A federal court in New York has charged 22 Chinese importers with smuggling nearly half-a-billion dollars in counterfeit goods into the United States from China. The fake products include such popular luxury items as Louis Vuitton bags, Michael Kors wallets, and Chanel perfume. Twenty-one of the defendants were arrested Thursday. U.S. attorneys say the suspects allegedly smuggled the China-made counterfeit goods in large shipping containers disguised as legitimate products and brought them into ports in New York and New Jersey. The defendants apparently intended to sell the fake products across the United States with a street value of nearly $500 million. Along with smuggling and trafficking in counterfeit goods, the suspects are also charged with money laundering and immigration fraud. “The illegal smuggling of counterfeit goods poses a real threat to honest business,” assistant attorney general Brian Benczkowski said. “The Department of Justice is committed to holding accountable those who seek to exploit our borders by smuggling counterfeit goods for sale on the black market.” …
Psychology Researchers Explore How Vaccine Beliefs Are Formed
The scientific community has long acknowledged that vaccines work and have saved millions of lives. However, a vocal community, particularly in the U.S., believes that vaccines expose children to health risks and can cause harm. It can be easy to write off these opinions, but psychology researchers have long known of many cognitive biases that can lead people to make poor judgments. Several of these researchers are interested in how people end up receiving and believing fallacious ideas as they relate to vaccines. Cognitive misers The human mind isn’t like a computer. Our brains aren’t composed of truth values coded as ones and zeros. Emotion, confidence and memory can all impact how we form beliefs. The problem is we often don’t recognize when we aren’t thinking logically. Gordon Pennycook, a researcher at Canada’s University of Regina, said he’s interested in “the tendency for people to be lazy in the way that they think.” Essentially, he said, high-level reasoning takes a lot of mental effort, and we humans are cognitive misers. If we don’t have to think that hard, we won’t. “Part of the problem, though,” Pennycook told VOA, “is that when it comes to more complicated domains, like in the realm of science, our intuitions are often wrong. So we need to spend more time thinking about it.” In 2015, Pennycook published a paper titled On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bulls**t that focused on whether people find meaning in statements randomly made up of common buzzwords. One example: “Hidden meaning …
Russia Calls Latest US Sanctions on Companies in Russia, China, and Singapore ‘Useless’
Russia says the latest U.S. sanctions imposed on Russian, Chinese, and Singaporean companies are “destructive” and “useless.” The U.S. penalized the three companies Wednesday, accusing them of helping North Korea avoid international sanctions. The Russian Foreign Ministry said Thursday the new U.S. sanctions come when “joint international efforts” are needed toward a settlement in North Korea. Moscow said the sanctions could undermine denuclearization talks. The U.S. has accused a Chinese trading company and its affiliate in Singapore of falsifying documents aimed at easing illegal shipments of alcohol and cigarettes into North Korea. The companies are said to have earned more than $1 billion. A Russian company was also sanctioned for providing port services to North Korean-flagged ships engaged in illegal oil shipments. The sanctions freeze any assets the companies may have in the United States and bars Americans from doing business with them. …
No Handshakes, No Helmets in DRC City Preparing for Ebola
A mobile blood-testing lab. Hand-washing stations on street corners. Motorcycle taxi drivers forbidden from sharing spare helmets. If Ebola is coming, the city of Goma in eastern Congo wants to be ready. An outbreak suspected of killing 43 people is spreading across the lush farmlands of eastern Congo, where ethnic and military conflicts threaten to hobble containment efforts. Goma, a lakeside city of 1 million people near the Rwandan border, is more than 350 kilometers (220 miles) south from the epicenter of the outbreak in the town of Mangina in North Kivu province, and no cases have been confirmed there. But the virus has already spread to neighboring Ituri province, and the number of infected is rising daily. Residents in the busy trading hub are taking no chances. “It’s not only me who fears the appearance of Ebola. The whole community here is scared,” said shopkeeper Dany Mupenda. “To protect ourselves we stick to the rules of hygiene to avoid being one of the victims of this epidemic.” UNICEF has set up hand-washing stations around the city. Health workers check residents’ temperatures in public places and at the entrance to the city. The hospital has set up a mobile lab to test suspected cases. 900 lives It is the kind of preparation that has become routine in Congo, which has experienced 10 Ebola outbreaks since the virus was discovered on the Ebola River in 1976. In all, it has killed 900 people. Ebola causes diarrhea, vomiting and hemorrhagic fever and can be spread through bodily fluids. An epidemic between 2013 and 2016 killed more than 11,300 people in West Africa. …
