Purple Sea Urchins Plague California, Oregon Coasts

Tens of millions of voracious purple sea urchins that have already chomped their way through towering underwater kelp forests in California are spreading north to Oregon, sending the delicate marine ecosystem off the shore into such disarray that other critical species are starving to death. A recent count found 350 million purple sea urchins on one Oregon reef alone — more than a 10,000% increase since 2014. And in Northern California, 90% of the giant bull kelp forests have been devoured by the urchins, perhaps never to return. Vast “urchin barrens” — stretches of denuded seafloor dotted with nothing but hundreds of the spiny orbs — have spread to coastal Oregon, where kelp forests were once so thick it was impossible to navigate some areas by boat. The underwater annihilation is killing off important fisheries for red abalone and red sea urchins and creating such havoc that scientists in California are partnering with a private business to collect the over-abundant purple urchins and “ranch” them in a controlled environment for ultimate sale to a global seafood market. This Sept. 26, 2019 photo shows coastal waters off Greenwood State Beach where The Nature Conservancy is mapping and monitoring one of Mendocino County’s last remaining bull kelp forests near Elk, Calif. “We’re in uncharted territory,” said Scott Groth, a shellfish scientist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. “You can’t just go out and smash them. There’s too many. I don’t know what we can do.” The explosion of purple sea …

Гривня втратила 22 копійки стосовно долара – НБУ

Гривня втратила 22 копійки стосовно долара, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України. На 25 жовтня офіційна вартість долара встановлена на рівні 25 гривень 11 копійок. Як пише профільне видання «Мінфін», 23 жовтня експортери отримали перші великі суми відшкодувань ПДВ і «зайва» гривня буде скорочувати їхні потреби у продажу валюти. Водночас попит на неї в імпортерів поступово зростає, що «спрацьовує проти гривні».   …

Нацбанк знизив облікову ставку до 15,5%

Національний банк України знизив облікову ставку з 16,5% до 15,5% з 25 жовтня. «Стрімкіше зниження фундаментального інфляційного тиску та незмінність балансу ризиків створили підстави для дещо швидшого пом’якшення монетарної політики у цьому році, ніж передбачав попередній макроекономічний прогноз, і правління знизило облікову ставку на 1 процентний пункт до 15,5%», – заявили в НБУ. Національний банк прогнозує подальше зниження облікової ставки до 8% на кінець 2021 року за умови стійкого зниження інфляції до цілі 5%. Водночас регулятор вважає актуальними такі ризики: повне припинення транзиту газу з Росії територією України; посилення торговельних війн та підвищення турбулентності на глобальних фінансових ринках; ескалація військового конфлікту та нові торговельні обмеження з боку Росії. Востаннє облікова ставка була на рівні менш ніж 16% у січні 2018 року. У квітні цього року Національний банк України вперше за два роки знизив облікову ставку до 17,5% річних з 18%. Востаннє до цього Нацбанк знижував облікову ставку в травні 2017 року. На рівні 18% вона була з вересня 2018 року. Облікова ставка є одним із інструментів, за допомогою якого Нацбанк встановлює для комерційних банків орієнтир щодо вартості залучених і розміщених коштів. …

Another Partial Victory in Ending Polio

Ending polio has been a long haul. The global campaign to eradicate the virus has been going on since 1988, and while it’s close, it’s not over. Sometime in 2020, Africa may be declared polio-free. But the disease is hanging on stubbornly in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and as long as it hangs on, it can spread around the globe. The effort to end polio started more than 30 years ago. It’s been a massive program that relies on global funding, countless volunteer vaccinators, negotiations with political and religious leaders and parents. Vaccinators sometimes work in conflict zones, all to save lives and prevent lifelong disability. Polio cases down 99.9% In Kenya, facts about polio and the vaccine are taught in schools. Children are even taught what to tell their parents. The international effort has seen the polio cases drop by 99.9%. Nigeria had its last case more than three years ago. It’s possible that next year Nigeria, and all of Africa, will be declared polio free. Another victory: There used to be three strains of the virus. As of this week, there is now only one. Afghan women wearing burqas from a polio immunization team walk together during a vaccination campaign in Kandahar, Oct. 15, 2019. Polio immunization is compulsory in Afghanistan, but distrust of vaccines is rife. Pakistan-Afghanistan border It is here, at the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan where the wild polio virus spreads. People are constantly crossing from one country to another, mostly to visit family members. …

