Aficionados of Western classical music have carved out a niche for themselves in Iran, where cultural expression remains tightly controlled by strict rules imposed after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. And perhaps surprisingly, musicians in their 20s and 30s perform for overwhelmingly young audiences. Last week, the Tehran Symphony Orchestra, including female musicians in burgundy headscarves on cello, horn and harp, played works by 19th-century Russian composers for an enraptured crowd in the capital’s main concert venue, Vahdat Hall. A major draw is Shahrdad Rohani, 65, the orchestra’s charismatic music director. The Iranian-American composer, musician and conductor who has led orchestras in the United States and Europe, said he is proud of his homegrown crop of young musicians. Iranian American maestro Shahrdad Rohani conducts the Tehran Symphony Orchestra at Unity Hall, in Tehran, Iran, July 3, 2019. Classical music may not have mass appeal, but Rohani said in a backstage interview that there’s potential for growth, citing a large turnout during a stadium concert last year in Abadan, a provincial city in southwestern Iran. “Classical music is growing, and as you see, the audience, they are really supporting the arts and classical music,” he told The Associated Press during the intermission of the July 3 sold-out concert. In four decades of conservative Islamic rule, the space for artistic expression in Iran has expanded or contracted, depending on whether political hard-liners or moderates prevail. In the first decade after the Islamic Revolution, including the eight-year war with Iraq, pop music disappeared from …
Gig Economy Hijinks: Uber Inspires Buddy Action Comedy ‘Stuber’
Uber is already known for its global ride-hailing service, food delivery arm, and electric bike rentals. Now it has inspired a comedy action movie. “Stuber,” which begins its international roll-out on Wednesday, revolves around a mild-mannered Uber driver who picks up a Los Angeles detective who turns out to be on the trail of a brutal killer. Wild ride for driver Desperate to increase his Uber ratings, driver Stu is drawn into a wild ride involving shootouts, chases, strip clubs and crime bosses. Director Michael Dowse said Uber Technologies neither sponsored the film and was not involved in any way with making the movie. “There’s no sponsorship. We never reached out to them for permission or anything like that,” Dowse told Reuters Television. “We vetted it all legally and stuff and the opinion was that because everyone uses it so much, it’s fair game. As long as you’re not derogatory about it and as long as you use it as it’s used in real life and you’re not making stuff up about how it’s used, you’re free to go. And it’s a better title than ‘Stiffed’,” he said. Former wrestler plays cop Former wrestler Dave Bautista plays police officer Vic, who needs a driver to get around Los Angeles after undergoing eye surgery. Kumail Nanjiani plays Stu, who also works a day job and drives for Uber to supplement his income — hence earning him the nickname Stuber. …
E-Scooters Put Swedish Startup on Road to Positive Cashflow
Growing numbers of young people whizzing around Europe’s big cities on electric scooters may represent a nightmare for some pedestrians and motorists, but for Swedish sharing startup VOI they offer a path to positive cashflow. VOI cofounder and chief executive Fredrik Hjelm said safety was an important consideration and VOI had drawn up a code of conduct with the authorities in Stockholm for all operators after a fatal accident involving an e-scooter. “Accidents are always very tragic and sad but since we’re in transportation, unfortunately there’s always a risk of accident. We can do everything we can on product operations and education but ultimately we’re in the hands of the users,” he added. Fredrik Hjelm, Swedish startup VOI cofounder and chief executive, poses at the company’s workshop in Stockholm, Sweden, July 6, 2019. Critics have also said VOI and other operators could face the fate of Asian bike operators GoBee and Mobike, which crashed out of Europe due to price wars, vandalism and regulation. Hjelm said the sector had learnt from past mistakes, with VOI upgrading to a model with longer-range swappable batteries to eliminate transport costs and increase product life. European startups VOI, Dott and Tier and U.S. rivals Bird and Lime have already put thousands of e-scooters on the roads of European cities, betting commuters will take to the two-wheelers in a region where far fewer own cars than in the United States. In France, e-scooters have been banned from sidewalks and in Britain they are not permitted …
Grand Ole Opry Tours Get Updated with New Immersive Film
