У Брюсселі 21 січня відбудуться тристоронні переговори за участю України, ЄС та Росії стосовно газових контрактів. Як зазначав раніше голова НАК «Нафтогаз Україна» Андрій Коболєв, головне завдання України на цих переговорах – зберегти транзит і підписати нові контракти відповідно до європейських правил. За його словами, це має гарантувати, що Україна отримає передбачені обсяги транзиту, а якщо «Газпром» відмовиться виконувати зобов’язання транспортувати через Україну договірні обсяги, Україна отримає відшкодування. Перша зустріч на таких переговорах відбулася в липні 2018 року. Тоді представники ЄС, України і Росії по суті не ухвалили ніяких рішень, лише домовилися провести зустріч на рівні експертів у вересні 2018 року. На ту зустріч російська сторона не з’явилася. Так само, стверджують у Києві, Росія зірвала таку зустріч експертів і в новий її термін, 12 січня цього року. Наразі в Росії кажуть, що на переговори 21 січня її представники прибудуть. …
Uganda Seeks to Regulate Lucrative Fish Maw Trade
The sale of Nile Perch fish maw in Uganda has become a lucrative business, especially for distributors. The fish maw – or dried swim bladder – is used as an aphrodisiac in China. But Ugandan fishermen bringing in the perch say they are being exploited while others are reaping the profits. Halima Athumani reports from Kampala. …
Temporary Tattoo Developed in Portugal Monitors Body Functions
In the future, a tattoo may not only be a way for someone to express themselves, it may also be used to monitor a genetic condition or even control a prosthetic device. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports. …
Trump Says a Deal ‘Could Very Well Happen’ With China
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday progress is being made toward a trade deal with China and denied that he was considering lifting tariffs on Chinese products. “Things are going very well with China and with trade,” he told reporters, adding that he had seen some “false reports” indicating that U.S. tariffs on Chinese products would be lifted. “If we make a deal certainly we would not have sanctions and if we don’t make a deal we will,” Trump said. “We’ve really had a very extraordinary number of meetings and a deal could very well happen with China. It’s going well. I would say about as well as it could possibly go.” …
James Webb Telescope Prepping for Launch
Humanity’s efforts to move into and peer into space seem to be experiencing something of a renaissance in the past few weeks. NASA’s pictures of Ultima Thule continue to astound, as do Chinese pictures from their probe on the far side of the moon. Coming soon, the James Webb Telescope will allow NASA to look even farther into the great beyond. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports. …
Stocks Rally on Trade Hopes, Dollar Has 1st Weekly Gain of 2019
World stock indexes jumped on Friday, with Wall Street posting a fourth straight week of gains, and the dollar had its first positive week since mid-December as optimism increased that an end is in sight to the U.S.-China trade conflict. Stocks were boosted by a Bloomberg report that said China sought to raise its annual goods imports from the United States by more than $1 trillion in order to reduce its trade surplus to zero by 2024. That followed a report on Thursday that U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was considering lifting some or all tariffs imposed on Chinese imports. The Treasury denied Mnuchin had made any such recommendation. Progress in trade talks While the equity rally lifted all major sectors, trade-sensitive industrials posted among the biggest S&P 500 sector gains, up 1.9 percent on the day. The Philadelphia SE semiconductor index rose more than 2 percent and Germany’s exporter-heavy DAX was up 2.6 percent. “There seems to be some progress going in the trade negotiations,” said Bucky Hellwig, senior vice president at BB&T Wealth Management in Birmingham, Alabama. While that was the biggest influence, “we’ve still got momentum since the first of the year,” he said. “Some of the money that came out of the market at year-end, whether it was high frequency traders or tax-loss selling, is coming back in.” Adding to strength in equities and supporting U.S. Treasury yields was data that showed U.S. manufacturing output increased the most in 10 months in December. Some strategists …
US Consumer Morale at Two-year Low; Factory Output Surges
