camped in the courtyard of the town hall of Cite Soleil in Port-au-Prince, along with more than 200 others, fleeing an outbreak of violence that is part of what civic leaders say is the country’s worst lawlessness in more than a decade. “Bandits entered the homes of some people and beat them, and they were shooting,” Bernard said through her tears, lying on a rug in the shade of a tree. “Everyone was running so I left as quickly as I could with the children.” United Nations peacekeeping troops withdrew from Haiti in 2017 after 15 years, saying they had helped to re-establish law and order in the poorest country in the Americas, where nearly 60 percent of the population survives on less than $2.40 a day. But that left a security vacuum that has been exacerbated over the past year by police forces being diverted to deal with protests against President Jovenel Moise. “With limited resources, they have been unable to contain the activity of gangs as they might have wished,” said Serge Therriault, U.N. police commissioner in Haiti in an interview. Demonstrators loot a burning truck after the wake of demonstrators killed during the protests to demand the resignation …

Bloomberg Shows Up as climate UN Talks Get Into Tough Phase

American billionaire and Democratic presidential contender Michael Bloomberg says that the next U.S. president should halt fossil fuel subsidies altogether. Bloomberg, who launched his campaign less than three weeks ago, is attending a United Nations global climate conference in Madrid that is kicking into high gear. Ministers from nearly 200 countries are arriving on Tuesday to tackle some of the tough issues that negotiations couldn’t resolve over the past week, including finalizing the rules for international carbon markets that economists say could help drive down emissions and help poor countries to cope with the effects of rising temperatures.      Opening an event on sustainable finances organized by the summit host, Spain, Bloomberg said that “the next president of the United States should end all subsidies for fossil fuel companies and fossil fuel extraction, and that includes tax breaks and other special treatment.” “He or she should reinvest that funding into clean energy, which will also create a lot of new jobs,” he added. The 77-year-old businessman and former New York mayor is expected to share the results of his private push to organize thousands of U.S. cities and businesses to abide by the terms of a global climate treaty that the Trump administration is working to abandon.  “Americans are willing to continue to work even with a climate change denier in the White House,” Bloomberg told a room packed of journalists and officials.  “The White House matters, but sometimes not too much,” he added. The Democrat has vowed to rejoin …

Finland’s Parliament Picks World’s Youngest Sitting PM

Finland’s parliament chose Sanna Marin as the country’s new prime minister Tuesday, making the 34-year-old the world’s youngest sitting head of government. Marin is heading a five-party, center-left coalition. The four other parties in the coalition are headed by women _ three of whom are in their early 30s. The Nordic country’s Parliament, the 200-seat Eduskunta approved Marin in a 99-70 vote. The government has a comfortable majority of 117 seats. President Sauli Niinisto will formally hand Marin her mandate later Tuesday, after which she will officially become prime minister. The appointment of Marin and her new government on Tuesday allows Marin to represent Finland at the European Union summit in Brussels later this week . Finland currently holds the bloc’s rotating presidency until the end of the year.             …

In Sweden’s Arctic, Ice Atop Snow Leaves Reindeer Starving

Thick reindeer fur boots and a fur hat covering most of his face shielded Niila Inga from freezing winds as he raced his snowmobile up to a mountain top overlooking his reindeer in the Swedish arctic.                     His community herds about 8,000 reindeer year-round, moving them between traditional grazing grounds in the high mountains bordering Norway in the summer and the forests farther east in the winter, just as his forebears in the Sami indigenous community have for generations.                     But Inga is troubled: His reindeer are hungry, and he can do little about it.  Climate change is altering weather patterns here and affecting the herd’s food supply.                     “If we don’t find better areas for them where they can graze and find food, then the reindeers will starve to death,” he said.                     Already pressured by the mining and forestry industry, and other development that encroach on grazing land, Sami herding communities fear climate change could mean the end of their traditional lifestyle.                     Slipping his hand from a massive reindeer skin mitten, Inga illustrated the problem, plunging his hand into the crusted snow and pulling out a hard piece of ice close to the soil.                     Unusually early snowfall in autumn was followed by rain that froze, trapping food under a thick layer of ice. Unable to eat, the hungry animals have scattered from their traditional migration routes in search of new grazing grounds.                     Half the herd carried on east …

Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov Dies at 83

The former mayor of Moscow and one of the founders of Russia’s ruling United Russia party, Yuri Luzhkov, has died at the age of 83.                     Russia’s Ren TV channel reported Tuesday that Luzhkov died in Munich, where he was undergoing heart surgery.                   Luzhkov, a political heavyweight of the Boris Yeltsin era, was the mayor of Moscow for 18 years and was one of the founders of the United Russia party, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s longtime political platform.                   In 2010, Luzhkov was dismissed from his post in the Moscow City Hall by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev despite his close ties to Putin. He moved to London, but remained very vocal about Russian domestic affairs. …

Algerian Court Convicts Two Ex-Prime Ministers of Corruption

Two former prime ministers of Algeria were convicted and sentenced to prison Tuesday for corruption-related charges in a landmark trial, unleashing cheers of joy from pro-democracy activists who want an overhaul of the gas-rich country’s political system.                     The verdict came amid high political tensions just two days before a controversial presidential election to replace President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, pushed out of office in April after 20 years in power.                     Protesters gathered outside and inside the courthouse in Algiers Tuesday to hear the verdict against Ahmed Ouyahia and Abdelmalek Sellal, some shouting “Gang of gangsters!” and many waving or wearing Algerian flags. Police surrounded the courthouse.                     Ouyahia was sentenced to 15 years in prison and $16,000 in fines. Sellal was sentenced to 12 years in prison and $8,000 in fines. The men, who deny wrongdoing, have 10 days to appeal.                     Both served under Bouteflika. Protesters rose up against Bouteflika earlier this year in part because of anger at corruption.                     Four other former government ministers and businessmen were also convicted in the case, which focused on a car manufacturing corruption scandal, allegedly involving huge bribes, inflated invoices and dodgy loans. Bouteflika’s former campaign manager was acquitted.                     Unusually, the trial was televised, as authorities sought to show the public that they are taking protesters’ concerns about corruption, transparency and accountability seriously.                     Thursday’s presidential election loomed over the trial. Algerian authorities are hoping the trial will help convince the public that …

«Нафтогаз» знизив ціну на газ у грудні на 13%

«Нафтогаз-України» знизив ціну газу для побутових споживачів у грудні на 13%. Вона становитиме 4 277 гривень за тисячу кубометрів (без урахування ПДВ, націнки газзбутів і транспортних витрат). У компанії повідомили, що з 1 січня 2020 року гарантована оптова ціна зафіксована на рівні 5 500 гривень за тисячу кубометрів. «Ця пропозиція дозволить захистити побутових споживачів від різкого подорожчання газу, яке може відбутися в 1 кварталі 2020 року. Запропонована гарантована ціна на 12% нижче, ніж регульована ціна, по якій «Нафтогаз» продавав газ захищеним споживачам в січні-квітні 2019 року (6 236 гривень за тисячу кубометрів – ред.)», –  розповіли в «Нафтогазі». На початку квітня 2019 року Кабінет міністрів України вирішив, що ціна газу для населення визначатиметься за формулою, яка відображує ринкові ціни з двомісячним відставанням. Вона знизилася з 7 482,61 гривні у квітні до 5 878,8 гривні у листопаді (з ПДВ, але без урахування націнки облгазів і транспортних витрат).   …

