If you already subscribe to digital services like Netflix to binge on TV shows and Spotify to groove to an endless mix of music, the auto industry might have a deal for you: Subscribe to your next car as well. Make that cars, plural. Some of these packages — which charge a monthly fee for the bundled use of a car, insurance and maintenance — let you trade in your vehicle on a regular basis, sometimes almost as readily as you can skip to a new tune on Spotify. These still-developing car subscription programs are gaining traction among motorists who don’t want to be locked into the hassles of car ownership or even multiyear leasing commitments. All they want is a vehicle available whenever they want or need it. “It feels like Christmas morning every time they bring me a new car,” said Steve Barnes, a video producer who subscribes to a high-end vehicle subscription program offered through Clutch Technologies, a startup operating in the Atlanta area. Although they’re still in their infancy, car subscriptions are hooking more motorists as both long-established automakers and startups roll out plans. How it works Ford, a 115-year-old automaker with a network of more than 3,000 dealers, expanded into car subscriptions about 16 months ago through Canvas, a subsidiary in San Francisco. Canvas offers a variety of used, once-leased Ford and Lincoln models as subscriptions that cost anywhere from $379 per month (for a Ford Fiesta subcompact) to $1,125 per month (for a Lincoln …
US Factory Activity Hits 14-Year High; Supply Constraints Rising
U.S. manufacturing activity accelerated to more than a 14-year high in August, boosted by a surge in new orders, but increasing bottlenecks in the supply chain because of a robust economy and import tariffs could restrain further growth. The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) survey was at odds with another survey published on Tuesday that suggested a peak in manufacturing and pointed to a slowdown in the months ahead against the backdrop of a strong dollar. Recent surveys have also signaled a cooling in regional factory activity. “The surge in the ISM manufacturing index is difficult to square with other evidence, which indicate that growth in the factory sector has started to slow,” said Michael Pearce, a senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics in New York. “With export orders now waning as a result of the dollar’s rapid appreciation over the past few months, we still think that growth in the factory sector will slow in the coming quarters.” The ISM said its index of national factory activity jumped to 61.3 last month, the best reading since May 2004, from 58.1 in July. A reading above 50 indicates growth in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the U.S. economy. The ISM described demand as remaining “robust,” but cautioned that “the nation’s employment resources and supply chains continue to struggle.” According to the ISM, survey respondents were “again overwhelmingly concerned about tariff-related activity, including how reciprocal tariffs will impact company revenue and current manufacturing locations.” President Donald Trump’s “America First” trade policy has led to an escalating trade war with China and tit-for-tat import tariffs with other trading partners, including …
Qatar Lifts Controversial Exit Visa System for Workers
Qatar amended its residency laws on Tuesday to allow foreign workers to leave the country without exit permits from their employers, a provision which labour rights groups have long said should be abolished. Doha is keen to show it is tackling allegations of worker exploitation as it prepares to host the 2022 soccer World Cup, which it has presented as a showcase of its progress and development. Most migrant workers would be able to leave the country without having to obtain permits from their employers under the law, said the International Labour Organization in a statement via its Doha office. The ILO hailed the move as a “significant step” for gas-rich Qatar, which committed last year to introducing sweeping labour reforms, including changes to the exit visa system. “The ILO welcomes the enactment of Law No. 13, which will have a direct and positive impact on the lives of migrant workers in Qatar,” said Houtan Homayounpour, the head of the ILO office in Doha, which was set up in April. The official Qatar News Agency confirmed the adoption of Law No. 13, saying it amended “certain provisions” of previous laws regulating the entry, exit and residency of expatriates. It did not specify which provisions or offer details on the changes. Labour and rights groups have attacked Qatar for its “kafala” sponsorship system, which is common in Gulf states where large portions of the population is foreign. Qatar’s system still requires the country’s 1.6 million mainly Asian foreign workers to obtain …