Doing Business 2020: Україна піднялася на 7 позицій

Україна піднялася на сім позицій в рейтингу легкості ведення бізнесу за версією Світового банку Doing Business і займає 64-е місце із загалом 190. Україна розташувалася між Індією (63-є) та Пуерто-Рико (65-е місце). За даними експертів Світового банку, Україна продемонструвала зростання, зокрема, за такими пунктами: «отримання дозволу на будівництво», «підключення до системи електрозабезпечення», «торгівля через кордони». Загалом рейтинг Світового банку складається за 10 критеріями. Рейтинг для всіх економік орієнтований на травень 2019 року. Очолює рейтинг Нова-Зеландія, за нею розмістилися Сінгапур і Гонконг, який змістив з третьої позиції Данію. Минулого року Україна посіла 71-е місце в рейтингу, піднявшись на п’ять позицій порівняно з попереднім роком. …

Гривня зазнала втрат на міжбанку, НБУ зафіксував частину падіння

Торги на українському міжбанківському валютному ринку 23 жовтня відбувалися з переважанням попиту на долар і завершилися поблизу позначки 25 гривень за одиницю американської валюти – купівля 24,99, продаж – 25, 02, свідчать дані сайту Finance.ua. Національний банк України частково відбив це падіння національної валюти: офіційний курс на 23 жовтня складав 24 гривні 84 копійки, довідкове значення, що встановлюється опівдні, дорівнювало 24 гривням 88 копійкам, курс на 24 жовтня регулятор встановив на рівні 24 гривні 89 копійок. Фахівці сайту «Мінфін», які відстежують динаміку валютного ринку, відзначили як один із основних «фактор поведінки НБУ (мається на увазі вихід на ринок із викупом «планових» 30 мільйонів доларів – ред.) і великих імпортерів на фоні скорого початку основних вливань відшкодувань ПДВ експортерам (цей чинник дозволяє експортерам «притримувати» долар через достатні обсяги гривні на їхніх рахунках – ред.)». …

UN Says 1st Local Polio Case Found in Zambia Since 1995

The World Health Organization says Zambia has reported its first local case of polio since 1995, in a 2-year-old boy paralyzed by a virus derived from the vaccine. In a report this week, WHO said the case was detected on the border with Congo, which has reported 37 cases of polio traced to the vaccine this year. The U.N. health agency said there is no established link between the Zambia case and the ongoing Congo outbreak but said increased surveillance and vaccination efforts are needed, warning that “there is a potential for international spread.” In rare cases, the live virus in oral polio vaccine can mutate into a form capable of sparking new outbreaks. Nine African countries are currently battling polio epidemics linked to the vaccine as WHO and partners struggle to keep their efforts to eradicate polio on track. Elsewhere, cases have been reported in China, Myanmar and the Philippines. On Thursday, WHO and partners are expected to announce they have rid the world of type 3 polio virus. Nigerian Polio Survivor Gives Hope To Thousands Teaser Description Ten years ago, Nigeria accounted for half of the world’s polio cases, but following an aggressive vaccination program, the African nation is on the verge of being declared polio free. Despite the milestone, Nigeria’s many polio survivors are left to struggle with their disabilities, although one survivor has found a way to provide support and hope for thousands. Timothy Obiezu has this story from Abuja ahead of World Polio Day on …

