Trump’s Advice to Britain’s May: ‘Sue the EU’

U.S. President Donald Trump advised British Prime Minister Theresa May to sue the European Union instead of negotiating with the bloc, as part of her Brexit strategy.   “He told me I should sue the EU,” May told BBC television. “Sue the EU. Not go into negotiations — sue them.” Her revelation about how Trump advised her ended several days of speculation about what advice the U.S. leader had offered the prime minister. Trump said last week in an interview with The Sun newspaper that he had given May advice, but she did not follow it. The president told the newspaper ahead of his meeting with May that she “didn’t listen” to him. “I would have done it much differently. I actually told Theresa May how to do it but she didn’t agree, she didn’t listen to me. She wanted to go a different route,” Trump said. Trump did not reveal what advice he offered May in a press conference with her Friday. Instead, he said, “I think she found it too brutal.” He added, “I could fully understand why she thought it was tough. And maybe someday she’ll do that. If they don’t make the right deal, she may do what I suggested, but it’s not an easy thing.” May also told the BBC that the president had advised her not to walk away from the negotiations “because then you’re stuck.” For the past few months, British politics have been obscured by squabbling, irritability and bravado about how, when and …

Largest US Port Complex Braces for Extended US-China Trade War

Liang Liang is feeling a lot of stress lately. He owns an import wholesale business in Los Angeles. “I have been watching the news every day — when will the tariffs be put in place? When are my goods arriving; it’s a fight against time. I’m trying to order all my products for the rest of the year,” he said. His goods, such as toys and T-shirts, come from China through the largest port complex in the United States, the twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. He expects a 10 to 20 percent increase in shipping costs because of the trade war between the United States and China. Shipping costs likely to rise China is the largest trading partner for both ports. As tariffs from both countries increase the cost of goods, manufacturers and retailers may order fewer products, which will cause a decrease in trade volume between the two countries, according to Stephen Cheung, president of the World Trade Center Los Angeles. “Once that happens, you’re going to see an increase in the rates for shipping because then you don’t have the volume to justify the goods going back and forth,” he said. Cheung explained that shipping costs will affect all goods between the U.S. and China, not just the ones on the list to be taxed. He said the trade and logistics sector, which includes the ports and the supply chain of trucks and warehouses, will be the first to feel the effects of the trade …

Куба може офіційно визнати приватну власність

Комуністичний уряд Куби заявив, що планує вперше офіційно визнати приватну власність. Деталі були оприлюднені 14 липня в пакеті реформ, які розгляне Національна асамблея пізніше цього місяця і може винести їх на вседержавний референдум пізніше цього року. Сучасна конституція Куби, написана в радянські часи, визнає лише державну, кооперативну, фермерську, особисту та спільну власність. Сотні тисяч кубинців стали самозайнятими з 2010 року у нових приватних компаніях, починаючи від ресторанів і салонів краси. Зміни виникли в рамках ринкових реформ колишнього президента Рауля Кастро, спрямованих на посилення економіки. Конституційна реформа також створить позицію прем’єр-міністра поряд з президентом. Це дозволить, однак, зберегти Компартію як єдину політичну силу в країні. Компартійна газета Granma опублікувала короткий зміст нової конституції, але не окреслює специфіки 224 статей. …

Australia Trial Crushes Disease-Spreading Mosquito Numbers

Mosquitos are one of the deadliest creatures on Earth. In a town in northern Australia, more than 80 percent of the mosquitoes that spread dengue fever have been wiped out in a pioneering tropical trial. Scientists say the results could help global efforts to eradicate the dangerous pest. In the trial, millions of male Aedes aegypti, or yellow fever mosquitoes, were bred in a laboratory and infected with a naturally occurring bacteria that made them sterile. They were then released near the small farming town of Innisfail in Queensland, 1,600 kilometers (995 miles) north of Brisbane. Over three months they mated with females who laid eggs that did not hatch, causing the population to fall by about 80 percent. The type of mosquito used in the trial is responsible for infecting hundreds of millions of people around the world with diseases such as dengue, Zika and yellow fever. The project was run by researchers from Australia’s national science body, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, or CSIRO, in a trial that received funding from Google’s parent company, Alphabet. Dr. Rob Grenfell, the director of Health and Biosecurity at the CSIRO says the results are a major breakthrough. “Now this is momentous in the sense that we have achieved a significant decrease in populations of mosquitoes in our test area here in northern Queensland,” he said. “But also to commemorate the incredible community that actually backed our science here, not only did they open their hearts and minds but also their …