Aid Agency: Yemen’s Plunging Economy Threatens to Kill More People Than War
Yemen’s tanking economy threatens to kill more people than bombs and guns, an aid agency warned on Tuesday as the currency hit its lowest level ever, compounding the world’s biggest hunger crisis. The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) said soaring food prices were pushing many people closer to the brink in a country where millions are already close to famine. “This economic collapse could kill even more Yemenis than the violence underlying it,” NRC’s Yemen country director Mohamed Abdi said, adding that food prices in some places had doubled in recent days. “The situation is terrible. If something is not done it is only going to get worse,” he told Reuters by phone. The Yemeni rial was exchanging at 630 to the dollar in the port city of Aden on Monday, according to the NRC, up from less than 250 at the beginning of the conflict in 2015. Protests over the economy, which erupted in Aden on Sunday, were continuing Tuesday, Abdi said. Three-quarters of Yemen’s population — 22 million people — are in need of humanitarian assistance. More than 28,000 people have been killed or wounded during the war and 3 million have been uprooted, according to United Nations officials. Thousands more have died from malnutrition, disease and poor health. The war pits the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, based in the south and backed by Saudi Arabia, against the Iran-aligned Houthi movement that controls the north including the capital Sanaa. “Even buying an egg is very expensive now,” …
НБУ встановив курс долара на рівні 28,5 гривні
Національний банк України встановив офіційний курс долара на 5 вересня на рівні 28 гривень 49 копійок. За добу курс американської національної валюти зріс на 12 копійок. 4 вересня НБУ продав на аукціоні 40,1 мільйона доларів для підтримки гривні. Курс американської валюти стабільно зростає від середини липня. Тоді долар коштував близько 26,2 гривні. …
СБУ: викрита група, яка завдала 1 млрд гривень збитків державному банку
На Запоріжжі викрита група, яка завдала 1 мільярд гривень збитків державному банку, повідомив прес-центр Служби безпеки України. Цих людей підозрюють у розкраданні заставного майна одного із державних банків. «У рамках розпочатого кримінального провадження оперативники спецслужби встановили, що державна фінустанова уклала кредитний договір із комерційною структурою з лімітом кредитної лінії на майже 700 мільйонів гривень. Згідно з умовами договору, в заставу банку було передано майно товариства. Під час досудового слідства правоохоронці задокументували, що отримані кредитні кошти були переведені на рахунки офшорних компаній», – заявили в СБУ. Він зазначив, що заставні активи підприємства протиправно виведені з-під контролю державного банку на користь третіх осіб. Служба безпеки України не уточнила назву банку. Слідчі оголосили підозру двом фігурантам справи у «привласненні, розтраті майна або заволодінні ним шляхом зловживання службовим становищем» та «зловживанні повноваженнями службовою особою юридичної особи приватного права незалежно від організаційно-правової форми». …
Клімкін: починається робота з норвезькими компаніями, йдеться про 300-400 млн євро інвестицій
Україна починає роботу з норвезькими компаніями, які планують розвивати в країні відновлювану енергетику, повідомив міністр закордонних справ України Павло Клімкін під час спільного брифінгу з головою МЗС Норвегії Іне Сьорейде в Києві. «У нас починається робота з низкою норвезьких компаній, які приходять для того, щоб будувати потужності в царині відновлюваної енергетики. Мова йде про дуже серйозні інвестиції 300-400 мільйонів євро і в контексті сонячної енергетики, і в контексті вітроенергетики», – сказав Клімкін. Читайте також: На території ЧАЕС готуються виробляти електроенергію з сонця Він висловив сподівання, що до цих компаній долучаться інші норвезькі інвестори. …
Нацбанк продав на аукціоні 40 мільйонів доларів для підтримки курсу гривні
Національний банк України 4 вересня продав на аукціоні 40,1 мільйона доларів, повідомляється на сайті НБУ. За даними регулятора, було задоволено 27 заявок на придбання валюти. Середньозважений курс за підсумками аукціону становив 28,4844 гривні за долар, довідкове значення курсу гривні до долара у вівторок знизилося до 28,5035 гривні за долар США, повідомляє Нацбанк. На 4 вересня курс гривні до долара був встановлений НБУ на на рівні 28,387 грн за долар. Читайте також: Курс долара подолав позначку у 28 гривень – НБУ Курс американської валюти стабільно зростає з початку серпня, коли на міжбанківському валютному ринку давали 27 гривень за долар. Продаж валюти на міжбанківському ринку є механізмом Нацбанку щодо стримування знецінення гривні. Валюта продається з валютних резервів України. …
