US Senators Begin Probe of Rising Insulin Prices

Two U.S. senators launched an investigation into rising insulin prices on Friday, sending letters to the three leading manufacturers seeking answers as to why the nearly 100-year-old drug’s cost has rapidly risen, causing patients and taxpayers to spend millions of dollars a year. Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, the committee’s top Democrat, sent letters to the heads of Eli Lilly and Co., Novo Nordisk A/S and Sanofi SA, the longtime leading manufacturers of insulin.  The senators pointed to similar, large insulin price increases at all three companies. Eli Lilly’s Humalog, for instance, rose from $35 to $234 per dose between 2001 and 2015, a 585 percent increase, they wrote. Insulin has been available since the early 20th century.  The senators asked for information on the process used to determine list prices and the process used to determine net prices after negotiations with pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) and health insurance plans. Their letters also asked for information about the cost of research and development, production, revenues and gross margins from insulin sales.  “These hardships can lead to serious medical complications that are entirely preventable and completely unacceptable for the world’s wealthiest country,” the senators wrote in similarly worded letters.  ‘Increasingly severe hardships’ “We are concerned that the substantial increases in the price of insulin over the past several years will continue their upward drive and pose increasingly severe hardships not only on patients that require access to the drug in order to stay alive but also on the taxpayer,” they wrote.  While Democratic lawmakers have launched several drug price investigations, this is one of the first bipartisan inquiries.  …

NASA Clears SpaceX Test Flight to International Space Station

NASA gave its final go-ahead Friday to billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s SpaceX company to conduct its first unmanned test flight of a newly designed crew capsule to the International Space Station on March 2. NASA has awarded SpaceX $2.6 billion and Boeing Co $4.2 billion to build rocket and capsule launch systems to return astronauts to the orbiting research laboratory from U.S. soil for the first time since America’s space shuttle program ended in 2011. …

Trump Administration Denying, Delaying More Foreign Skilled-worker Requests

The Trump administration is denying and delaying more skilled-worker visa petitions than at any time since at least 2015, in keeping with its promise to increase scrutiny of foreign workers, according to data the government released on Friday. U.S. officials say they have made reforms that prioritize American workers, cut down on fraud and streamline the immigration process. But lawyers who help employers apply for the visas say the agency is rejecting legitimate applications and tying up requests in bureaucratic red tape. The data provided by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the agency that adjudicates the visas, extends to the 2015 fiscal year, encompassing the last two years of the Obama administration and the first two years of the Trump administration. New policies for H-1B visas Republican President Donald Trump campaigned in 2016 on restricting immigration, and early in his presidency issued an executive order directing the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees USCIS, to tighten its policies on H-1B visas. The visas are intended for foreign workers who generally have bachelor’s degrees or higher to work in the United States, often in the technology, healthcare and education sectors. In the 2018 fiscal year, which ended on Sept. 30, the government issued “initial denials” to over 61,000 H-1B applications. In that time, the government issued decisions on over 396,000 applications. That is more than double the number of such denials over the prior year, even as the total number of applications the government completed dropped by about 2 percent …

Trump to Bar Abortion Referrals by Family Planning Clinics

The Trump administration said Friday that it would bar taxpayer-funded family planning clinics from referring women for abortions, a move certain to be challenged in court by abortion rights supporters. The final rule released Friday by the Health and Human Services Department pleased religious conservatives, a key building block of President Donald Trump’s political base. The administration plan also would prohibit federally funded family planning clinics from being housed in the same location as abortion providers. Planned Parenthood has said the administration appears to be targeting them, and calls the policy a “gag rule.” The regulation was published Friday on an HHS website . It’s not official until it appears in the Federal Register and the department said there could be “minor editorial changes.” A department official confirmed it was the final version. Known as Title X, the family-planning program serves about 4 million women annually through independent clinics, many operated by Planned Parenthood affiliates, which serve about 1.6 million women. The grant program costs taxpayers about $260 million annually. Abortion is a legal medical procedure, but federal laws prohibit the use of taxpayer funds to pay for abortions except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the woman. Abortion opponents praised the administration’s move. “We are celebrating the newly finalized Title X rules that will redirect some taxpayer resources away from abortion vendors,” Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, said in a statement. Although federal family planning funds by law cannot be …