The backstage of the Grand Ole Opry, a radio staple since 1925, is a place where you might run into your favorite country star, drop a letter in a singer’s mailbox or take a peek inside a dressing room where an impromptu jam session is happening. Every year, 1 million people come to the Opry House in Nashville, Tennessee, to see a performance, or event, or take one of the backstage tours that allow fans to see behind the red curtain on the “show that made country music famous.” And a new feature this year on those tours is an immersive film that explains the history of the unique institution while showing video clips of over 100 different artists on stage. The 14-minute film is hosted by Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood and is projected onto three screens inside the new Circle Room, which is the first stop for fans on the Opry’s daily tours. Country singer Jeannie Seeley is coming up on her 52nd year as a member of the Grand Ole Opry, one of only three living female artists who have been members longer than 50 years. The singer who had a hit with “Don’t Touch Me” in 1966, has seen the radio program, the Opry House and its tours transform and be updated over the years. “It is so alive. It is so realistic,” said Seeley of the new film. “I think the pacing they did creates that excitement.” The film is projected onto thousands of reflective …
Зеленський розраховує почати переговори щодо газу вже у вересні
Президент України Володимир Зеленський заявив, що розраховує почати тристоронніх газових переговорів» вже восени.Про це він сказав під час спільного брифінгу разом із головою Європейської ради Дональдом Туском і головою Єврокомісії Жаном-Клодом Юнкером в рамках саміту Україна-ЄС у Києві. «Щодо пана Шефчовича (віцепрезидент Єврокомісії Марош Шефчович – ред.). Так, я мав розмову з ним щодо нового контракту. Ви знаєте, що у нас строки, і ми повинні продовжувати контракт. Наскільки я знаю, що хочуть продовжувати цю розмову у грудні. Але йдеться про енергетичну безпеку України, і я сказав позицію свою та нашої команди, що саме у вересні ми хочемо сідати за стіл і вирішити це питання», – зазначив він. У травні віцепрезидент Єврокомісії Марош Шефчович заявив, що потрібно якнайшвидше почати переговори за участю України, Росії та ЄС, оскільки збереження газопостачань через українську ГТС після 2019-го року є стратегічною необхідністю, і нова угода має визначати головні параметри майбутнього газового транзиту, включно з його тривалістю, річними обсягами й можливими гарантіями. За даними, опублікованими на сайті українського уряду, Україна погоджуєтьсяна згадані Шефчовичем тристоронні переговори, однак має намір вістоювати свою позицію, зокрема, щодо російського проекту «Північний потік-2». Проект «Північний потік-2» (Nord Stream-2) має постачати газ із родовищ на півночі Росії безпосередньо до Німеччини дном Балтійського моря, оминаючи традиційні транзитні маршрути через Україну і Польщу. Проект має розширити здатності вже збудованого першого «Північного потоку». …
«Трансперенсі Інтернешнл Україна» передала ProZorro базу даних, яка «зменшує поле корупції»
Держпідприємство «ProZorro.Продажі» 8 липня уклало угоду з правовласниками про передачу всіх прав на центральну базу даних (ЦБД) – інформацію про аукціони з продажу землі та оренди родовищ, подробиці та учасників конкурсів з малої приватизації, історію та фінансові зобов’язання переможців аукціонів, продаж і оренду непрофільного майна в регіонах. Ця та інша інформація є публічною завдяки роботі другої ЦБД, перша – створена у 2017 році, дала змогу прозоро продавати майно проблемних банків. «ProZorro.Продажі» отримало другу ЦБД у лютому, але сьогодні уклало угоду про отримання всіх прав на неї. Перший заступник міністра економічного розвитку і торгівлі Максим Нефьодов заявив, що прозорі продажі та оренда майна є результатом синергії влади, західних донорів та української громадськості. Серед донорів проекту зі створення двох баз даних є Німецьке товариство міжнародного співробітництва (GIZ) та Антикорупційна ініціатива ЄС, Координувала створення ЦБД та адмініструвала їх організація «Трансперенсі Інтернешнл Україна». «Ми є основним донором, який виділив близько 200 тисяч євро на ЦБД для «ProZorro.Продажі». Фінансовий ефект за короткий час – в рази більший. Але головна користь – нові умови продажу та оренди майна, прозорість та зменшення, а подекуди і зникнення умов для корупції», – пояснила в коментарі Радіо Свобода голова Антикорупційної ініціативи ЄС в Україні Ека Ткешелашвілі. За словами голови Антикорупційної ініціативи ЄС, підходи та ІТ-рішення ProZorro можуть стати відправною точкою для реформ в інших секторах, а це, своєю чергою, зменшить корупцію в них і посилить економіку. За даними «Трансперенсі Інтернешнл Україна», за 2,5 роки система «ProZorro.Продажі» заробила для держави 17,5 мільярдів гривень. На першому місці за обсягом – доходи від …