Australian Trial Crushes Numbers of Disease-Spreading Mosquitoes

Mosquitos are one of the deadliest creatures on Earth. In a town in northern Australia, more than 80 percent of the mosquitoes that spread dengue fever have been wiped out in a pioneering tropical trial. Scientists say the results could help global efforts to eradicate the dangerous pest. In the trial, millions of male Aedes aegypti, or yellow fever mosquitoes, were bred in a laboratory and infected with a naturally occurring bacteria that made them sterile. They were then released near the small farming town of Innisfail in Queensland, 1,600 kilometers (995 miles) north of Brisbane. Over three months they mated with females who laid eggs that did not hatch, causing the population to fall by about 80 percent. The type of mosquito used in the trial is responsible for infecting hundreds of millions of people around the world with diseases such as dengue, Zika and yellow fever. The project was run by researchers from Australia’s national science body, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, or CSIRO, in a trial that received funding from Google’s parent company, Alphabet. Dr. Rob Grenfell, the director of Health and Biosecurity at the CSIRO says the results are a major breakthrough. “Now this is momentous in the sense that we have achieved a significant decrease in populations of mosquitoes in our test area here in northern Queensland,” he said. “But also to commemorate the incredible community that actually backed our science here, not only did they open their hearts and minds but also their …

What Fat Dogs May Tell Us About Overweight Humans

Fat dogs may have more in common with obese humans than we think. Hungarian researchers have discovered that overweight dogs were interested only in top quality food and would not settle for second best. The study suggests that dogs could be used as models into the causes and psychological impact of human obesity. VOA’s Deborah Block has a report. …

More Than 200,000 People in Southern Syria Have No Access to Medical Care

The World Health Organization is calling for access to more than 210,000 people in urgent need of medical assistance in southern Syria, the scene of recent intense fighting between Russian-backed Syrian Government forces and opposition armed groups.  United Nations and other aid agencies are able to provide medical and other assistance to people in Government-controlled areas in southern Syria.  But, parts of rebel-held northwest Daraa and Quneitra Governorates are inaccessible to them, raising concerns for the health of more than 200,000 people displaced by the fighting. The World Health Organization is calling for unimpeded and immediate access to these areas,” said Jasarevic. “WHO spokesman, Tarik Jasarevic says many lives are at stake.  He says health workers must be allowed to reach those in urgent need of help and the safe delivery of essential medicines and medical items must be guaranteed.   “The majority of people displaced are exposed to soaring summer temperatures of up to 45 degrees Celsius and dusty desert winds, with limited access to clean drinking water, sanitation services, and adequate health care.  In the past week, at least 15 Syrians—12 children, two women, and one elderly man—have died due to dehydration, and diseases transmitted through contaminated water.” WHO reports nearly 75 percent of all public hospitals and health centers in Daraa and Quneitra are closed or only partially functioning.  As a consequence, it says many injured people, including hundreds of children, as well as pregnant women in need of emergency obstetric services are unable to receive vital …

Lost Luggage Finds New Home — at Bargain Prices

Suspiciously cheap diamonds, jeans for $1 and a pair of skis for next to nothing. It’s not a dream, these are actual bargains at a store in a small town in Alabama. What it sells are the contents of lost airline baggage. Every year airline companies lose about 20 million suitcases, and while most of them find their way back to their owners, thousands of bags are never picked up. As Daria Dieguts found out, some of these lost items end up here at the lost baggage store in Alabama. …