U.S. consumer sentiment tumbled in early January to its lowest level since President Donald Trump was elected more than two years ago as a partial shutdown of the federal government and financial market volatility stoked fears of a sharp deceleration in economic growth. The drop in confidence reported by the University of Michigan on Friday was the clearest sign yet that the impasse in Washington over Trump’s demands for $5.7 billion to help build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico was negatively affecting the economy. Trump has touted high consumer confidence as an indication of the good job he is doing on the economy. While consumer sentiment remains relatively high, the gathering clouds over the economy could make households more cautious about spending, leading to slower growth. Consumer spending accounts for more than two-thirds of the U.S. economy. “This report on consumer sentiment is the first concrete evidence that the economy is going to fall and fall hard if Washington does not end the shutdown,” said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at MUFG in New York. “It is going to be hard to see real GDP growth of more than 1 to 1½ percent in the first quarter if the consumer goes on a buying strike.” The longest government shutdown in U.S. history has left 800,000 government workers without paychecks. Private contractors working for many government agencies are also without wages. The University of Michigan said its consumer sentiment index fell 7.7 percent to a reading of 90.7 this month, the lowest reading since October 2016 and the steepest drop since September 2015. Economists had forecast a reading of a 97.0. …
EU Wants to Exclude Agriculture From Trade Talks With US
The European Union insisted Friday that agriculture be kept out of the EU-U.S. trade negotiations, despite Washington’s wishes to include the vast sector, and said any overall deal will be limited in scope. The EU Commission announced its pro posals for a negotiating mandate from the 28 member states and said that the EU negotiations will be “strictly focused on the removal of tariffs on industrial goods, excluding agricultural products.” EU Trade Chief Cecilia Malmstrom also said that she is preparing a target list of American products it will hit with punitive tariffs if the Trump administration goes through with its threat to impose duties on European auto imports. Last July, during a period of heightened tensions over trade, U.S. President Donald Trump and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker agreed to start talks meant to achieve “zero tariffs” and “zero subsidies” on non-automotive industrial goods. With the U.S. criticizing the Europeans for allegedly dragging their feet in the talks, Malmstrom said “the EU is committed to upholding its side of the agreement reached by the two Presidents.” Any agreement would fall well short of the scope of the free trade deal that had been discussed in recent years — but paused in 2016 after Trump slammed such wide-ranging international deals as unfair to the U.S. Instead, Malmstrom said, the deal both sides are now looking at could be concluded “quite quickly. We could finalize this and it would be beneficial to all of us.” …
Tesla скоротить 7% працівників – Маск
Директор Tesla Ілон Маск повідомив, що його компанія планує на 7% скоротити кількість працівників. Компанія з виробництва електромобілів та сонячних панелей сповістила про свої наміри листом директора, який також оприлюднений на сайті Tesla Inc. Як заявив Маск, попереду в Tesla «дуже складний» шлях, і підприємство не може дозволити собі утримувати штат, який протягом минулого року розширився на 30%. Наразі на Tesla працює близько 45 тисяч людей. Семивідсоткове скорочення означатиме звільнення для приблизно 3 150 людей. Читайте також: Маск попросив суддю не розглядати позов проти нього через «розборки у соцмережах» За словами засновника й очільника компанії, вона змушена скоротити штат, щоб збільшити виробництво своїх автомобілів, вдосконалити їх і зробити більш доступними. «Тим, хто нас залишає: дякуємо за все, що ви зробили для досягнення нашої місії. Я дуже вдячний за ваш внесок у розбудову Tesla. Ми б не були там, де ми є сьогодні, без вас», – написав він. За даними Tesla, протягом 2018 року він випустив понад 245 тисяч електромобілів і кросоверів, що приблизно дорівнює показникам попередніх років. Проте ця цифра набагато нижча за мету, яку три роки тому ставила перед собою компанія: виробляти 500 тисяч автомобілів на рік. У грудні 2018 року Ілон Маск пообіцяв покрити всю територію Європи станціями для швидкої зарядки електрокарів Tesla. …
Wild Coffee Disappearing, Threatening Future Harvests
Rising temperatures, changing rainfall and encroaching diseases are threatening the world’s coffee crops. A new study says many of coffee’s wild relatives, which could help the crop adapt to a warmer world, are also at risk. VOA’s Steve Baragona has more. …
Суд у Швейцарії зняв арешт із відсутніх акцій «Газпрому» і підтвердив можливість арешту, коли їх знайдуть – «Нафтогаз»
Компанія «Нафтогаз України» повідомила, що суд у Швейцарії скасував своє рішення заморозити активи російського газового монополіста «Газпрому» через те, що цих активів у цій країні не виявили, і підтвердив чинність рішення Стокгольмського арбітражу і можливість арештувати ці активи, коли вони знайдуться. «Наскільки нам відомо, зареєстровані у Швейцарії компанії Nord Stream AG та Nord Stream 2 AG запевнили судових виконавців, що вони не можуть виконати рішення суду про заморозку (арешт) акцій, які належать «Газпрому», оскільки акції випущені в документальній формі, і у них таких акцій немає», – повідомив про рішення суду ввечері 17 січня виконавчий директор «Нафтогазу» Юрій Вітренко. «Тобто цих активів «Газпрому», за даними цих компаній, у Швейцарії немає, принаймні, їх поки що не вдалося знайти їх там. Тому своє рішення про заморозку