Офіційний курс гривні продовжує зміцнюватися – НБУ
Гривня зміцнилася на 16 копійок порівняно з 5 липня – такий офіційний курс встановив Національний банк України. За його даними, у понеділок 8 липня курс гривні щодо долара становить 25,71, тоді як у п’ятницю 5 липня один долар коштував 25 гривень 87 копійок. Читайте також: Міжнародні резерви України в червні зросли на 1,2 мільярда – НБУ Офіційний курс гривні до євро зміцнився на 25 копійок – 28,95 гривні за євро проти 29 гривень 20 копійок 5 липня. За даними сайту «Мінфін», 5 липня торги на міжбанківському ринку завершилися на позначці 25,64 гривні за долар (при купівлі). …
Biden-Harris Clash Renews Controversy Over US School Busing
The first Democratic presidential debate for the 2020 elections brought a decades-old civil rights issue back into the public spotlight: whether to bus children to racially integrate schools. One of the most defining moments of the debate came when U.S. Senator Kamala Harris challenged former Vice President Joe Biden’s record for not supporting the type of busing that she experienced as a black schoolgirl in California. The exchange garnered headlines and brought the topic of busing, which had been a national issue in the 1970s but had largely fallen out of the public conversation, back into the spotlight. Democratic presidential hopeful US Senator for California Kamala Harris speaks to the press in the Spin Room after the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign. What is busing? Busing was a tool that many U.S. communities used to overcome racial segregation in public schools. Following the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, legal racial segregation in schools was outlawed across the United States. However, because of demographic trends and housing policies, many U.S. neighborhoods remained segregated, and as a result schools were effectively segregated because students attended schools in neighborhoods where they lived. In the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s, courts ruled that local jurisdictions were not doing enough to promote desegregation in schools and began mandating busing to address the problem. Federal agencies oversaw and enforced busing efforts, including collecting data about the race of students and withholding money from noncompliant schools. …
Nutrition Key to Patient Recovery From Injury, Illness
When people are recovering from an illness or injury, they often don’t think of nutrition, but it may be key to getting their health back. When Monika McComb returned home from the hospital, she didn’t think about nutrition as being essential for a full recovery. “I was really, really weak. I could hardly even walk with a cane,” McComb said. McComb didn’t associate her weakness with malnutrition until she was evaluated; but, researchers from Advocate Health Care and Abbott were conducting a study to evaluate the role nutrition plays in reducing hospital admissions. Suela Sulo, a researcher from Abbott, says malnutrition is rarely taken into account in dealing with patients who are in recovery. “Malnutrition is invisible to the eye, and therefore it remains under diagnosed and underrated,” Sulo said. McComb enrolled in a home health care program and was given a detailed nutrition plan. Most Americans have access to food, but one in three patients in home health care is malnourished or has some nutritional deficiency that puts his or her health — and recovery — at risk. Katie Riley is the chief nursing officer with Advocate Aurora Health. “Nutrition is not the primary reason why patients usually come to home health; however, it is important for us to pay attention to the nutrition to promote their strength and get them recovered quicker,” Riley said. Abbot funded a study in partnership with Advocate Health Care to find a way to reduce hospitalizations, cut medical costs and promote patients’ health. …
In a First, Afghan Government on Board With Taliban Talks
A 50-member delegation of Afghan elites is in Qatar for peace talks with Taliban leaders, with the hopes of ending the 18-year-long conflict in Afghanistan. The two-day summit, facilitated by Germany and Qatar, is an “historic opportunity for all of them to bridge trust deficit, which will help pave the way for direct peace negotiations between Afghan government and the Taliban,” said Asadullah Zaeri, a spokesman of the country’s High Peace Council. The delegation includes politicians, top members of the council, representatives of women’s groups and senior journalists, he said. Although both sides have emphasized that members of Afghan government are attending in their personal capacity, not representing Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s