Гривня зміцнилася ще на 15 копійок стосовно долара – НБУ

Гривня зміцнилася ще на 15 копійок стосовно долара, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України. На 5 лютого офіційний курс встановлений на рівні 27 гривень 42 копійок за долар. Українська національна валюта продовжує зміцнюватися з 28 січня, коли вартість долара становила 27 гривень 81 копійку. …

«Укрзалізниця» отримала 30 локомотивів американської компанії General Electric

Компанія «Укрзалізниця» отримала останні п’ять локомотивів General Electric, повідомив 4 лютого в мережі Facebook голова правління «Укрзалізниці» Євген Кравцов. «Укрзалізниця» отримала всі 30 законтрактованих локомотивів GE. Останні 5 зустрічали в Чорноморську в п’ятницю. Далі маршрут вже відпрацьований. Спочатку – на Крюківський вагонобудівний завод. Там на доукомплектуванні перебувають ще 10 американських локомотивів», – написав Кравцов. За його словами, американські локомотиви показують себе ефективними. «Як приклад – на 30% економимо пальне на ділянці Запоріжжя – Комиш-Зоря – Волноваха. До того ж, машини старого парку за добу проходять у середньому 360 км, а тепловози GE – 540 км», – вказав керівник «Укрзалізниці». У лютому 2018 року «Укрзалізниця» підписала з американською компанією General Electric рамкову угоду про поставки до 225 локомотивів з локалізацією виробництва в Україні до 40% на суму 1 мільярд доларів. У рамках реалізації першого етапу угоди укладено договір купівлі-продажу між General Electric і «Укрексімбанком» на поставку наприкінці 2018 року і на початку 2019 року 30 вантажних дизельних локомотивів GE TE33AC з рівнем локалізації виробництва в Україні 10%. 8 листопада «Укрзалізниця» випробувала перший тепловоз General Electric у складі вантажного потягу на ділянці Кременчук – Ромодан. Ціна купівлі 30 локомотивів General Electric держкомпанією «Укрзалізниця» становить 4,68 мільйона доларів за одиницю. …

Nissan Cancels Plans to Make SUV in UK

Nissan announced Sunday it has cancelled plans to make its X-Trail SUV in the UK — a sharp blow to British Prime Minister Theresa May, who fought to have the model built in northern England as she sought to shore up confidence in the British economy after it leaves the European Union. Nissan said it will consolidate production of the next generation X-Trail at its plant in Kyushu, Japan, where the model is currently produced, allowing the company to reduce investment costs in the early stages of the project. That reverses a decision in late 2016 to build the SUV at Nissan’s Sunderland plant in northern England, which employs 7,000 workers. That plant will continue to make Nissan’s Juke and Qashqai models. The announcement Sunday made no mention of any layoffs relating to the X-Trail SUV decision. “While we have taken this decision for business reasons, the continued uncertainty around the UK’s future relationship with the EU is not helping companies like ours to plan for the future,” Nissan Europe Chairman Gianluca de Ficchy said in a statement. Less than two months before Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union on March 29, Britain still doesn’t have an agreement on what will replace 45 years of frictionless trade. This has caused an enormous amount of concern among businesses in Britain, which fear the country is going to crash out of the vast EU trade bloc without a divorce deal, a scenario economists predict would hurt the U.K. economy. The …

Scientists Enlist Incredibly Tiny Allies in Cancer Fight

Researchers and doctors are using incredibly tiny particles — fluorescent nanoparticles — in a quest for new ways to fight cancer. Some nanoparticles, just billionths of a meter across, are engineered to carry special dye that glows when it hits cancer cells. Oregon State University scientists say this makes it easier for surgeons to find and remove tumors. Iryna Matviichuk visited Portland and learned the new procedure is closer to testing in human patients. Anna Rice narrates her report. …

