A team at the University of Washington has invented a smartphone app that, when used with a paper funnel, is able to detect ear infections in children, helping parents decide whether a trip to the doctor is warranted. The app, which was described in the journal Science Transnational Medicine on Wednesday, plays a sound akin to a bird chirp into a child’s ear canal via a simple funnel the parents put together. It plays for 1.2 seconds and then uses the phone’s mic to listen in: If fluids or pus have accumulated behind the eardrum, in the middle ear, the sound pattern of the returned echo will indicate an infection. “The way to think about it is almost like a wine glass,” said Shyam Gollakota, head of the lab that developed the project. “And if you tap on the wine glass, you’re going to get a different sound depending on the level of liquid in the wine glass.” It had a success rate of 85 percent when tested on around a hundred cases and, according to Gollakota, is more accurate than a visual inspection by a doctor. If an infection is detected, parents will need to go to a doctor anyway for confirmation and to get a prescription. Gollakota likened its utility to that of a thermometer, which helps people decide whether a visit to a doctor is appropriate. Other apps The ear infection app is just one of several ideas being developed by the lab at the intersection of …
Costs Mounting in US From Trump’s Tariff Fight With China
The costs seem to be mounting in the U.S. from President Donald Trump’s tit-for-tat trade tariff war with China, both for farmers whose sales of crops to China have been cut and U.S. consumers paying higher prices for imported Chinese products. The government said Wednesday that to date it has paid out more than $8.5 billion to American farmers to offset their loss of sales to China and other trading partners because of foreign tariffs imposed by Beijing and other governments. Trump last year pledged up to $12 billion in aid to farmers — chiefly soybean, wheat and corn growers, and those who raise pigs. Trump says he could ask Congress for another $15 billion if U.S. farmers continue to be hurt by China’s tariffs of as much as 25% on U.S. agricultural imports. The U.S. had been shipping $12 billion worth of soybeans a year to China, but Beijing’s imposition of the tariff severely cut down on the U.S. exports as China bought the beans from other countries. Trump said Tuesday on Twitter, “Our great Patriot Farmers will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of what is happening now. Hopefully China will do us the honor of continuing to buy our great farm product, the best, but if not your Country will be making up the difference based on a very high China buy. This money will come from the massive Tariffs being paid to the United States for allowing China, and others, to do business with us. The …
Гривня втратила 21 копійку стосовно долара – НБУ
Гривня втратила 21 копійку стосовно долара, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України. На 16 травня вартість одного долара встановлена на рівні 26 гривень 37 копійок. Крім того, на 12 копійок зміцнів євро – до 29 гривень 49 копійок. 15 травня на міжбанківському валютному ринку вперше за кілька тижнів змінився тренд і відбулося послаблення гривні щодо долара США. Серед чинників, що грали на користь гривні, фахівці відзначали чергове розміщення облігацій внутрішньої державної позики – для купівлі номінованих у гривні цінних паперів нерезиденти продавали іноземну валюту. Також на ринок впливає наближення дат платежів компаній до бюджету, для чого потрібна гривня. Для учасників ринку сигналом для розвороту також стало досягнення гривнею річного максимуму щодо долара США. …
Мінекономрозвитку оприлюднив свій прогноз зростання ВВП на 2020-2022 роки
Міністерство економічного розвитку України оприлюднило свій прогноз зростання внутрішнього валового продукту на 2020-2022 роки. Згідно з повідомленням, представлений у прогнозі сценарій передбачає два варіанти макроекономічних показників на 2020-2022 роки, які відрізняються між собою рівнем інтенсивності підвищення соціальних стандартів, від чого залежатиме динаміка основних макропоказників української економіки на прогнозний період. У своєму першому варіанті Міністерство економічного розвитку прогнозує зростання ВВП на рівні 3,3%, у 2021 році на 3,8%, у 2022 році – на 4,1%. Зростання споживчих цін (грудень до грудня попереднього року) очікується на рівні 6% у 2020 році, 5,7% у 2021 році, 5,3% у 2022 році. Згідно з другим варіантом у 2020 році прогнозується зростання ВВП на рівні 3,6%, у 2021 році – на 3,6%, у 2022 році – на 3,3%. Зростання споживчих цін (грудень до грудня попереднього року) очікується на рівні 6,5% у 2020 році, 7,1% у 2021 році, 7% у 2022 році. Міжнародний валютний фонд прогнозує ріст ВВП України на рівні 3% у 2020 році, 3,1% – у 2021 та 3,2% – у 2022. За підсумками 2018 року внутрішній валовий продукт України склав 134,89 мільярда доларів. …
