НБУ вперше із січня встановив офіційний курс національної валюти щодо американської на рівні понад 28 гривень за долар. На 29 серпня курс становитиме 28 гривень 5 копійок за долар. Це на 17 копійок більше, ніж показник на 28 серпня. Згідно з повідомленнями учасників валютного ринку, регулятор встиг у розпал попиту на валюту продати долар за курсом 28 гривень 10 копійок без офіційного оголошення аукціону. Згодом свої значні обсяги запропонували експортери, і торги на міжбанківському валютному ринку завершилися на нижчому рівні – попит на рівні 27 гривень 99 копійок за долар, пропозиція – 28 гривень 3 копійки. …
Київська влада просить у Кабміну субвенцію для укладання нового договору з «Нафтогазом» – КМДА
Київська міська державна адміністрація просить Кабінет міністрів виділити субвенцію у розмірі 729 мільйонів гривень для укладання нового договору з «Нафтогазом» про постачання газу, повідомив заступник голови КМДА Петро Пантелеєв. За його словами, напрацьований спільно з НАК алгоритм про правонаступництво комунальним підприємством «Київтеплоенерго» боргів компанії «Київенерго» передбачає списання штрафу, а також балансування заборгованості споживачів перед «Київенерго» та боргів енергокомпанії перед «Нафтогазом». «Також є зобов’язання держави перед «Київенерго» за компенсацію різниці у тарифах у минулих періодах – 729 мільйонів гривень. Погашення державою своїх боргів дасть змогу вирішити питання балансування боргів та списання штрафних санкцій», – пояснив заступник голови КМДА. Вирішення цього питання, яке Кабмін має розглянути на засіданні 29 серпня, дасть можливість відновити газопостачання та гаряче водопостачання у Києві, а також підготуватися до опалювального сезону, зазначають в КМДА. «Якщо рішення Кабміну буде ухвалене, то планова дата укладення договору з «Нафтогазом» – 15-16 вересня», – сказав П.Пантелеєв. Читайте також: Київ майже вдвічі переплатить за газ – «Нафтогаз України» Раніше КМДА погодилась успадкувати заборгованість «Київенерго» перед Нафтогазом та повідомила про те, що підпише з компанією мирову угоду. 19 липня Господарський суд Києва ухвалив рішення не перекладати борги компанії Ріната Ахметова «Київенерго» за спожитий газ перед НАК «Нафтогаз України» на новостворене комунальне підприємство «Київтеплоенерго». У «Київенерго» заявляли про намір оскаржити це рішення. З 1 травня 2018 року теплові мережі та котельні Києва перейшли від компанії «Київенерго» мільярдера Ріната Ахметова в управління комунального підприємства «Київтеплоенерго». Наприкінці травня влада Києва повідомила, що «Нафтогаз» відмовляється укладати договір на поставку газу з «Київтеплоенерго» через борги попереднього оператора «Київенерго» (загальна сума заборгованості становить близько 5 …
Will Seaweed Solve Indonesia’s Plastic Trash Problem?
