US Charges 2 Chinese Engineers with Stealing Trade Secrets

The Justice Department on Tuesday announced indictments against two Chinese nationals accused of working together to steal trade secrets from General Electric. Xiaoqing Zheng pleaded not guilty Tuesday in U.S. federal court in Albany, New York. Co-defendant Zhaoxi Zhang is believed to be in China. Both are charged with economic espionage and stealing trade secrets. Zheng is also charged with lying to FBI investigators. “The indictment alleges a textbook example of the Chinese government’s strategy to rob American companies of their intellectual property and to replicate their products in Chinese factories, enabling Chinese companies to replace the American company first in the Chinese market and later worldwide,” U.S. Assistant Attorney General John Demers said. He said the United States will not stand by and watch the world’s second-largest economy commit “state-sponsored theft.” Zheng was an engineer at General Electric’s power and water plant in Schenectady, New York. U.S. prosecutors allege he stole multiple electronic files describing designs and engineering of GE gas and steam turbines and emailed them to Zhang. The indictments accuse the pair of using the stolen information to profit from their business interests in two Chinese companies — Liaoning Tianyi Aviation Technology and Nanjing Tianyi Avi Tech. Prosecutors say the two defendants knew their activities would benefit the Chinese government. If convicted, Zheng and Zhang could spend 25 years in prison and be fined more than $5 million. Zheng could also face an additional five years and a $250,000 fine for allegedly lying to the FBI. …

Back to Same Record, But It’s a Different Stock Market

Stock investors had to go on a harrowing round trip over the last seven months, but the market may be in a healthier place after it.   The S&P 500 index of big U.S. stocks is back to a record high, closing above 2,930 on Tuesday for the first time since Sept. 20. On the way, though, it took investors on a terrifying plunge of nearly 20%, amid worries that the economy would tip into recession. After hitting bottom in December, stocks took off on a nearly mirror-image rally .   Even though the S&P 500 is back at the same level, analysts say many of the market’s vital signs look different today than in late September.   Worries about a possible recession have dimmed, in large part because of a change in stance by the Federal Reserve. That has many investors predicting more gains for the market this go-around, despite risks still hanging over stocks, such as the still simmering global trade war and slower growth for economies and corporate profits around the world.   Here’s a look at some of the changes for the market, and one big similarity, between then and now: AN EASIER FEDERAL RESERVE This is the biggest difference by far, investors say.   Last autumn, the Federal Reserve was deep into its plan to gradually raise interest rates, after having kept them pinned at nearly zero for years. Higher rates would slow the economy, but it would also reduce the risk of higher inflation …

Tencent Invests in Argentine Mobile Banking Startup

Chinese tech giant Tencent Holdings has invested in Argentine mobile banking service Uala, which also counts George Soros and Point72 Ventures LLC among its investors, the start-up’s founder said. Uala founder Pierpaolo Barbieri said the company planned to collaborate with the Chinese social media-to-gaming giant to further develop its app. He declined to disclose the amount of Tencent’s investment. Tencent, one of Asia’s most valuable listed companies, announced last year it would boost investments in a number of “key areas” including digital payment, where its service jostles with rival Alipay, backed by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Tencent’s own messenger-to-payment app WeChat now has more than 1 billion users in China and has launched in-app services that compete with Apple and Google apps. “We are proud of their interest in Uala and look forward to collaborating on new products and services. This investment will allow us to grow even faster with our product roadmap,” Barbieri said in an email to Reuters. Argentine startups face regulatory hurdles in South America’s second largest economy, but the country has spawned some of the region’s most successful tech startups, including U.S.-listed online marketplace MercadoLibre and Internet travel agent The country, which has a large unbanked population, is also seeing a boom in digital finance from start-ups like Uala to a new wave of online banks competing with more traditional lenders. …