Lost Luggage Finds New — at Bargain Prices

Suspiciously cheap diamonds, jeans for $1 and a pair of skis for next to nothing. It’s not a dream, these are actual bargains at a store in a small town in Alabama. What it sells are the contents of lost airline baggage. Every year airline companies lose about 20 million suitcases, and while most of them find their way back to their owners, thousands of bags are never picked up. As Daria Dieguts found out, some of these lost items end up here at the lost baggage store in Alabama. …

US Formally Lifts Ban on China’s ZTE

The United States has formally lifted a crippling ban on exports to the Chinese telecommunications giant ZTE.  The Commerce Department said Friday that it had removed the ban after ZTE deposited $400 million in a U.S. bank escrow account as part of a settlement reached last month. ZTE has already paid a $1 billion fine that is also part of its settlement with the U.S. government.  “While we lifted the ban on ZTE, the department will remain vigilant as we closely monitor ZTE’s actions to ensure compliance with all U.S. laws and regulations,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement. He described the terms of the deal as the strictest ever imposed in such a case. The Chinese company is accused of selling sensitive technologies to Iran and North Korea, despite a U.S. trade embargo.  In April, the Commerce Department barred ZTE from importing American components for its telecommunications products for the next seven years, practically putting the company out of business. However, Trump later announced a deal with ZTE in which the Chinese company would pay a $1 billion fine for its trade violations, as well as replace its entire management and board by the middle of July. Lawmakers from both parties have criticized Trump’s efforts and have taken steps to block the White House’s efforts to revive ZTE. The Senate passed legislation last month included in a military spending bill that would block ZTE from buying component parts from the United States. That legislation now moves to …

White House Declares War on Poverty ‘Largely Over’

The White House released a report Thursday contending that the United States’ war on poverty — a drive that started over 50 years ago to improve the social safety net for the poorest citizens of the world’s largest economy — is “largely over and a success,” contrasting with other reports on the nation’s poor. The report, authored by President Donald Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers, called for federal aid recipients to be pushed toward work requirements. The report says poverty, when measured by consumption, has fallen by 90 percent since 1961. It also says that only 3 percent of Americans currently live under the poverty line. “The timing is ideal for expanding work requirements among non-disabled working-age adults in social welfare programs,” according to the report. “Ultimately, expanded work requirements can improve the lives of current welfare recipients and at the same time respect the importance and dignity of work.” U.N. report The council’s report contrasts with a U.N. report on poverty in the U.S. that was released last month. That report said about 12 percent of the U.S. population lives in poverty, and that the U.S. “leads the developed world in income and wealth inequality.” Phillip Alston, a U.N. adviser on extreme poverty and the author of the report, wrote in December 2017 that he believed Trump and his administration, along with U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, “will essentially shred crucial dimensions of a safety net that is already full of holes.” In April, Trump signed an executive order outlining …

Report: Failure to Educate Girls Could Cost World $30 Trillion

Failing to let girls finish their education could cost the world as much as $30 trillion in lost earnings and productivity, yet more than 130 million girls are out of school globally, the World Bank said Wednesday. Women who have completed secondary education are more likely to work and earn on average nearly twice as much as those with no schooling, according to a report by the World Bank. About 132 million girls worldwide aged 6 to 17 do not attend school, while fewer than two-thirds of those in low-income nations finish primary school, and only a third finish lower secondary school, the World Bank said. If every girl in the world finished 12 years of quality education, lifetime earnings for women could increase by $15 trillion to $30 trillion, according to the report. “Overall, the message is clear: Educating girls is not only the right thing to do,” the World Bank said in the report, “it also makes economic and strategic sense for countries to fulfill their development potential.” Other positive impacts of completing secondary school education for girls include a reduction in child marriage, lower fertility rates in countries with high population growth, and reduced child mortality and malnutrition, the World Bank said. “We cannot keep letting gender inequality get in the way of global progress,” Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank chief executive, said in a statement. The benefits of educating girls are considerably higher at secondary school level in comparison to primary education, said Quentin Wodon, World Bank …