Indonesia produces an estimated 1.3 million tons of plastic every day, much of which ends up in the oceans, clogging the ecosystem and killing wildlife. Last year the country pledged to cut the amount it throws into the sea by 70 percent by 2025. As Jack Hewson reports, the sea itself could help to solve the problem. …
Blow for France’s Macron as Star Minister Quits
President Emmanuel Macron suffered a major political blow Tuesday as his popular environment minister resigned live on radio — without informing the French leader beforehand. Nicolas Hulot, one of the most respected members of the Cabinet among the French public, took even his interviewers by surprise on the France Inter radio station when announcing his move. “I am taking the decision to leave the government,” Hulot said, adding that he felt “all alone” on environmental issues within the government. The 63-year-old TV celebrity, who made his name as an environmental campaigner, was lured into government last year by Macron, but has repeatedly clashed with his cabinet colleagues over policy. “We’re taking little steps, and France is doing a lot more than other countries, but are little steps enough?… the answer is no,” he added. Hulot, whose future in the government has been a subject of speculation for months, said he had not informed Macron or Prime Minister Edouard Philippe of his plans to resign. “It’s an honest and responsible decision,” he added. His departure adds to mounting problems for 40-year-old centrist Macron, who swept to power in May last year promising to solve decades of low growth and high unemployment in France and reform the European Union. Due to slowing economic growth, his government is having difficulties drawing up the 2019 budget which saw Prime Minister Philippe announce at the weekend that he was dropping targets for reducing the deficit. At the diplomatic level, Macron is struggling to convince his …
В НБУ очікують транш МВФ на 2 мільярди доларів до грудня
«Якщо вони оголошують про приїзд місії, це означає, що шанси на позитивний перегляд достатньо високі» …
Курс долара подолав позначку у 28 гривень – НБУ
Курс долара подолав позначку у 28 гривень, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України. Станом на 12:00 курс становив 28 гривень 6 копійок за долар. На ранок 28 серпня НБУ встановив вартість долара на рівні 27 гривень 88 копійок. …
Kenyatta: Kenya Wants to Boost Trade, Investment Partnership With US
Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta says his country wants to increase bilateral trade with the United States and attract more U.S. investors. U.S. President Donald Trump received Kenyatta at the White House on Monday for talks that focused on trade and security. Ahead of the talks, Kenyatta told VOA African Service in an interview that his country is battling corruption and boosting security to create the right environment for foreign investment. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports. …
Trump’s Rollback of Clean Power Plan Means Support in Coal Country
President Trump recently proposed cuts to the Clean Power Plan. The Obama-era plan aims to generate electricity with less coal and more renewable energy and slash carbon emissions from the nation’s power plants by about one-third by 2030. Trump’s proposal was criticized by environmentalists but applauded in West Virginia, where coal mining jobs are vital to the economy. White House Correspondent Patsy Widakuswara reports. …
Five Key Takeaways From Trump’s US-Mexico Trade Deal
The United States and Mexico agreed on Monday to a sweeping trade deal that pressures Canada to accept new terms on autos trade, dispute settlement and agriculture to keep the trilateral North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said the White House was ready to notify the U.S. Congress by Friday of President Donald Trump’s intent to sign the bilateral document, but that it was open to Canada joining the pact. The 24-year-old NAFTA is a trilateral deal between the United States, Canada and Mexico that underpins $1.2 trillion in North American Trade. Here are some of the main issues at the heart of the negotiations: Autos Dominate The new deal requires 75 percent of the value of a vehicle to be produced in the United States or Mexico, up from the NAFTA threshold of 62.5 percent. The higher threshold is aimed at keeping more parts from Asia out, boosting North American automotive manufacturing and jobs. Even if more plants are built in Mexico, jobs will grow in the United States due to high levels of integration, with studies showing that U.S. parts make up 40 percent of the value of every Mexican-built car exported to the United States. The pact also requires greater use of U.S. and Mexican steel, aluminum, glass and plastics. The provision started out as a U.S. demand for 85 percent regional content, with 50 percent coming from U.S. factories. That plan was vehemently opposed by Mexico, Canada and the auto industry. …
Biggest Ever Studies on Aspirin Show Risks Don’t Outweigh Benefits for Most People
Taking a low-dose of aspirin every day has been known to help people who have already had a heart attack. But major new research has found the risks do not outweigh the benefits for most other people. Faith Lapidus has details. …
Mexico’s Next Leader: NAFTA Deal Preserves Energy ‘Sovereignty’