НБУ: у 2018 році обсяг безготівкових операцій становив майже 1,3 трильйона гривень

У 2018 році обсяг безготівкових операцій становив майже 1,3 трильйона гривень, свідчить звіт Національного банку України. Кількість таких операцій порівняно з 2017 роком зросла майже на 33% і становила 3,1 мільярда. У Національному банку зазначили, що станом на 1 січня 2019 року випустили майже 59,4 мільйона платіжних карток. Водночас 62,2% від загальної кількості карток становили активні платіжні картки, кількість яких за рік збільшилась на 6,0% і на початок 2019 року становила 36,9 мільйона штук. Кожна дев’ята активна платіжна картка є безконтактною. …

Європейський інвестбанк реалізовує в Україні проекти на 3 млрд євро – Мінфін

Європейський інвестиційний банк реалізовує в Україні 14 проектів на загальну суму в понад три мільярди євро, повідомило Міністерство фінансів України. Крім того, п’ять проектів із загальним обсягом 302 мільйони євро перебувають на різних стадіях підготовки. Зокрема, Європейський інвестиційний банк та Європейський банк реконструкції та розвитку готуються надати 176 мільйонів євро на новий проект із покращення безпеки руху в Україні. …

Trump, Chinese Vice Premier Extend Trade Talks

U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He expressed optimism Friday that the two countries would reach a trade agreement and defuse a dispute between the world’s two largest economies, as both sides agreed to continue their negotiations for two more days. “I would say that it’s more likely that a deal will happen,” Trump said to reporters at the White House. Speaking through an interpreter, Liu, China’s top trade negotiator, said, “We believe that it is very likely that it will happen. And we hope that ultimately we will have a deal.” Liu has been granted authority to negotiate directly with the U.S. by Chinese President Xi Jinping. “The fact that they’re willing to stay for quite a bit longer period, doubling up the time, that means something,” Trump added, “I think there’s a good chance that it happens.” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin confirmed that talks have been extended through Sunday. ​Tariff threat  Trump appeared to back away from his threat to more than double tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods if no deal is achieved by March 1.  “You can tell this to President Xi,” Trump said to Liu. “If I see progress being made, substantial progress being made, it would not be inappropriate to extend that deadline, keep it at 10 percent instead of raising it to 25 percent. And I would be inclined to doing that.” The U.S. is calling on China to make structural changes on key issues such as stopping …

Israeli Spacecraft Heading to Moon

An Israeli spacecraft is on its way to the moon. It was launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket Thursday night from Cape Canaveral in the southern U.S. state of Florida. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu watched the takeoff of the unmanned mission live in Israel at the control center of Israel Aerospace Industries. The Israeli craft is expected to reach its destination on April 11, making Israel the fourth country to land on the moon, behind the U.S., Russia and China. The $100 million mission was financed mainly through private donors. The craft’s name is Beresheet, Hebrew for Genesis or “In the Beginning.”  Beresheet is designed to measure the moon’s magnetic field. …

У боротьбі за знищення спрощеної системи оподаткування ми не маємо загубити галузі-лідери – заступник міністра фінансів