Former Top General Gets a Shot at Forming Israeli Government

Israel’s former military chief Benny Gantz is set to receive an official mandate to form the country’s next government but has few options after last month’s elections left him in a near tie with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu was given the first opportunity to form a government after assembling a large right-wing bloc but announced this week that he failed to build a 61-seat majority. Gantz faces similarly steep odds, raising the possibility that Israel will hold a third election in less than a year. President Reuven Rivlin is to formally grant the mandate later Wednesday to Gantz, who will have 28 days to form a coalition. It will mark the first time in over a decade that anyone besides Netanyahu has been given the task. Still, Gantz faces steep odds in every possible path to forming a government. He has been endorsed by just 54 lawmakers representing an array of parties that are unlikely to sit together in a coalition. Both Gantz and Netanyahu say they favor a national unity government. Together, Netanyahu’s Likud and Gantz’s Blue and White control a solid 65-seat majority. But the two men are divided over who should lead any new government. Netanyahu has insisted he head the government, at least for the first two years, and that it include his right-wing allies, conditions that Gantz has repeatedly rejected.   Netanyahu is likely to be indicted on corruption charges in the coming weeks, and Gantz has said Netanyahu should resolve his legal troubles …

Trump Hails ‘Big Success’ on Turkey-Syria Border

President Donald Trump says there is “big success” on the Turkey-Syria border following the withdrawal of Kurdish forces from northeast Syria and the end of a Turkish offensive against them. “Big success on the Turkey/Syria Border. Safe Zone created! Ceasefire has held and combat missions have ended. Kurds are safe and have worked very nicely with us. Captured ISIS prisoners secured. I will be making a statement at 11:00 A.M. from the White House. Thank you!.” Trump said on Twitter. Big success on the Turkey/Syria Border. Safe Zone created! Ceasefire has held and combat missions have ended. Kurds are safe and have worked very nicely with us. Captured ISIS prisoners secured. I will be making a statement at 11:00 A.M. from the White House. Thank you! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 23, 2019   Turkey on Tuesday said there is “no need” to resume its military offensive against Syrian Kurds, saying the U.S. has told it that the Kurdish withdrawal from northern Syrian border is complete.   Turkey made its announcement hours after the five-day long cease-fire expired in the Turkish military incursion into what had been a Kurdish safe zone in northern Syria.     Turkey Says ‘No Need’ to Resume Offensive Against Kurds Statement comes as 5-day cease-fire ends in northern Syria as US reports ‘complete’ Kurdish withdrawal The Syrian Kurds fought alongside U.S. forces against Islamic State terrorists. But Turkey considers them to be linked with Kurdish separatists who have long fought for autonomy inside Turkey. …

Norway Downplays Terror Fears over Injury to Toddlers

Norway’s domestic security agency says early investigations into the injury of two toddlers in a stroller on an Oslo sidewalk by a man driving a stolen ambulance “doesn’t look like a terrorist incident.” PST spokesman Martin Bernsen told Norwegian VG newspaper Wednesday that the agency continues to assist the Oslo police with the case. A 32-year-old Norwegian man who was not named, was arrested Tuesday after injuring two toddlers when speeding in the ambulance while chased by police. He was finally stopped after officers shot at the tires and rammed the vehicle. Inside the ambulance, police found an Uzi submachine gun, a shotgun and narcotics. Another daily, Aftenposten, said the suspect had previously been convicted of a raft of crimes including robbery, illegal possession of drugs and arms.   …

China: US Has ‘Weaponized’ Visas to Target Exchanges

China on Wednesday accused the U.S. of having “weaponized” the issuance of visas following the reported inability of a top Chinese space program official to obtain permission to travel to a key conference in Washington. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters that the head of the Chinese delegation to the International Astronautical Congress wasn’t able to obtain a visa following an Oct. 12 interview, making it difficult for Chinese representatives to attend important events at the meeting. Reports said the vice chairman of the China National Space Administration, Wu Yanhua, had planned to attend the congress. Hua said the U.S. has “weaponized” visa issuances and “repeatedly defied international responsibilities and obligations and impeded normal international exchanges and cooperation.” She said that “threatened and damaged the legitimate rights and interests of all parties in the international community. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing said it couldn’t discuss individual visa cases because of privacy issues. Hua said that “for some time, the U.S. has frequently rejected and delayed visa applications, revoked long-term visas of Chinese applicants and investigated and harassed the Chinese scholars, students, businesspeople, and scientific and technical personnel.” China last year launched more missions to orbit than any other country, and is on track to do the same this year. Those missions include the first-ever soft-landing of a space craft on the far side of the moon. However, close ties between the Chinese space program and the country’s military have limited its participation in multinational efforts, including the International Space …

