Meatless Burgers Go Mainstream

Vegetarian patties have long been available to Americans seeking healthier alternatives to hamburgers. Mainstream fast food chains also have been looking for healthier alternatives that would not compromise on flavor. Burger King teamed with California-based Impossible Foods to create a meatless hamburger that would taste as good as its world famous Whopper. The new meatless option was rolled out in 59 Burger King restaurants in the St. Louis, Missouri, area. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports. …

Australia Plans Balanced Annual Budget Ahead of Election

Australia’s treasurer said he will unveil the government’s first balanced annual budget plan in a decade days before general elections are called.   The budget to be announced late Tuesday will be the conservatives coalition’s final major act before going to voters in May with the argument that they are better economic managers than the center-left Labor Party opposition.   Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said the budget for the fiscal year starting July 1 would achieve a surplus without increasing taxes.   “Tonight’s budget sets Australia up for the next decade,” Frydenberg told reporters on arrival at Parliament House.   “It builds a stronger economy and secures a better Australia for every Australian and we do that without increasing taxes,” he added.   Frydenberg also foreshadowed “congestion-busting infrastructure” to reduce commuting times in Australia’s largest and most congested cities.   The government also plans to provide tax breaks for low and middle-income earners.   Up to 4 million low-income Australians in a population of 25 million will receive one-off payments by July to help with rising energy bills.   A conservative government delivered balanced budgets for a decade before the global financial crisis hit in 2008. A newly elected Labor government then ran up a record deficit with economic stimulus spending.   Australia’s revenue has improved with rising prices for its biggest exports, coal and iron ore.   Opinion polls suggest that Labor will win the next election. Scott Morrison would become the sixth Australian prime minister since 2007 to fail …

Trump’s Threat to Close Border Stirs Fears of Economic Harm

President Donald Trump’s threat to shut down the southern border raised fears Monday of dire economic consequences in the U.S. and an upheaval of daily life in a stretch of the country that relies on the international flow of not just goods and services but also students, families and workers. Politicians, business leaders and economists warned that such a move would block incoming shipments of fruits and vegetables, TVs, medical devices and other products and cut off people who commute to their jobs or school or come across to go shopping. Let’s hope the threat is nothing but a bad April Fools’ joke,” said economist Dan Griswold at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia. He said Trump’s threat would be the “height of folly,” noting that an average of 15,000 trucks and $1.6 billion in goods cross the border every day. “If trade were interrupted, U.S. producers would suffer crippling disruptions of their supply chains, American families would see prices spike for food and cars, and U.S. exporters would be cut off from their third-largest market,” he said. Trump brought up the possibility of closing ports of entry along the southern border Friday and revisited it in tweets over the weekend because of a surge of Central Americans migrants who are seeking asylum. Trump administration officials have said the influx is straining the immigration system to the breaking point. Elected leaders from border communities stretching from San Diego to cities across Texas warned that havoc would ensue …

New York City’s Congestion Pricing Plan a First for US

New York will become the first U.S. city to impose congestion pricing, seen as a key weapon against global warming, following lawmakers’ approval on Monday of a state budget to fund the plan. Drivers will have to pay to drive in busy midtown Manhattan, one of the city’s five boroughs, as part of an effort to reduce the number of cars and invest in public transit such as subways, officials said. Fewer cars means lower emission of carbon dioxide, the leading gas that causes global warming, experts say. Benefits are many Fewer cars also means a better traffic flow, which creates lower emissions than cars idling, they say. “You have to get fewer cars driving into Manhattan,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Sunday. “The traffic is so bad. I can’t tell you how many days myself, I just get out of the car and walk, because it’s so much faster.” The plan is part of the state’s $175 billion budget that also includes a ban on disposable, single-use plastic bags. New York becomes the first major U.S. city to follow the lead of London, which began levying a congestion charge on vehicles driving into the city center in 2003, and a handful of other international locations including Stockholm and Singapore. The system has succeeded in reducing air pollution and traffic in London, which currently charges drivers £11.50 ($15.24) per day during weekday business hours. Plan would start in  2021 After introduction of the congestion charge, bus ridership in …