Спрощена система оподаткування потребує реформування, зауважує заступник міністра фінансів Сергій Верланов в програмі «Свобода в деталях» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та Радіо НВ). За словами Верланова, спрощена система є стримуючим фактором стосовно двох речей: рівності платників податків та шкоди бізнесу. «В нас існує ситуація, коли за одних і тих самих обставин певні категорії людей сплачують різні податки, легально. Це неправильна ситуація. Вона може бути припущена на певний проміжок часу, але не на 20 років», зазначив заступник міністра. Верланов пояснює, що в Україні немає малого та середнього бізнесу, який може завтра стати великим, тому що бізнес в нас розподілений на великий і бізнес, який використовує ФОПи.  Читайте також: Уже три роки поспіль економіка України зростає – міністр фінансів Маркарова «Бізнес, який використовує ФОПи не може показати свою консолідовану звітність, тому що це не бізнес. Це угрупування різних точок бізнесу, які у Європі називаються супердрібними. Для того щоб стати великим бізнесом, чи з малого – середнім, потрібен капітал. Власного капіталу немає і це природньо – весь світ працює на залученому капіталі, аби вирости, 95% бізнесу. В нас цього немає. І передумов для того, щоб українській бізнес робив крок нагору, теж немає», – зазначив Верланов. Спрощену систему треба реформувати, але як – це питання розглядається, додає Сергій Верланов.  «ІТ-галузь росте, розвивається і вже дає більше 4% ВВП, друга галузь, яка теж працює на єдиному податку, на 4-й групі, просто про це не говорять, це сільське господарство. Воно займає перше місце у структурі ВВП. У боротьбі за знищення спрощеної системи оподаткування, звичайно, ми не маємо загубити ці наші …

Податок на виведений капітал не можна запроваджувати цього року – заступник голови Мінфіну

На 2019-2020 роки припадають пікові виплати за міжнародними запозиченнями, які складають майже третину державного бюджету України, зазначає заступник міністра фінансів Сергій Верланов у програмі «Свобода в деталях» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та Радіо НВ).  «Мовою цифр – це 417 мільярдів гривень. Також в нас є велике фінансування оборонного сектору, дефіциту Пенсійного фонду», – зауважив він. Заміна податку на прибуток на податок на виведений капітал призведе до зменшення доходів державного бюджету, додає він. Читайте також: «Ми підвищили кредитний рейтинг України» – представниця Світового банку розповіла про напрямки підтримки реформ​ «Частка податку на прибуток в структурі доходів державного бюджету складає 2,5-2,6%. Якщо ми введемо ПВК (податок на виведений капітал – ред.), то в перші три роки ця частка знизиться до 1%», – пояснює Верланов.  Згідно з підрахунками Радіо Свобода, частка податку на прибуток в структурі доходів держбюджету є наближеною до 10%. За даними звіту Міністерства фінансів про виконання бюджету 2018, доходи склали 928,1 мільярда гривень, а податок на прибуток зібраний в сумі 96,9 мільярда гривень. Тобто він складає близько 10,5% від загальної суми. Хоча нововведення стало б кроком назустріч бізнесу, воно, на думку представника міністерства, може спричинити діру в державному бюджеті. «Оскільки 80% податку на прибуток сплачуються 1500 компаніями, то, звичайно, введення ПВК буде вигідне цим компаніям», – визнає він. Він звертає увагу й на те, що Україна має утримуватися від змін у податковій системі, зокрема щодо податку на прибуток, ще протягом 14 місяців, поки перебуває в програмі Міжнародного валютного фонду. Читайте також: Уже три роки поспіль економіка України зростає – міністр фінансів Маркарова​ «З огляду на меморандум …

Міністерство фінансів: знизити податковий тиск в Україні вдвічі – не реально

В Україні податкове навантаження в цілому є меншим, ніж середній показник у світі, зауважує заступник міністра фінансів Сергій Верланов в програмі «Свобода в деталях» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та Радіо НВ). Рівень податкового навантаження у Франції – 50%, в Україні – 27,7%, середньосвітовий показник серед країн, які здають свою звітність, 30-32%, додає він.  «Тож просто взяти і знизити податки в два рази – не є реалістичним сценарієм в нашій країні», – наголошує Сергій Верланов. Реалістичним сценарієм є розмова про зниження податкового тиску по певних речах, наприклад податку з доходів фізичних осіб і одночасне розширення бази оподаткування, пояснює заступник міністра фінансів. Читайте також: Уже три роки поспіль економіка України зростає – міністр фінансів Маркарова «Однією з вимог жовтих жилетів у Франції було зменшення цього показника до рівня 25%. Тобто в нас, з точки зору навантаження, достатньо лояльна цифра. Однак не можу заперечувати, що існують в нас певні перекоси: і бізнес і громадяни, які платять податки, а є, які не платять. Тому середня температура по палаті виходить нібито і хороша. Я не захищаюся цифрою 27,7. Вона формується не з того, що в нас всі платять низькі податки, а за рахунок того, що в нас є мікс того, хто платить і не платить», – зазначає Сергій Верланов Повна версія програми «Свобода в деталях» вийде на хвилях Радіо НВ в неділю, 24 лютого, о 21:00. …