Mexican president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador welcomed a deal between Mexico and the United States to overhaul the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that he said preserved Mexican “sovereignty” in the energy sector. The U.S.-Mexico deal was announced by U.S. President Trump on Monday, putting pressure on Canada to agree to new terms and details that were only starting to emerge. Lopez Obrador said it was important that Canada be part of the deal. Lopez Obrador, who is scheduled to take office on Dec. 1, said Trump “understood our position” and accepted his incoming administration’s proposals on the energy sector. The text of the new agreement has not yet been made public. “We put the emphasis on defending national sovereignty on the energy issue and it was achieved,” Lopez Obrador told reporters after arriving in the southern state of Chiapas. “We are satisfied because our sovereignty was saved. Mexico reserves the right to reform its constitution, its energy laws, and it was established that Mexico’s oil and natural resources belong to our nation,” he said. Lopez Obrador opposed a constitutional change pushed through by Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto that opened production and exploration in the energy sector to private capital. Mexico has already awarded more than 100 oil exploration and production contracts to private companies. Lopez Obrador has said he would pour resources into state oil company Pemex while still respecting private sector contracts, as long as a review does not find evidence of corruption. He is expected …
Toyota to Invest $500 Million in Uber
Toyota will invest half a billion dollars into ride-sharing giant Uber as part of a deal for the two companies to work together on developing self-driving vehicles. Toyota, one of the world’s largest car makers, is seen as lagging behind other companies, including General Motors and Google’s Waymo, in the autonomous-vehicle race. Uber has already begun testing self-driving vehicles, but was forced to remove hundreds of autonomous cars from the road in March after one of its test vehicles struck and killed a pedestrian on a street in Tempe, Arizona. The deal between Uber and Toyota is an indication that Uber does not want to go it alone in creating the complex, autonomous driving systems. Self-driving cars have always been important to Uber, which sees them as a way to reduce the cost of carrying passengers. Former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick had insisted on developing a proprietary self-driving system, however current CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has been working to develop more partnerships for the company. Uber has been doing safety evaluations since the March crash that killed a 49-year-old woman as she walked her bicycle across the street. The company took a step in July toward relaunching its vehicle testing in Pittsburgh, putting its self-driving cars back on the road in manual mode. Toyota has been cautious in its approach to self-driving vehicles and has focused on partial autonomous systems. However, the company says it plans to begin testing self-driving electric cars around 2020. Both companies aim to work together to …
Carnival-crazy Trinidad Seeks New Economic Muse in Culture
The word for the night was “heat.” With that prompt, spoken word artists delivered poems about love, sex, gangs, street food, public transport and even a trip to the barbershop. Sipping beer and rum, the fashionable 100-strong crowd in this open-air performance space just off Ariapita Avenue, the bustling heart of Trinidad’s capital, snapped, clapped and cheered on the verbal dexterity. The monthly slam poetry event is one of several cultural offerings that have emerged in recent years to liven up the slack period between the annual Carnival celebrations that flood Port of Spain’s streets with costumed revelers. Trinidad and Tobago’s cultural ecosystem still revolves around Carnival, hooked to Ash Wednesday in February or March. But arts advocates, creative entrepreneurs and government officials are seeking ways to stimulate a year-round scene that could build an economic alternative for a country otherwise dependent on oil and natural gas. “I see the creative sector as being key in diversifying our national economy,” said Calvin Bijou, chairman of state-owned cultural promotion enterprise CreativeTT. Besides rich oil and gas reserves, the twin-island Caribbean country has a wealth of cultural talent. It is the birthplace of steel pan, widely believed to be the only non-electric, acoustic instrument invented in the 20th century, and the origin of calypso. Those musical traditions blend with folk crafts like wire-bending and costume design in Trinidad’s world-famous Carnival. Since 2014, it has brought an annual average of 36,000 visitors to the island, who spend some TTD 324 million ($48 million). …
Cold, Dry Climate Shifts Linked to Neanderthal Disappearance