Ford: More Lincolns to Be Built for Chinese Market Locally
Ford Motor Co plans to start production of new luxury Lincoln models in China for that market as they are launched, starting with the new Corsair later this year, to benefit from lower costs and avoid the risk of tariffs, a top executive said Monday. “It’s a huge, huge opportunity for Lincoln because we see China as ground zero for Lincoln given the size of the market and how well the brand has been received,” Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks said at a Goldman Sachs conference in New York. Ford has lower levels of localized production than rivals General Motors Co or Volkswagen AG, who make more vehicles in China for Chinese consumers, benefiting from lower labor and material costs, and avoiding tariffs in the burgeoning trade war between the United States and China. Shanks said all new Lincoln models, with the exception of the Navigator assembled in Louisville, Kentucky, will also be produced in China. He declined to say how much Ford will save through localized production. Ford has been struggling to revive sales in China, the automaker’s second-biggest market. Ford sales slumped 37 percent in 2018, after a 6 percent decline in 2017. Shanks said that all of the problems the automaker experienced in China last year were related to the Ford brand, not Lincoln, which is popular with Chinese customers. …
Japanese Space Startup Aims to Compete With US Rivals
A Japanese startup that launched a rocket into space earlier this month plans to provide low-cost rocket services and compete with American rivals such as SpaceX, its founder said Wednesday. Interstellar Technology Inc. founder Takafumi Horie said a low-cost rocket business in Japan is well-positioned to accommodate scientific and commercial needs in Asia. While Japan’s government-led space programs have demonstrated top-level technology, he said the country has fallen behind commercially due to high costs. “In Japan, space programs have been largely government-funded and they solely focused on developing rockets using the best and newest technologies, which means they are expensive,” Horie told reporters in Tokyo. “As a private company, we can focus on the minimum level of technology needed to go to space, which is our advantage. We can transport more goods and people to space by slashing costs.” Horie said his company’s low-cost MOMO-3 rocket is the way to create a competitive space business in Japan. During its May 4 flight, the unmanned MOMO-3 rocket reached 113.4 kilometers (70 miles) in altitude before falling into the Pacific Ocean. The cost to launch the MOMO-3 was about one-tenth of the launch cost of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the country’s space agency, according to Interstellar CEO Takahiro Inagawa. Horie said his company plans to launch its first orbital rocket — the ZERO — within the next few years and then it would technologically be on par with competitors such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin and New …
У «Нафтогазі» розповіли, скільки коштуватиме газ для населення у травні
У травні ціни на газ для населення України буде знижено. Як повідомили у НАК «Нафтогаз», з 1 травня, згідно рішення НКРЕКП, по всій території України діє єдиний тариф на транспортування газу, але кожний облгаз має індивідуальний тариф на розподіл газу. Ціни відрізняються залежно від регіону, адже їх встановлюють облгази та міськгази. Відповідно до інформації Асоціації газового ринку, найдешевшим буде газ у Києві – 7810,61 гривні за тисячу метрів кубічних. Найбільше заплатять споживачі ТОВ «Газовик», що на Вінниччині – 8428,61 гривні за тисячу кубометрів. 22 квітня, в уряді повідомили, що узгодили з «Нафтогазом України» механізм зниження ціни на газ для населення і теплової генерації з 1 травня – до рівня 8247 гривень за тисячу кубометрів. Згідно з урядовим рішенням, ухваленим на засіданні 3 квітня, якщо кон’юнктура газового ринку демонструє зниження цін на газ для промисловості, «Нафтогаз» зобов’язаний продавати газ для населення за ціною, що визначається як середньоарифметична ціна газу, за якою державна компанія пропонує паливо промисловим споживачам за умови передоплати. У березні прем’єр-міністр України Володимир Гройсман заявив, що доручить Міністерству фінансів і «Нафтогазу» почати переговори із Міжнародним валютним фондом, щоб запобігти росту тарифів на газ для населення в майбутньому. …