Americans Getting More Inactive, Computers Partly to Blame

Americans are becoming increasingly sedentary, spending almost a third of their waking hours sitting down, and computer use is partly to blame, a new study found.   Over almost a decade, average daily sitting time increased by roughly an hour, to about eight hours for U.S. teens and almost 6 1/2 hours for adults, according to the researchers. That includes school and work hours, but leisure-time computer use among all ages increased too.   By 2016, at least half of American kids and adults spent an hour or more of leisure time daily using computers. The biggest increase was among the oldest adults: 15 percent of retirement-aged adults reported using computers that often in 2003-04, soaring to more than half in 2015-16.   Most Americans of all ages watched TV or videos for at least two hours daily and that was mostly unchanged throughout the study, ranging from about 60 percent of kids aged 5 to 11, up to 84 percent of seniors.   “Everything we found is concerning,” said lead author Yin Cao, a researcher at Washington University’s medical school in St. Louis. “The overall message is prolonged sitting is highly prevalent,” despite prominent health warnings about the dangers of being too sedentary.   The researchers analyzed U.S. government health surveys from almost 52,000 Americans, starting at age 5, from 2001-2016. Total sitting time was assessed for teens and adults starting in 2007. The results were published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.   Studies have …

У конкурсі на посаду голови Державної податкової служби переміг заступник міністра фінансів

У конкурсі на посаду голови Державної податкової служби переміг заступник міністра фінансів України Сергій Верланов, повідомила прес-служба Міністерства фінансів України. «Трійка фіналістів у прямому ефірі представили членам комісії свою програму розвитку Служби у вигляді презентації, а потім протягом години відповідала на запитання представників бізнесу, народних депутатів, експертів та членів комісії, демонструючи фахові знання, лідерські якості, організаційні навички та стресостійкість», – заявили в Міністерстві фінансів. Сергій Верланов отримав сумарно 16,45 бала, Сергій Петухов – 13,54 бала, а Дмитро Олексієнко не набрав балів, достатніх для рейтингового оцінювання.   За результатами оцінювання кандидатів комісія рекомендувала Кабінету міністрів України призначити Сергія Верланова головою Державної податкової служби. Верланов призначений заступником міністра фінансів 26 липня 2018 року. У 2015-2017 роках був співголовою юридичного правового комітету Американської торгової палати в Україні. З 2016 року є членом Громадської ради доброчесності, Вищої кваліфікаційної комісії суддів України (делегований Асоціацією правників України). Наприкінці 2018 року Кабінет міністрів України розділив Державну фіскальну службу на податкову і митну служби й повідомив про намір провести конкурс на керівників новоутворених відомств. …

UN: Malawi is 1st Nation to Use Malaria Vaccine to Help Kids

The World Health Organization says Malawi has become the first country to begin immunizing children against malaria, using the only licensed vaccine to protect against the mosquito-spread disease. Although the vaccine only protects about one-third of children who are immunized, those who get the shots are likely to have less severe cases of malaria. The parasitic disease kills about 435,000 people every year, the majority of them children under 5 in Africa. “It’s an imperfect vaccine but it still has the potential to save tens of thousands of lives,” said Alister Craig, dean of biological sciences at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, who was not linked to WHO or to the vaccine. Craig said immunizing the most vulnerable children during peak malaria seasons could spare many thousands of children from falling ill with malaria or even dying. The vaccine, known as Mosquirix, was developed by GlaxoSmithKline and was approved by the European Medicines Agency in 2015. A previous trial showed the vaccine was about 30% effective in children who got four doses, but that protection waned over time. Reported side effects include pain, fever and convulsions. WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus welcomed the new program, noting progress has “stalled and even reversed” in the ongoing fight against malaria. In the coming weeks, WHO said similar vaccination programs would begin in Kenya and Ghana together with other partners and that they aimed to reach about 360,000 children across the three countries. GSK is donating up to 10 million vaccine doses. …

Is Health Care Still a Basic Right as Communist Vietnam Privatizes?

Communist Vietnam is moving to privatize some parts of its health care system, raising questions about the state’s duty to guarantee care for all as a basic right, and about its budget to do so.  A publicly funded medical school in Ho Chi Minh City said this month it is looking for a private investor to help it build a new training and outpatient center on its campus. The Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine said the idea is for it to handle the clinical operations and training, while a private company would handle the actual construction. Tapping private funding “Ho Chi Minh City’s health care needs are critical due to rapid urbanization and a growing population,” said Dr. Ngo Minh Xuan, who is the rector of the Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine. “However, we cannot cater to these needs effectively and timely by relying solely on public budget.” The shift to partially privatize these health services is an ongoing trend as the country of 100 million people turns ever closer to capitalism. More and more international hospitals are popping up and expanding, like Hanh Phuc and the Vietnam Germany Hospital, as the government increasingly opens up the sector to private parties, such as through a trade deal with the European Union that permits higher foreign investment. A record of health care for all Since its establishment as a communist nation at the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, the country has provided universal health care, with most …