активів «Газпрому», оскільки вони не знайшлися у Швейцарії, суд у Швейцарії скасував», – наводить прес-служба української компанії слова свого керівника. «Нагадаю, що відносно випадково ми знайшли частину цих акцій у Великобританії, і дочірня компанія «Газпрому» вимушена була зобов’язатися перед судом у Лондоні нічого з цими акціями не робити до подальшого рішення суду», – додав Вітренко. При цьому, наголосив він, «своїм рішенням швейцарський суд підтвердив дійсність рішення арбітражу і можливість примусового виконання цього рішення у Швейцарії, потрібно лише знайти активи для стягнення». «Тому ми продовжуємо шукати активи «Газпрому» у цій країні», – запевнив керівник «Нафтогазу». Раніше 17 січня «Газпром», зі свого боку, повідомляв, що попереднього дня, 16 січня, суд кантону Цуґ у Швейцарії ухвалив повністю скасувати свою постанову, ухвалену 29 травня 2018 року, про накладення у Швейцарії забезпечувальних …
Total Lunar Eclipse Meets Supermoon Sunday Night
Here comes a total lunar eclipse and supermoon, all wrapped into one. The moon, Earth and sun will line up this weekend for the only total lunar eclipse this year and next. At the same time, the moon will be ever so closer to Earth and appear slightly bigger and brighter than usual — a supermoon. “This one is particularly good,” said Rice University astrophysicist Patrick Hartigan. “It not only is a supermoon and it’s a total eclipse, but the total eclipse also lasts pretty long. It’s about an hour.” The whole eclipse starts Sunday night or early Monday, depending on location, and will take about three hours. It begins with the partial phase around 10:34 p.m. EST Sunday. That’s when Earth’s shadow will begin to nip at the moon. Totality — when Earth’s shadow completely blankets the moon — will last 62 minutes, beginning at 11:41 p.m. EST Sunday. If the skies are clear, the entire eclipse will be visible in North and South America, as well as Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, and the French and Spanish coasts. The rest of Europe, as well as Africa, will have partial viewing before the moon sets. During totality, the moon will look red because of sunlight scattering off Earth’s atmosphere. That’s why an eclipsed moon is sometimes known as a blood moon. In January, the full moon is also sometimes known as the wolf moon or great spirit moon. So informally speaking, the upcoming lunar eclipse will …
Gloomy Davos: Plenty of Crises, Few World Leaders
An array of crises will keep several world leaders away from the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos next week, which takes place against a backdrop of deepening gloom over the global economic and political outlook. Anxieties over trade disputes, fractious international relations, Brexit and a growth slowdown that some fear could tip the world economy into recession are set to dominate the Jan. 22-25 Alpine meeting. The WEF’s own Global Risks Report set the tone this week with a stark warning of looming economic headwinds, in part because of geopolitical tensions among major powers. No Trump, Macron or May Some 3,000 business, government and civil society figures are scheduled to gather in the snow-blanketed ski resort, but among them are only three leaders of the Group of Seven most industrialized countries: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte. Donald Trump, who stole the Davos limelight last year with a rare appearance by a sitting U.S. president, pulled out of this year’s event as he grapples with a partial U.S. government shutdown. On Thursday, the White House said Trump had also canceled his delegation’s trip to Davos because of the shutdown, now in its 27th day. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had been expected to lead the U.S. team, according to two senior administration officials. French President Emmanuel Macron is also skipping the meeting as he seeks to respond to the “yellow vest” protests, while British Prime …
Guinea Worm Disease Could Soon be Wiped Out, Experts Say
There were just 28 reported human cases of Guinea worm disease (GWD) last year, the U.S.-based Carter Center said Thursday. The nongovernmental organization founded by former President Jimmy Carter said the disease is gradually moving toward eradication. The Carter Center says there were about 3.5 million human cases of GWD in Africa and Asia every year before it took the lead of the Guinea Worm Eradication Program in 1986. “These aren’t just numbers, these are people,” program director Adam Weiss said. “This is why tens of thousands of volunteers, technical advisers, and staff are working in thousands of villages to find and contain the last cases of this miserable disease and show people how to wipe it out once and for all.” People and animals get Guinea worm disease from drinking water contaminated with tiny crustaceans that carry the worm larvae. The larvae mate inside the victim and after the male dies, the female emerges from a blister on the skin and can only be gradually pulled out. Guinea worm disease is rarely fatal. But the Carter Center said it can incapacitate victims for months — something that villagers who work, farm or go to school cannot afford. There is no vaccine against GWD and no medicine to treat it. But the disease can be easily prevented by teaching communities how to filter drinking water and keeping Guinea worm patients and animals away from water sources. While Guinea worm disease may be on the brink of eradication in people, the …