Падіння долара на міжбанку уповільнилося

На українському міжбанківському валютному ринку триває зміцнення гривні, але цей процес уповільнився завдяки діям НБУ, а саме викупу надлишкової пропозиції долара на торгах 9 грудня. Як інформує сайт Finance.ua, станом на 12:25 торги відбуваються на рівні 23 гривні 68–70 копійок за долар, приблизно на цьому ж рівні котирування перебували і 9 грудня. Національний банк України встановив опівдні довідкове значення курсу 23 гривні 68 копійок за долар, це на одну копійку менше за офіційний курс на 10 грудня. Аналітики сайту «Мінфін» називають визначальним для курсу сьогоднішній аукціон з розміщення ОВДП на 4,8 мільярда гривень (при виставленні в тому числі й дуже привабливих 4-х річних облігацій на 3 мільярда за номіналом). Нині гривня перебуває щодо долара поблизу чотирирічних максимумів. …

Посольство США: Успішна програма МВФ є вирішальною для росту економіки України 

Посольство Сполучених Штатів Америки в Києві привітало Україну та Міжнародний валютний фонд з досягненням домовленостей на робочому рівні щодо нової програми допомоги.  «Успішна програма МВФ має вирішальне значення для економічного зростання України та військової оборони», – йде мова в повідомленні амбасади в твіттері.  Напередодні українська влада та Міжнародний валютний фонд підтвердили факт розмови, яку 7 грудня провели президент України Володимир Зеленський та директор-розпорядник МВФ Крісталіна Георгієва.  «Глава держави розповів про реформи, які впроваджуються нині в Україні, та обговорив умови нової програми співпраці з Фондом… За результатами розмови сторони зазначили, що Україна та Міжнародний валютний фонд досягли домовленості (Staff Level Agreement) щодо нової програми співпраці», – інформував сайт президента України.  Директор-розпорядник МВФ вказала, що ця угода ще підлягає затвердженню керівництвом фонду та його виконавчим комітетом.  Міністр фінансів України Оксана Маркарова заявила згодом, що нова угода з МВФ відкриває двері до отримання 500 мільйонів євро від Європейського союзу.  …

Sudanese PM Calls His Country a ‘Success Story in the Making,’ Asks World for Help

During his recent visit to Washington, Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok said one goal looms above all others as he leads the country’s transitional government: bringing peace to the war-ravaged nation.   “Our number one top priority is to stop the war and build the foundation of sustainable peace,” he said. “Essentially to stop the sufferings of our people in the IDP camps and the refugee camps. We think the opportune time of stopping this war is now.”   Hamdok did not specify which war he meant; Sudan’s government has been fighting rebels in the Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions for years. The capital, Khartoum, saw deadly conflicts between protesters and the military earlier this year.   He did say he was heartened by the resiliency on display when he visited the Zam Zam camp for internally displaced people in Darfur, where a war that began in 2003 has never entirely stopped.   “It was a very moving moment but the climax of it was… a woman who took the floor and delivered the first speech. She articulated so well their interest, their expectations about the transitional government, how they see the peace process. After that, she was followed by six speakers… They all said our sister articulated our issues and were very satisfied with what she said.   “All the sufferings and the miseries they went through, it taught them, educated them and made them strong enough to be able to say from now onwards we know …

Trump, Dems in Tentative Deal on North American Trade Pact

House Democrats have reached a tentative agreement with labor leaders and the White House over a rewrite of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal that has been a top priority for President Donald Trump. That’s according to a Democratic aide not authorized to discuss the talks and granted anonymity. Details still need to be finalized and the U.S. Trade Representative will need to submit the implementing legislation to Congress. No vote has been scheduled. The new, long-sought trade agreement with Mexico and Canada would give both Trump and his top adversary, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a major accomplishment despite the turmoil of his likely impeachment. An announcement could come as early as Monday. Pelosi, D-Calif., still has to officially sign off on the accord, aides said. The aides requested anonymity because the agreement is not official. The new trade pact would replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, which eliminated most tariffs and other trade barriers involving the United States, Mexico and Canada. Critics, including Trump, labor unions and many Democratic lawmakers, branded NAFTA a job killer for America because it encouraged factories to move south of the border, capitalize on low-wage Mexican workers and ship products back to the U.S. duty free. Weeks of back-and-forth, closely monitored by Democratic labor allies such as the AFL-CIO, have brought the two sides together. Pelosi is a longtime free trade advocate and supported the original NAFTA in 1994. Trump has accused Pelosi of being incapable of passing the agreement because she is too …