Scientists Search for Sustainable Solutions to Stop Fall Armyworm
Fall armyworms are on the march across Africa. Agriculture experts say the pests, the larvae of a type of moth, could cause more than $13 billion in crop losses this year. To stop them, scientists are researching pesticides, landscape management methods, and genetically modified crops. Faith Lapidus reports on an effort to find a sustainable approach that does not use pesticides. …
Asia’s Rising Appetite for Meat, Seafood Will ‘Strain Environment’
Asia’s growing appetite for meat and seafood over the next three decades will cause huge increases in greenhouse gas emissions and antibiotics used in foods, researchers said Tuesday. Rising population, incomes and urbanization will drive a 78 percent increase in meat and seafood demand from 2017 to 2050, according to a report by Asia Research and Engagement Pte Ltd., a Singapore-based consultancy firm. “We wanted to highlight that, because of the large population and how fast the population is growing, it is going to put a strain on the environment,” said co-author Serena Tan. “By recognizing this and where it comes from, we can tackle the solutions,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. More carbon dioxide, antibiotics With supply chains ramping up to meet demand, greenhouse gas emissions will jump from 2.9 billion tons of CO2 per year to 5.4 billion tons, the equivalent of the lifetime emissions of 95 million cars, the researchers said. A land area the size of India will be needed for additional food production, according to the report, while water use will climb from 577 billion cubic meters per year to 1,054 billion cubic meters per year. The use of antimicrobials, which kill or stop the growth of microorganisms, and include antibiotics, will increase 44 percent to 39,000 tons per year, said the report, which was commissioned by the Hong Kong-based ADM Capital Foundation. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics in food is rife in Southeast Asia, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said this year, …
Turkish Inflation Soars, Fueling Fears of Economic Crisis
Turkey saw the inflation rate rise to nearly 18 percent in August, a 15-year high fueled by a collapse in the Turkish lira, which fell more than 20 percent over the past few weeks. The rising inflation and a falling currency are stoking fears Turkey is on the verge of financial and economic crisis. “It’s the beginning of the slippery slope. It’s going to get worse unless there is a miraculous improvement in the exchange rate,” political analyst Atilla Yesilada of Global Source Partners said. “We’ve reached the stage where there is nothing to anchor price expectations. People simply can’t gauge what prices or wages or costs will be next month.” “It’s a very dismal set of numbers. The likelihood is headline inflation will reach 20 percent in (the) coming months,” economist Inan Demir of Nomura Securities said. “This is clearly a set of numbers that warrant a monetary response from inflation targeting the central bank.” The Turkish Central Bank, in a statement on its website, vowed to act, promising to use all tools at its disposal and reshape its monetary policy stance at a Sept. 13 meeting where they will discuss interest rates. The lira recouped much of its initial heavy losses following the release of the latest inflation figures. “This (the central bank statement) is seen as a signal for a rate hike in that meeting,” Demir said. “Even though the wording of the statement is very uncertain, the expectation of tightening are curbing lira weakness after bad …
NASA Offers Challenge with $750,000 Reward to Further Mars Goal
The U.S. space agency NASA is offering a public challenge, with a lofty $750,000 reward, to anyone who can find ways to turn carbon dioxide into compounds that would be useful on Mars. Calling it the “CO2 Conversion Challenge,” NASA scientists say they need help finding a way to turn a plentiful resource like carbon dioxide into a variety of useful products in order to make trips to Mars possible. Carbon dioxide is one resource that is readily abundant within the Martian atmosphere. Scientists say astronauts attempting space travel to Mars will not be able to bring everything they need to the red planet, so will have to figure out ways to use local resources once they get there to create what they need. “Enabling sustained human life on another planet will require a great deal of resources and we cannot possibly bring everything we will need. We have to get creative,” said Monsi Roman, program manager of NASA’s Centennial Challenges program. She said if scientists could learn to transform “resource like carbon dioxide into a variety of useful products, the space — and terrestrial — applications are endless.” Carbon and oxygen are the molecular building blocks of sugars. On Earth, plants can easily and inexpensively turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar. However, scientists say this approach would be difficult to replicate in space because of limited resources, such as energy and water. NASA says the competition is divided into two phases. During the first phase, individuals or teams …