Kraft Heinz Announces $15.4 Billion Write-Down

Analysts say a $15.4 billion write-down for food giant Kraft Heinz reflects changing consumer taste for fresh food products over processed ones. The company said Thursday the decrease in value of some of its major brands resulted in a net loss of $12.6 billion. Kraft Heinz also announced Thursday the Securities and Exchange Commission had subpoenaed it late last year because of its procurement procedures. At the end of the business day Thursday, the company saw its stock drop about 20 percent. “We expect to take a step backwards in 2019,” Chief Financial Officer David Knopf said in a post earnings conference call. He promised “consistent profit growth” for 2020. Kraft Heinz is the home of such iconic brands as Velveeta Cheese, Heinz ketchup brands, Oscar Mayer hotdogs and Cheez Whiz. …

Los Angeles Showcases Quake Alert System

California is earthquake country, and residents of Los Angeles can now receive some warning, when conditions are right, after a quake has started and the seismic waves are heading their way. Mike O’Sullivan reports, the long-delayed system called ShakeAlertLA is the first of its kind in the United States. …

Japanese Spacecraft Touches Down on Asteroid to Get Samples

A Japanese spacecraft touched down on a distant asteroid Friday on a mission to collect material that could provide clues to the origin of the solar system and life on Earth.    Workers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency control center applauded Friday as a signal sent from space indicated the Hayabusa2 spacecraft had touched down.   During the touchdown, Hayabusa2 is programmed to extend a pipe and shoot a pinball-like object into the asteroid to blow up material from beneath the surface. If that succeeds, the craft would then collect samples to eventually be sent back to Earth. Three such touchdowns are planned.      Japanese Education Minister Masahiko Shibayama said the space agency had concluded from its data after the first touchdown that the steps to collect samples were performed successfully.   JAXA, as the Japanese space agency is known, has likened the touchdown attempts to trying to land on a baseball mound from the spacecraft’s operating location of 20 kilometers (12 miles) above the asteroid.    The asteroid, named Ryugu after an undersea palace in a Japanese folktale, is about 900 meters (3,000 feet) in diameter and 280 million kilometers (170 million miles) from Earth.  …

Analysts: Insurance Can’t Offset Risks of Climate Change

From homeowners facing higher flood insurance premiums to investors putting money into coal-fired power plants, financial risks related to climate change are growing, analysts say.  But working out how a switch to lower-carbon train travel could affect an airline or what an insurance firm should do to weather more flood claims is neither clear nor simple, they say.  Help may be at hand, however, from guides published Friday to assess financial risks from the physical threats of climate change, as well as the risks and opportunities of a global transition away from fossil fuels.  “What is the exposure financial institutions have to natural catastrophes? I don’t think that question traditionally has been asked,” said Greg Lowe, global head of resilience and sustainability for Aon, a London-based insurance and risk firm.  Traditional ideas may fall short For disasters, “there’s always been an assumption we have insurance for that,” said Lowe, whose firm contributed to the reports by ClimateWise, an initiative of the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership that aims to better disclose and respond to climate-related insurance risks.  With those risks growing — particularly as heat-trapping emissions continue to rise — traditional methods of dealing with them may not be enough as the world tracks toward 2 degrees Celsius or more of global warming, the twin reports warn.  “If indeed people think we’re headed on that path [past 2 C], it’s going to be a hugely difficult task for the financial system to manage,” Lowe predicted.  Over the next 30 years, the risks from heat waves, storm surges and floods will increase substantially because of warming already underway, the physical threats report …

