US Adds Robust 263K Jobs; Unemployment at 49-Year Low

U.S. employers added a robust 263,000 jobs in April, suggesting that businesses have shrugged off earlier concerns that the economy might slow this year and anticipate strong customer demand. The unemployment rate fell to a five-decade low of 3.6% from 3.8%, though that drop partly reflected an increase in the number of Americans who stopped looking for work. Average hourly pay rose 3.2% from 12 months earlier, a healthy increase though unchanged from the previous month. Friday’s jobs report from the Labor Department showed that solid economic growth is still encouraging strong hiring nearly a decade into the economy’s recovery from the Great Recession. The economic expansion is set to become the longest in history in July. Many businesses say they are struggling to find workers. Some have taken a range of steps to fill jobs, including training more entry-level workers, loosening educational requirements and raising pay. The brightening picture represents a sharp improvement from the start of the year. At the time, the government was enduring a partial shutdown, the stock market had plunged, trade tensions between the United States and China were flaring and the Federal Reserve had just raised short-term interest rates in December for a fourth time in 2018. Analysts worried that the economy might barely expand in the first three months of the year. Yet the outlook soon brightened. Chair Jerome Powell signaled that the Fed would put rate hikes on hold. Trade negotiations between the U.S. and China made some progress. The economic outlook …

НБУ: курс гривні 6 травня знову зміцніє

Офіційний курс гривні у понеділок 6 травня знову зросте після незначного послаблення, повідомляють у Національному банку України. Напередодні НБУ встановив курс гривні щодо долара на 3, 4 і 5 травня на рівні 26 гривень 55 копійок, що на 6 копійок більше за курс 1 травня. Однак 6 травня долар, згідно з офіційним курсом, коштуватиме вже 26 гривень 48 копійок, тобто на 7 копійок менше. За даними сайту «Мінфін», торги на міжбанківському ринку в п’ятницю почалися на позначці 26,50 гривні за долар, а наприкінці дня курс міжбанку становить 26,46 гривень за долар. Міжбанківський курс гривні щодо євро теж дещо зріс – з 29,59 вранці до 29,52. Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …

Ціна нафти впала до місячного мінімуму

Котирування нафти на торгах 3 травня опустилися майже до 70 доларів за барель марки Brent. Це сталося після того, як минулого тижня ціна «чорного золота» оновила піврічні максимуми. Нинішні показники є найнижчими за останній місяць. На рівні 70 доларів за барель нафта перебувала в першій декаді квітня. Зміну тренду аналітики пов’язують, зокрема, з позицією Росії. За даними Bloomberg, у квітні Росія видобула більше нафти, ніж було погоджено в рамках угоди ОПЕК+, хоча міністр енергетики країни Олександр Новак обіцяв, що Москва виконає умови угоди. Також на котирування впливає рівень видобутку у Сполучених Штатах, які не беруть участь у домовленостях нафтового картелю і його союзників. Відповідно до опублікованого 1 травня звіту міністерства енергетики США по запасах нафти і нафтопродуктів, видобуток нафти в США зріс на 100 тисяч барелів до 12,3 мільйона барелів на день, що є новим абсолютним рекордом. …

White House Downplays Trump Meeting With Tycoon

A White House meeting between the current U.S. president and a prominent businessman who is seeking to become president of Taiwan is causing concern.  The White House on Thursday sought to downplay any diplomatic or political sensitivities, saying President Donald Trump and Foxconn founder Terry Gou did not discuss support for the billionaire’s presidential campaign in Taiwan.  “He is just a great friend” of Trump, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.  The Taiwanese businessman, however, in a Facebook posting after Wednesday’s meeting and in a discussion with reporters, said he told the president of his candidacy and Trump responded that being president “was a tough job.”  He also displayed a pen and autographed coin he said that Trump gave him. “If I am elected president of the Republic of China, I will be a peacemaker and won’t become a troublemaker,” Gou told reporters. “I will strengthen Taiwan and the U.S. economically.” He also boasted that of all the presidential contenders, he is the only one to have secured an Oval Office meeting.  Wednesday’s discussion is the first known circumstance of a sitting American president meeting with a Taiwanese presidential candidate since Washington broke diplomatic ties with Taipei in 1979 as part of its recognition of the communist government in Beijing.  Gou is to seek the nomination of the opposition Kuomintang party in Taiwan’s 2020 presidential election. The party is regarded as having a friendlier stance toward Beijing than the ruling Democrat Progressive Party of President Tsai Ing-wen.  …