Millions of Cancer Patients Suffer Needlessly From Pain

In advance of World Cancer Day (February 4), the World Health Organization is issuing new cancer pain control guidelines aimed at ending the needless suffering experienced by millions of people afflicted with this illness.  Cancer is a leading cause of death globally.  The World Health Organization reports there are more than 18 million new cases every year and 9.6 million deaths, most in low-or middle-income countries. Great advances have been made in the treatment of cancer, but measures to relieve the horrific pain experienced by patients lag woefully behind.  WHO hopes to remedy this with its new guidance on pain management. Director of WHO’s Department for the Management of Noncommunicable Diseases, Etienne Krug, says controlling pain should be an essential part of cancer treatment.  Yet, he says pain is very often neglected as part of that treatment, a situation he considers unacceptable. “Nobody, cancer patients or not cancer patients should live or die in pain in the 21st century.  We have the knowledge of how to treat pain,” said Krug. “We have the medicines of how to address it.  It is a question of making sure everybody has that knowledge and everybody has access to the necessary treatment.”  Krug says the situation is most acute in the poorer countries because pain management systems tend not to be in place.  But he notes even in the rich countries people are still living and dying in pain. WHO says opioid painkillers like oral morphine are an essential treatment for moderate to severe …

Trump Health Chief Asks Congress to Pass Drug Discount Plan

The Trump administration’s top health official asked Congress on Friday to pass its new prescription drug discount plan and provide it to all patients, not just those covered by government programs like Medicare. The plan would take now-hidden rebates among industry players like drug companies and insurers and channel them directly to consumers when they go to pay for their medications.  Patients with high drug copays stand to benefit from the proposal, while people who take no prescription drugs, or who rely on generics mainly, would probably pay somewhat more, since premiums are expected to rise. A day after unveiling the plan as a proposed regulation, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar raised the stakes by calling on Congress to make it law and broaden it to include people covered by employer health insurance, not just Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. “Congress has an opportunity to follow through on their calls for transparency … by passing our proposal into law immediately and extending it into the commercial drug market,” Azar said in a speech at the Bipartisan Policy Center think tank. Trump under pressure Ahead of next week’s State of the Union speech, President Donald Trump is under political pressure to show results for his promise to slash prescription drug costs. Data show that prices for brand-name drugs have continued to rise, though at a somewhat slower pace. Polls show consumers across the political spectrum want government action. Democrats say the administration’s plan doesn’t go far enough because it still …

Why Wealthy Americans Are Renting Instead of Buying

Although they can afford to purchase a home, more well-to-do Americans are choosing to rent instead. The number of U.S. households earning at least $150,000 annually that chose to rent rather than buy skyrocketed 175 percent between 2007 and 2017, according to an analysis by apartment search website RentCafe, which used data from the Census Bureau to reach its conclusions. This new breed of renters challenges long-held assumptions that Americans rent a place to live primarily because they can’t afford to buy a home. “Lifestyle plays an important part in their decision to rent,” study author Alexandra Ciuntu told VOA via email. “Renting in multiple cities at once has its perks, and so does changing one trendy location after another.” Business and technology hubs like San Francisco and Seattle have the highest numbers of wealthy renters. “Given the escalating house prices, it seems like a verifiable better decision to go with renting for longer,” Ciuntu said. “Given that in San Francisco, for example, $200,000 buys you just 260 square feet, it’s understandable why top-earners give renting a serious try before deciding whether to invest in a property or not.” In fact, in both San Francisco and New York, wealthy renters outnumber well-to-do buyers. There are more high-earning renters — 250,000 — in New York City that anywhere else in the country. “Ten years ago we would have associated real estate equity with life stability, whereas the two are not necessarily interrelated nowadays,” Ciuntu said. “Renting proves to be a more flexible …

НБУ посилив гривню на 17 копійок щодо долара США

Національний банк України за підсумками торгів на міжбанківському валютному ринку встановив на 4 лютого курс на рівні 27 гривень 57 копійок за долар США. Це на 17 копійок менше за курс, встановлений на 1 лютого. У січні голова Національного банку України Яків Смолій заявив, що обсяги міжнародних резервів України сягнули найвищого рівня за останні п’ять років завдяки зміцненню гривні. За його даними, національна валюта протягом року зміцнилася на 1,4%, що дозволило Нацбанку купувати валюту на міжбанківському ринку. Читайте також: НБУ повідомляє про зміцнення гривні​ «За рік сальдо наших валютних інтервенцій склало еквівалент 1,4 мільярда доларів США, які були спрямовані до наших резервів. Іншим джерелом стало зовнішнє фінансування: Україна отримала нову програму співпраці з МВФ, яка є фундаментом для подальшого зміцнення макрофінансової стабільності. Завдяки цьому до резервів від міжнародних партнерів – МВФ, Євросоюзу та Світового банку – надійшло 2,4 мільярда доларів США. У підсумку ми маємо найбільший обсяг міжнародних резервів за п’ять років. Це 20,8 мільярда доларів США. Востаннє такі цифри ми бачили восени 2013 року», – розповів Смолій. Зміцненню гривні, пояснив він, сприяла жорстка монетарна політика, сприятливі ціни на український експорт і високий врожай. Читайте також: Навіщо Україні гроші МВФ і скільки доведеться повернути​ За висновками голови НБУ, економіка України «показала максимальне зростання за останні сім років». Зокрема реальний валовий внутрішній продукт за підсумками трьох кварталів 2018 року зріс на 3,8%. Смолій очікує, що річний показник складе 3,4%, причому інфляція, додає він, вперше за п’ять років знизилася до 9,8%. «Це перевищувало нашу інфляційну ціль, яка складала 6%, плюс-мінус 2%. За підсумками року …