Study: Asteroids Smacking Earth Twice as Often as Before
Giant rocks from space are falling from the sky more than they used to, but don’t worry. For the past 290 million years, large asteroids have been crashing into Earth more than twice as often as they did in the previous 700 million years, according to a new study in Thursday’s journal Science. But no need to cast a wary glance up. Asteroids still only smack Earth on average every million or few million years, even with the increased crash rate. NASA’s list of potential big space rock crashes shows no pending major threats. The biggest known risk is a 4,200-foot (1.3-km) wide asteroid with a 99.988 percent chance that it will miss Earth when it whizzes very near here in 861 years. Tell that to the dinosaurs. Most scientists think dinosaurs and a lot of other species went extinct after a huge space rock crashed into Central America about 65 million years ago. “It’s just a game of probabilities,” said study lead author Sara Mazrouei, a University of Toronto planetary scientist. “These events are still rare and far between that I’m not too worried about it.” Mazrouei and colleagues in the United Kingdom and United States compiled a list of impact craters on Earth and the moon that were larger than 12 miles (20 km) wide and came up with the dates of them. It takes a space rock that’s half a mile (800 meters) wide to create holes that big. The team counted 29 craters that were no …
WSJ: US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Weighs Lifting Tariffs on China
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin discussed lifting some or all tariffs imposed on Chinese imports and suggested offering a tariff rollback during trade discussions scheduled for Jan. 30, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday, citing people familiar with the internal deliberations. But Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer has resisted the idea, and the proposal had not yet been introduced to President Donald Trump, according to the Journal. U.S. stocks advanced on the news even as a Treasury spokesman working with the administration’s trade team denied the report. “Neither Secretary Mnuchin nor Ambassador Lighthizer have made any recommendations to anyone with respect to tariffs or other parts of the negotiation with China,” the spokesman said. “This an ongoing process with the Chinese that is nowhere near completion.” Chinese Vice Premier Liu He will visit the United States on Jan. 30 and 31 for the latest round of trade talks aimed at resolving a bitter trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies. In December, Washington and Beijing agreed to a 90-day truce in a trade war that has disrupted the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars of goods. Mid-level U.S. and Chinese officials met in Beijing last week to discuss China’s offers to address U.S. complaints about intellectual property theft and increase purchases of U.S. goods and services. Lighthizer did not see any progress made on structural issues during those talks, Republican U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley said earlier this week. The Trump administration is scheduled to increase tariffs March 2 on …
Professor Offers Students Higher Grade for More Sleep
No amount of lecturing seems to persuade students to get more sleep. But one professor uses bait they can’t resist. Michael Scullin teaches the science of sleep to psychology students at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He lectures about physical and mental health problems caused by a lack of sleep. Those problems include difficulty focusing and controlling one’s emotions, and increased risk of disease. “When you are at your most sleep deprived is when you are least likely to be able to judge how sleepy you are, and how much that sleepiness is impacting you,” Scullin says. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises adults to get at least seven hours of sleep a night to stay healthy, but more and more Americans report getting fewer than six hours of sleep per night. His students seemed to enjoy the class, Scullin says. But when he asked if they were getting more sleep after what they learned in class, most of them said no. So Scullin came up with a plan to get his students to sleep more: He offered them extra points on their final exam, the most important test in the class. The plan worked better than Scullin expected. Students who slept more performed better in two different classes, and Scullin published his findings in two academic publications last November. How did the study work? Scullin started the experiment with his psychology students. He told them that if they agreed to sleep at least eight hours a …
Indonesian Presidential Candidates Spar Over Corruption