Nike Stumbles into Social Media Storm After Basketball Star’s Shoe Splits

A Nike Inc sneaker worn by a college basketball superstar split in half less than a minute into a highly anticipated game between Duke University and North Carolina, prompting an outcry on social media as the company sought to figure out what caused the problem. Zion Williamson, a 6-foot-7-inch freshman forward for the Duke Blue Devils who is anticipated to be the top 2019 NBA Draft pick, suffered a mild sprain to his right knee because of the incident Wednesday night, according to his coach Mike Krzyzewski. The official Duke Basketball Twitter handle (@DukeMBB) tweeted Thursday evening that Zion was “progressing as expected, and his status is day-to-day.” A closeup video replay showed Williamson slipping and crumpling to the ground, clutching his knee in pain. His left shoe is seen split in half, with part of the sole ripped off the base of the sneaker. Williamson did not return to play in the match-up, which ended with No. 1-ranked Duke losing 72-88 to the No. 8-ranked Tar Heels team. Reaction from Nike “We are obviously concerned and want to wish Zion a speedy recovery,” Nike said in a statement. “The quality and performance of our products are of utmost importance. While this is an isolated occurrence, we are working to identify the issue.” Shares of the sportswear maker closed down 1 percent Thursday, a day after the incident, wiping off some $1.46 billion from Nike’s market capitalization since Wednesday’s close. Oppenheimer analyst Brian Nagel said in a note that he …

Signs Point to China, US Deal to Avert Further Tariff Hike

As China and the United States resume high-level talks in Washington Thursday, there are signs that the two may be closing in on a deal. Reuters news agency is reporting that top trade officials from both sides are trying to hammer out the details of six broad agreements aimed at resolving the most difficult issues from forced technology transfers, to state subsidies and cyber theft. Earlier this week, President Donald Trump said there is no “magical date” for reaching a trade deal, a comment some felt suggests that the March 1 deadline, which could trigger a steep hike in tariffs from both countries, could be postponed if progress is being made. Meanwhile, a senior Communist party adviser, speaking at a forum organized by the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post, predicted Washington and Beijing would reach a trade deal in early March . He also said that Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Chinese tech giant Huawei, is likely to be released by April or May. Speaking on the sidelines of a conference hosted by the newspaper, Xie Maosong, an adjunct professor at the Central Party School, said he was confident that is what would happen because of what he called the countermeasures China had taken. Those “countermeasures” include Bejing’s detention and charging of two Canadian citizens — Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor — for endangering state security. Meng is currently on bail in Canada awaiting possible extradition to the United States. According to a Reuters report on Thursday, U.S. and Chinese negotiators are …

НБУ встановив курс гривні на рівні 27 грн за долар

Національний банк України зміцнив офіційний курс гривні на 22 лютого до 27 гривні за долар порівняно зі встановленим на сьогодні курсом 27,09 грн за дол. Курс гривні до євро на 22 лютого складає 30,65 порівняно з 30,72, встановленому на сьогодні. У середині січня під час своєї підсумкової доповіді у Верховній Раді голова Національного банку України Яків Смолій заявив, що обсяги міжнародних резервів України сягнули найвищого рівня за останні п’ять років завдяки зміцненню гривні. Читайте також: НБУ стримує падіння долара на рівні 27 гривень За його даними, національна валюта протягом року зміцнилася на 1,4%, що дозволило Нацбанку купувати валюту на міжбанківському ринку. Зміцненню гривні, пояснив він, сприяла жорстка монетарна політика, сприятливі ціни на український експорт і високий врожай.   …

Male, Female or X? Air Passengers to Get More Gender Options From Airlines

British Airways and Air New Zealand have joined a wave of major U.S. airlines planning to introduce extra gender options for LGBT+ passengers who don’t identify as either male or female. LGBT+ groups have welcomed the change, saying it would smooth the way for many trans, intersex and non-binary passengers — or those who simply don’t look typically male or female — who have long faced discrimination when flying. “It’s a big move”, Julia Ehrt, of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. “Persons presenting as gender non-conforming or trans persons who might not have been able to change their name or gender markers in passports regularly have serious challenges in traveling. “That can range from being challenged about your gender marker or first name upon check-in or at security, through to outright denial of being able to board a plane.” Global aviation body the International Air Transport Association (IATA) recently released new guidance for airlines who want to offer non-binary gender options for passengers. Typical examples of non-binary markers could include a X or ‘undisclosed’ instead of male or female, and the gender-neutral title Mx instead of Mr or Mrs. Several major U.S. airlines including United, American Airlines and Delta have confirmed they are preparing to bring in more gender options in the wake of the new guidelines. Now British Airways and Air New Zealand say they are planning to follow suit. “We know how important it is for all of our customers …