Grandson of Late President Bush Runs for Congress in Texas

Pierce Bush, the grandson of former President George H.W. Bush, announced his candidacy Monday for a congressional seat in Texas, becoming the latest member of his famous Republican family to enter politics. But his first run for office won’t be easy. Bush joins one of the nation’s most crowded congressional races of 2020 in his bid to replace Republican Rep. Pete Olson, who is retiring from his suburban Houston district that Democrats nearly flipped last year and are aggressively targeting again. Pierce Bush’s announcement video, rolled out on the deadline in Texas for candidates to get on the 2020 ballot, includes an image of him speaking next to a picture of his late grandfather, who died last year. Today, I’m proud to announce my candidacy for Texas’s 22nd district. I look forward to working with you, earning your support, your faith and your vote. Visit https://t.co/yRG4DMctCm for more information. pic.twitter.com/fzRJ2xp54w — Pierce Bush (@PierceBush) December 9, 2019 “We face a very challenging time in our nation,” Bush says, adding that the country is “on the brink of losing a generation to an idea that socialism and free stuff are the answers to their future. But we all know that socialism has failed everywhere and everyone.” His candidacy opens a new test for the Bush name in the Trump era. Other Republican candidates in the field have expressed unwavering support for President Donald Trump, who has clashed with the Bush family that for decades defined the GOP establishment. George H.W Bush …

Trump, Saudi Crown Prince Vow Cooperation on Probe Into Naval Base Shooting

U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman vowed to cooperate on investigating a shooting at a U.S. Florida Naval base which left three dead on Friday. The two leaders spoke on the phone Sunday evening about the attack that was carried out by a Saudi military trainee. “The Crown Prince reiterated Saudi Arabia’s commitment to working with the United States to prevent a horrific attack like the Pensacola shooting from ever happening again,” the White House said in a statement, adding that Trump thanked the Crown Prince for his assistance and “continued partnership”. The FBI officially identified the shooter who killed three people as Mohammed Alshamrani, a 21-year-old second lieutenant in the Royal Saudi Air Force who was a student naval flight officer at the Naval Aviation Schools Command at Naval Air Station Pensacola. FBI officials said the investigation in the incident was taking place under the “presumption” it was an act of terrorism, but that the gunman had likely acted alone. FBI Investigating Shooting at US Naval Base as Terrorism A Saudi national, who was a foreign flight student at the Florida base, has been identified as the shooter responsible for the deaths of 3 people Authorities are still searching for a motive for the rampage which also injured eight others. The shooter, who was also killed in the incident, is reported to have hosted a dinner party earlier in the week where he showed videos of mass U.S. shootings to his guests, according to …

South Africa’s Zozibini Tunzi Crowned Miss Universe 2019

South Africa’s Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe 2019, giving the country its second title in in three years in a pageant that also saw strong showings from contestants from Puerto Rico and Mexico.                     Tunzi, a 26-year-old gender violence activist, said she was forced to abandon her studies for a year because of her family’s economic difficulties, but her modeling work allowed her to continue her education. She studied public relations at Cape Peninsula University of Technology.                     When asked during Sunday’s contest what it is most important to teach young girls today, Tunzi said leadership, unleashing a standing ovation at the Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia.                     She said she grew up in a world where women who looked like her were not seen as beautiful. It is time for this to end, she said.                     Puerto Rico’s Madison Anderson was elected first finalist, and Miss Mexico Sofia Aragon second.                     Tunzi’s triumph is the second for South Africa in Miss Universe. South Africa’s Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters was crowned in 2017.                    A total of 90 countries participated in this year’s contest, which was hosted by Steve Harvey. …