Indonesian President Joko Widodo has accused his election rival of allowing corrupt candidates on his legislative ticket and failing to include women in senior positions. Widodo and former General Prabowo Subianto, along with their running mates, faced off Thursday in the first of five debates before the April 17 election. The debate focused on terrorism, human rights, corruption, and law and order. Opinion polls show Widodo commanding 52 percent to 54 percent popular support and Subianto 30 percent to 35 percent. About 10 percent of voters are undecided and another 15 percent are considered swing voters, meaning the race has the potential to tighten. Subianto, making his second bid for president after being narrowly defeated by Widodo in 2014, waffled when asked why his party has the highest number of candidates with corruption records. “Maybe the corruption they did was not huge, maybe he or she just, what I mean is, the theft was indeed wrong, but the most important thing to be eradicated was a corrupter who stole trillions of rupiah (hundreds of millions of dollars) of state money, of people’s money,” he said. Questioning Subianto’s opening statement of a commitment to empowering women, Widodo said he has nine women in important Cabinet positions but there are few women in the leadership of Subianto’s Gerindra party. Subianto said his party has many female candidates and criticized the quality of decision making by Widodo’s women ministers. Widodo, the first Indonesian president from outside the country’s Jakarta elite, has made upgrading …
Гривня за рік зміцнилася на 1,4% – голова НБУ підбив підсумки 2018 року
Обсяги міжнародних резервів України сягнули найвищого рівня за останні п’ять років завдяки зміцненню гривні – про це заявив голова Національного банку України Яків Смолій під час своєї підсумкової доповіді у Верховній Раді. За його даними, національна валюта протягом року зміцнилася на 1,4%, що дозволило Нацбанку купувати валюту на міжбанківському ринку. Читайте також: НБУ повідомляє про зміцнення гривні «За рік сальдо наших валютних інтервенцій склало еквівалент 1,4 мільярда доларів США, які були спрямовані до наших резервів. Іншим джерелом стало зовнішнє фінансування: Україна отримала нову програму співпраці з МВФ, яка є фундаментом для подальшого зміцнення макрофінансової стабільності. Завдяки цьому до резервів від міжнародних партнерів – МВФ, Євросоюзу та Світового банку – надійшло 2,4 мільярда доларів США. У підсумку ми маємо найбільший обсяг міжнародних резервів за п’ять років. Це 20,8 мільярда доларів США. Востаннє такі цифри ми бачили восени 2013 року», – розповів Смолій. Зміцненню гривні, пояснив він, сприяла жорстка монетарна політика, сприятливі ціни на український експорт і високий врожай. Читайте також: Навіщо Україні гроші МВФ і скільки доведеться повернути За висновками голови НБУ, економіка України «показала максимальне зростання за останні сім років». Зокрема реальний валовий внутрішній продукт за підсумками трьох кварталів 2018 року зріс на 3,8%. Смолій очікує, що річний показник складе 3,4%, причому інфляція, додає він, вперше за п’ять років знизилася до 9,8%. «Це перевищувало нашу інфляційну ціль, яка складала 6%, плюс-мінус 2%. За підсумками року споживча інфляція була вищою, проте в політиці інфляційного таргетування ключовим є не отримання потрібного рівня інфляції в певній точці часу, а забезпечення стійкого тренду цього показника відповідно …
Tunisia Hit by General Strike, Amid Economic Tensions
Workers around Tunisia went on strike Thursday to demand higher pay in a standoff with a government struggling to reduce unemployment, poverty and social tensions. All flights in and out of the North African country’s main airport were cancelled, and schools nationwide were closed. Ports, public transport, hospitals and other public services were also disrupted. Marathon last-minute negotiations between the government and union umbrella group UGTT failed to avert Thursday’s strike by public sector workers. Thousands of people gathered at the national union headquarters in Tunis and marched through the capital’s main thoroughfare, carrying signs reading “Get Out!” and “The People Want the Fall of the Regime.” Rallies were also held in other cities. Addressing the crowd in Tunis, the head of the UGTT, Noureddine Tabboubi, accused the government of “neglecting the workers” as runaway inflation has eroded purchasing power. The International Monetary Fund has urged public sector salary freezes and other reforms in exchanges for loans to Tunisia’s struggling economy. The union boss accused the government of being afraid to “move a little finger without the green light” of the IMF. Unions want an end to salary freezes for Tunisia’s 600,000 public sector workers. President Beji Caid Essebsi has called for calm. Thursday’s strike comes after new tensions erupted last month when a journalist set himself on fire to protest unfulfilled promises of Tunisia’s 2011 Arab Spring revolution. Similar rallies were held throughout the country, notably in southern provinces where the strike …
Chinese Trade Negotiator to Visit US in Late January