government, their presence makes this conference different from the intra-Afghan conference in Moscow in April. At that gathering, the Taliban refused to sit at the table with anyone from the administration of President Ghani – an administration they insist is a “puppet” of the United States. Ghani termed that conference a failure. Members of the Taliban political office are seen inside the conference hall at the start of the intra-Afghan dialogue. Sitting far right is Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, head of the Taliban delegation, in Doha, Qatar, July 7, 2019. (A. Tanzeem/VOA) However, the United States seems to have succeeded in its efforts to get the Taliban to show flexibility. “The Intra-Afghan Conference for Peace in #Doha has been a long time coming. It’s great to see senior government, civil society, women, and Taliban representatives at one table …
Migrants, Stuck in Libya, Demand Evacuation as Conflict Escalates
“We don’t need to eat,” said a young man held in a Libyan detention center five days after the compound was bombed killing more than 50 people and injuring at least 130. “We didn’t touch the food. We need to be out of Libya.” The hunger strike in the detention center was on its third day Sunday, according to the protester communicating with VOA via phone and social media. He sent pictures of detainees holding signs like “We are in the grave” and “Save us from the next bomb. We are survivors, but still we are targeted.” News and additional photographs of the protest came from other detainees communicating with hidden mobile phones. The airstrikes hit the detention center late Tuesday, after international organizations warned both sides of Libya’s ongoing war that civilians were held at that location, which has been targeted before. Amnesty International says there is evidence the detention center is located near weapons’ storage, but Tripoli authorities say there is no legitimate military target in the area. The morning after airstrikes hit a detention center holding migrants killed more than 50 people and injured at least 130, blood still stains the rubble as officials search for human remains, in Tripoli, Libya, July 3, 2019. (H. Murdock/VOA) Officials say about 600 people were inside the detention center when the airstrikes hit a nearby garage, and then the center itself. Some survivors reported breaking open the doors of the detention center to escape, others escaped the …
Aftershocks in California Continue After 2 Major Earthquakes
Two remote California desert communities assessed damage after two major earthquakes hit the area at the end of last week, followed by thousands of smaller aftershocks. Ridgecrest and neighboring Trona were hit hard by the magnitude 7.1 quake that rocked the Mojave Desert towns Friday. A day earlier, a magnitude 6.4 temblor hit the same patch of the desert. The area, about 240 kilometers northeast of Los Angeles, is in recovery mode after the quakes crumbled buildings, ignited fires and cut power to thousands of homes and businesses. The U.S. Geological Survey said Sunday there was just a 1% chance of another magnitude 7 or higher earthquake in the next week, and a rising possibility of no magnitude 6 quakes. California Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency for the area and warned local governments to strengthen alert systems and building codes. “It is a wake-up call for the rest of the state and other parts of the nation,” Newsom told reporters. The damage wasn’t worse largely because of how remote the area is, but Newsom cautioned after touring Ridgecrest that “it’s deceiving, earthquake damage. You don’t notice it at first.” The Democratic governor estimated the damage at more than $100 million and said U.S. President Donald Trump called him to offer federal support for rebuilding. …
Iraqi Forces Begin Operation Against IS Along Syrian Border
Iraq’s security and paramilitary forces began Sunday a military operation along the border with Syria aimed at clearing the area of Islamic State group militants, the military said in a statement. Although Iraq declared victory against IS in July 2017, the extremists have turned into an insurgency and have carried out deadly attacks in the country. The military said the operation that began at sunrise was being carried out by Iraqi troops and members of the Popular Mobilization Forces that largely consist of Iran-backed militias. It said the operation will last several days and was the first phase of the Will of Victory Operation securing the western province of Anbar and the central and northern regions of Salahuddin and Nineveh. “We press on the hands of our heroic forces that will achieve victory with the will of its heroes against the gangs of Daesh,” said Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi using an Arabic acronym to refer to IS. “May God protect you and make you victorious.” IS once held large parts of Syria and Iraq where it declared a caliphate in 2014. The extremists lost in March the last territory they controlled in Syria. …
