Surfing is an ancient Polynesian art that became a craze in the U.S. and Australia in the 1950s. In the U.S., California and Hawaii were ground zero for surf culture, and surf-based movies and music are still a thing. And these days, people aren’t the only ones surfing. Khrystyna Shevchenko visited a unique surfing school. Anna Rice narrates her story. …
Arab Parties Campaigning Hard to Increase Influence in Israeli Government
Arab citizens of Israel make up 20% of the population and could play a role in making up the government coalition. They have never joined a government in Israel’s history, but some say it may be time to change. Linda Gradstein reports for VOA from Jerusalem. …
Trump Administration to Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes
U.S. President Donald Trump Wednesday announced action against flavored electronic cigarettes, which have been linked to breathing problems, lung damage and death. Vaping has become popular, as many considered it healthier than smoking. Flavors such as mint, bubble gum or ice cream attracted young people. But a spike in serious lung problems and deaths linked to vaping have alarmed officials. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports the Trump administration is preparing a ban on all flavored e-cigarettes. …
Кабмін змінив своїх представників у наглядовій раді «Нафтогазу»
Кабінет міністрів України змінив представників держави у складі наглядової ради НАК «Нафтогаз України». Про це повідомляє «Урядовий портал». Рішення ухвалили під час засідання уряду 11 вересня. «Уряд достроково припинив повноваження Демчишина Володимира Васильовича, Попика Сергія Дмитровича та Мар’євича Костянтина Михайловича в якості представників держави у наглядовій раді НАК «Нафтогаз України», – мовиться у повідомленні. На посади у наглядову раду Нафтогазу призначили Юлію Ковалів та Наталію Бойко. Ще одна позиція залишилась вакантною. За даними «Нафтогазу», НАК є провідним підприємством паливно-енергетичного комплексу, однією з найбільших компаній України, яка здійснює повний цикл операцій з розвідки та розробки родовищ, експлуатаційного та розвідувального буріння, транспортування та зберігання нафти і газу, постачання природного і скрапленого газу споживачам. …
‘Freeport Flag Ladies’ Wave Stars and Stripes One Final Time
After the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, President George W. Bush encouraged a reeling nation to light candles in honor of the victims. Elaine Greene and two friends joined the hordes in a candlelight vigil, but not before she stopped to grab an old flag that was behind her Maine home’s front door. With tears in her eyes, she raised the flag tentatively. Motorists honked their approval. The simple act has played out weekly ever since, through snow and ice, sickness and health, over 18 years. And it’s playing out for a final time Wednesday. Dubbed the “Freeport flag ladies,” the trio is reluctantly giving in to age and ending the Main Street tradition. Greene is the youngest at 74 and battles Crohn’s disease. Carmen Footer, 77, recently recovered from open heart surgery. JoAnn Miller, 83, has foot problems. “It was up to me to call it, and I called it,” Greene said. Greene described their calling as a mission of love, gratitude and patriotism, and it went far beyond waving their flags on a street corner near L.L. Bean. They mailed care packages to military personnel deployed overseas in the war on terrorism. They greeted military personnel at airports. They visited the wounded. And they attended funerals. They saw people at their worst while dealing with loss. And they witnessed how tragedy can also bring out the best in many people, Greene said. Over the years, their work became their lives. They appeared alongside presidents. They spoke to …
До України приїхала місія МВФ
До України прибула місія Міжнародного валютного фонду. Про це журналістам повідомив прем’єр-міністр України Олексій Гончарук. «Я ще раз повторюю: говорити про результати ще рано. На наступному тижні ми вийдемо з окремою комунікацією щодо місії. Місія зараз лише приїхала. Ми готуємо і починаємо переговори», – зазначив Гончарук. Він додав, що влада спробує укласти нову угоду з МВФ. Переговори триватимуть до 24 вересня. Читайте також: Міністр фінансів: наша мета – «випуститися» з програми МВФ Згідно із базовим прогнозом Національного банку, за новою програмою співпраці з МВФ Україна може отримати два мільярди доларів від МВФ у цьому році та ще по два мільярди у 2020 й 2021 роках. Обсяг поточної програми – 3,9 мільярда доларів. 21 грудня 2018 року Україна отримала перший і наразі єдиний транш за програмою співпраці з Міжнародним валютним фондом обсягом близько 1,4 мільярда доларів. Востаннє місія МВФ працювала в Україні в травні 2019 року. …