US Refugee Arrivals Postponed Another Week

The U.S. has postponed a resumption of refugee arrivals by at least another week, a State Department spokesperson confirmed to VOA on Tuesday, as the Trump administration pushes for further reductions in the number of refugees America takes in each year. The postponement follows last month’s announcement that a pause in refugee arrivals would be in effect until Oct. 22 while the White House and Congress engaged in legally required discussions to determine how many refugees will be admitted for the 2020 fiscal year, which began Oct. 1. The State Department now says refugee arrivals likely will resume next week “on or after October 29.” Refugees who had been expected to travel to the U.S. in the interim will be rescheduled, according to an agency statement. The U.S. reached its self-imposed cap of 30,000 refugee arrivals in FY2019, one of the lowest admissions levels since the program started in 1980. For FY2020, U.S President Donald Trump and the State Department have proposed a cap of 18,000 refugees. US Hits Lowered Refugee Cap for 2019 as Another Decrease Looms Last year, White House set admissions ceiling at 45,000, of which less than half — 22,491 refugees — were resettled in the US While the president issues the “determination” that sets the upper limit of how many refugees will be admitted in a year, that ceiling requires consultations with Capitol Hill lawmakers. A determination has not yet been announced, and no refugees have arrived in the new fiscal year to date. For …

More Syrians Escaping into Northern Iraq

Aid workers in northern Iraq say they are seeing increasing numbers of Syrians fleeing over the border into the mainly Kurdish region as the cease-fire in northeastern Syria is about to expire. In the past day alone, the Norwegian Refugee Council reports that 1,736 Syrians crossed into Iraq, the highest number to cross in one day since the beginning of Turkey’s military operation. They say that many have escaped with just the clothes on their backs.  Ibrahim Barsoum is a program officer working with Syrian refugees for the Christian Aid Program Northern Iraq, run by a Catholic priest, Father Emanuel Youkhana. The group has been helping Iraqis displaced by Islamic State militants. Barsoum says the KRI, or Iraq’s Kurdistan Region authority, facilitates their transfer into the country. “Usually the families come through the night because they are not allowed, for some reason, to cross the borders over there, Barsoum said. “They come with smugglers or just cross the borders through the night. The security forces for KRI receive them. “ Barsoum said that the U.N. refugee agency is taking the lead in providing shelter in a number of northern Iraq’s existing camps, some already hosting Yazidis, victims of Islamic State attacks in 2014. He said that many have escaped Turkish bombardment and attacks from Syrian militias allied with Turkey with just the clothes on their backs. “Many of them need immediate and urgent support,” Barsoum said. “Food and basic needs for winter time — blankets and clothes, even.  They don’t have it. …

Ukrainian Journalist Held by Russia-Backed Separatists Sentenced to 15 Years

A court established by Russia-backed separatists who hold parts of eastern Ukraine has sentenced journalist Stanislav Aseyev, an RFE/RL contributor, to 15 years in a penal colony. In a ruling condemned as “reprehensible” by RFE/RL’s president, separatist news outlet DAN reported on Tuesday that the court had found Aseyev guilty of espionage, extremism, and public calls to violate the territory’s integrity. Aseyev, who wrote under the pen name Stanislav Vasin, disappeared in Ukraine’s Donetsk region on June 2, 2017, and has been held in detention since by the separatists. “The conviction against Stanislav Aseyev, which dates from August but was made public only today, is reprehensible,” said RFE/RL President Jamie Fly. “Stas is a journalist and was only trying to raise awareness about the situation in eastern Ukraine. The ruling is an attempt by Russian-backed separatists in Donetsk to silence his powerful, independent voice. Stas should be released immediately,” Fly added. The 30-year-old journalist was one of the few reporters in Donetsk who continued to work in the city after it came under the control of the separatists. Representatives of the separatists accused Aseyev of observing the deployment sites of their paramilitary groups and passing on the information to the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), according to the news outlet Hromadske. In August 2018, the bipartisan U.S. Congressional Press Freedom Caucus called for Aseyev’s immediate release, describing him as “one of the few independent journalists to remain in the region under separatist control to provide objective reporting.” U.S. Senator Marco Rubio …