Yemen to Give Civil Servants Raises; Protests Rage Against Economy
Yemen’s government says it is giving civil servants and pensioners pay raises, after protests against the country’s woeful economy nearly paralyzed a major port city Sunday. Officials have not said when the raises would take effect or how much they will be. Demonstrations against the economy in the port of Aden continued Monday. Many shops were closed, and some people burned tires in the streets. Some of the marchers demanded to be paid in dollars, accusing senior officials of taking their salaries in the U.S.-based currency while paying the rank-and-file in the increasingly weak Yemeni rial. The rial has lost more than half its value against the dollar since Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized the capital of Sanaa in 2014, sending the Western-recognized government into exile in Saudi Arabia. It has since returned to set up shop in Aden. Airstrikes Meanwhile, the Houthis are demanding a war crimes investigation against the Saudi-led coalition after an airstrike last month that killed 40 children. In an appeal Monday to the International Criminal Court, the Houthis asked the court to look into its “humanitarian conscience.” A coalition missile struck a market in a Yemeni town near the Saudi border last month, killing 51 people. Among the dead were 40 children on a school bus coming back from a summer camp outing. The coalition called the airstrike a “mistake.” It promised to hold those behind the attack legally responsible and to compensate the victims. But the Houithis accuse the Saudis of being both the “judge …
Where is Promised Money, Campaigners Ask at Climate Talks in Bangkok
Developed countries are dragging their feet on meeting their pledges of billions of dollars to help developing nations tackle climate change, leaving poor nations with mounting costs from rising temperatures, rights groups said. Rich governments have promised to mobilize $100 billion per year in climate finance by 2020 to help poorer nations make the transformation to clean energy and cope with the impact of higher temperatures. But there is no clear pathway to reach that goal, and poor countries are struggling to cope with losses from floods and drought, campaigners said ahead of a meeting in Bangkok to produce a negotiating draft for the next United Nations climate conference. “Rich nations are attempting to escape full accountability for their role in causing and exacerbating climate change, and their obligation to deliver climate finance,” said Lidy Nacpil of the Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development. “Inadequate climate finance compromises the capacity of the developing world to survive the climate crisis,” she said. Many of the programs developing countries have promised as part of their efforts to curb climate-related risks and turn to green energy depend on adequate international climate finance. Negotiators are meeting in Bangkok this week to prepare for the U.N. climate conference in Poland at the end of the year, which aims to set rules for implementing the 2015 Paris climate accord on reducing greenhouse emissions. Record heatwaves, wildfires and devastating floods across the world this summer will put pressure on almost 200 governments to reach a deal …
Trump’s Pollution Rules Rollback to Hit Coal Country Hard
It’s coal people like miner Steve Knotts, 62, who make West Virginia Trump Country. So it was no surprise that President Donald Trump picked the state to announce his plan rolling back Obama-era pollution controls on coal-fired power plants. Trump left one thing out of his remarks, though: northern West Virginia coal country will be ground zero for increased deaths and illnesses from the rollback on regulation of harmful emission from the nation’s coal power plants. An analysis done by his own Environmental Protection Agency concludes that the plan would lead to a greater number of people here dying prematurely, and suffering health problems that they otherwise would not have, than elsewhere in the country, when compared to health impacts of the Obama plan. Knotts, a coal miner for 35 years, isn’t fazed when he hears that warning, a couple of days after Trump’s West Virginia rally. He says the last thing people in coal country want is the government slapping down more controls on coal — and the air here in the remote West Virginia mountains seems fine to him. People here have had it with other people telling us what we need. We know what we need. We need a job,” Knotts said at lunch hour at a Circle K in a tiny town between two coal mines, and 9 miles down the road from a coal power plant, the Grant Town plant. The sky around Grant Town is bright blue. The mountains are a dazzling green. Paw …