Alabama Law Bans Nearly All Abortions
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law Wednesday a near-total ban on abortions in her state. “To the bill’s many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians’ deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God,” the Republican governor said in a statement. Lawmakers in the southeastern U.S. state had passed the legislation Tuesday, sparking a legal fight over a measure that becomes the nation’s most stringent abortion law. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America vowed Wednesday to challenge the legislation in court. “We have no choice,” said President Leana Wen. “We are talking about the rights for generations to come.” The Republican-dominated Senate voted 25-6 to make performing an abortion at any stage of pregnancy a felony punishable by up to 99 years or life in prison for the abortion provider, although women seeking or undergoing an abortion would not be punished. The only exception would be when the woman’s health is at serious risk. Senators rejected an attempt to add an exception for rape and incest. Supporters said the bill was designed to spark litigation that could lead to the U.S. Supreme Court overturning the landmark 1973 decision that legalized abortion. “Roe v. Wade has ended the lives of millions of children,” said Alabama Republican Sen. Clyde Chambliss. “This bill has the opportunity to save the lives of millions of unborn children.” Action by other states Emboldened by the Supreme Court’s new conservative …
Влітку варто очікувати незначного зростання курсу іноземних валют – НБУ
У липні-серпні 2019 року зважаючи на низку обставин варто очікувати зростання курсу іноземних валют. Про це заявив голова ради Національного банку України Богдан Данилишин. Він уточнив, що від початку року курс гривні зміцнився на 5,5%. Це сталося за в основному за рахунок збільшення обсягів іноземних інвестицій у державні боргові цінні папери (ОВДП) та рекордного експорту аграрної продукції. «Проте, з урахуванням виплат по зовнішньому боргу й валютним ОВДП та виходу нерезидентів із ОВДП, які вони купували у січні-квітні, з подальшою конвертацією гривневих коштів у валюту, а також зменшенням експорту сільгосппродукції у липні-серпні простежуються певні умови для незначних курсових коливань долара по відношенню до гривні», – повідомив Данилишин. Він додав, що на курс гривні впливатиме і сезон відпусток, коли у населення підвищується попит на валюту. При цьому, за словами Данилишина, вибори та рішення судів щодо «Приватбанку» наразі не мають значного впливу на фінансовий ринок. На міжбанківському валютному ринку 15 травня вперше за кілька тижнів змінився тренд, відбувається послаблення гривні щодо долара США. Станом на 13:00 торги відбуваються на рівні 26 гривень 35-38 копійок за долар …
На міжбанку змінився тренд – зріс попит на долар
На міжбанківському валютному ринку 15 травня вперше за кілька тижнів тренд змінився, відбувається послаблення гривні щодо долара США. Станом на 13:00 торги відбуваються на рівні 26 гривень 35-38 копійок за долар, свідчать дані профільного сайту «Мінфін», який відстежує перебіг торгів. «Торги по долару перед обідом на піку активності. Тривають операції по лотах до 1 мільйона доларів при черговій невеликій перевазі попиту над пропозицією, що відбивається на котируваннях», – відзначають аналітики. НБУ встановив о 12:00 довідкове значення курсу на рівні 26 гривень 38 копійок за долар. Ще зранку 14 травня тенденції були іншими, пропозиція долара перевищувала попит, і котирування наближалися до позначки 26 гривень за долар. Серед чинників, що грали на користь гривні, фахівці відзначали чергове розміщення облігацій внутрішньої державної позики – для купівлі номінованих у гривні цінних паперів нерезиденти продавали іноземну валюту. Також на ринок впливає наближення дат платежів компаній до бюджету, для чого потрібна гривня. Але для учасників ринку стало сигналом для розвороту також досягнення гривнею річного максимуму щодо долара США. Курс, встановлений Нацбанком за результатом торгів 13 травня (26 гривень 11 копійок), став повторенням річного максимуму. Востаннє на рівні 26,11 щодо долара гривня перебувала 21 травня 2018 року. …
Trade War Sowing Seeds of Doubt With US Farmers