China’s economic czar, Vice Premier Liu He, will travel to the United States later this month for the second round of negotiations aimed at resolving the ongoing trade war between the global economic giants. Commerce Ministry spokesman Gao Feng told reporters in Beijing Thursday that Liu will visit Washington on January 30-31. He was invited by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. U.S. negotiators were optimistic after the first round of talks in Beijing last week that the two sides would be able to resolve tariff disputes that have upset global markets. The trade talks are the result of an agreement last month between President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping to stop the tit-for-tat tariff conflict between the two countries for 90 days starting on New Year’s Day. The United States has long complained about access to the vast Chinese market and Beijing’s demands U.S. companies reveal their technology advances. If no deal is reached by March 2, U.S. tariffs on $200 billion Chinese goods will rise from 10 percent to 25 percent. …
ГПУ завершила розслідування щодо Арбузова – Луценко
Генпрокуратура завершила досудове розслідування справи колишнього голови Національного банку України та першого віце-прем’єр-міністра України Арбузова, якому інкримінується зловживання своїм службовим становищем у складі злочинної організації, що призвело до розтрати активів Нацбанку на суму 220 мільйонів гривень. Про це генпрокурор Юрій Луценко написав у Facebook. Як повідомила прес-служба Генпрокуратури, зазначеній особі інкримінується розтрата при створенні всупереч положень Закону України «Про Національний банк України» та Закону України «Про телебачення та радіомовлення» за рахунок активів цього особливого центрального органу державного управління підконтрольної телерадіоорганізації ТОВ «Банківське телебачення». На даний час учасникам кримінального провадження відкрито його матеріали для ознайомлення з ними та подальшого скерування обвинувального акту до суду для розгляду по суті. Читайте також: Олександр Клименко і «вагон» проблем Арбузов очолював Нацбанк із грудня 2010 до січня 2013 року. Також виконував обов’язки прем’єр-міністра України з кінця січня по кінець лютого 2014 року. Його оголосили в розшук у травні 2014-го після перемоги Революції гідності. …
МОЗ хоче заборонити тестувати косметику на тваринах
Міністерство охорони здоров’я закликало громадськість до обговорення проекту Технічного регламенту на косметичну продукцію. Про це повідомила прес-служба МОЗ. «Якість і безпека є ключовими аспектами, на яких зосереджений новий регламент на косметичну продукцію. Перелік заборонених інгредієнтів буде збільшено втричі, виробники зможуть використовувати лише безпечні барвники, консерванти, УФ-фільтри. Ці пропозиції – важлива складова євроінтеграції України і виконання умов Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та Європейським Союзом», – ідеться у повідомленні. Як пояснили, у МОЗ, новий регламент створений на основі аналогічного документу ЄС і має усунути юридичні розбіжності, також адміністративні та технічні бар’єри у торгівлі між Україною та країнами Європейського Союзу. «Один із важливих аспектів нового регламенту – заборонити випробування косметики на тваринах та дати можливість іноземним та національним компаніям використовувати новітні технологічні розробки, зокрема альтернативні методи тестування косметичної продукції. Такі правила уже кілька років діють у країнах Європейського Союзу», – зазначили у міністерстві. МОЗ планує передбачити перехідний період для впровадження нових вимог, оскільки на сьогодні в Україні відсутні затверджені методології альтернативних випробувань безпеки косметики. …
Want to Buy Ethical Food? Scan with Your Phone for Fast Facts
Whether buying a fish fillet at a supermarket or ordering steak in a restaurant, consumers will soon be able to use their phones to check instantly whether their food is green and ethical. Launched by environmental group WWF and investment firm BCG Digital Ventures, OpenSC is a website that harnesses blockchain technology to allow users to scan a QR code on a product or menu that reveals the full history and supply chain before they buy. “For those catching and producing things in a very unsustainable way, it’s quite easy for them to hide behind the complexity of supply chains,” said Paul Hunyor, Asia region head at BCG Digital Ventures in Sydney. “There is a lack of carrots for those doing good at the production end because it is very hard for them to make the end consumer aware of all the good work they’re doing,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Globally, consumers and retailers are demanding more information about what they procure, buy and eat, to ascertain that its production and transportation does not damage the environment, or use illegal and unethical business practices. In response, large consumer goods companies, restaurants and other businesses are looking at ways to attract more customers by offering sustainable products that are guaranteed as free of deforestation or slave labor, for example. The OpenSC platform, conceived in 2017 when WWF was piloting a tuna fisheries traceability project in the Pacific Ocean, will initially focus on fish and beef. It plans to expand in …