Syrian Chaos Breathing Life into Islamic State

Turkey’s incursion into northeastern Syria appears to be giving Islamic State new life, but U.S. counterterrorism officials caution the terror group’s next moves are far from certain. The officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, warn Islamic State is well-versed in using regional conflicts to its advantage, having done so in Iraq in 2005-2006, and again in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. And they note that IS has used the seven months since the fall in March of its last territorial stronghold in Baghuz, Syria, to lay a foundation of “dispersed networks” — comprising an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 fighters — for a prolonged and vicious insurgency. “It is not clear at this time how ISIS may adjust their strategy in Syria in light of the Turkish incursion,” a U.S. counterterrorism official told VOA, using an acronym for the terror group. FILE – Smoke billows from burning tires to decrease visibility for Turkish warplanes on the outskirts of the town of Tal Tamr, Syria, along the border with Turkey in the northeastern Hassakeh province, Oct. 16, 2019. Until Turkey launched its operation in Syria’s northeast earlier this month, most of IS’s operations had targeted Kurdish security forces. There was also speculation that IS cells might try to free some of the approximately 12,000 fighters being held by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), as well as the tens of thousands of IS wives and other family members in displaced persons camps across the region — something IS leader Abu …

Diplomat Provides House With ‘Disturbing’ Account on Ukraine

Former U.S. Ambassador William Taylor, a diplomat who has sharply questioned President Donald Trump’s policy on Ukraine, has provided lawmakers with a detailed account of his recollection of events at the center of the Democrats’ impeachment probe , they said Tuesday.   Lawmakers emerging from the room after the early hours of the private deposition said Taylor had given a lengthy opening statement, with a recall of events that filled in gaps from the testimony of other witnesses.   “The testimony is very disturbing,” said New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, who attended the start of the Taylor interview.   Taylor, who declined to comment as he entered the closed-door deposition, is the latest diplomat with concerns to testify. His appearance is among the most watched because of a text message in which he called Trump’s attempt to leverage military aid to Ukraine in return for a political investigation “crazy.” He was subpoenaed to appear.   Rep Ami Bera, D-Calif., said Taylor is a career civil servant who “cares deeply” about the country. He said Taylor’s memory of events was better than that of Gordon Sondland, the U.S. European Union ambassador who testified last week but couldn’t recall many specific details.   Taylor was expected to discuss text messages he exchanged with two other diplomats earlier this year as Trump pushed the country to investigate unsubstantiated claims about Democratic rival Joe Biden’s family and a debunked conspiracy theory about Ukraine’s role in the 2016 election. Text Messages Between US, Ukraine Officials …

«Рошен» зобов’язали доплатити 23 мільйони в бюджет через будівництво бісквітного комплексу, про який розповіли «Схеми»