The typical routines of life on a family farm carry a heavier burden these days for Pam Johnson. “First thing I do is make a pot of coffee,” she told VOA in an interview in one of the cavernous sheds that contain her green and yellow John Deere farming equipment. Once she has that coffee, she “(goes) to the computer and look at what grain prices have done overnight and usually do a gut clutch, because they’ve been going down. They’re at five-month lows.” Driven there in part by retaliatory tariffs imposed by one of the largest importers of U.S. soybeans – China. Johnson and her husband are proud sixth-generation farmers but say they are dealing with some of the harshest economic conditions of their lives. “We’re all tightening our belts,” she says. The ongoing trade dispute between the United States and China, initially sparked by U.S. tariffs on imported aluminum and steel, is now impacting most farms across the country. As U.S. farmers head to the fields to plant this spring, they are facing a potential sixth consecutive year of declining farm income, because of international tariffs that have depressed prices for their grain products as well as increased costs for the materials to produce and store them. Short-term concern over U.S. trade policy is turning into long-term fear for farmers, who face uncertainty over congressional support for a new trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, and the impact of China’s retaliatory tariffs on U.S. grain exports. “We hear …
Trade War Sowing Seeds of Doubt in US Farmers
The ongoing trade dispute between the United States and China is having an impact on most farmers across the country. Their corn and soybean crops are subject to tariffs and increasing competition from other suppliers. As VOA’s Kane Farabaugh reports, U.S. farmers aren’t just concerned about their bottom lines this year. They’re also worried about the long term consequences of a trade war on the only business many have ever known. …
AI, Space Technology to Help With Early Diagnosis of Bowel Cancer
Scientists of University College London (UCL) are developing new technology to help doctors detect deadly bowel cancer and polyps in their earliest stages and ensure the best chances of a patient’s recovery. The system called Odin Vision uses a combination of artificial intelligence and space technology for diagnostic precision. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke has this story. …
Are Coastal Home Values Feeling Drag of Climate Change?
For sale: waterfront property with sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean. Waves erode beach regularly. Flooding gets worse every year. Saltwater damage to lawn. Asking price: anyone’s guess. Some research suggests rising sea levels and flooding brought by global warming are harming coastal property values. But other climate scientists note shortcomings in the studies, and real estate experts say they simply haven’t seen any ebb in demand for coastal homes. So how much homeowners and communities should worry, and how much they should invest in remedies, remains an open question. Nancy Meehan, 71, is considering putting her coastal condo in Salisbury up for sale this year, but she worries buyers will be turned off by the winter storms that churn the seas beside the summer resort town. Her home has been largely spared in the nearly 20 years she’s lived there, she said, but the flooding appears to be worsening along roads and lower properties. ‘My life savings’ “All my life savings is in my home,” Meehan said of the four-bedroom, two-bathroom condo, which she bought for $135,000. “I can’t lose that equity.” Nearby, Denis Champagne can’t be sure that rising seas are hurting his waterfront home’s value. The three-story, four-bedroom home has views of a scenic marsh, has been renovated and is blocks from the ocean — yet was assessed around $420,000. “Do I feel that it should be worth more than that?” Champagne said recently in his sun-soaked living room. “I mean, I’m biased, but where can you …
Explorer Dives to Deepest Depths, Takes Time to Take it in
Taking the hours-long journey to what is believed to be the deepest point mankind has visited in any ocean was a complicated one, and for Victor Vescovo, it meant being constantly alert as he monitored his state-of-the-art vessel. But when he reached 10,928 meters into the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench of the Pacific Ocean, Vescovo took the advice of the man whose record he just broke, Oscar-winning director James Cameron, and took 15 uninterrupted minutes to take in the view and the enormity of the moment. Cameron told him he’d be busy, of course, but noted that “few if any people have seen what you’ve seen” so “deeply appreciate how fortunate you are to see it,” Vescovo recalled in an interview. Deepest ocean depths Last month’s groundbreaking mission was filmed as part of an upcoming Discovery Channel documentary series that will chronicle Vescovo’s trips to the furthest parts of the world’s waters — the Atlantic Ocean, the Southern Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. He has done all except the Arctic plunge, which is set for the fall. The entire journey took nearly 12 hours: four hours to descend, four hours spent at the bottom, and then about four hours to ascend again. Vescovo, a businessman and amateur pilot who has also traversed the highest mountain peaks, including Mount Everest, said the goal of the expedition was not to best Cameron’s mark in the ocean, but to go to areas that were unexplored. …