Rising French Far-Right Star Resurfaces and Flirts with Fire
She vowed to stay out of politics and even dropped the French far right’s signature name – Le Pen – from her moniker. But Marion Marechal, a former star lawmaker who’s still only in her 20s, is now tip-toeing back into the political arena, and is already causing trouble. Widely seen as a potential party leader, the 29-year-old’s discreet meetings in recent days to build bridges with enemy conservatives, crippled by their crushing defeat in European Parliament elections, are further unsettling the mainstream right. The forays into forbidden territory by the woman once voted the most popular in the far-right National Rally party (formerly the National Front) led by her aunt, Marine Le Pen, have also raised questions about Marechal’s political intentions – and whether a new war within the Le Pen clan is afoot. Marechal is the darling of her controversial grandfather, Jean-Marie Le Pen, a National Front co-founder expelled by daughter Marine for repeating anti-Semitic remarks that got him convicted. Marechal is more conservative than her aunt. Addressing a major forum for American conservatives last year, she decried the European Union and said France is becoming “the little niece of Islam.” To Jean-Marie’s disappointment, Marion dropped out of politics two years ago, refusing to seek a new mandate as a National Rally lawmaker to found a private school in Lyon seen as a training ground for far-right leaders. She denies speculation she is making an end-run around Aunt Marine for a comeback. Nevertheless, the noise created after at …
Economic ‘Game Changer? African Leaders Launch Free-Trade Zone
African leaders met on Sunday to launch a continental free-trade zone that if successful would unite 1.3 billion people, create a $3.4 trillion economic bloc and usher in a new era of development. After four years of talks, an agreement to form a 55-nation trade bloc was reached in March, paving the way for Sunday’s African Union summit in Niger where attendees will unveil which nation will host the trade zone’s headquarters, when trading will start and discuss how exactly it will work. It is hoped that the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) — the largest since the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1994 — will help unlock Africa’s long-stymied economic potential by boosting intra-regional trade, strengthening supply chains and spreading expertise. “The eyes of the world are turned to Africa,” Egyptian President and African Union Chairman Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said at the summit’s opening ceremony. AfCFTA “will reinforce our negotiating position on the international stage. It will represent an important step.” Africa has much catching up to do: its intra-regional trade accounted for just 17% of exports in 2017 versus 59% in Asia and 69% in Europe, and Africa has missed out on the economic booms that other trade blocs have experienced in recent decades. Economists say significant challenges remain, including poor road and rail links, large areas of unrest, excessive border bureaucracy and petty corruption that have held back growth and integration. Members have committed to eliminate tariffs on most goods, which will increase trade in the …
3 People Gored on First Day of Spanish Bull-Running Festival
Three people were gored and a further two people suffered head trauma during the first day of Spain’s best-known bull-running festival in the northern town of Pamplona on Sunday, the Red Cross said. One man was loaded into an ambulance on a stretcher shortly after the dash through the medieval town center’s narrow streets to the bullring, which lasted two minutes and 41 seconds. Thousands of runners, dressed head to toe in white, with bright-red neckerchiefs, gather every year for the traditional morning run, after which the animals are kept in the bullring until the afternoon’s fights. A total 53 people were treated by the Red Cross. Runners often get injured at traditional bull-runs in Spain, but no one has died at Pamplona’s San Fermin festival since Spaniard Daniel Jimeno was gored in the neck by a Jandilla bull in 2009. This year, the bulls were from cattle breeder Puerto de San Lorenzo, whose bulls have been responsible for one goring in the past. One person was gored on the opening day of the festival last year. Locals and tourists alike will join in the 8 a.m. (0600 GMT) run every morning until next Sunday. The festival regularly stokes debate about the treatment of animals. On Friday, protesters lay half-naked on the street with fake spears coming out of their backs to protest against what they see as cruelty. …