Zimbabwe Wildlife Orphanage Rescues, Educates Against Poaching

An animal orphanage in Zimbabwe is one of the organizations leading efforts to ensure poaching and development do not wipe out the wildlife of the southern African nation.  About half an hour drive southeast of Bulawayo is a special orphanage caring for abandoned and injured animals. The Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage is home to 25 animal species, some endangered, some rescued from poachers. Vivian and Paddy Wilson established the orphanage in 1973 and a second generation now runs it.  Chipangali’s co-director Nicky Wilson explains what motivated her in-laws to begin rescuing wildlife. ​“(When) Chipangali was formed there was only CROW (Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife), which was in Durban (South Africa) and Daphne Sheldrick Orphanage in Kenya. There was no other places where you would put animals that wouldn’t survive in the wild,” Wilson said. Animals are brought to Chipangali after being injured, seized, or orphaned, says Wilson. Some are later released into the wild, and some are not. “Some birds might have flown into power lines and are missing part of their wings, they won’t be able to be released. We also have baby animals, sometimes if they are reared, they become too tame and assume that every human is friendly, unfortunately that is not the case in our world. So, they will stay here permanently and utilize them for our education,” Wilson said. ​The oldest resident of the orphanage is a crocodile rescued four decades ago from a community angry it was eating their goats and cattle.  The locals …

Білорусь зупинила експорт нафтопродуктів в Україну та інші країни

Білорусь зупинила експорт бензину і дизельного палива в Україну, країни Балтії, та Польщу через низьку якість російської нафти. Про це заявив заступник генерального директора Білоруської нафтової компанії (БНК) Сергій Гриб. «Припинене постачання світлих нафтопродуктів, бензину і дизпалива в Україну, Балтію і Польщу. На поточний момент контрактні зобов’язання припинені до моменту вирішення питання з російською нафтою», – цитує Гриба інформагентство «Белта». За його словами, білоруська сторона працює над тим, щоб країни-партнери в рамках контрактів не запровадили санкцій через припинення експорту світлих нафтопродуктів. Раніше білоруські компанії повідомили про різке погіршення якості нафти, що надходить з Росії. Зокрема, керівництво Мозирського нафтопереробного заводу заявило, що через неякісну сировину на підприємстві вийшло з ладу дороге устаткування. 22 квітня Міністерство енергетики Росії пообіцяло, що якість продукції поліпшиться найближчим часом. …

Нафта оновила максимум 2019 року через рішення США щодо Ірану

Котирування нафти продовжують зростати на торгах 23 квітня до рекордних у 2019 році рівнів. Станом на 9:50 за Києвом ціна сорту марки Brent становить 74 долари 60 центів за барель. Востаннє на такому рівні котирування були майже півроку тому, на початку листопада. До кінця 2018 року ціна впала майже до 50 доларів за барель, але відтоді суттєво зросла. Сполучені Штати оголосили цього тижня, що з 1 травня скасовують тимчасові дозволи на імпорт нафти і газового конденсату з Ірану для п’яти країн, щодо яких ці дозволи діяли з осені 2018 року. Ідеться про Китай, Індію, Японію, Південну Корею і Туреччині. Як наголосив держсекретар Майк Помпео, мета рішення – повністю припинити імпорт іранської нафти. Помпео сказав, що запроваджені в листопаді 2018 року санкції проти Ірану вже позбавили Тегеран «мільярдів доларів» доходів від постачання палива.  …

Crisis-hit Greeks Foot Steep Bills for Health and Education

Every month, when his respiratory medicine runs out, Dionysis Assimakopoulos heads to the most unlikely pharmacy in Athens. Amid derelict stadiums dating from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the volunteer-staffed social pharmacy of Hellinikon has handed out free medicine to hundreds of poverty-stricken patients, keeping some of them out of death’s reach. “My wife and I have been unemployed for over two years. We need about 150 euros for medicine every month,” says Assimakopoulos, a former baker. Established at the height of the crisis in 2011, the pharmacy runs on donated medicine and disposables. Some 40,000 people have brought medicine, many from abroad, says on-duty pharmacist Dimitis Palakas. Another patient waiting in line is Achilleas Papadopoulos, a retired tenor. His pension of 700 euros is not enough to cover the antibiotics he has come for. During nearly a decade of cuts imposed as Greece struggled to avert national bankruptcy, public education and health were among the sectors hit the hardest as the country lost a quarter of its national output. Amid sweeping layoffs, wage cuts and tax hikes, many could not maintain their social insurance contributions and were pushed out of state-provided health support. “Only 11 percent of Greeks can currently afford private insurance giving full health coverage,” says Grigoris Sarafianos, head of the association of private Greek health clinics. According to the national statistics service, Greeks paid 34.3 percent of their medical expenses out of their own pocket in 2016. The crisis exposed “huge state shortages,” says Petros Boteas, …