Ancient periods of cold and dry climate helped our species replace Neanderthals in Europe, a study suggests. Researchers found that such cold periods coincided with an apparent disappearance of our evolutionary cousins in different parts of the continent, and the appearance of our species, Homo sapiens. “Whether they moved or died out, we can’t tell,” said Michael Staubwasser of the University of Cologne in Germany. Neanderthals once lived in Europe and Asia but died out about 40,000 years ago, just a few thousand years after our species, Homo sapiens, arrived in Europe. Scientists have long debated what happened, and some have blamed the change in climate. Other proposed explanations have included epidemics and the idea that the newcomers edged out the Neanderthals for resources. Staubwasser and colleagues reported their findings Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They drew on existing climate, archaeological and ecological data and added new indicators of ancient climate from studies of two caves in Romania. Their study highlighted two cold and dry periods. One began about 44,000 years ago and lasted about 1,000 years. The other began about 40,800 years ago and lasted six centuries. The timing of those events matches the periods when artifacts from Neanderthals disappear and signs of H. sapiens appear in sites within the Danube River valley and in France, they noted. The climate shifts would have replaced forest with shrub-filled grassland, and H. sapiens may have been better adapted to that new environment than the Neanderthals were, …
US Blocks WTO Judge Reappointment as Dispute Settlement Crisis Looms
The United States told the World Trade Organization on Monday it would block the reappointment of one of the WTO’s four remaining appeals judges next month, confirming trade experts’ fears of a crisis in the system for settling global rows. U.S. President Donald Trump has railed against the WTO, calling it a catastrophe and a disaster. He has said the United States loses cases because other countries have most of the judges. In fact, trade experts say, the United States has a similar, if not better, lose-win rate than other countries that have taken complaints to the WTO, and it has a rare privilege in that the judges on the WTO’s Appellate Body have always included one American. Trump faces a barrage of disputes at the WTO against his trade policies, including global tariffs on steel and a tariff war with China. Since he came to power, Washington has blocked all appointments to the appeals chamber as existing judges’ terms end. There are normally seven WTO appeals judges, but if Shree Baboo Chekitan Servansing, a trade judge from Mauritius, is not reappointed when his term expires on September 30, only three will remain — the minimum for the system to function. It looks set to break down finally when two more judges’ terms expire in December 2019, but it could seize up sooner if any judges need to recuse themselves from a case for legal reasons. If the U.S. veto paralyses the dispute system, it would end 23 years of …
Workers Protest Shutdown of Tire Maker Pirelli’s Venezuela Plant
About 100 workers protested outside tire manufacturer Pirelli’s Venezuela plant on Monday after finding the gateslocked, ten days after the country announced a broad set of reforms including a massive hike in the minimum wage. Employees were not told the plant would be shut, said union leader Luis Alvarez, who added it was not immediately known if it was temporary or if the operation had permanently closed its doors. “Production was falling, but they always kept us on the job,” said worker Nicolas Altomaris, who was waiting at a gate for information. “Now they’ve made this decision to send us out without knowing if we’ll return.” Union leaders say about 700 employees work at the plant. Pirelli and parent company China National Chemical Corp Ltd did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Venezuela’s Information Ministry also did not immediately reply to an email seeking comment. On Aug. 17 President Nicolas Maduro ordered a 3,000 percent minimum wage increase while also requiring that companies leave prices of their products fixed amid a hyperinflationary crisis. Business leaders say the package is unsustainable and would force many firms to close their doors. In the past, Pirelli Venezuela has temporarily halted operations due to a lack of raw materials. Currency controls make it difficult to import such materials, while price controls can at times force companies to sell below production costs. The company, which supplies tires for Formula One, manufactures tires for cars, motorcycles, trucks and buses in Venezuela. It was acquired in …
US, Mexico Reach New Trade Agreement
The United States and Mexico have reached a trade agreement, leaving Canada as the odd man out in efforts to revise or replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), according to U.S. President Donald Trump. The new deal will be called the United States-Mexico Trade Agreement, Trump said Monday. “We’ll get rid of the name NAFTA, it has a bad connotation because the United States was hurt very badly by NAFTA for many years,” Trump said. “It’s a big day for trade, it’s a big day for our country,” Trump said with reporters present, who were called to the Oval Office to watch as Trump spoke on the telephone with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. The Mexican leader expressed hope to “renew, modernize and update” NAFTA while Trump’s rhetoric indicated he sees that 24-year-old three-nation deal as dead. “We’ll have a formal news conference in the not-too-distant future,” about the trade pact, Trump said to Pena Nieto. “This is something very positive for the United States and Mexico,” Pena Nieto replied, saying he is looking forward to toasting Trump with tequila to celebrate, expressing to his American counterpart that he is “really grateful and greatly recognize and acknowledge your political will in all of this.” Mexico has agreed to immediately begin purchasing as many agricultural products from the United States as possible, according to Trump. Pena Nieto leaves office on December 1, turning over the Mexican government to his leftist successor, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. That means the …