НАБУ оскаржує закриття справи щодо Чеботаря та Авакова-молодшого

Національне антикорупційне бюро скерувало до Спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури скаргу на постанову прокурора Василя Кричуна про закриття кримінального провадження у «справі рюкзаків» щодо двох підозрюваних – екс-заступника міністра внутрішніх справ Сергія Чеботаря та сина міністра Олександра Авакова. «Станом на 18:00 годину 13 липня Спеціалізованою антикорупційною прокуратурою так і не було надано матеріалів, які б підтверджували правові підстави закриття провадження стосовно двох ключових підозрюваних у справі. Скаргу адресовано вищому за посадою прокурору, а саме Керівникові САП. Згідно КПК, Назар Холодницький має розглянути дану скаргу та прийняти рішення впродовж трьох днів з моменту її одержання. Таким чином, до кінця наступного тижня громадськість матиме можливість почути його персональну позицію щодо обґрунтованості рішення його підлеглого», – мовиться у повідомленні на сайті відомства. У свою чергу НАБУ стверджує, що має «достатньо доказів», які свідчать про причетність екс-посадовця МВС та близького родича очільника цього міністерства до розкрадання 14,5 мільйона гривень. 12 липня стало відомо, що Спеціалізована антикорупційна прокуратура закрила провадження у так званій «справі рюкзаків» щодо двох фігурантів – сина міністра внутрішніх справ Олександра Авакова й екс-заступника міністра Сергія Чеботаря через відсутність «прямих достатніх доказів», що ці особи «були обізнані з планом поставки саме неякісних рюкзаків». Повний текст постанови тут Згідно з постановою, всю провину на себе взяв Володимир Литвин – представник фірми-переможця тендеру на постачання рюкзаків. Прокурори з цим погодились. Постанова передбачає також скасування арешту майна Чеботаря й Авакова і повернення їм речових доказів. «Запобіжний захід у вигляді особистого зобов’язання вважати таким, що припинив своє існування», йдеться у постанові, підписаній прокурором Василем Кричуном, начальником відділу САП. 5 квітня НАБУ …

Kenya Uber to Keep Fares Unchanged for Now, Following Drivers’ Strike

Uber’s business in Kenya said on Friday it will keep its fares unchanged for now, after associations representing taxi drivers in the country signed a deal giving guidelines for better fares and working conditions. “As of today, we will not be adjusting our fares as we are busy completing a deeper study of driver economics in light of the concerns and feedback that we have received from drivers to ensure that fares are correctly priced,” a spokesperson for Uber Technologies said in an email to Reuters. The Digital Taxi Association of Kenya, representing more than 2,000 ride-hailing taxi drivers, signed a deal on Wednesday meant to give drivers higher pay and better conditions. The drivers told Reuters they thought the deal would cushion them in the event of falling fares arising from discounts companies offers to passengers. They had staged a nine-day strike seeking higher fares and better working conditions. As in other markets, these ride-hailing services in Kenya initially faced opposition and sometimes hostility from other taxi drivers. Kenya is Uber’s second-largest market in sub-Saharan Africa, after South Africa. It competes mostly against its local rival Taxify, which has gained popularity in Nairobi in the past year and a half, but does not disclose numbers of active riders and users. …