Samsung Delays Launch of Folding Galaxy Smartphone

Samsung said Monday it was delaying the launch of its folding smartphone after trouble with handsets sent to reviewers. Some reviewers who got their hands on the Galaxy Fold early reported problems with screens breaking. Samsung said it decided to put off this week’s planned release of the Fold after some reviews “showed us how the device needs further improvements.” The South Korean consumer electronics giant planned to announce a new release date for the Galaxy Fold in the coming weeks. Initial analysis of reported problems with Galaxy Fold screens showed they could be “associated with impact on the top and bottom exposed areas of the hinge,” Samsung said. There was also an instance where unspecified “substances” were found inside a Galaxy Fold smartphone with a troubled display, according to the company. “We will take measures to strengthen the display protection,” Samsung said. “We will also enhance the guidance on care and use of the display including the protective layer.” A handful of U.S.-based reporters were given the flagship Galaxy Fold phones, priced at $1,980, ahead of the model’s official release, and they reported screen issues within days of using the devices. Samsung spent nearly eight years developing the Galaxy Fold, which is part of the leading smartphone maker’s strategy to propel growth with groundbreaking gadgets. The company essentially gave reviewers a “beta product” without enough information, such as not to peel off a protective coating meant to be permanent, according to independent technology analyst Rob Enderle. “It was all …

Dumping Plastic Waste in Asia Found Destroying Crops and Health

The world’s recyclable plastic is being shipped to Asia where it is illegally dumped, buried or burned in the country with the lightest regulations, environmentalists warned on Tuesday calling for greater transparency in the global waste trade. A report by Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) and Greenpeace East Asia analyzed the top 21 exporters and importers of plastic recyclable waste from 2016 until 2018 – before and after China stopped taking such waste last year. It found that plastic waste imports into Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam jumped from mid-2017 to early 2018, leading to illegal operations dumping and open-burning, contaminating water supplies, killing crops and causing respiratory illnesses. “For the first world, it makes them feel good about their waste supposedly being recycled but in reality it ends up in countries that cannot deal with the waste,” said Beau Baconguis, a plastics campaigner at GAIA in Manila. “So the pollution is heading south to countries that do not have that capacity,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. As pollution and environmental damage linked to the rise in plastic waste became known in countries like Malaysia and Thailand during 2018, protests led to tighter waste regulations and import restrictions by authorities, the study found. Large volumes of plastic waste then diverted to other countries in the region, like Indonesia and India, where regulations on the waste trade are more lenient, the study said. “Once one country regulates plastic waste imports, it floods into the next un-regulated destination,” said Kate Lin, …

Study: Many Teens Don’t Know E-Cigarettes Contain Nicotine

A new study shows that many teenagers who use e-cigarettes do not understand the amount of addictive nicotine they are inhaling.  The study, published in the American Academy of Pediatrics, found that 40 percent of adolescents who believed they were only using nicotine-free products were actually vaping significant amounts of the substance.  The research involved 517 adolescents, aged 12 to 21, who were questioned about their use of e-cigarettes, traditional cigarettes and marijuana.  Researchers from Stony Brook University in New York state compared adolescents’ responses about their use of such substances against urine samples taken from the teenagers. They found that almost all of the respondents were honest about their substance use, however, they discovered the biggest discrepancy in the study came from teens who thought they were using nicotine-free e-cigarettes.  “Many of our participants were unaware of the nicotine content of the e-cigarette products they were using,” the researchers concluded.  Pros and cons The study comes at a time when the popularity of e-cigarettes is on the rise and their use has become a divisive topic in the public health community.  Advocates for e-cigarettes say the products have the potential to shift lifelong smokers of traditional cigarettes onto less-harmful nicotine products, including e-cigarettes, while critics say that vaping risks bringing a new generation into nicotine addiction. Critics also point out that the health effects from the chemicals in e-cigarettes are not fully known. E-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is addictive, but they do not contain tar or many of the …