ОПУ: президент підписав останній закон щодо створення незалежного оператора ГТС

Президент України Володимир Зеленський підписав останній закон, необхідний для завершення процесу створення незалежного оператора газотранспортної системи, згідно з європейськими правилами, повідомляє у понеділок Офіс президента. Документ, зокрема, спрямований на звільнення від сплати ПДВ операції з передання новому оператору газотранспортної системи майна, необхідного для транспортування природного газу. «Метою документа є створення належних умов для забезпечення виконання зобов’язань України щодо відокремлення діяльності з транспортування природного газу та забезпечення діяльності оператора газотранспортної системи за протоколом про приєднання України до договору про заснування Енергетичного співтовариства, та з урахуванням відповідних положень Угоди про асоціацію між Україною, з однієї сторони, та Європейським союзом, Європейським співтовариством з атомної енергії та їхніми державами-членами, з іншої сторони», – йдеться в повідомленні. Цей закон набирає чинності з дня, наступного за днем його опублікування, вказано у повідомленні. 31 жовтня Верховна Рада ухвалила законопроєкт про анбандлінг «Нафтогазу». Документ передбачає, що ГТС залишиться у державній власності, однак для управління нею буде створено окрему компанію-оператора, на яку «Нафтогаз» впливати не зможе. Анбандлінг «Нафтогазу» одна з умов, які дадуть можливість Україні могла укласти новий контракт про транзит газу з Росією за європейськими правилами, зазначав раніше глава Міненерго Олексій Оржель. У липні компанія «Нафтогаз» заявляла, що негайне проведення відокремлення оператора газотранспортної системи зараз неможливе через чинний транзитний контракт з російським «Газпромом». Наразі «Нафтогаз України» здійснює повний цикл операцій розвідки та розробки родовищ, експлуатаційного та розвідувального буріння, транспортування та зберігання нафти і газу, постачання природного і скрапленого газу споживачам. Відокремлення функцій, зокрема, транспортування газу вимагає, серед іншого, так званий Третій енергопакет нормативних актів Європейського союзу, втілити які зобов’язалася й Україна. «Нафтогаз …

Милованов: загальні втрати від російської агресії складають від 50 до 150 млрд доларів

Загальні втрати від російської агресії проти України складають від 50 до 150 мільярдів доларів. Про це заявив міністр економічного розвитку, торгівлі та сільського господарства Тимофій Милованов. «Прямі втрати в 2014-2015 роках склали 15-20% ВВП. За оцінками, загальні втрати складають від 50 до 150 млрд доларів (наприклад, Андерс Аслунд дає оцінку біля 100 млрд)», – зазначив міністр. Він додав, що оцінка залишкової вартості об’єктів нерухомого державного майна на непідконтрольних територіях Криму та Донбасу складає близько 85 мільярдів гривень. Росія анексувала Крим у березні 2014 року. Військові дії за участі підтримуваних Кремлем бойовиків на території Донбасу почалися у квітні того ж року. …

Початок роботи нової митниці: вночі була оформлена перша експортна декларація

У Кабінеті міністрів повідомили, що сьогодні о 00:00 офіційно розпочала роботу нова митниця – Державна митна служба України. «Вже о 00:03 була оформлена перша експортна декларація на вантаж в Аккермані, який зайшов о 23:49 ще в ДФС. Також опівночі був оформлений перший рейс в Борисполі», – йдеться в повідомленні. Голова Державної митної служби Максим Нефьодов заявив, що новий держорган «буде справді працювати для платників податків». «Нам вдалось не допустити потрапляння більш ніж 500 найбільш «сумнівних» керманичів до лав нової Митної служби, скоротити кількість митниць з 26 до 16 та забезпечити майже непомітний для користувачів перехід від одного держоргану до іншого», – додав Нефьодов. За його словами, наразі залишаються невирішеними певні питання – місця доставки, окремі випадки транзиту, особливості роботи залізниці, які очікують вирішити за тиждень. Наразі до штату Державної митної служби переведено більш ніж 50% працівників, і цей процес триває. Також в грудні стартують конкурси на заміщення вакантних посад у Державній митній службі, додали в уряді. Державна митна служба стала центральним органом митниці України після того, як їй були передані повноваження Державної фіскальної служби. …