WHO Reports Progress in Controlling Ebola in Congo

Six months after the outbreak of Ebola was declared in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s North Kivu province, the World Health Organization is expressing cautious optimism that it is making headway in controlling the spread of the deadly virus.   Latest figures reported by the WHO show 752 cases of Ebola, including 465 deaths. WHO Regional Director for Africa, Matshidiso Moeti, says progress in containing the spread of the virus is due to a number of public health measures, including the training of health workers on infection prevention and control, closer engagement with communities, case investigation and contact tracing.   She says the use of a vaccine and promising new drugs have been a boon to these efforts. “I feel optimistic,” Moeti said. “I am very clear that we need to continue this work. We need to make sure that in the places where we have made progress, we build on this progress and we do not go back. And, we are being very, very conscious of the fact that we need to invest to improve the preparedness both in the DRC areas that are highest at risk and, most importantly, in the surrounding countries that are at risk.”   The risk of the virus spreading to countries like Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan is very high because of the heavy cross-border traffic among the countries, Moeti said. However, she added, surveillance and preparedness activities have been enhanced on both sides of the border. She says there is extensive monitoring at border …

US Researchers Look for Long-Lasting Ebola Vaccine

South Sudan is vaccinating health workers against Ebola in case the virus crosses the border from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ebola has stricken more than 700 people in the DRC and killed more than 400. The World Health Organization said the death rate is 59 percent.  Half a world away in Ohio, U.S. researchers are racing to develop a new, long-lasting vaccine against Ebola. At Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Dr. Paul Spearman is leading a clinical trial that tests two experimental Ebola vaccines. “Researchers are looking for new ways to stop these outbreaks and to treat people who become infected and develop Ebola virus disease. The development of preventive vaccines for Ebola is a top global public health priority,” said Spearman, director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Cincinnati Children’s and the lead investigator in the trial. Volunteers first receive one of the vaccines. A week later, they get the other one. Spearman said this one-two shot is promising and could provide rapid protection against Ebola. These are weakened live-vector vaccines that cannot grow in human cells, but they produce strong immune responses to Ebola virus proteins. Karnail Singh, Ph.D., also at Cincinnati Children’s, heads the program that tests volunteers’ blood samples. The researchers test the samples collected before the volunteers are injected with the experimental vaccines and again afterward. Singh said that way, researchers can compare the samples and see if the vaccines provide immunity. The researchers also plan to take blood samples six months after …

Robust Job Gain in January Shows US Economy’s Durability

U.S. employers shrugged off last month’s partial shutdown of the government and engaged in a burst of hiring in January, adding 304,000 jobs, the most in nearly a year. The healthy gain the government reported Friday illustrated the job market’s resilience nearly a decade into the economic expansion. The U.S. has now added jobs for 100 straight months, the longest such period on record. The unemployment rate did rise in January to 4 percent from 3.9 percent, the Labor Department said, but mostly for a technical reason: The number of people counted as temporarily unemployed jumped 175,000, with most of that increase consisting of federal workers and contractors affected by the shutdown. The government on Friday also sharply revised down its estimates of job growth in November and December. Still, hiring has accelerated since last summer, a development that has surprised economists because hiring typically slows when unemployment is so low. “The overwhelming conclusion from today’s numbers is that the U.S. labor market remained incredibly strong at the start of 2019,” said Leslie Preston, senior economist at TD Economics. Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton, said that many federal workers and contractors likely went out and found part-time work during the 35-day shutdown. The ability of many of them to do so is itself a sign of the job market’s strength, Swonk said. Last month’s healthy job gain will assuage some concerns that had arisen about the U.S. economy. Global growth is weakening, the Trump administration is engaged in …