Melinda Gates Speaks to VOA About Women’s Empowerment 

VOA Africa Division’s Linord Moudou spoke to Melinda Gates about women’s empowerment, work in Africa, the work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and how men can benefit from women’s empowerment. The interview also touched on the pay gap between men and women and the anti-vaccination movement.     Q: Melinda Gates, thank you so much for joining us on the Voice of America.    Melinda Gates: Thanks for having me.    Q: You just released a book, The Moment of Lift. First of all, you are well known as a accomplished businesswoman and a philanthropist. Why was it important for you to become an author and write this book?    Gates: Well, I have met so many women and families over 20 years of foundation travels to many, many, many countries, and the stories these women have shared with me about their lives have called me to action. And I wanted to write a book that would call others to action, because I believe that equality can’t wait. When we make women equal in society, it lifts up their family and society, and we need to make sure that we really get to equality for women all over the world.   Q: So when we talk about equality for women, how would you describe it? What are some of the basic steps?    Gates: To me, equality for women shows up when they have their full voice and their full decision-making authority in their home, in their community and in their workplace. If we can make sure women have that, you will have true equality in society for …

Beyond Meat Goes Public as Sales of Plant-based Meats Rise

The Nasdaq is adding fake meat to its diet. Beyond Meat, the purveyor of plant-based burgers and sausages, made its debut on the stock exchange Thursday. It’s the first pure-play maker of vegan “meat” to go public, according to Renaissance Capital, which researches and tracks IPOs. Beyond Meat raised about $240 million selling 9.6 million shares at $25 each. That values the company at about $1.5 billion. The 10-year-old company has attracted celebrity investors like Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and actor Leonardo DiCaprio and buzz for placing its products in burger joints like Carl’s Jr. It sells to 30,000 grocery stores, restaurants and schools in the U.S., Canada, Italy, the United Kingdom and Israel. Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown said the IPO timing is right because the company wants to expand overseas. He also wants consumers to be able to buy shares since they have fueled the company’s growth. “It really is a wonderful feeling to be able to welcome people in who have helped this brand,” Brown told The Associated Press. Still, Beyond Meat has never made an annual profit; it lost $30 million last year. It’s also facing serious competition from other “new meat” companies like Impossible Foods and traditional players like Tyson Foods Inc. Tyson recently sold a stake in Beyond Meat because it plans to develop its own alternative meat. The IPO comes amid growing consumer interest in plant-based foods for their presumed health and environmental benefits. U.S. sales of plant-based meats jumped 42% between March …

Trump’s Favored Sanctions Meet Resistance

President Donald Trump is increasingly reliant upon economic sanctions to achieve his foreign policy goals, despite a repeated emphasis that the use of military force remains a viable option.  However, these coercive measures, analysts say, have not produced their intended results, and at times have put the United States at odds with allies.   Venezuela In the case of Venezuela, the Trump sanctions that include the seizure of Venezuela’s oil assets in the United States, along with joining more than 50 other countries in recognizing Juan Guaido, the head of the National Assembly, as the interim president, have energized the opposition.  Despite the economic pain caused by the sanctions, the massive protests in the country, and reports of growing mid-level military support for the opposition, socialist leader Nicolas Maduro has continued to hold on to power through increasing political repression. Short of using military force that could entangle the United States in a protracted civil war, there are few other measures the Trump administration can take to force democratic change in Venezuela. “Because the costs are limited to us.  It also means the benefits will likely be limited.  We could accept more costs and achieve more benefits if we were for example, to invade these countries, change their governments, force them to adopt policies we want,” said Richard Weitz, a political-military analysis at Hudson Institute in Washington, DC. Iran Trump has more aggressively imposed unilateral sanctions than past presidents against countries like Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and North Korea, and in …

НБУ прогнозує ослаблення гривні щодо долара

Курс гривні щодо долара знизиться на шість копійок – такий офіційний курс встановив Національний банк на 3 травня. За даними НБУ, долар коштуватиме 26,55 гривень за одиницю, тоді як 2 травня курс становить 26,49. Курс щодо євро встановлений на позначці 29,77, що майже на 30 копійок вище за показник 2 травня – 29,49 гривні. Читайте також: НБУ збільшує купівлю валюти на міжбанку до 20 мільйонів доларів на день Профільний сайт «Мінфін» демонструє ослаблення курсу гривні щодо долара на міжбанку 2 травня з 26,37 гривні за долар до 26,58 гривні. Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …

Trump’s Sanctions Wage Economic War

President Donald Trump is increasingly reliant upon economic sanctions to achieve his foreign policy goals, even as he also asserts that the use of military force is a viable option. However, as VOA’s Brian Padden reports, in three key countries subjected to sanctions Trump’s approach so far hasn’t produced the intended results and at times has put the U.S. at odds with allies. …

Scientists Alarmed by Damage to World’s Biodiversity

Officials from 132 nations have been gathering in Paris to look at the state of biodiversity around the world. The meeting is the 7th session of the Intergovernmental Science and Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, which will culminate with the presentation of a huge report when the meeting concludes on May 4. The task is enormous. The challenges even more. About 150 scientists have worked to establish a detailed assessment of the current state of global biodiversity. The 1,800-page report, the first inventory in 15 years, is expected to become a scientific reference in biodiversity A quarter of the 100,000 species assessed, a tiny portion of the estimated 8 million on Earth, are already threatened with extinction. But “an imminent rapid acceleration in the rate of species extinction” is expected by scientists, according to the draft report. And between 500,000 and one million are expected to become threatened, including “many in the coming decades.” The roots of the problem are well known : climate change and human activities. In 2018, a World Wildlife Fund report indicated that half of all wildlife species have disappeared in just 40 years. Deforestation, pesticide use, fishing, are among the culprits. The report alleges that human activity as a whole is responsible for a 60 percent decline in global wildlife between 1970 and 2014. “The conversion and destruction of natural habitats, for example for agriculture, and also by direct exploitation of animals and plants, through hunting, fishing or forestry,” says Thomas Brooks, the …

НБУ збільшує купівлю валюти на міжбанку до 20 мільйонів доларів на день

Національний банк повідомляє, що збільшив купівлю валюти на міжбанківському валютному ринку у другому та третьому кварталах 2019 року (тобто з квітня по вересень) до 20 мільйонів доларів на день. Це, за заявою регулятора, на 5 мільйонів більше, ніж передбачали поточні норми, чинні з лютого 2019 року. У Нацбанку розраховують, що такі обсяги викупленої валюти не вплинуть істотно на міжбанківський курс. «З початку року обсяги торгів на міжбанківському валютному ринку на тлі валютної лібералізації і зняття низки обмежень для бізнесу зросли майже на 40%. Це дає змогу Національному банку також збільшувати обсяги купівлі валюти, відчутно не впливаючи на динаміку курсу гривні, визначену фундаментальними економічними чинниками», – пояснюють у центробанку. Читайте також: «Збитки» Криму в доларах: хто готує материковій частині України «рахунок» за півострів НБУ, за власними даними, з січня по квітень 2019 року викупив на міжбанку близько 900 мільйонів доларів. При цьому офіційний курс валют станом на 2 травня становить 26,49 гривень за долар. «Встановлення кількісних індикаторів для щоденних інтервенцій є важливим елементом режиму плаваючого обмінного курсу. За цього режиму НБУ не підтримує жодного значення обмінного курсу, а присутність НБУ на валютному ринку зумовлюється необхідністю накопичувати міжнародні резерви, згладжувати функціонування валютного ринку та підтримувати трансмісію ключової процентної ставки», – пояснюють у НБУ. За даними Державної служби статистики, обсяг офіційних міжнародних резервів України у березні 2019 року складав 20,6 доларів США. …

St. Lucia Quarantines Cruise Ship Over Measles Case

The Caribbean nation of St. Lucia has imposed a quarantine on a visiting cruise ship, barring any passengers or crew from leaving the boat while in port, after a case of measles was diagnosed on board, the island’s chief medical officer said. Dr. Merlene Frederick-James said in a video statement posted to YouTube Tuesday that the St. Lucia Ministry of Health ordered the restriction after conferring with the Pan American Health Organization and others about the risk of exposure to islanders. The ministry learned of the confirmed measles case from “two reputable sources,” and in light of current measles outbreaks in the United States and the highly infectious nature of the disease “we thought it prudent that we quarantine the ship,” Frederick-James said. She gave no information about the ship or its origins. Church of Scientology NBC News, citing a St. Lucia Coast Guard sergeant, reported the boat in question is named Freewinds, which is the name of a 440-foot vessel owned and operated by the Church of Scientology. The international vessel-monitoring website also showed that a Panamanian-flagged passenger ship identified as SMV Freewinds docked in port near the St. Lucia capital of Castries. The website indicated the ship was headed next to the island of Dominica. The Church of Scientology website describes the Freewinds as a floating “religious retreat ministering the most advanced level of spiritual counseling in the Scientology religion.” It says its homeport is Curacao. Church officials did not immediately respond to efforts by Reuters seeking …