Apple Introduces New iPhone as it Seeks to Keep Up with Competitors
Facing growing competition from less expensive smartphone providers, Apple introduced its new versions of its iconic iPhone Tuesday at its annual product launch event in California. Along with their latest upgrades and new offerings, Apple also caught the attention of both consumers and critics for something they didn’t do. VOA’s Richard Green has more on the tech giant’s newest strategy …
Japan’s Leader Taps New Cabinet Ministers to Freshen Image
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shuffled his Cabinet on Wednesday, adding two women and the son of a former leader to freshen his image but maintaining continuity on U.S.-oriented trade and security policies. Abe, the longest-serving prime minister in Japan’s postwar history, kept key positions in the hands of close allies at a time when he is locked in a bitter trade dispute with South Korea and as he tries to fine-tune a trade deal with Washington. Taro Kono, who had been foreign minister, was appointed defense minister, while Toshimitsu Motegi, minister in charge of economic policy, is now foreign minister. Finance Minister Taro Aso kept his job. Yet with just two years left on his party leadership, Abe also sought to add some new faces and keep potential challengers close. Getting the greatest attention was the new environment minister, Shinjiro Koizumi, the 38-year-old son of popular former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. He was the only appointment in his 30s in a lineup dominated by men in their 50s and older. Expectations in the Japanese public have been high for years that the younger Koizumi is destined to be Japan’s leader. Koizumi has tended to keep a distance from Abe, although both hold the conservative pro-U.S. policies of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Abe told reporters that he was proud of his choices as people, mostly veterans, who will tackle reforms to keep Japan competitive in the “new era” of globalization. On Koizumi, he said: “I …
Apple Takes on Netflix With a $5-a-month Streaming Service
Apple is finally taking on Netflix with its own streaming television service and, uncharacteristically for the company, offering it at a bargain price — $5 a month beginning on Nov. 1. Walt Disney Co. is launching its own assault on Netflix the same month, for just $7. It may be sheer coincidence that the cost of paying for both Apple and Disney subscriptions will still be a dollar less than Netflix’s main plan, priced at $13 a month. But the intent to disrupt Netflix’s huge lead in the streaming business couldn’t be clearer. Apple delivered the news Tuesday while also unveiling three new iPhones that won’t look much different than last year’s models other than boasting an additional camera for taking pictures from extra-wide angles. The aggressive pricing is unusual for Apple, which typically charges a premium for products and services to burnish its brand. Most analysts expected Apple to charge $8 to $10 per month for the service, which will be called Apple TV Plus. With Little Change, iPhones May Get Upstaged by Streaming The company will show off its latest iPhones Tuesday at a products showcase in Cupertino, California. But the buzz surrounding its best-selling products has waned, as have sales, in the absence of compelling new features But Apple is entering a market that Netflix practically created in 2007 — around the same time as the first iPhone came out. And Netflix has amassed more than 150 million subscribers, meaning that Apple needed to make a splash. …
As 9/11 Dawns, Trump Blasts Fed Members as ‘Boneheads’