Economist to Become Slovenian Finance Minister: Party Sources
Economist Andrej Bertoncelj is to become Slovenia’s finance minister in the minority center-left government of Prime Minister designate Marjan Sarec, a spokeswoman for Sarec’s party said on Monday. Bertoncelj’s main task will be to keep a lid on public spending in the small Alpine country and reduce public debt which reached 73.6 percent of GDP last year, down from 78.6 percent in 2016, but was still well above the 60 percent of GDP level allowed for European Union members. Outgoing Prime Minister Miro Cerar will become foreign minister, replacing Karl Erjavec who shifts to defense, while Economy Minister Zdravko Pocivalsek will retain his portfolio, the spokeswoman, Nika Vrhovnik, told Reuters. Parliament is due to confirm the new government in the first half of September after ministers have presented themselves to parliamentary hearings. Bertoncelj, who is an independent, is a member of the management board of state investment fund Slovenian Sovereign Holding, which manages state assets and is in charge of privatization of state firms. Before that he worked at a university as a professor of management after holding top positions in two pharmaceutical companies previously. He will replace the outgoing finance minister Mateja Vranicar Erman. Earlier in August parliament elected Sarec as the next prime minister following a June 3 election in which the centre-right anti-immigrant Slovenian Democratic Party got most votes but lacked coalition partners to form a government. Sarec, who heads the The List of Marjan Sarec (LMS) party, formed a coalition with four other center-left parties – …
Trump: NAFTA Trade Agreement With Mexico ‘Looking Good’
President Donald Trump says the prospects are “looking good” for an agreement with Mexico that could set the stage for an overhaul of the North American Free Trade Agreement. “A big deal looking good with Mexico!” Trump tweeted Monday morning. U.S. and Mexican negotiators worked over the weekend to narrow their differences. Once they reach an agreement, the third country in NAFTA — Canada — would be brought back in to finalize a revamp of the 24-year-old pact. NAFTA reduced most trade barriers between the three countries. But Trump and other critics say it encouraged U.S. manufacturers to move south of the border to exploit low-wage Mexican labor. The Trump administration wants a higher percentage of auto production to come from within the NAFTA bloc before qualifying for duty-free status. …
Україна оскаржує рішення СОТ у суперечці з Росією про імпорт вагонів
Україна подала апеляцію на рішення групи експертів Світової організації торгівлі (СОТ) щодо спору з Російською Федерацією про обмеження на постачання до РФ залізничних вагонів і стрілочних переводів, повідомляється на сайті СОТ. Зазначається, що апеляція на рішення СОТ щодо суперечки між Україною і Росією була подана 27 серпня. «27 серпня Україна подала апеляцію щодо панельного звіту СОТ у справі України проти Росії «Росія – заходи, що впливають на імпорт залізничного обладнання та їх частин» (DS499). Група поширила свою доповідь 30 липня 2018 року», – йдеться в повідомленні. Наприкінці липня 2018 року група експертів СОТ «частково підтримала» позицію України в справі проти Росії щодо обмеження імпорту залізничного обладнання, повідомила прес-служба Міністерства економічного розвитку. У відомстві зазначили, що група експертів підтвердила порушення Росією окремих положень Генеральної угоди з тарифів і торгівлі 1994 року та Угоди про технічні бар’єри у торгівлі. Згідно з повідомленням, у межах справи Україна доводила, що призупинення дії сертифікатів відповідності (14 приписів) та неприйняття до розгляду заявки на проведення сертифікації (3 рішення) призвело до дискримінації, невиправданих перешкод у торгівлі та недотримання встановленої процедури оцінки відповідності товару. Група експертів погодилася з Україною, що видавши 14 приписів про призупинення сертифікатів відповідності, Росія застосувала процедуру оцінки відповідності таким чином, що умови доступу до ринку для українських, російських та європейських виробників залізничної продукції, були не однаковими, дискримінаційними для України. Крім того, група експертів підтвердила, що Росія порушила свої зобов’язання (відповідно до статті III:4 ГАТТ 1994 (Національний режим) стосовно невизнання сертифікатів, виданих українським виробникам в інших країнах Митного союзу, що це, у свою чергу, створює переваги для …
Ethiopia Ousts State Firm From Nile Dam Project