SeaWorld Publishes Decades of Orca Data to Help Wild Whales

The endangered killer whales of the Pacific Northwest live very different lives from orcas in captivity. They swim up to 100 miles (161 kilometers) a day in pursuit of salmon, instead of being fed a steady diet of baitfish and multivitamins. Their playful splashing awes and entertains kayakers and passengers on Washington state ferries instead of paying theme park customers. But the captive whales are nevertheless providing a boon to researchers urgently trying to save wild whales in the Northwest. SeaWorld, which displays orcas at its parks in California, Texas and Florida, has recently published data from thousands of routine blood tests of its killer whales over two decades, revealing the most comprehensive picture yet of what a healthy whale looks like. The information could guide how and whether scientists intervene to help sick or stranded whales in the wild. “For us, collecting blood from free-ranging killer whales is exceedingly difficult, so it’s something we would rarely ever do,” said Deborah Fauquier, a veterinary medical officer at the National Marine Fisheries Service. “Having partners that are in the managed-care community that can provide us with blood values from those animals is very useful. It’s giving us a very robust baseline data set that we haven’t had previously for these whales.” The round-up of killer whales for theme-park display in the 1960s and ’70s was devastating for the Pacific Northwest’s resident orcas: At least 13 were killed and 45 kept to awe and entertain paying crowds around the world, according to …

Earth Day Founder Optimistic About Planet’s Future

Denis Hayes, the man credited with founding Earth Day, predicted 2020 will be a turning point in the global climate change movement. “I’m confident that the end is in sight. When conditions are right, people are ready to demand change, and America can turn on a dime,” Hayes told reporters Monday during a news conference on Earth Day, which he helped established in 1970. Hayes said people around the world are demanding change, especially the young, and that makes him optimistic.  “It recently happened in the United States on gay marriage. It more recently happened in New Zealand on gun control. It happened globally on the ozone hole,” Hayes said. Tens of thousands of students around the world skipped school for one day last month to protest inaction on climate change. There were protests in South Africa, India, New Zealand and South Korea. In Europe, students packed streets in London, Lisbon, Vienna, Rome and Copenhagen, among other cities.  Mass climate change protests have been taking place in London for the past week. On Monday, police said they have arrested 1,065 people since Extinction Rebellion began, aimed at paralyzing parts of central London to emphasize the need for sharp reductions in carbon use.  “Most social movements are powered by youth,” he told reporters. Hayes said even though U.S. President Donald Trump has “taken a wrecking ball to international climate treaties, appointed the two worst EPA administrators in history, and pledged to resuscitate the dead coal industry, I’m confident that the end …

Seeds of Discontent: Argentina’s Farmers Turn Cool on Their Man Macri

Argentine President Mauricio Macri rode to power in 2015 promising to bolster the farming sector and cut back taxes that had stymied exports. The country’s backbone industry welcomed him with open arms after years of export controls aimed at keeping domestic prices low. The powerful sector is now cooling on the center-right president, frustrated by revived export tariffs and sky-high borrowing rates that have bruised smaller farmers, a concern for Macri ahead of national elections later in the year. Argentina’s farming sector, which brings in more than half of the export dollars in South America’s second-biggest economy, is a key barometer for Macri, who has sold himself as a champion of business and industry, none more so than the country’s huge soy, wheat and corn farms. “We publicly supported the administration in the last elections [mid-terms in 2017] as we believed they were managing the policies farmers needed,” said Carlos Iannizzotto, president of the Confederación Intercooperativa Agropecuaria, one of the country’s four major farming bodies. “Today we cannot do the same.” Reuters spoke to the leaders at all four associations, who collectively make up the influential “Mesa de Enlace” or liaison committee. They cited Macri’s backtracking on cutting taxes on exports and the high cost of credit with interest rates above 60 percent. The farm lobbies do not directly sway the votes of a huge proportion of voters, analysts and pollsters cautioned, but said that their weakening support was a sharp warning sign for Macri ahead of the October election, …