President Donald Trump says the U.S. is missing out economically because “Boneheads” at the Federal Reserve won’t lower interest rates at his insistence. The Fed is meeting next week and is expected to trim its benchmark rate by another quarter point after cutting the rate for the first time in a decade in July. FILE – Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell walks to the podium during a news conference in Washington, July 31, 2019. Trump has been pressuring Fed chairman Jerome Powell to drop rates to zero. The rate currently is in a range of 2% to 2.25%. As the sun rose on Wednesday’s anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Trump tweeted, “It is only the naivete of Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve that doesn’t allow us to do what other countries are already doing. A once in a lifetime opportunity that we are missing because of ‘Boneheads.’” ….The USA should always be paying the the lowest rate. No Inflation! It is only the naïveté of Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve that doesn’t allow us to do what other countries are already doing. A once in a lifetime opportunity that we are missing because of “Boneheads.” — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 11, 2019 …
Долар частково відновив втрати на міжбанку
На українському міжбанківському валютному ринку зранку 11 вересня встановилася рівновага попиту і пропозиції на рівні майже 25 гривень за долар. Станом на 12:00 котирування становили 24 гривні 98 копійок – 25 гривень рівно за одиницю американської валюти, повідомляє сайт «Мінфін». Національний банк України встановив опівдні довідкове значення курсу 24 гривні 98 копійок, це на 10 копійок більше за офіційний курс на 11 вересня. Встановлене НБУ на 11 вересня значення є рекордним за понад три останні роки. У липні 2016 року курс піднімався до 24 гривень 80 копійок, але вже в серпні того року становив понад 25 гривень за долар. На український валютний ринок нині прийшли значні ресурси, які іноземці вводять для купівлі облігацій внутрішньої державної позики. На курс також впливає позитивна кон’юнктура щодо товарів українського експорту. …
Уперше за три роки долар коштує менш як 25 гривень – курс НБУ
На валютному ринку триває посилення української гривні. Вперше за три роки офіційний курс, який Національний банк України встановлює за результатами торгів на міжбанківському валютному ринку, склав менш як 25 гривень за долар. Курс на 11 вересня регулятор встановив на рівні 24 гривні 88 копійок за одиницю американської валюти. У липні 2016 року курс піднімався до 24 гривень 80 копійок, але вже в серпні того року становив понад 25 гривень за долар. На міжбанківському ринку 10 вересня котирування опускалися ще нижче (до 24,84–87 гривні за долар), але до кінця торгів на малих обсягах долар відновив свої позиції і коштував близько 25 гривень. На український валютний ринок нині прийшли значні ресурси, які іноземці вводять для купівлі облігацій внутрішньої державної позики. На курс також впливає позитивна кон’юнктура щодо товарів українського експорту. …
Alibaba’s Ma Steps Down As Industry Faces Uncertainty
Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma, who helped launch China’s online retailing boom, stepped down as chairman of the world’s biggest e-commerce company Tuesday at a time when its fast-changing industry faces uncertainty amid a U.S.-Chinese tariff war. Ma, one of China’s wealthiest and best-known entrepreneurs, gave up his post on his 55th birthday as part of a succession announced a year ago. He will stay on as a member of the Alibaba Partnership, a 36-member group with the right to nominate a majority of the company’s board of directors. Ma, a former English teacher, founded Alibaba in 1999 to connect Chinese exporters to American retailers. The company has shifted focus to serving China’s growing consumer market and expanded into online banking, entertainment and cloud computing. Domestic businesses accounted for 66% of its $16.7 billion in revenue in the quarter ending in June. Chinese retailing faces uncertainty amid a tariff war that has raised the cost of U.S. imports. Growth in online sales decelerated to 17.8% in the first half of 2019 amid slowing Chinese economic growth, down from 2018’s full-year rate of 23.9%. Alibaba says its revenue rose 42% over a year earlier in the quarter ending in June to $16.7 billion and profit rose 145% to $3.1 billion. Still, that was off slightly from 2018’s full-year revenue growth of 51%. The total amount of goods sold across Alibaba’s e-commerce platforms rose 25% last year to $853 billion. By comparison, the biggest U.S. e-commerce company, Inc., reported total sales …
Russia-Ukraine Prisoner Swap: Step Toward Peace or False Dawn?