Господарський суд Київської області став на бік виконавчого комітету Бориспільської міськради і присудив ТОВ «Бісквітний комплекс «Рошен»» доплатити 23,19 млн грн пайового внеску в бюджет за будівництво фабрики. Про це йдеться в рішенні Господарського суду Київської області від 15 жовтня. Суд визнав чинною укладену Додаткову угоду №2 між містом і компанією, відповідно до якої пайовий внесок має складати 10% від кошторису будівництва бісквітного комплексу «Рошен» у Борисполі (667,31 мільйона гривень). І оскільки ТОВ «Бісквітний комплекс «Рошен» заплатив лише 30 мільйонів місту, суд зобовязав ТОВ «Бісквітний комплекс «Рошен» доплатити у бюджет решту – 23,19 мільйона гривень (попередньо з боргу вирахували вартість прокладення до комплексу інженерних споруд і комунікацій). У 2016 році «Схеми» першими розповіли, що компанія «Бісквітний комплекс «Рошен» (один із підрозділів корпорації «Рошен») отримала 7,5 гектара у Борисполі на позаконкурсних умовах – без конкурентів і земельного аукціону. Крім цього, журналісти «Схем» розповіли, що мер Борисполя на етапах погодження надання землі під комплекс змінював свою позицію щодо можливого розміру пайового внеску «Рошен» в бюджет міста. У 2015 році він заявляв, що корпорація заплатить місту 130 мільйонів гривень (10% від тоді анонсованої тоді вартості проєкту в 1,3 мільярда). А вже через рік погоджувався на 30 мільйонів від «Рошен», тобто на суму, вчетверо нижчу. Зрештою, кошторис бісквітного комплексу склав не 1,3 мільярда, а 667,3 мільйона гривень. Відповідно до додаткової угоди між містом і корпорацією, розмір пайового внеску мав скласти 10%, тобто більше ніж 60 мільйонів гривень. Тепер, відповідно до рішення суду, «Рошен» має доплатити в бюджет Борисполя 23,19 мільйона гривень, крім тих 30 …

НБУ посилив гривню щодо долара ще на 15 копійок

Національний банк України другий день поспіль посилює українську валюту – після того, як уперше за понад місяць офіційний курс на 21 жовтня становив понад 25 гривень за долар. Довідкове значення, оприлюднене 22 жовтня опівдні, становить 24 гривні 83 копійки за долар, це на 15 копійок менше за офіційний курс на сьогодні. Курс НБУ в цілому відбиває тенденції міжбанківського ринку, на якому, за даними сайту finance.ua, станом на 13:10 котирування становили 24 гривні 87–91 копійка за долар, так само, як і на початку торгової сесії. «Регулятору потрібно поповнювати резерви, і своїм викупом надлишку пропозиції долара на ринку він підтримує валютні котирування. Якщо НБУ «перегинає палицю» в частині обсягів скупки долара на торгах – ринок негайно реагує на це зростанням курсу. Якщо ж Нацбанк робить це поступово і в досить невеликих обсягах, він і резерви поповнює, і динаміку курсу в бік зміцнення гривні не порушує», – так описують події на валютному ринку фахівці сайту «Мінфін».   Свого максимуму від січня 2016 року гривня досягла наприкінці вересня 2019 року, тоді офіційний курс становив 24 гривні 8 копійок за долар. …

Justice Kagan: High Court Must Avoid Partisan Perceptions

Associate Justice Elena Kagan said Monday that it “behooves” the U.S. Supreme Court to realize in these polarized times that there’s a danger of the public seeing it as just a political institution — and to strive to counter that perception. Speaking at the University of Minnesota, Kagan said the high court’s legitimacy depends on public trust and confidence since nobody elected the justices. “We have to be seen as doing law, which is distinct from politics or public policy, and to be doing it in a good faith way, trying to find the right answers,” she said. FILE – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. Kagan acknowledged that the justices can be “pretty divided” on how to interpret the Constitution. But she said the view that politics guides their decisions is an oversimplification. The justices decide most of their cases unanimously or by lopsided margins, she said. The justice didn’t mention a Marquette University Law School poll released earlier Monday in which 64% of respondents said they believe the law, rather than politics, mostly motivates the high court’s decisions. But the findings dovetailed with her remarks. “It behooves us on the court to realize that this is a danger and make sure it isn’t so,” she said. Kagan, 59, who was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2010 and is a member of the court’s liberal wing, said she believes none of the justices decide cases for partisan political reasons, but they do have different legal philosophies and approaches …