A Glimmer of Hope for Online News in Cambodia

Minutes before a recent show, “VOD Roundtable” host Lim Thida readied notes and warmed up the day’s guests. Control room staffers prepped to go live with all the trappings of the kind of on-air radio broadcast that, until a few years ago, was typical for the longtime Voice of Democracy program. But this was 2019, and instead of radio, “VOD Roundtable” was being reborn online. Producer Srey Sopheak ran a final check with the engineers, then gave Lim a go-ahead via walkie-talkie. “Hi, this is me, Thida, welcoming all TV viewers who are watching this live ‘VOD Roundtable’ show, which is broadcast via the Facebook page of vodkhmer.news. Today, we will look at measures to eliminate corruption in Cambodia’s judicial system.” Lim Thida, VOD production chief and a co-host of VOD Roundtable, Phnom Penh, Sept. 11, 2019. (Tum Malis/VOA Khmer) Over the next hour, the panelists included a top government spokesperson, a prominent human rights activist, and a member of an advisory body representing a consortium minority parties – a mix underscoring the balance and independence that have been VOD’s hallmark. A glimmer of hope in an otherwise bruising environment for independent media in Cambodia, VOD is one of multiple outlets whose operations were threatened in the run-up to the 2018 elections, as the incumbent government of President Hun Sen sought to smother dissent. Some news outlets were hit with exorbitant tax bills, while others, including five VOD radio affiliates, saw their broadcast licenses revoked, costing them millions of listeners. …

Watchdog Expected to Find Russia Probe Valid, Despite Flaws

The Justice Department’s internal watchdog will release a highly anticipated report Monday that is expected to reject President Donald Trump’s claims that the Russia investigation was illegitimate and tainted by political bias from FBI leaders. But it is also expected to document errors during the investigation that may animate Trump supporters. The report, as described by people familiar with its findings, is expected to conclude there was an adequate basis for opening one of the most politically sensitive investigations in FBI history and one that Trump has denounced as a witch hunt. It began in secret during Trump’s 2016 presidential run and was ultimately taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller. The report comes as Trump faces an impeachment inquiry in Congress centered on his efforts to press Ukraine to investigate a political rival, Democrat Joe Biden — a probe the president also claims is politically biased. Still, the release of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review is unlikely to quell the partisan battles that have surrounded the Russia investigation for years. It’s also not the last word: A separate internal investigation continues, overseen by Trump’s attorney general, William Barr and led by a U.S. attorney, John Durham. That investigation is criminal in nature, and Republicans may look to it to uncover wrongdoing that the inspector general wasn’t examining. Trump tweeted Sunday: “I.G. report out tomorrow. That will be the big story!” He previously has said that he was awaiting Horowitz’s report but that Durham’s report may be even more important. …

Saudi Restaurants No Longer Need to Segregate Women and Men

Women in Saudi Arabia will no longer need to use separate entrances from men or sit behind partitions at restaurants in the latest measure announced by the government that upends a major hallmark of conservative restrictions that had been in place for decades. The decision, which essentially erodes one of the most visible gender segregation restrictions in place, was quietly announced Sunday in a lengthy and technically worded statement by the Municipal and Rural Affairs Ministry. While some restaurants and cafes in the coastal city of Jiddah and Riyadh’s upscale hotels had already been allowing unrelated men and women to sit freely, the move codifies what has been a sensitive issue in the past among traditional Saudis who view gender segregation as a religious requirement. Despite that, neighboring Muslim countries do not have similar rules. Restaurants and cafes in Saudi Arabia, including major Western chains like Starbucks, are currently segregated by “family” sections allocated for women who are out on their own or who are accompanied by male relatives, and “singles” sections for just men. Many also have separate entrances for women and partitions or rooms for families where women are not visible to single men. In smaller restaurants or cafes with no space for segregation, women are not allowed in. Reflecting the sensitive nature of this most recent move, the decision to end requirements of segregation in restaurants was announced in a statement published by the state-run Saudi Press Agency. The statement listed a number of newly-approved technical requirements …