Rockefeller Foundation Moves Beyond Cities in Broader Resilience Push

The Rockefeller Foundation is changing the focus of its funding of projects to strengthen societies against modern pressures such as climate change, shifting away from preparing cities to a broader global view of the issue, its president said Monday. The change means it will stop financial backing of the 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) network — about $165 million over five years — that enabled more than 80 cities to hire chief resilience officers and develop action plans, Rajiv Shah told Reuters in an interview. The program has succeeded in pushing cities to think about how to cope with risks such as extreme weather and pollution, he said. “That work has been transformational in helping urban areas really address the challenges that are only going to get more intense as we go forward in time,” Shah said. Efforts supported by 100RC have helped Jakarta manage waste, protected Bangkok riverside communities from flooding and turned Parisian schoolyards into cool oases during heat waves, he said. The U.S.-based philanthropic foundation will provide a further $12 million this year to help the network transform into an independent organization. The foundation also plans to keep working with U.S. city mayors to find ways to boost jobs and economic opportunities while adapting to climate change, Shah said. “These are exceptional leaders who are taking forward and institutionalizing these efforts, with our continued support,” he said. On Monday, 86 staff in 100RC’s four offices — New York, London, Singapore and Mexico City — were told their jobs …

Після першого туру виборів президента курс гривні практично не змінився – НБУ

Після першого туру виборів гривня зміцнилася на одну копійку стосовно долара та євро, свідчать дані Національного банку України. На 2 квітня офіційна вартість долара встановлена на рівні 27 гривень 19 копійок, вартість євро – 30 гривень 55 копійок. За минулий тиждень гривня втратила понад 30 копійок стосовно долара та 11 копійок стосовно євро. …

Держстат: у 2018 році реальні доходи населення зросли на 10%

У 2018 році реальні доходи населення зросли на 9,9% порівняно з попереднім роком, повідомила Державна служба статистики України. У 2018 доходи населення становили 3,219 трильйона гривень, витрати – 3,202 трильйона гривень, а приріст заощаджень – 16,8 мільярда гривень. Наявний річний дохід у розрахунку на одну особу становив 57 908 гривень. Найбільше українці витрачають на товари та послуги (89,2%). У 2018 році інфляція в Україні склала 9,8%. …

Kellogg Selling Keebler and Other Brands for $1.3 Billion

Kellogg is selling its iconic Keebler cookie brand and other sweet snacks businesses to Ferrero for $1.3 billion. The Battle Creek, Michigan-based Kellogg Co. says the brands in the deal generated sales of $900 million and profits of $75 million last year. Kellogg is also selling its Mother’s and Famous Amos cookie brands, as well as its fruit-flavored snack, pie crust and ice cream cone businesses. Kellogg acquired Keebler Foods, which was founded in 1853, in 2001 for $3.86 billion. It expects to use sale proceeds to pay down debt. Ferrero, an Italian confectionary company best known for its Nutella hazelnut cream, said Monday it will also acquire six U.S. manufacturing plants from Kellogg in the deal. Kellogg is among many U.S. food companies that have sold off brands in recent years to adapt to a consumer shift toward more fresh, less processed snacks and foods. The sale is expected to close by the end of July. …

«Укренерго» повідомляє про початок реєстрації учасників ринків електроенергії

Державне підприємство «Укренерго» повідомило, що 1 квітня починається реєстрація учасників ринку електричної енергії. «Відповідно до закону України «Про ринок електричної енергії» та Постанови НКРЕКП від 14.03.2018 р. № 307 «Про затвердження Правил ринку» 1 квітня 2019 р. Укренерго розпочало реєстрацію учасників ринку», – йдеться в заяві компанії. Реєстрація необхідна для роботи на ринку електроенергії – його запуск запланований на 1 липня 2019 року. Читайте також: Енергія-2019: що чекає на українську енергетику в новому році​ Створення цього ринку передбачає закон про ринок електроенергії. Передбачається, що з початком його роботи приватні та комерційні споживачі зможуть укладати угоди з виробниками електроенергії, операторами, які її розподіляють та постачальниками пов’язаних з цим послуг. …

China: Fentanyl-Related Drugs to be Added to Controlled Substances List

China said Monday it is adding all fentanyl-related compounds to its list of controlled substances, beginning May 1.  U.S. officials have long campaigned for the move. Fentanyl, and compounds that mimic its effects, are blamed for tens of thousands of opioid overdose deaths in the U.S. each year.  “The U.S. is concerned about all variants (of fentanyl) and it’s all been resolved,” Liu Yuejin, the deputy director of China’s National Drug Commission said Monday.  U.S. President Donald Trump said last year, if China placed controls on fentanyl, the move would be a “game changer.”  …