The Promise and Peril of Vaccines in World Vaccination Week

Fighting to immunize the world has always been a challenging line of work, but in some cases it is becoming increasingly deadly. As the world marks World Immunization Week humans have much to celebrate. Smallpox has been effectively eradicated from the world, and according to the World Health Organization, more children than ever are getting routine vaccinations every year. And aid workers scouring the globe have come very close to eradicating diseases like diphtheria and polio saving countless lives in the process. But health workers are also fighting a disturbing trend of misinformation urging people to ignore the science of vaccination. The result has been fear and even violence in some rural areas and lesser developed countries where aid workers are attempting to immunize those most vulnerable, and eradicate the last holdouts of diseases like polio. Ignorance, fear and violence In early April a worker in Pakistan was shot outside a family home as he attempted to talk the family into vaccinating their child against polio. And late last year, two aid workers were gunned down as they were on a vaccine drive. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a doctor administering what looks to be a highly effective vaccine against Ebola was attacked and killed last week. Local health centers have become targets of violence because of rumors being spread that the Ebola crisis in the region was concocted by government officials in the capital, Kinshasa. In the United States, some people oppose vaccinations for religious reasons, while others …

Dutch Tulip Forecast: Brilliant, With a Chance of Tourists

As spring flower fields around the Netherlands burst into bloom, painting the countryside with dazzling swaths of red, white, and blue, a modern day tulip bubble may be forming: tourists. More than a million foreign sightseers are expected to visit this country of 17 million people on Easter weekend, a record, the Dutch Tourism Bureau said on Thursday. Director Jos Vranken said he expects them to spend 300 million euros — a boon for the national economy. Many are attracted to the country’s museums and other cultural offerings, but in April, the flower fields and Keukenhof flower show in Lisse top many “must see” lists. While flower lovers and the photographs they share on social media are free advertising for the country’s tourism, cut flower and bulb industries, it isn’t all a bed of roses. “That has a downside,” Vranken said. “Farmers are having increasing damage to their fields from tourists taking photos.” Foreign and Dutch tourists alike have learned to use “Flower Radar” websites to identify where fields are in bloom, especially in the main bulb-growing center known as the “Bollenstreek” along the coast between Haarlem and Leiden. Do Not Tiptoe Through the Tulips Signs and barricades — now printed in Chinese and English — saying “Enjoy the Flowers, Respect Our Pride” have gone up at the edge of many fields. They illustrate the concept that taking photos at the edge of a field is okay, but actually walking among the flowers to take pictures ruins them. Meanwhile, farmers …

Tesla Shows Off Self-Driving Technology to Investors

Tesla broadcast a web presentation on Monday to update investors about its self-driving strategy as Chief Executive Elon Musk tries to show that the electric car maker’s massive investment in the sector will pay off. Global carmakers, large technology companies and an array of startups are developing self-driving — including Alphabet Inc’s Waymo and Uber Technologies Inc — but experts say it will be years before the systems are ready for deployment. Musk previously forecast that by 2018 cars would go “from your driveway to work without you touching anything.” Teslas still require human intervention and are not considered fully self-driving, according to industry standards. The webcast, scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. PT (1800 GMT), was delayed and Tesla showed a repeating video of its vehicles for 30 minutes. Teslas have been involved in a handful of crashes, some of them fatal, involving the use of the company’s AutoPilot system. The system has automatic steering and cruise control but requires driver attention at the wheel. Tesla has been criticized by safety groups for being unclear about the need for “hands-on” driving. The company also sells a “full self-driving option” for an additional $5,000, explained on Tesla’s website as “automatic driving from highway on-ramp to off-ramp,” automatic lane changes, the ability to autopark and to summon a parked car. Coming later in 2019 is the ability to recognize traffic lights and stop signs, and perform automatic driving on city streets, says Tesla. But Tesla’s use of the term “full self-driving” …