Maduro Buys Gold to Boost Savings Amid Five-digit Inflation
President Nicolas Maduro said he is investing part of his personal savings in a gold-backed certificate as part of a much-questioned plan to crush hyperinflation and reactivate Venezuela’s moribund economy. Maduro and First Lady Cilia Flores were the first in line at the central bank in downtown Caracas on Monday as it began selling the certificates. He said he spent 350 bolivars — or about $6 at the recently devalued official exchange rate — acquiring the certificate, which functions like a fixed-term deposit that matures in a year and is supposedly backed by a 1.5 gram piece of gold held with the monetary authority. “If I had a little more savings in bolivars I would have invested more,” Maduro said as cameras were rolling during his televised visit to the central bank. “Cilia had a little more than me, so she bought her certificate for a little ingot of 2.5 grams.” In a country where five-digit inflation has all but destroyed savings it remains unclear how many Venezuelans will take up the government’s offer. A few hours after Maduro left, the central bank’s main atrium — the only place where the certificates are being sold for now — was desolate, with only a handful of prospective buyers inquiring about the documentation required to make a purchase. However, just around the block tensions were running high outside a state-owned bank as elderly pensioners waited in hours-long lines to withdraw the first part of a huge …
UN Official Sees Over $1B in Fresh Aid for Lake Chad Region
More than $1 billion in fresh aid will likely be pledged at a conference of donors to the drought-plagued region around Lake Chad, U.N. humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock said on Monday. A famine was averted in the region last year largely thanks to international aid, but millions of people in Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon were still in dire need of help, Lowcock told reporters on the sidelines of the Berlin conference. “The crisis is not over. There are still 10 million people who need lifesaving assistance,” he said. “A quarter of the people we are trying to reach are displaced from their homes and the only means of staying alive they have is what is provided by humanitarian organizations.” Lowcock said last year’s donor conference in Oslo, Norway had raised $672 million in funds for the region, and he expected to double that amount this year, which will allow more work to be done addressing underlying problems in the region. Detailed pledges were not immediately available. Over 50 delegations are attending the conference. Germany, a key destination for migrants fleeing Africa and non-permanent member of the U.N. Security Council from 2019, is co-hosting a two-day conference with Norway, Nigeria and the United Nations to drum up support for the region. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition had vowed to help African nations improve conditions to keep people from embarking on treacherous journeys to try to reach Europe. German Development Minister Gerd Mueller, just back from a visit to Chad, said …
Автовиробники повідомляють про стрімкий ріст продажів нових машин в Україні
За результатами серпня реєстрації нових авто збільшилися в порівнянні з минулим роком на 11%. Про це заявляє асоціація «Укравтопром», яка об’єднує українських автовиробників та автодилерів. В повідомленні організаціїї говориться, що попит на нові легкові автомобілі перевершив і липневий показник на 10%: всього в останній місяць літа було зареєстровано 7,3 тисячі нових легкових автомобілів. Лідером національного ринку в серпні був французький бренд Renault, який збільшив свою реалізацію в Україні на 39% відносно свого серпневого результату 2017 року, продавши 983 авто. У порівнянні з показником річної давності реєстрації автомобілів марки Toyota виросли на 13 відсотків, а Nissan – на 32% (498 нових машин). Згідно повідомлення «Укравтопрому», зі зростанням в 10% четвертий рядок списку найпопулярніших брендів посіла KIA, власниками автомобілів цієї марки в серпні стали 477 українців. Замикає п’ятірку лідерів Hyundai, на автомобілях цієї корейської марки свій вибір зупинили 452 покупці, або на 45% більше ніж роком раніше, йдеться в повідомленні. За даними асоціації, серед найпопулярніших в серпні авто також Skoda – 404 шт. (+1%); Mazda – 315 шт. (+30%); Volkswagen – 313 шт. (-40%); Ford – 294 шт. (+20%); Suzuki – 277 шт. (+54%). 