Ethiopia has ousted state-run Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC) from a $4 billion dam project on the River Nile due to numerous delays in completing the project. The Grand Renaissance Dam is the centerpiece of Ethiopia’s bid to become Africa’s biggest power exporter. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said at the weekend that the government had cancelled the contract of METEC, which is run by Ethiopia’s military, and would award it to another company. Italian firm Salini Impregilo remains the main contractor building the dam, while METEC was the contractor for the electromechanical and hydraulic steel structure divisions of the project. The government has touted the 6,000-megawatt dam project, which is 60 percent finished, as a symbol of its economic reforms. “It is a project that was supposed to be completed within five years, but seven or eight years later not a single turbine is operational,” Abiy said during a news conference in Addis Ababa on Saturday. “Salini has even demanded compensation because of the delays. We decided to cancel a contract with METEC and offer companies with experience. Otherwise, it will take even longer,” he said. Abiy has presided over a series of reforms since coming to power in April, releasing political prisoners, relaxing state control of the economy and dramatically improving relations with Ethiopia’s neighbor Eritrea. The government had previously said the dam would be completed within two years, but recently Abiy said it may face a lengthy delay. An official at METEC, who did not wish to be …
Mind-Altering Breast Milk? New Pot Study Poses That Question
Marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient was detected in nursing mothers’ breast milk in a small study that comes amid evidence that more U.S. women are using pot during pregnancy and afterward. Experts say the ingredient, THC, has chemical properties that could allow it to disrupt brain development and potentially cause harm, although solid evidence of that is lacking. The new study involved 50 nursing mothers who were using pot and provided breast milk samples to researchers at the University of California, San Diego. Lab testing found small amounts of THC, the psychoactive chemical that causes marijuana’s “high,” in 34 of 54 samples up to six days after they were provided. Another form of THC and cannabidiol, a pot chemical touted by some as a health aid, were detected in five samples. The study authors said “it is reasonable to speculate” that exposing infants to THC or cannabidiol “could influence normal brain development,” depending on dose and timing. The results echo findings in case reports from years ago, when pot was less potent than what’s available today, said study co-author Christina Chambers, a pediatrics professor. It’s not known if the amounts detected pose any risk, but she said her research team is studying children whose moms’ were involved to try to answer that question. Two small studies from the 1980s had conflicting results on whether pot use affects breastfed infants. One found no evidence of growth delays; the other found slight developmental delays in breastfed infants, but their …
В Україні з’явилася технологія платежів SWIFT gpi
В Україні запрацювала технологія міжнародних платежів SWIFT global payments innovation («глобальна платіжна інновація»), повідомляє прес-служба державного «Ощадбанку». Згідно з повідомленням банку, технологія дозволяє більш швидкі та прозорі транскордонні платежі. Як додають у прес-службі, близько половини gpi-платежів зараховуються протягом 30 хвилин, майже 100% – протягом доби. «До сервісу підключилось вже понад 180 фінансових установ по всьому світу. Понад 100 мільярдів доларів США за допомогою SWIFT gpi щодня відправляється через більш ніж 450 міжнародних платіжних коридорів. Сьогодні вже 79% банків-кореспондентів «Ощадбанку» користуються «gpi». 73% міжнародних переказів з Ощадбанку спрямовуються через банки-кореспонденти, підключені до gpi», – йдеться в повідомленні. Читайте також: «IT-незалежність: п’ять українських проривів цього року» Регіональна менеджер SWIFT в Центральній Європі Ілона Пуна зазначає, що технологія gpi з’явилася в Україні вперше. Відповідно до заяв компанії SWIFT, технологія «gpi» дозволяє переказувати кошти в будь-яку точку світу з можливістю відслідковувати, де саме перебуває наразі платіж. Як повідомили в «Ощадбанку», наразі установа у співпраці зі SWIFT працює над створенням послуги призупинення та відкликання платежу. В банку сподіваються, що gpi-платежі стануть стандартом міжнародних розрахунків до кінця 2020 року. …
Mexico Minister says in ‘Final Hours’ of Bilateral NAFTA Talks
Mexico’s Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said on Sunday that bilateral negotiations with the United States about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) were in the “final hours.” Speaking as he arrived for talks at the U.S. Trade Representative’s office, Guajardo said the negotiators would need at least a week to work with Canada, the third country in the trilateral trade pact, pushing any possible final deal into at least September. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that the United States could reach a “big Trade Agreement” with Mexico soon as incoming Mexican trade negotiators signaled possible solutions to energy rules and a contentious U.S. “sunset clause” demand. …