НБУ зміцнив курс гривні

Національний банк України 2 травня зміцнив курс гривні на 13 копійок – до 26,49. Курс гривні до євро встановлено на рівні 29,49 За даними нішевого сайту «Мінфін», на міжбанку курс долара становить 26,37 гривень за долар. Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …

Сьогодні останній день подачі податкових декларацій

Сьогодні, 2 травня, останній день подачі громадянами декларації про майновий стан і доходи за 2018 рік. Про це повідомляє Державна фіскальна служба. Згідно з законодавством декларацію можна подати за місцем податкової адреси у три способи: особисто або уповноваженою особою; надіслати поштою з повідомленням про вручення та з описом вкладення, але не пізніше ніж за 5 днів до закінчення граничного строку подання декларації; засобами електронного зв’язку в електронній формі з дотриманням вимог електронного документообігу (не пізніше закінчення останньої години дня, в якому спливає такий граничний строк). Громадяни, що мають право на податкову знижку у 2018 році, можуть подати декларацію до 31 грудня поточного року. …

Budget Office: Caveats to Government-Run Health System

Congressional budget experts said Wednesday that moving to a government-run health care system like “Medicare for All” could be complicated and potentially disruptive for Americans. The report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was a high-level look at the pros and cons of changing the current mix of public and private health care financing to a system paid for entirely by the government. It did not include cost estimates of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation or its House counterpart, but raised dozens of issues lawmakers would confront. “The transition toward a single-payer system could be complicated, challenging and potentially disruptive,” the report said. “Policymakers would need to consider how quickly people with private insurance would switch their coverage to a new public plan, what would happen to workers in the health insurance industry if private insurance was banned or its role was limited, and how quickly provider payment rates under the single-payer system would be phased in from current levels.” One unintended consequence could be increased wait times and reduced access to care if there are not enough medical providers to meet an expected increased demand for services as some 29 million currently uninsured people get coverage and as deductibles and copayments are reduced or eliminated for everyone else. “An expansion of insurance coverage under a single-payer system would increase the demand for care and put pressure on the available supply of care,” the report said. Sanders, I-Vt., pushed back, telling reporters that what’s really disruptive is that …

Budget Office Offers Caveats on Government-run Health System

Congressional budget experts said Wednesday that moving to a government-run health care system like “Medicare for All” could be complicated and potentially disruptive for Americans.    The report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was a high-level look at the pros and cons of changing the current mix of public and private health care financing to a system paid for entirely by the government. It did not include cost estimates of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation or its House counterpart, but listed dozens of trade-offs lawmakers would confront.    “The transition toward a single-payer system could be complicated, challenging and potentially disruptive,” the report said. “Policymakers would need to consider how quickly people with private insurance would switch their coverage to a new public plan, what would happen to workers in the health insurance industry if private insurance was banned or its role was limited, and how quickly provider payment rates under the single-payer system would be phased in from current levels.”  Longer waits, less access   One unintended consequence could be increased wait times and reduced access to care if there are not enough medical providers to meet an expected increased demand for services as 29 million currently uninsured people get coverage and as deductibles and copayments are reduced or eliminated for everyone else.   “An expansion of insurance coverage under a single-payer system would increase the demand for care and put pressure on the available supply of care,” the report said.    Employers now cover more than …