British Ambassador: Trump ‘Radiates Insecurity’
A British newspaper reported Sunday that Britain’s ambassador to the United States has described U.S. President Donald Trump as “inept” and “uniquely dysfunctional.” The Mail published the highly unflattering portrait of the U.S. leader, quoting comments allegedly taken from a cache of leaked diplomatic memos from Ambassador Kim Darroch. According to the newspaper, Darroch described Trump as someone who “radiates insecurity” and who is “incompetent.” “We don’t really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal,” Darroch is reported to have written. The ambassador cautioned British officials, however, not to dismiss Trump’s chances for re-election, saying the president has a “credible path” to another four years in the White House. The Mail said Darroch warned that Trump could “emerge from the flames, battered but intact, like [Arnold] Schwarzenegger in the final scenes of The Terminator.” Britain’s Foreign Office has not denied the comments. A spokeswoman said ambassadors are expected “to provide ministers with an honest, unvarnished assessment of the politics in their country.” She added, “We pay them to be candid.” …
В Одесі показали нові українські десантно-штурмові картери. Два з них назвали на честь загиблих морпіхів
Під час урочистостей до Дня військово-морських сил на морському вокзалі в Одесі показали нову українську розробку – два десантно-штурмові катери проєкту 58503 («Кентавр»), обладнані реактивною системою залпового вогню і бойовими модулями, повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода. Обидва катери у вересні були спущені на воду на київському суднобудівному заводі «Кузня на Рибальському». Кілька місяців по тому десантно-штурмові катери прибули до Одеси, і з того часу проходять державні випробування. Коли випробування будуть завершені, планується, що катери викорстовуватимуться морською піхотою. На вшанування пам’яті загиблих морських морських піхотинців – старшого прапорщика Олександра Яхновського і молодшого сержанта Сергія Сонька, і на прохання територіальних громад, звідки родом загиблі, ці два конкретні судна отримали назви «Малин» і «Станіслав». Також вшанували хвилиною мовчання загиблих нещодавно водія і санітарного інструктора морської піхоти Сергія Майбороди та Ірину Шевченко. На урочистій церемонії був присутнім президент України Володимир Зеленський, а також рідні 24 полонених моряків. …
Rustic Sculpture of Melania Trump Unveiled Near Her Hometown
A life-size rough wooden sculpture of U.S. first lady Melania Trump was unveiled Friday near her hometown of Sevnica in southeastern Slovenia. Commissioned by Berlin-based American artist Brad Downey and carved with a chainsaw by local folk artist Ales Zupevc, the statue serves as a perhaps wry accompaniment to Downey’s exhibition in the capital, Ljubljana, exploring Melania’s roots in the small Alpine country. The blocky, rustic figure was cut from the trunk of a living linden tree whose base forms a tall plinth, in a field beside the Sava River in Rozno, eight kilometers (five miles) from Sevnica. There was no attempt to create an accurate likeness, to the point that the gallery in Ljubljana appears uncertain how seriously to take the statue. The blocky figure of Melania Trump was cut from the trunk of a living linden tree, whose base forms a tall plinth in a field beside the Sava River in Rozno, eight km (five miles) from Sevnica, Slovenia. July 5, 2019. “Perhaps we are simply trying vigorously to make sense of things that might only be a slapstick prank,” it says in a leaflet. “Who knows?” Although the statue’s face is rough-hewn and unrecognizable, the figure is shown clothed in the pale blue wraparound coat that Melania wore at Donald Trump’s inauguration as U.S. president. Downey said he wanted to “have a dialogue with my country’s political situation” and highlight Melania Trump’s status as an immigrant married to a president sworn to reduce immigration. The sculptor, known as Maxi, was born …
Reports: Apparent Gas Explosion at Florida Shopping Center Injures Several
An apparent gas explosion at a shopping plaza in Plantation, Florida, injured several people on Saturday, authorities and local media reported. Video posted to Twitter showed the force of the blast scattered debris across a parking lot and blew out several windows at a nearby L.A. Fitness gym, sending patrons running for the exits. The Plantation fire department said on Twitter that there were multiple patients being treated at the scene. The Sun-Sentinel newspaper reported that witnesses said a vacant restaurant appeared to be the source of the explosion. The city of Plantation is about 6 miles west of Fort Lauderdale. …