8 Endangered Black Rhinos Die in Kenya After Relocation

Eight critically endangered black rhinos are dead in Kenya following an attempt to move them from the capital to a national park hundreds of kilometers away, the government said Friday, calling the toll “unprecedented” in more than a decade of such transfers. Preliminary investigations point to salt poisoning as the rhinos tried to adapt to saltier water in their new home, the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife said in a statement. It suspended the ongoing move of other rhinos and said the surviving ones were being closely monitored. Losing the rhinos is “a complete disaster,” said prominent Kenyan conservationist Paula Kahumbu of WildlifeDirect. Conservationists in Africa have been working hard to protect the black rhino sub-species from poachers targeting them for their horns to supply an illegal Asian market.  In moving a group of 11 rhinos to the newly created Tsavo East National Park from Nairobi last month, the Kenya Wildlife Service said it hoped to boost the population there. The government agency has not said how the rhinos died. Fourteen of the animals were to be moved in all. “Disciplinary action will definitely be taken” if an investigation into the deaths indicates negligence by agency staff, the wildlife ministry said. “Moving rhinos is complicated, akin to moving gold bullion, it requires extremely careful planning and security due to the value of these rare animals,” Kahumbu said in a statement. “Rhino translocations also have major welfare considerations and I dread to think of the suffering that these poor animals endured …

Україна веде переговори з Туреччиною щодо спільного виробництва дронів – РНБО

Україна веде переговори з Туреччиною щодо постачання безпілотних апаратів, а також про подальше створення спільного центру для їхнього виготовлення, повідомляє Рада нацбезпеки і оборони на своєму сайті за результатами візиту до Стамбула першого заступника секретаря ради Олега Гладковського. За даними РНБО, Гладковський відвідав там підприємство «Байкар Макіна», яке спеціалізується на виробництві безпілотних систем. «Сторони додатково вивчили можливість відкриття спільного центру розробки й виготовлення дронів зі вдосконаленими характеристиками, зокрема виробництво багатофункціонального безпілотного літального апарату HALE. Олег Гладковський наголосив, що вищезазначений багатофункціональний безпілотник може використовуватися не лише для потреб обох країн, але й для зовнішніх ринків. А відповідний центр може бути створений за участі підприємств державного концерну «Укроборонпром» в рамках авіаційного кластеру», – мовиться на сайті відомства. Президент України Петро Порошенко 25 червня привітав свого турецького колегу Реджепа Тайїпа Ердогана з перемогою на виборах і висловив намір розбудовувати українсько-турецьке стратегічне партнерство.  Читайте також: Демократія по-турецьки: Ердоган – старий президент із новими супер-повноваженнями Внаслідок конституційних змін, схвалених після референдуму 2017 року, Туреччина переходить від парламентської системи до президентської, надаючи президенту розширені повноваження. Зміни, які дозволять Ердогану залишатися при владі до 2029 року, підтримали 51% учасників голосування. Вони наберуть чинності після виборів.   …

US Farmers Brace for Long-Term Impact of Escalating Trade War

As farmer Brian Duncan gently brushes his hands over the rolling amber waves of grain in the fields behind his rural Illinois home, this picturesque and idyllic American scene belies the dramatic hardship he currently faces. “We’re in trouble,” he told VOA. Wheat is just one product that grows on Duncan’s diverse farm, also home to about 70,000 hogs annually, which Duncan said “were projected to be profitable this year.” Were, but not anymore. Pork is now subject to a 62 percent Chinese tariff, and demand is drying up in one of the world’s largest pork markets. “Once that tariff went on, the pork stopped going into China. Not going to Taiwan, either. Not finding other routes. That market just disappeared,” said Duncan, who expected to see a $4 to $5 profit on each pig, then watched it become a $7 to $8 loss per head. “The difference between making and losing money in the hog industry is exports,” said Duncan, acknowledging that for most hog farmers, exports are key to profits. A lack of competitive access to international markets could spell long-term financial hardship, particularly for independent pork producers like Duncan. “The reality is 95 percent of the world population is outside these borders. We need them … as markets and trading partners,” Duncan said. Tariffs begin to bite U.S. farmers like Duncan are beginning to feel the effects of such tariffs imposed by China in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum. As the trade dispute …