Китай презентував коcмічний ровер для дослідження темної сторони Місяця
Китай представив новий місяцехід, який планують запустити у грудні, щоб зібрати інформацію з раніше невідомих частин з дальньої сторони Місяця. Китайські державні засоби масової інформації повідомляють, що безпілотний Chang’e 4 стане першим місячним ровером, що зможе здійнити «м’яку посадку» на ділянці Місяця, на яку не потрапляють сонячні промені. Читайте також: Індія хоче відправити свою першу пілотовану місію в космос до 2022 року Раніше у травні Китай запустив супутник Queqiao для збору даних на дальній стороні Місяця. Перший в Китаї безпілотний місяцехід, Yutu, вилетів на Місяць в грудні 2013 року. Хоча спочатку він мав очікуваний термін служби три місяці, він продовжував працювати і надсилати дані на землю до кінця липня 2016 року – встановивши таким чином рекорд щодо тривалості роботи. …
Світовий банк готує гарантію для України на 650 млн доларів для підтримки реформ
Світовий банк на прохання уряду України готує гарантійну операцію на 650 мільйонів доларів для підтримки основних реформ для економічного зростання, фіскальної стійкості та поліпшення управління, йдеться в повідомленні банку. «Після завершення підготовки та затвердження нової операції, Україна отримає гарантію від Міжнародного банку реконструкції та розвитку на суму 650 мільйонів доларів, яка допоможе запозичити близько 800 мільйонів доларів на зовнішніх ринках», – зазначають у Світовому банку. Для того, щоб нова операція стала можливою, необхідне підтвердження завершення всіх дій щодо розпочатих реформ і сприятлива макроекономічна ситуація. У цьому контексті критичним банк називає набрання чинності законів «Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України щодо вдосконалення функціонування фінансового сектору в Україні» (№8331-д) та «Про внесення змін у деякі законодавчі акти України щодо відновлення кредитування» (№6027-д), які були ухвалені Верховною Радою в липні 2018 року. «Світовий банк закликає уряд України завершити всі необхідні дії з розпочатим реформам і досягти угоди з МВФ щодо четвертого перегляду програми кредитування», – наголошується в релізі фінансової установи. У МВФ 13 серпня повідомили, що місія фонду працюватиме в Києві в період із 6 до 19 вересня «для обговорення останніх економічних подій і економічної політики». У Національному банку України вважають, що наступний візит місії МВФ стане свідченням незмінності курсу України на проведення реформ і поліпшення перспектив виділення фінансової допомоги фонду, яка справить позитивний вплив на стан валютного ринку України. Читайте також: Потрібна підтримка МВФ, бо Україна на межі глибокої економічної кризи – експерти У МВФ неодноразово заявляли, що Україні для отримання чергового траншу необхідно ухвалити закон про Антикорупційний суд і привести ціни на газ …
Scientists Working to Combat Florida’s Growing ‘Red Tide’
Scientists in Florida are on the cusp of developing promising methods to control toxic algae blooms like the “red tide” that has been killing marine life along a 150 mile (240 km) stretch of the Gulf Coast, the head of a leading marine lab said Wednesday. Michael Crosby, president and chief executive of the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, welcomed a red tide emergency order issued this week by Governor Rick Scott, designating more state money for research, cleanup and wildlife rescues. Scientists field-testing solutions Interest in mitigation technologies has been heightened by a 10-month-long toxic algae bloom off Florida’s southwestern coast that has caused mounds of rotting fish to wash up on beaches from Tampa to Naples. The red tide also has been implicated in at least 266 sea turtle strandings and is suspected or determined to have caused 68 manatee deaths so far this year, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission figures. In hopes of combating future outbreaks, scientists are field testing a patented process that would pump red-algae-tainted seawater into an ozone-treatment system and then pump the purified water back into the affected canal, cove or inlet, Crosby said. Experiments carried out in huge 25,000-gallon tanks succeeded in removing all traces of the algae and its toxins, with the water chemistry reverting to normal within 24 hours, he said. Scientists also are studying the possible use of naturally produced compounds from seaweed, parasitic algae and filter-feeding organisms that could be introduced to fight red tides. …
Mexico Unsure If It Will Finish NAFTA Talks with US in Aug.