НБУ стримує падіння долара на рівні 27 гривень

Національний банк України 21 лютого викуповує на міжбанківському валютному ринку надлишки долара США, не допускаючи таким чином значного зміцнення гривні. «Попит і пропозиція майже вирівнялися. Уповільнення просідання курсу виникло за рахунок виходів НБУ з викупом надлишків долара в останні кілька годин сесії. Всього регулятор купив уже не менш як 10 мільйонів доларів за ціною в межах 27 гривень», – вказує профільний сайт «Мінфін», який відстежує перебіг торгів на міжбанку. Станом на 12:00 НБУ встановив довідковий курс на рівні 26 гривень 99,95 копійки за долар. …

Resumption of High-level US-China Trade Talks Raises Hopes

The Trump administration is set Thursday to resume high-level talks with Chinese officials, aiming to ease a trade standoff that’s unnerved global investors and clouded the outlook for the world economy. A Chinese delegation led by Vice Premier Liu He will meet in Washington with a U.S. team led by Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross as well as Larry Kudlow, a key White House economic adviser, and Peter Navarro, a trade adviser. The talks are expected to end Friday. The world’s two biggest economies are locked in a trade war that President Donald Trump started over his allegations that China deploys predatory tactics to try to overtake U.S. technological dominance. Beijing’s unfair tactics, trade analysts agree, include pressuring American companies to hand over trade secrets and in some cases stealing them outright.  To try to force China to change its ways, Trump has imposed tariffs on hundreds of billions in Chinese goods. Beijing has retaliated with tariffs of its own. China rejects the allegations and complains that Washington’s goal is simply to cripple a rising economic competitor. On March 2, the Trump administration has warned, it will escalate its import taxes on $200 billion in Chinese goods from 10 percent to 25 percent if the two sides haven’t reached a resolution by then. But in recent days, Trump has signaled that he may be willing to extend the deadline if negotiators are making progress. The conflict has rattled markets. It’s …

Venezuela’s Health Care System Continues Downward Spiral

U.N. and international health agencies say Venezuela’s health care crisis is causing a rise in infectious diseases and the re-emergence of illnesses such as malaria and tuberculosis, once considered vanquished. The World Health Organization (WHO) blames Venezuela’s complex political and socio-economic situation for the virtual collapse of the country’s health care system.  It says the system is under stress because of a shortage of doctors and nurses who have left the country, as well as a lack of medical supplies and other factors. WHO spokesman Tarek Jasarevic says this is having an adverse impact on many essential programs, including those related to disease prevention and control.  He told VOA immunizing children against killer diseases has been a major casualty of the deteriorating health services in the country.   He said the first recent case of measles in the country was reported in July 2017. Since then, he said, there have been nearly 6,400 confirmed cases, including 76 deaths.  Jasarevic said a similar situation has arisen with diphtheria, and that an outbreak of the disease in July 2016 lasted until January of this year, causing more than 2,500 cases and 270 deaths. “That is why there was a push for vaccination, and as a result of a concerted effort to halt the measles outbreak between April and December 2018, more than 8 million children between the ages of six months and 15 years were vaccinated against measles, and 4.8 million children between the ages of seven and 15 years were vaccinated …

US Trade Representative to Testify on China Next Week

 U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer will testify next week at a U.S. House of Representatives hearing on U.S.-China trade issues, a spokesman for the House Ways and Means Committee said on Wednesday. Lighthizer has been the lead negotiator in ongoing trade negotiations with Beijing as the world’s two largest economies seek to find agreement amid a bitter dispute that has seen both sides impose tariffs on imports. In a statement, the committee said the hearing was scheduled for Feb. 27, just days ahead of President Donald Trump’s March 1 deadline that the Republican U.S. leader has said could slide. China and the United States began their latest round of talks this week.   …