Українці розмитнили вже понад 65 тисяч автомобілів з єврономерами

З 25 листопада 2018 року по 31 січня 2019 року українці розмитнили понад 65 тисяч автомобілів з єврономерами. Про це повідомили у Державній фіскальній службі. «За митне оформлення автомобілів з іноземною реєстрацією громадяни вже сплатили понад 4,1 мільярди гривень», – мовиться у повідомленні. У ДФС зазначили, що найактивніше авто оформлюють в Києві (майже 10,8 тисяч), Волинській (8,7 тисяч) та Чернівецькій (понад 6 тисяч) областях. «Із загальної кількості розмитнених авто майже 55 тисяч – це ті, які перебували на митній території України з порушенням вимог Митного кодексу України. За них власники добровільно сплатили 467 мільйонів гривень (8500 гривень за кожне авто). Це звільнило їх від адміністративної відповідальності за недотримання вимог митних режимів при ввезенні транспортного засобу з іноземною реєстрацією, строки та умови ввезення якого не дотримані», – повідомили у ДФС. За даними служби, лише за минулу добу українці оформили майже 3,4 тисячі автомобілів, сплативши за них майже 212 мільйонів гривень платежів. У ДФС нагадали, що 22 лютого спливає термін пільгового періоду застосування ставки акцизного податку (коефіцієнт 0,5) для митного оформлення автомобілів з іноземною реєстрацією. Після цього часу власники таких автівок будуть сплачувати акцизний податок за повною ставкою. Відповідний закон набрав чинності 25 листопада. …

EPA Taps Climate Skeptic for Science Advisory Panel

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency added eight members on Thursday to its scientific advisory board tasked with providing independent input for agency policy, a list that includes at least one vocal climate-change doubter. The EPA said John Christy, an atmospheric science professor at the University of Alabama, was among the new appointees to the advisory body, which now numbers 45 people and includes several appointees from past administrations. Christy has downplayed the threat of climate change in congressional hearings and media appearances, arguing that scientific models overestimate warming, and that major steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions are not warranted. Those views place him outside the mainstream scientific consensus, including from U.S. federal agencies, that global warming will have devastating consequences if not urgently addressed. But they dovetail with President Donald Trump’s policy of rolling back Obama-era climate-change regulations to free up more drilling and mining. Christy did not immediately return a call seeking comment. New appointees Other new appointees include Hugh Barton, a toxicology and risk assessment consultant who formerly worked for pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc, and Richard Williams, an economics and benefit-cost analysis consultant who previously worked for the Food and Drug Administration. “In a fair, open, and transparent fashion, EPA reviewed hundreds of qualified applicants nominated for this committee,” acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in a statement. They “include experts from a wide variety of scientific disciplines who reflect the geographic diversity needed to represent all 10 EPA regions.” Wheeler, a former coal industry lobbyist, has …

Doga — Yoga with Your Dog

The pet parents do yoga poses, like downward-facing dog, as their pups walk around the room and socialize, sniffing each other and the people on their yoga mats. This is doga, a fun, relaxing way to connect with your pet while getting some exercise. At EMMAvet in Alexandria, Va., owner and veterinarian Veronica Jarvinin decided to begin doga classes a few months ago. She does a bending pose as she pets Emma, her beloved dog whose name is on the sign at the emergency pet care practice. “Everybody giggles the whole time, and dogs roam from person to person,” she said. “I think it just brings everybody a lot of joy.” Doga was started by an American fitness coach more than 15 years ago. Some of the poses the dogs do naturally take time for the humans to learn. “You can do puppy pose where your hips stay up and everything else kind of stays the same,” instructor Ashley Stewart told the group. She is a yoga teacher and dog lover who decided to give teaching doga a try. “It’s definitely less focused on the human yoga practitioner and more focused on the human and the dog connecting,” she explained. The dogs start to emulate what the humans are doing,” she said, as a black Labrador rested next to its owner who was doing a yoga pose flat on the floor.  But the class also expects unusual distractions, Stewart said with a laugh. “We often have accidents that we are …