Stocks Rise, Claw Back Chunk of Monday’s Trade-War Plunge
Stocks climbed on Tuesday and clawed back a chunk of their losses from Monday’s rout, the latest whipsaw move as investors weigh just how badly the escalating U.S.-China trade war will hurt the economy. The day’s rally was nearly a mirror image of Monday’s plunge, when the S&P 500 had its worst day since early January, just not as severe: Technology companies led the way higher after bearing the brunt of the selling on Monday, Treasury yields rose modestly and gold gave back a bit of its gains. The S&P 500 rose 22.54 points, or 0.8%, to 2,834.41. It recovered nearly a third of its loss from Monday, and would now need to rise 3.9% to regain the record it set a couple weeks ago. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 207.06, or 0.8%, to 25,532.05, and the Nasdaq composite index jumped 87.47, or 1.1%, to 7,734.49. Of course, stocks are still lower than they were last week, following China’s pledge to raise tariffs on U.S. goods. Stocks also remain lower than they were on May 5, when President Donald Trump ignited this latest round of fear for markets by announcing on Twitter that the U.S. would raise tariffs on Chinese goods. Tuesday’s rally came after another round of morning Trump tweets on trade. He said, “When the time is right we will make a deal with China,” and he cited his “unlimited” respect for and friendship with China’s leader. Investors are looking for a “place of equilibrium,” said Mark …
Uber Drivers Are Contractors, Not Employees, US Labor Agency Says
A U.S. labor agency has concluded that ride-hailing company Uber Technologies Inc’s drivers are independent contractors and not its employees, which could prevent them from joining unions. The National Labor Relations Board’s general counsel, in a memo released on Tuesday, said Uber drivers set their hours, own their cars and are free to work for the company’s competitors, so they cannot be considered employees under federal labor law. San Francisco-based Uber in a statement said it is “focused on improving the quality and security of independent work, while preserving the flexibility drivers and couriers tell us they value.” Uber shares were up 6.4 percent at $39.46 in late trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The memo dated April 16 came in an NLRB case against Uber that has yet to reach the five-member board, which is independent of the general counsel. Under the National Labor Relations Act, independent contractors cannot join unions and do not have legal protection when they complain about working conditions. In January, President Donald Trump’s appointees to the NLRB adopted a new test making it more difficult for workers to prove they are a company’s employees. Uber, its top rival Lyft Inc, and many other “gig economy” companies have faced scores of lawsuits accusing them of misclassifying workers as independent contractors under federal and state wage laws. Employees are significantly more costly because they are entitled to the minimum wage, overtime pay and reimbursements for work-related expenses under those laws. Uber, in a filing with …
Wall Street Rebounds as US-China Trade Rhetoric Cools
Technology stocks led the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq higher on Tuesday, with U.S. stocks reclaiming ground lost to Monday’s steep sell-off as investors took heart from a tonal shift in ongoing U.S. trade negotiations with China. All three major U.S. indexes were in the black, recovering some ground from their worst one-day percentage losses in months. The bellwether S&P 500 was hovering more than 3% below its most recent all-time high reached two weeks ago. Investors’ nerves were calmed after U.S. President Donald Trump referred to the escalating trade war with China as “a little squabble,” adding that “we have a good dialogue going.” Beijing echoed that sentiment, with a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman telling reporters: “My understanding is that China and the United States have agreed to continue pursuing relevant discussions.” “Either this is a bargain-hunting rally or a dead cat bounce, or there is some consensus that something meaningful is going to come out of the trade talks in the next four to six weeks,” said Bucky Hellwig, senior vice president at BB&T Wealth Management in Birmingham, Alabama. But Hellwig also feels the rollercoaster of the escalating trade war has had an effect on investor psychology. “I’m starting to see some investors becoming anesthetized on the negotiations and focusing on what the market’s going to look like a year from now,” Hellwig added. Boeing Co provided the biggest boost to the Dow, rising 2.1% as tariff-sensitive industrials buoyed the blue chip index. Ralph Lauren Corp dropped 3.8% …