US, China Reportedly Near Deal to End Some Tariffs

The United States and China are nearing a trade deal that would roll back a portion of the $250 billion in U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods, Politico reported on Wednesday after U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the two countries completed “productive” talks in Beijing. Mnuchin, along with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, held a day of discussions with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, aimed at ending a trade war. The talks are to resume next week in Washington, where some observers say a deal announcement is possible. “Ambassador Lighthizer and I just concluded productive meetings with China’s Vice Premier Liu He. We will continue our talks in Washington, D.C. next week,” Mnuchin wrote on his Twitter account. He gave no details. The three appeared before cameras at the end of talks at a state guest house in Beijing, chatting amiably among themselves without speaking to reporters. “The discussions remain focused toward making substantial progress on important structural issues and rebalancing the U.S.-China trade relationship,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told pool reporters, adding only scheduling details. Unilateral action  Politico quoted two people close to the talks as saying the sides have reached an understanding on how to enforce the agreement, but details need to be worked out. It would track closely to a framework described by Lighthizer to members of Congress: a series of meetings to address complaints about China’s compliance with the accord, ending in unilateral U.S. tariff actions if the dispute cannot be resolved. A USTR …

May Day 2019: Workers Demand Rights, Respect

Higher salaries, better working conditions, maternity leave, minimum wage and an end to discrimination against temporary or foreign workers: These were among the concerns as hundreds of thousands of union members and labor activists rallied around the world to mark May Day. The tradition of May Day marches for workers’ rights began in the United States in the 1880s. It quickly spread to other countries at a time when industrialization pitted poorly paid employees who had few protections and little power against increasingly dominant factory employers and landowners.  Over the decades, the May Day protests have also become an opportunity to air general economic grievances or political demands. Here’s a look at Wednesday’s protests: Puerto Rico Thousands of Puerto Ricans marched to traditional music while protesting austerity measures, with many participants at a May Day event demanding the ouster of a federal control board overseeing the U.S. territory’s finances. Many in the crowd in San Juan waved Puerto Rican flags made in black and white rather than red, white and blue to symbolize mourning for the island’s plight, especially since September 2017’s Hurricane Maria. A protester dressed as comic book superhero Superman was arrested after jumping over a street barrier and hugging a police officer. Italy Two protesters and a police officer were injured in the Italian city of Turin when police blocked a demonstration against the construction of a high-speed rail line between France and Italy, according to ANSA, an Italian news agency. Among the protesters were members of …

Beyond Rations: Food Aid Struggles to Adapt to Modern Crises

Habibou Iba’s twin sons are wasting away at the age of seven months after existing on a diet of millet and water. The family was forced out of their home in January when their village in northern Burkina Faso was attacked as jihadist and ethnic violence escalated in the West African nation. Aid agencies have distributed the typical rations of dry cereals, oil and beans, but what the children really need is milk, said Iba who is too weak to breastfeed. “I am forced to beg in the village to buy them powdered milk,” Iba, 27, said by phone from the town of Dori, where her sons are being treated for malnutrition by the medical charity Medecins du Monde. Although awareness about malnutrition has increased in the last few decades, aid agencies still struggle to provide a balanced diet in poor, remote places, said several nutrition advisors for international charities. With U.N. figures showing wars, persecution and other violence have driven a record 68.5 million people from their homes, more people than ever are dependent on food aid – and for longer periods, making it critical for rations to be nutritious. In West Africa’s Sahel region, which includes northern Burkina Faso, climate change and conflict have kept people in displacement camps for years with no end in sight. Mali has been in crisis since 2012, while Nigeria has been battling the Boko Haram insurgency for a decade. “Historically, the concern has been about providing enough food in the context of …

In Streaming Wars, Apple Says It Can Coexist With Netflix

Far from being a Netflix killer, Apple envisions its forthcoming Apple TV+ streaming service as one that could sit alongside other services that viewers buy, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook said on Tuesday. Apple in March said it will launch a streaming service with original content from big names including Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg. It plans to spend $2 billion on programming but has not said how much the service will cost. Investors are keeping a close eye on Apple’s television efforts because subscription services are an increasingly important part of its financial results as iPhone sales decline. Apple is entering a crowded field, including Walt Disney Co.’s $6.99 per month service launching this fall. At the other end of the price spectrum, Alphabet’s YouTube this month said that it was raising the price of its YouTube TV online service, a cable-like bundle of more than 70 channels, to $49.99 per month. On a conference call with investors on Tuesday, Cook indicated that Apple will not try to give viewers everything they want. “There’s a huge move from the cable bundle to over-the-top,” Cook told investors during a call on Tuesday, referring to streaming television services delivered over the internet rather than a traditional cable service. “We think that most users are going to get multiple over-the-top products, and we’re going to do our best to convince them that the Apple TV+ product should be one of them.” …