The prisoner swap between Ukraine and Russia Saturday has prompted hopes that Moscow and Kyiv are ready for serious talks to end a more than five-year war in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine — a Moscow-fomented conflict that’s claimed more than 13,000 lives. As the exchange unfolded, which included the release by Russia of 24 sailors captured in a naval clash last November, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted, “Russia and Ukraine just swapped large numbers of prisoners. Very good news, perhaps a first giant step to peace. Congratulations to both countries!” That view was shared by the man who engineered the swap, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who hailed the exchange as “the first step to end the war.” And various other Western leaders, including Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Emmanuel Macron, joined the chorus lauding the exchange of 70 prisoners in all as a positive move. For the families of those exchanged, there was relief. Russia had threatened to incarcerate the sailors for up to six years, saying their patrol boats had trespassed into Russian territory by crossing its borders to enter the Sea of Azov, just off Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014. Ukraine and other countries that don’t recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea say the sailors were in international waters, and an international maritime court ordered Moscow to free the men, an instruction ignored until Saturday. Relatives of Ukrainian prisoners freed by Russia greet them upon their arrival at Boryspil airport, outside Kyiv, Ukraine, …
Judge Sets New Sentencing Date For Michael Flynn
A lawyer for Michael Flynn accused federal prosecutors of misconduct on Tuesday as a judge set a December sentencing hearing for President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser. The arguments from Flynn attorney Sidney Powell were the latest in a series of aggressive attacks on the foundations of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. They represented yet another step in Flynn’s evolution from a model cooperator he was the first and only White House official to cut a deal with prosecutors to a defendant whose newly combative and unremorseful stance may cost him a chance at the probation sentence prosecutors had previously recommended. Even as U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan set a Dec. 18 sentencing date for Flynn, Powell made clear that she considered the case far from resolved. Though she said she was not seeking to have Flynn’s guilty plea thrown out, she contended the “entire prosecution should be dismissed because of egregious government misconduct.” “There is far more at stake here than sentencing,” Powell said. She later accused the government of “being too busy working on what they wanted to accomplish in convicting Mr. Flynn” to seek truth or justice. Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack, a member of Mueller’s team, strongly denied the accusations and said the government had given Flynn’s team more than 22,000 pages of documents. He said the information Powell was seeking either had no bearing on the case against Flynn, or was material that Flynn had been made aware of before pleading …
Brazil Indicts Model Over Rape Allegation Against Neymar
Sao Paulo police say they are indicting Brazilian model Najila Trindade and her former partner over her rape allegation against soccer star Neymar. Police said Tuesday they indicted the model for procedural fraud, slanderous denunciation and extortion. Her former partner Estivens Alves is accused of disclosing erotic content, which was then published online. Trindade went to Sao Paulo police to accuse Neymar of raping her at a Paris hotel in May. Neymar denied the accusation and said their relations were consensual. Prosecutors officially closed the investigation against Neymar earlier this month, citing a lack of evidence against him. The Associated Press doesn’t name alleged sexual assault victims unless they make their identities public, which Trindade did in several interviews. …
Scientists Rethink Alzheimer’s, Diversifying Drug Search
When researchers at the University of Kentucky compare brains donated from people who died with dementia, very rarely do they find one that bears only Alzheimer’s trademark plaques and tangles — no other damage. If they do, “we call it a unicorn,” said Donna Wilcock, an Alzheimer’s specialist at the university’s aging center. Contrary to popular perception, “there are a lot of changes that happen in the aging brain that lead to dementia in addition to plaques and tangles.” That hard-won lesson helps explain how scientists are rethinking Alzheimer’s. For years researchers have been guided by one leading theory — that getting rid of a buildup of a sticky protein called amyloid would ease the mind-robbing disease. Yet drug after drug has failed. They might clear out the gunk, but they’re not stopping Alzheimer’s inevitable worsening. Today’s treatments only temporarily ease symptoms. The new mantra: diversify. With more money — the government had a record $2.4 billion to spend on Alzheimer’s research this year — the focus has shifted to exploring multiple novel ways of attacking a disease now considered too complex for a one-size-fits-all solution. On the list, researchers are targeting the brain’s specialized immune system, fighting inflammation, even asking if simmering infections play a role. Most of these fresh starts are in the earliest research stages. It’s far from clear that any will pan out, but “the field is now much more open-minded than it ever was to alternative ideas,” Wilcock said. Breaking the plaque and tangle …