US, China Trade War Already Reshaping Trade Links
With the Trump administration locked in an escalating trade war with China, much of the media focus is on the immediate impact of decisions by leaders on both sides to impose sharp tariffs on goods flowing between the two countries. But while consumers and exporters in both countries will suffer in the near-term, an even more disruptive possibility looms in the long term: a “decoupling” of two massive economic systems that have become deeply interdependent over the past several decades. At the root of the dispute is a U.S. effort to force China to bring its trade policies in line with other major industrialized countries. Specifically, the U.S. wants to see China stop subsidizing domestic firms to help them compete on the world stage, eliminate the widespread theft of intellectual property by Chinese businesses, and open its markets to foreign competition. The U.S. is also putting pressure on specific Chinese telecommunications firms, out of concern that they could be used by the Chinese government to spy on global rivals. In recent days, the two countries have both ratcheted up economic pressures. As negotiations over a major trade deal stalled last week, President Trump announced that he would direct his administration to hike tariffs to 25% on Chinese goods that accounted for $200 billion in imports last year. He indicated that he would eventually move to place that same levy on all $540 billion of annual Chinese imports. The Chinese government retaliated Monday with the imposition of tariffs on $60 billion …
Michigan Legislature to Vote to Ban Abortion Procedure
Michigan’s Republican-led Legislature planned to vote Tuesday to ban a common second-trimester abortion procedure, pushing ahead with legislation that would likely be vetoed by Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The bills would prohibit physicians from performing a “dismemberment abortion,” the non-medical term for dilation and evacuation used by anti-abortion advocates, except to save a woman’s life. The procedure, in which the fetus is removed with a surgical instrument such as forceps, was used in 1,777, or 6.7%, of abortions in the state in 2017. It accounted for half of all second-trimester abortions, including 78% done after the 16th week of pregnancy. The pending votes were scheduled at a time Republicans across the U.S. are advancing tough anti-abortion bills they hope can pass muster with the Supreme Court. With Whitmer expected to veto the measures if they are sent to her desk, Right to Life is preparing to launch a citizens’ initiative that could be enacted by lawmakers without her signature. The group has successfully used the maneuver four times before to put anti-abortion bills into law. “This is a horrific, barbaric procedure. It literally rips arms and legs off of living babies. This is not OK. This is not OK for any civilized person,” said Genevieve Marnon, legislative director for Right to Life of Michigan. Whitmer has pledged to veto anti-abortion legislation. “You’ve got a powerful backstop in a veto from my office,” she said last month at a Planned Parenthood conference. Abortion-rights activists …
Truck Drivers Become Key EU Election Issue in Bulgaria
The future of Bulgaria’s vast number of low-wage truck drivers has become a top campaign issue in the country heading into European Parliament elections, with debates raging on how new EU rules could threaten the workers and deepen divisions between rich and poor nations in the bloc. The European Commission wants to put restrictions on cargo transport to ensure adequate rest for truck drivers and limit driving distances. Bulgaria, where the transport sector accounts for 15 percent of GDP and employs some 200,000 people, fears it will erode its workforce’s low-cost advantage. It says it could cost jobs and force Bulgarian truckers to move to Western Europe, worsening a wealth gap within the EU. “This package would directly deprive more than 150,000 Bulgarian families of bread and livelihood,” says Angel Dzhambazki, a former member of the European Parliament who is running in this month’s election. The new rules concern truck drivers’ postings, driving and rest times, and access to the market. Especially worrying for Bulgarian truckers is the requirement that they spend their rest time in a hotel rather than in bunks in their trucks. The rules would also force drivers to return home every three or four weeks with an empty truck. Dzhambazki said that the European proposal, called the Mobility Package, would cause thousands of Bulgarians to emigrate to wealthier European countries to be closer to the markets they work with. He sees the proposal as an effort by countries like France and Germany to …