13 липня Верховна Рада України підтримала в першому читанні законопроекти про зниження акцизного податку з автомобілів і про посилення контролю над переміщенням і використанням авт, зареєстрованих в інших державах. Зокрема, ухвалені документи передбачають, що базові ставки акцизного податку будуть такими: для авто з бензиновим двигуном – 50 євро, для авто на дизелі – 75 євро. При цьому розмір акцизу буде дорівнювати базовій ставці, помноженій на коефіцієнт двигуна і …
Наступного року підвищення зарплат освітянам не обіцяю – Гриневич
Міністр освіти і науки України Лілія Гриневич в ефірі Радіо Свобода заявила, що не може зараз обіцяти підвищення зарплати для педагогів у 2019 році, адже Україні доведеться виплачувати борги за запозиченнями. Однак підвищення окладів може відбутися в рамках зростання мінімальної зарплати. «Я навіть не обіцяю і не анонсую підвищення зарплати наступного року для окремих категорій педагогічних чи науково-педагогічних працівників. Бо наступний бюджетний рік буде дуже складним, це пікова виплата в рамках міжнародних зобов’язань України. Натомість буде те, що завжди є – підвищення для бюджетників, відповідно до зростання мінімальної зарплати», – сказала Лілія Гриневич. Відповідаючи на запитання про зарплату і навантаження для вихователів дитсадків, Гриневич сказала, що у міністерстві знають проблему і збираються полегшити роботу цієї категорії працівників. «Те, що у них більший робочий день – це правда. Вони не можуть взяти, як шкільний учитель, півтори ставки навантаження. Ми думаємо, в який спосіб можна мотивувати дошкільників, зокрема за інтенсивність праці… Садочки зараз переповнені, ця проблема реально існує. Зараз ми будемо готувати зміни до закону про дошкільну освіту», – зазначила Лілія Гриневич. Мотивувати вихователів, за словами міністра, планується «через механізми організації праці в дошкільному закладі». Раніше Лілія Гриневич назвала найбільших ворогів нової української школи. У лютому 2018 року міністр заявляла, що зарплата вчителя становить шість-вісім тисяч гривень, і серед бюджетників педагоги отримають не найнижчу зарплату. …
НБУ різко знизив курс гривні
Національний банк України встановив курс гривні до американського долара на вівторок, 4 вересня, на рівні 28,387 грн за долар. Це на 13 копійок нижче ніж курс, який був встановлений на понеділок, 3 вересня (28,246 грн за долар). Курс американської валюти стабільно росте з початку серпня, коли на міжбанківському валютному ринку давали 27 гривень за долар. Торги 3 вересня на міжбанку закінчилися котируваннями 28,39-28,43 грн за долар. Виросла в ціні і європейська валюта: НБУ встановив офіційний курс євро на завтра на рівні 32,94 грн, міжбанк закрився котируваннями 32,96-33 грн за євро. Як повідомляло Радіо Свобода, НБУ вперше із січня встановив офіційний курс національної валюти щодо американської на рівні понад 28 гривень за долар. На 29 серпня курс становитиме 28 гривень 5 копійок за долар. …
Trump Sees Mixing Trade, Foreign Policy as Good Politics
When President Donald Trump pulled the plug on an upcoming trip to North Korea by his secretary of state, he pointed a finger of blame at China and the global superpower’s trade practices. In his recent trade breakthrough with Mexico, Trump praised the country’s outgoing president for his help on border security and agriculture. Both developments offered fresh evidence of how Trump has made trade policy the connective tissue that ties together different elements of his “America First” foreign policy and syncs up them with his political strategy for the 2020 presidential election. Trump’s 2016 triumph was paved in part by his support among blue-collar voters in Midwestern manufacturing states that narrowly supported him over Democrat Hillary Clinton, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania. His aggressive trade tactics, epitomized by tariffs and standoffs with longtime economic partners and allies, are aimed at reversing what he has long viewed as unfair trade deals while maintaining support among largely white, working-class voters who have been hurt by the loss of manufacturing jobs. “Trump understands that economic policy is foreign policy and vice versa,” said Stephen Moore, a former Trump campaign adviser and visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation. “The most important element of foreign policy is to not just keep the world safe but to also promote America’s economic interest. That’s what Trump does — this is America First.” It’s also good politics, in Trump’s view. “It’s a populist position. But it’s also a popular position with a lot of Americans,” Moore …