У серпні споживча інфляція сповільнилася до 8,8% – НБУ
У серпні споживча інфляція сповільнилася до 8,8%, повідомив Національний банк України. У липні це значення було на рівні 9,1%. Базова інфляція також уповільнилася і в річному вимірі в серпні становила 7,2%. За підсумками 2018 року споживча інфляція сповільнилася до 9,8% (з 13,7% у 2017 році). У травні Національний банк України прогнозував, що інфляція досягне цілі у 5% (плюс-мінус один відсотковий пункт) у 2020 році. …
НБУ: євро – найдешевший з грудня 2016 року
Офіційна вартість євро щодо гривні – найдешевша з 26 грудня 2016 року, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України. На 11 вересня офіційний курс євро встановлений на рівні 27 гривень 47 копійок. Вартість долара складатиме 24 гривні 88 копійок – мінімум з 14 серпня 2016 року. …
Монети 1,2 та 5 копійок вийдуть з обігу з 1 жовтня
З 1 жовтня з обігу вийдуть монети номіналом 1, 2 та 5 копійок. Про це повідомили у Національному банку України. З 1 жовтня ці монети не будуть приймати при готівковому розрахунку за товари та послуги, регулятор почне їх вилучати. Обміняти ці монети можна буде у всіх відділеннях українських банків до 30 вересня 2020 року, а у Нацбанку та відділеннях «Ощадбанку», «Приватбанку» і «Райфайзен Банку» до 30 вересня 2022 року. Для полегшення розрахунку у НБУ пропонують застосовувати правила округлення загальної суми в чеку до цифри, кратної 10 копійкам. …
Гривня оновить трирічний максимум щодо долара – довідковий курс НБУ
Національний банк України опівдні 10 вересня встановив довідкове значення курсу на рівні 24 гривні 86 копійок за долар. Зазвичай офіційний курс, який НБУ встановлює близько 16:00, незначно відрізняється від довідкового. Нинішнє значення є найвищим за понад три роки. У липні 2016 року курс піднімався до 24 гривень 80 копійок, але вже в серпні того року становив понад 25 гривень за долар. На міжбанківському валютному ринку станом на 13:00 котирування сягнули рівня 24 гривні 90–93 копійки. «На торгах по долару перед обідом ситуація дещо змінилася. Попит трохи зріс, а за рахунок викупу Нацбанком пропозиції – продавці стали задирати котирування», – інформує сайт «Мінфін», який відстежує перебіг торгів. …
Суд ЄС ухвалив вигідне Україні та Польщі рішення щодо використання газопроводу Opal
«Суд скасував рішення Єврокомісії, що дає російському концерну право використовувати газопровід на 100%» …
European Space Agency Records Amazon Air Pollution
New satellite images published Monday by the European Space Agency show an increase in air pollution in the Brazilian Amazon while fires burned in the region last month. Several maps showed more carbon monoxide and other pollutants in August than in the previous month, when there were fewer fires. The agency said fires released carbon dioxide once stored in the Amazon forests back into the atmosphere, potentially having an impact on the global climate and health. Burning continues in the Amazon despite a 60-day ban on land-clearing fires that was announced last month by President Jair Bolsonaro. Data from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research showed the number of fires in all of Brazil has surpassed 100,000 so far this year, up 45 percent compared to the same period in 2018. FILE – A fire burns a tract of the Amazon jungle in Agua Boa, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, Sept. 4, 2019. Renata Libonati, a professor in the department of meteorology at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University, said that aside from gases, the burning of forests also released particles into the atmosphere, which can lead to an increase in respiratory problems, especially among young children and the elderly. Particles can be transported by winds in cities that are not immediately close to where the fires are taking place. “The impact of the fires go far beyond where the forests are burning,” Libonati told The Associated Press. The lack of rain during the current dry season in the Amazon region …
How Polluted, Noisy Barcelona Could Save Lives by Cutting Traffic
Barcelona could cut deaths from air pollution and improve quality of life by implementing in full a plan to calm traffic and free up space for residents, researchers said Monday. The compact Spanish city is home to more than 1.6 million people and is plagued by contaminants and noise largely due to heavy density of traffic, as well as lack of greenery. A study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), published in the journal Environment International, found the city of Barcelona could prevent 667 premature deaths every year if it created 503 “superblocks” as first proposed. The superblocks — which keep cars out of designated areas in the city and develop public space in streets — have been complex to roll out, with only six put in place so far. “What we want to show with this study is that we have to go back and put the citizen at the center of … urban plans, because the health impacts are quite considerable,” said lead author and ISGlobal researcher Natalie Mueller. As a city with the highest traffic density in Europe, Barcelona also needed to make it easier for people to commute in from the wider metropolitan area by public transport, she added. The projected reduction in deaths from the superblocks plan would be achieved mainly as a result of a 24% decrease in air pollution from nitrogen oxide (NO2), along with lower traffic noise and urban heat, the study said. Data released Friday from the Barcelona Public Health Agency …