Russian, Syrian Regime Forces Step Up Attacks on Rebel Stronghold Idlib

A recent military escalation by Russian and Syrian government forces in the rebel-held northwestern Syrian province of Idlib is likely to continue in the coming weeks, experts say. On Saturday, a series of airstrikes and barrel bombings carried out by Russian fighter jets and Syrian helicopters targeted several villages in Idlib, killing at least 18 civilians and wounding dozens of others, local news sources reported. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor that has researchers across the country, said all areas targeted in the recent attack were largely populated by civilians. Rami Abdulrahman, director of the Syrian Observatory, said clear skies in recent days have allowed Syrian and Russian warplanes to increase their airstrikes on the civilian population in Idlib. “It seems that improving weather conditions always bring woes for Idlib residents,” he told VOA on Sunday. “Russian and Syrian regime airstrikes have increased since mid-November,” Abdulrahman added. He noted that, “Saturday’s massacre was the biggest attack since the recent escalation has begun.” Syrian men carry a victim after a reported Russian airstrike on a popular market in the village of Balyun in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province, Dec. 7, 2019. Civilians fleeing Rights groups said thousands of people in parts of Idlib and a nearby province have fled their homes in recent weeks due to the ongoing Russian and Syrian military campaign. More than 92,000 civilians from Idlib’s south and Hama’s north already have been displaced in the past few weeks, according to the Emergency Response Coordinators, a …

Puppeteer Behind ‘Big Bird’ Dies at 85

You didn’t know his name, but you certainly knew his voice and alter ego. Caroll Spinney, the puppeteer who played Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch for nearly 50 years on TV’s Sesame Street, died Sunday at his home in Connecticut. He was 85. The Sesame Workshop, which produces the show, says Spinney had been suffering from dystonia — a disease that causes involuntary muscle movements. Spinney introduced Big Bird and Oscar on Sesame Street’s first episode in November 1969. The show’s young audience immediately embraced both characters. The yellow feathered Big Bird stood two and a half meters tall and had a child’s view of the world – he was filled with curiosity, questions, and innocence. FILE – Big Bird, voiced by Caroll Spinney, reads to children during a taping of Sesame Street in New York, April 10, 2008. Oscar lived in a garbage can and was perpetually grubby and miserable. But he was still lovable even when he grumbled at anyone who lifted the lid of his can. Oscar let young kids understand that it’s OK to be angry sometimes. “Before I came to Sesame Street. I didn’t feel like what I was doing was very important. Big Bird helped me find my purpose,” Spinney once said. The Massachusetts-born Spinney became interested in puppetry as a child and after serving in the U.S. Air Force, brought his skills to early television in the Boston area. The founder of the Muppets troupe, Jim Henson, discovered Spinney at a puppet …

Угода з МВФ відкриває двері до отримання 500 млн євро від Європейського союзу – Маркарова

Угода з Міжнародним валютним фондом відкриває двері до отримання 500 мільйонів євро від Європейського союзу, повідомила міністр фінансів України Оксана Маркарова у Facebook. «Досягнення угоди з МВФ відкриває двері до отримання 500 млн доларів євро макрофінансової допомоги з ЄС на дуже вигідних умовах найближчими місяцями», – написала Маркарова. 7 грудня президент України Володимир Зеленський та директор-розпорядник МВФ Крісталіна Георгієва провели телефонну розмову. Вони попередньо домовилися про нову трирічну програму співпраці на майже 5,5 мільярда гривень. Документ має бути затверджений керівництвом МВФ. …