Trump: US ‘Can Make a Deal’ with China
Capitol Hill correspondent Michael Bowman and reporter Ira Mellman contributed to this report President Donald Trump said the United States “can make a deal with China tomorrow” to resolve the trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies, adding the accusation that China prevented the two sides from completing an agreement. In a series of tweets Tuesday, Trump portrayed the United States as being “in a much better position now than any deal we could have made,” and restated his frequent refrain that under his administration other countries will not “take advantage” of the United States when it comes to trade. His latest remarks came after he boosted taxes on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods sent to the United States and moved to impose duties on another $300 billion of Chinese exports. China retaliated by imposing tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods. China hits back The Chinese finance ministry said Monday its new 5% to 25% tax would be imposed June 1 and affect 5,140 U.S. products exported to China. Beijing said its response was targeting “U.S. unilateralism and trade protectionism.” “China will never succumb to foreign pressure,” the foreign ministry said. “We are determined and capable of safeguarding our legitimate rights and interests. We still hope that the U.S. will meet us half way.” The escalation of the tit-for-tat tariff increases had an immediate effect on the U.S. stock market, with the key Dow Jones Industrial Average plunging nearly 2.4% by the close of trading Monday …
Гройсман назвав «реальний показник» середньої зарплати в Україні на 2021 рік
Прем’єр-міністр Володимир Гройсман заявив, що середня зарплата в Україні на 2021 рік має становити в доларовому еквіваленті 620 доларів. Про це голова уряду сказав 14 травня під час підписання нової тристоронньої Генеральної угоди із профспілками та роботодавцями. «620 доларів – абсолютно реальний показник, який допоможе збільшити мотивацію українців працювати на власну економіку», – цитує Гройсмана «Урядовий портал». Середня заробітна плата в Україні в доларовому еквіваленті досягла рівня 2013 року і становить майже 400 доларів, свідчать дані Державної служби статистики. У березні 2019 року номінальна середня зарплата становила 10237 гривень при курсі 26,6 гривні за долар (або 385 доларів). Станом на травень гривня стала міцнішою щодо долара, офіційний курс на 14 травня становить 26 гривень 11 копійок. Середня заробітна плата в Україні в березні 2013 року становила 3212 гривні при курсі 8,16 гривні за долар (або 394 долари). …
Зростання гривні на міжбанку загальмувалося
На міжбанківському валютному ринку 14 травня триває зміцнення гривні щодо долара США, але зростання котирувань національної валюти уповільнилося, свідчать дані профільного сайту «Мінфін», який відстежує перебіг торгів. «Торги по долару на максимальній активності з самого ранку. Тривають операції по лотах до 1 мільйона доларів при перевищенні пропозиції над попитом», – відзначають аналітики. Серед чинників, що грають на користь гривні, фахівці відзначають чергове розміщення облігацій внутрішньої державної позики – для купівлі номінованих у гривні цінних паперів нерезиденти продають іноземну валюту. Також на ринок впливає наближення дат платежів компаній до бюджету, для чого потрібна гривня. «На ранок вівторка кореспондентські рахунки банків впали майже на 3,6 мільярда гривень до 56,1 мільярда. Дефіцит гривні відчувається у більшості середніх та дрібних фінустанов», – ідеться в повідомленні. Цю ситуацію для поповнення своїх золотовалютних резервів використовує Національний банк України, регулятор таким чином не допускає значнішого посилення національної валюти. Опівдні НБУ встановив довідкове значення на рівні 26 гривень 14 копійок за долар, це на три копійки більше, ніж офіційний курс на 14 травня. Курс, встановлений Нацбанком за результатом торгів 13 травня (26 гривень 11 копійок), став повторенням річного максимуму. Востаннє на рівні 26,11 щодо долара гривня перебувала 21 травня 2018 року. …