China’s US Trade Surplus Hits Record in June

China’s trade surplus with the United States swelled to a record in June as its overall exports grew at a solid pace, a result that could further inflame a bitter trade dispute with Washington. But signs exporters were rushing shipments before tariffs went into effect in the first week of July suggest the spike in the surplus was a one-off, with analysts expecting a less favorable trade balance for China in coming months as duties on exports start to bite. The data came after the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump raised the stakes in its trade row with China on Tuesday, saying it would slap 10 percent tariffs on an extra $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, including numerous consumer items. US-China trade surplus China’s trade surplus with the United States, which is at the center of the tariff tussle, widened to a record monthly high of $28.97 billion, up from $24.58 billion in May, according to Reuters calculations based on official data going back to 2008. For January-June China’s trade surplus with the United States rose to $133.76 billion, compared with about $117.51 billion in the same period last year. China’s exports to the United States rose 13.6 percent in the first half of 2018 from a year earlier, while its imports from the U.S. rose 11.8 percent in the same period. Trump, who has demanded Beijing cut the trade surplus, could use the latest result to further ratchet up pressure on China after both sides last week …

Rising Greenhouse Gases Making Food Less Nutritious

Temperatures around the world are rising as humans burn coal, oil and other fossil fuels for energy. Burning those fuels releases heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But it does more than that. CO2 is vital for plant growth. While having more of it sounds like a good thing, scientists are finding it is not always that simple. VOA’s Steve Baragona has more. …

Jeff Bezos to Charge At Least $200,000 for Space Rides, Sources Say

Jeff Bezos’ rocket company plans to charge passengers about $200,000 to $300,000 for its first trips into space next year, two people familiar with its plans told Reuters. Potential customers and the aerospace industry have been eager to learn the cost of a ticket on Blue Origin’s New Shepard space vehicle, to find out if it is affordable and whether the company can generate enough demand to make a profit on space tourism. Executives at the company, started by Inc founder Bezos in 2000, told a business conference last month they planned test flights with passengers on the New Shepard soon, and to start selling tickets next year. The company, based about 20 miles (32 km) south of Seattle, has made public the general design of the vehicle — comprising a launch rocket and detachable passenger capsule — but has been tight-lipped on production status and ticket prices. Blue Origin representatives did not respond to requests for comment on its programs and pricing strategy. Bezos said in May ticket prices had not yet been decided. One Blue Origin employee with first-hand knowledge of the pricing plan said the company will start selling tickets in the range of about $200,000 to $300,000. A second employee said tickets would cost a minimum of $200,000. They both spoke on condition of anonymity as the pricing strategy is confidential. The New Shepard is designed to autonomously fly six passengers more than 62 miles (100 km) above Earth into suborbital space, high enough to …

A Look at Euro-Russian Energy Deal Opposed by Trump

President Donald Trump’s criticism of Germany’s involvement in a natural gas pipeline deal with Russia launched a tense two days of NATO meetings in Brussels — but it also may have set the tone for the U.S. leader’s highly anticipated summit with his Russian counterpart Monday in Helsinki. In a taut exchange with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday, Trump said Nord Stream 2 — an offshore pipeline that would deliver gas to Germany directly from Russia via the Baltic Sea — leaves the Western military alliance’s largest and wealthiest European member “totally controlled” by and “captive to” Russia. “We’re supposed to protect you against Russia but [Germany is] paying billions of dollars to Russia, and I think that’s very inappropriate,” Trump told Stoltenberg. According to the U.S. leader, Germany “got rid of their coal plants, got rid of their nuclear, they’re getting so much of the oil and gas from Russia. I think it’s something NATO has to look at.” As Europe’s biggest natural gas consumer, Germany relies on Russia for roughly half of its gas imports, which account for 20 percent of its current energy mix, according to London-based Marex Spectron group. The International Energy Association projects German natural gas demand to increase by 1 percent in the next five years, as Berlin continues phasing out its nuclear power plants by 2022. Expanding upon the existing Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which has been transporting gas from Russia to Germany along the same Baltic Sea route since 2011, Nord …