Reports: Deadly Airstrike in North Syria Kills 13 People
A war monitor and first responders group say an airstrike has killed at least 13 people in a village in northwestern Syria. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the dead, most of them internally displaced persons, include seven children and three women. They died on Saturday in a Syrian government airstrike on the village of Mhambel in the province of Idlib. Opposition-allied first responders known as the White Helmets also reported the attack and the casualties. Idlib is the last major rebel stronghold in Syria’s eight-year civil war. Government troops backed by Russia have been using heavy airstrikes in their campaign to take the area in the past months. …
UK-flagged Tanker Reported ‘Safe and Well’ After Stop in Gulf
UK-flagged supertanker Pacific Voyager which halted in the Gulf on Saturday is “safe and well,” a British official told Reuters, after Iran dismissed reports its Revolutionary Guards had seized the vessel. A Revolutionary Guards commander on Friday had threatened to seize a British ship in retaliation for the capture by Royal Marines of Iranian supertanker Grace 1 in Gibraltar. The Pacific Voyager stopped in the Gulf en route to Saudi Arabia from Singapore before resuming its course, Refinitiv Eikon mapping showed. It stopped as part of a routine procedure to adjust its arrival time at its next port, an official at UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) told Reuters. The UKMTO, which coordinates shipping in the Gulf, had been in contact with the tanker, the official said. On Saturday an Iranian cleric said Britain should be “scared” about Tehran’s possible retaliation for the seizure of the Grace 1, the Fars semi-official news agency reported. “I am openly saying that Britain should be scared of Iran’s retaliatory measures over the illegal seizure of the Iranian oil tanker,” said Mohammad Ali Mousavi Jazayeri, a member of the Assembly of Experts clerical body. Tensions are high in the Gulf following last month’s attacks on vessels near the Strait of Hormuz, a vital oil shipping route, and Iran’s downing of a U.S. drone. Washington and Saudi Arabia have directly blamed Iran for the attacks on tankers, something Tehran denies. The attacks have raised fears of a broader confrontation in the region where the United States …
US Welcomes Sudan Power-sharing Deal as ‘Important Step Forward’
The United States on Saturday welcomed a provisional agreement forged by Sudan’s ruling military council and a coalition of opposition and protest groups to share power for three years as an “important step forward.” The U.S. State Department said in statement that special envoy for Sudan Donald Booth will return to the region soon. The agreement brokered by the African Union and Ethiopia Union, announced on Friday, is due to be finalized on Monday. “The agreement between the Forces for Freedom and Change and the Transitional Military Council to establish a sovereign council is an important step forward,” the State Department said. “We look forward to immediate resumption of access to the internet, establishment of the new legislature, accountability for the violent suppression of peaceful protests, and progress toward free and fair elections.” Sudan Military, Pro-Democracy Movement Agree to Share Power The two sides will share power during a transition period of about three years The deal revived hopes for a peaceful transition of power in a country plagued by internal conflicts and years of economic crisis that helped to trigger the overthrow of Omar al-Bashir in April. Relations between the military council that took over from Bashir and the Forces for Freedom and Change alliance broke down when security forces killed dozens of people as they cleared a sit-in on June 3. But after huge protests against the military on Sunday, African mediators brokered a return to direct talks. …
Нефьодов заявив, що електронна митниця може запрацювати через рік
Електронна митниця в Україні може запрацювати орієнтовно через рік. Про це у Львові заявив голова Державної митної служби Максим Нефьодов під час представлення президентом Володимиром Зеленським голови Львівської ОДА Маркіяна Мальського. «Електронна митниця може почати роботу орієнтовно через рік. Нам потрібен був приблизно рік, щоб запустити систему «Прозорро» і приблизно рік для запуску системи «Прозорро.Продажі». Такі терміни, мені здається, є досить реальними», – зазначив Нефьодов. Він додав, що для реалізації проекту є фінансування та відповідні фахівці. 5 липня Кабінет міністрів України призначив першого заступника міністра економічного розвитку Максим Нефьодов керівником Державної митної служби. …