Hope, Caution as Kim Jong Un Shifts to North Korea’s Economy
Tanned and wearing a swimsuit, So Myong Il walks to the barbecue pit and throws on some clams. He obviously loves the beach he’s on as well as the rugged, emerald Chilbo mountains that rise abruptly behind it. He loves them enough to forget, for a moment at least, that he is a senior official sent to deliver an ideology-soaked pitch singing their praises and instead lets the natural beauty surrounding him speak for itself. Comrade So sees great things for North Korean attractions like this. Hotels, big and small. Tourists from all over the country, maybe the world. “As long as we have the leadership of our respected Marshal,” he says, referring to leader Kim Jong Un, “our future will be bright indeed.” So wouldn’t think of questioning the leader, but there is a hint of apprehension in his voice. And he isn’t alone. North Korea is pushing ahead with a new strategy of economic development and the intensified diplomacy with China, South Korea and the United States that such a move requires. But hopes for a better future are mixed with concern over potential downsides of political or social volatility, and something that’s harder to articulate: a fear of the unknown – even if it appears far more promising than the arduous path the country has been on for decades. Even before announcing in January that he had sufficiently perfected his nuclear arsenal and could start to focus on other things, Kim has held …
IOM: Returning Nigerian Migrants Benefit from Business Training Skills
The International Organization for Migration reports more than 270 Nigerian migrants who recently returned from Libya have completed a skills training course to help them start their own businesses. Migrants attending this weeklong event in the Nigerian capital Lagos have shared stories of the business frustrations that drove them to try to go to Europe in search of better economic opportunities. U.N. migration agency spokesman, Paul Dillon, told VOA the migrants also have shared stories of the abuse and suffering they endured at the hands of smugglers and traffickers in Libya. At the same time, he said returnees enrolled in this business course have spoken of their hopes for the future. “The goal of these types of initiatives is always to give people options and providing them with business skills training, for example. It certainly does that.Start up a small business at home, get hired on by a local company, build your life back in Nigeria. I think that is the goal and also to encourage formal migration efforts,” he said. This is the 21st training course since the program was started in April 2017. IOM reports more than 2,000 Nigerian returnees have participated in courses given in Lagos, Edo, Nassarawa, Kano and Kaduna States. Dillon said many of the returnees have become involved in collective reintegration schemes or community-based projects, such as fruit juice, palm oil and plantain processing factories. He said training now is focused on creating more sustainable businesses, not just on regular trading, buying and selling. …
Bankers Seek Consolation Prizes After Shelved Aramco IPO
Investment banks which lost out on big payouts for the work on the shelved listing of oil giant Aramco are lining up for a raft of other projects as Saudi Arabia pursues reforms. Banks including JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley worked for months to prepare what would have been the biggest ever stock market debut. But the plan to sell 5 percent of the company for a targeted $100 billion was pulled. The bankers were paid retainer fees but were expecting around $200 million would be shared among all the banks involved when the deal was done. Now, they are pinning their hopes on other projects from a privatization program that is part of Riyadh’s economic reform plan to loosen its reliance on oil. Without the funds from the Aramco sale, the government is looking to raise money in other ways, creating new opportunities for the banks, bankers say. Teams from JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley that worked on the IPO, have been shifted to advise on Aramco’ planned acquisition of up to $70 billion in petrochemicals firm Saudi Basic Industries (SABIC), three people familiar with the details of the transaction told Reuters. HSBC, which was also an adviser on the Aramco IPO, is expected to play a role in putting together the debt to fund that purchase, they said. One of the sources said the issue could exceed the 2016 sovereign bond issue of $17.5 billion, which was a record for the kingdom. Aramco said earlier this month it was …