Уряд і «Нафтогаз» погодили зниження ціни на газ для населення у травні

Кабінет міністрів України та НАК «Нафтогаз України» узгодили механізм зниження ціни на газ для населення та теплової генерації з 1 травня – до рівня 8247 грн за тисяч кубометрів. «Такий підхід і такий рівень ціни були узгоджені сьогодні на нараді за участі прем’єр-міністра України Володимира Гройсмана та голови правління «Нафтогазу» Андрія Коболєва», – зазначили у прес-службі «Нафтогазу». У компанії пояснили новий підхід до формування ціни: якщо ринкова ціна газу для промислових споживачів є нижчою за встановлену у постанові КМУ від 19.10.18 №867, ціна для населення відповідно знизиться. «Якщо ж ринкова ціна газу для промисловості зросте понад визначений урядом рівень, то ціна для населення залишиться на цьому рівні», – мовиться у повідомленні. Згідно з урядовим рішенням, ухваленим на засіданні 3 квітня, якщо кон’юнктура газового ринку демонструє зниження цін на газ для промисловості, «Нафтогаз» зобов’язаний продавати газ для населення за ціною, що визначається як середньоарифметична ціна газу, за якою державна компанія пропонує паливо промисловим споживачам за умови передоплати. У відповідь 8 квітня «Нафтогаз» звернувся до Кабінету міністрів з проханням скасувати положення, яке вимагає підвищити ціни на газ для населення з 1 травня, або внести до нього відповідні зміни. У компанії зазначили, що наразі вони зобов’язані підняти ціну на газ для населення до з 1 травня підняти ціну на газ для населення до 7184,8 грн. …

Гривня зміцнилася щодо долара на 8 копійок після завершення виборів – офіційний курс

Завершення президентських виборів в Україні позитивно вплинуло на курс гривні щодо долара США, повідомив Національний банк за результатами торгів 22 квітня. Регулятор встановив на 23 квітня курс 26 гривень 77,5 копійки за долар, це приблизно на 8 копійок менше за попередній показник. Перебіг торгів на міжбанківському валютному ринку був ще оптимістичнішим для української національної валюти, повідомляє профільний сайт «Мінфін». О 10:00 котирування становили 26 гривень 80 – 84,5 копійки, до завершення сесії о 17:00 долар втратив близько 15 копійок – 26 гривень 66 – 68,5 копійки. Почесний президент Київської школи економіки, заступник голови Ради НБУ Тимофій Милованов заявив Радіо Свобода, що курс гривні до долара та інших світових валют від результатів виборів «зараз ще не залежить». «Це буде залежати від економічної політики, яка буде впроваджуватися. Думаю, що ринки, економіка і люди в цілому придивляться до того, які будуть перші призначення, перші політичні, економічні рішення нової команди, хто буде в цій команді», – вказав фахівець. Свого пікового значення 28 гривень 39 копійок за курсом НБУ впродовж останнього року долар сягнув 30 листопада 2018 року. На 12 березня 2019 року офіційний курс становив 26 гривень 31 копійку, це найвищий курс гривні від липня 2018 року. …

Рева: монетизація субсидій на житлово-комунальні послуги буде збережена

Монетизація субсидій на житлово-комунальні послуги буде збережена і після зміни влади, заявив міністр соціальної політики України Андрій Рева 22 квітня в ефірі спільного марафону телеканалу «Еспресо» та Радіо Свобода «Вибори президента України-2019». «Переконаний, що монетизація, яку ми провели, буде діяти далі. Вона буде підвищувати відповідальність людей за те, як вони платять за житлово-комунальні послуги. З іншого боку, вони будуть вимагати від підприємств більш високої якості житлово-комунальних послуг. Це буде стимулювати їх економити ресурси і багато інших речей. Пора вчитися всім, що потрібно бути відповідальним», – сказав міністр. За його словами, субсидія не перепризначатиметься тим, хто став боржником. «На наступний термін, коли ми закінчуємо період виплат, виплати закінчуються в травні за квітень – далі ми перепризначаємо субсидії на наступний сезон. Так от, тим, хто матиме заборгованість за житлово-комунальними послугами більш ніж 340 гривень, тим субсидія на наступний період не призначається, доки вони не погасять цей борг. Якщо вам дали гроші, а ви їх не заплатили, то питання до вас. Справа в тому, що субсидія – це не на 100% покриття вартості ЖКГ, це частина. Тому що вона враховує ваші доходи, і ви платите певний відсоток від свого доходу. Наприклад, при мінімальній пенсії ви платите лише 6% вашої пенсії. 1500 гривень, 6% – можете порахувати, скільки», – відзначив Рева і додав, що передбачена законом пеня «має чисто символічний характер». Монетизовані субсидії для оплати житлово-комунальних послуг у березні отримали 3,4 мільйона домогосподарств, а загальна сума виплат склала 5,7 мільярда гривень, повідомляв раніше міністр соціальної політики України Андрій Рева. За його словами, система монетизації …