Mexico’s economy minister on Wednesday said that Mexico and the United States may not meet an August goal to finish bilateral talks to revamp the NAFTA trade deal, which is beset by disagreements over automobile trade rules and other issues. Top Mexican officials started their fourth week of talks with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer in Washington over a new North American Free Trade Agreement. Asked if the August goal was still viable, Guajardo said, “That is why we are here. We are fully engaged. We don’t know if there will be a successful conclusion.” The U.S.-Mexico talks resumed in July, without Canada, after negotiations involving all three members of the $1.2 trillion trade bloc stalled in June. Guajardo said on Wednesday that he had spoken with Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland on the telephone and was “hopeful” Canada could soon hold trilateral NAFTA talks with the United States and Mexico. Guajardo was joined by Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray, Mexico’s chief NAFTA negotiator Kenneth Smith, and Jesus Seade, the designated chief trade negotiator of incoming Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Smith said Mexico and the United States were “working well” on the most difficult issues. Mexico and Washington have been discussing rules for the automotive sector, which has been a major point of contention between the two countries. The United States has sought tougher rules on what percentage of a vehicle’s components need to be built in the NAFTA region to avoid tariffs, as well as demanding that a …
Five ‘Crazy Rich Asian’ Ways to Splash Your Cash in Singapore
Singapore is the setting for new Hollywood movie ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ – an adaptation of a best-selling novel that explores the insatiable consumerism of new money and old-world opulence in a continent producing more billionaires than anywhere else. While the low-tax financial hub is often called a playground for the rich, Singapore’s wealthy tend to live a more conservative, low-key life than Hong Kong’s showy socialites or Macau’s high-rollers. In step with the film’s release in the United States on Wednesday and ahead of its release in the city-state next week, here are five ways to spend your cash in Singapore. 1. Orchid-shaped supercars Cars in Singapore are some of the most expensive in the world, owing to huge government taxes aimed at limiting their number in the tiny island-state. That doesn’t stop the super-rich – Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini are commonly sighted. When a Singaporean character in Kevin Kwan’s book, Goh Peik Lin, moves to America to study she immediately buys a Porsche saying they are “such a bargain.” For the super-rich patriot, Singapore-based firm Vanda Electrics has designed an electric supercar – Dendrobium. Its roof and doors open in sync to resemble the orchid that is native to Singapore and after which the vehicle is named. A show car, built by the technology arm of the Williams Formula One team, was unveiled last year. It was originally estimated to cost around 3 million euros ($3.44 million) before tax, although Vanda Electrics advised the final price will likely be …
In Chinese Port City, Japan’s Toyota Lays Foundation to Ramp Up Sales
Toyota is likely to make 120,000 more cars a year in the Chinese port city of Tianjin as part of a medium-term strategy that’s gathering pace as China-Japan ties improve, said four company insiders with knowledge of the matter. The Japanese auto maker’s plan to boost annual production capacity by about a quarter in the port city will lay the foundation to increase sales in China to two million vehicles per year, a jump of over 50 percent, the four sources said. The Tianjin expansion signals Toyota’s willingness to start adding significant manufacturing capacity in China with the possibility of one or two new assembly plants in the world’s biggest auto market, the sources said. Car imports could also increase, they said. The move comes at a time when China’s trade outlook with the United States appears fraught and uncertain. Toyota plans to significantly expand its sales networks and focus more on electric car technologies as part of the strategy, the sources said, declining to be identified as they are not authorised to speak to the media. Toyota sold 1.29 million vehicles in China last year and while sales are projected at 1.4 million this year, “capacity constraints” have restricted stronger growth, the sources said. Over 500,000 vehicles a year Toyota’s manufacturing hub in Tianjin currently has the capacity to produce 510,000 vehicles a year, while Toyota as a whole, between two joint ventures, has overall capacity to churn out 1.16 million vehicles a year. Manufacturing capacity numbers provided by …
Home Shopping Networks Refine Their Pitch to Stay Alive
HSN, once known as the Home Shopping Network, is getting an image makeover. A U.S. television network where shoppers can buy everything from electronics to kitchen gadgets, HSN is overhauling its lineup to offer more beauty products while adding streamed video content to win over shoppers without cable TV. A division of Qurate Retail Group, the network is facing growing competition from Amazon and Evine Live for consumers like 24-year-old Erin Bounds, who regard buying products through TV shows a relic of the past. “Someone who is 24 doesn’t have the time nor desire to watch an hour-long show about a piece of jewelry or a vacuum when they can get an answer and the product quicker and probably cheaper on Amazon,” said Bounds, a resident of Ellicott City, Maryland. HSN and QVC For decades, the main difference to shoppers between HSN and Qurate’s other shopping network, QVC, typically came down to variations in branding and merchandise, with HSN selling more electronics. Qurate acquired HSN in late 2017 for $2.1 billion so the two shopping networks could join forces to better compete against Amazon and its home-shopping-style online video promotions. Qurate executives told Reuters they now are culling HSN’s core merchandise offerings to eliminate many higher-priced electronics and some home goods, such as vacuum cleaners and blenders. Instead, they are adding more niche cosmetic and apparel brands to help draw some distinction with QVC. They are also pushing both QVC and HSN to pursue younger shoppers with click-to-buy links on …
Foundation: Brazil’s Samarco to Pay $512.5M to Disaster Victims
Brazil’s Samarco Mineração SA expects to pay up to 2 billion reais ($512.5 million) this year to 19,000 families affected by the 2015 mining disaster in the state of Minas Gerais, the foundation created to pay the victims said Wednesday. The first families to receive payments will be “the most vulnerable,” said Roberto Waak, president of the foundation. The disaster, Brazil’s worst environmental catastrophe, occurred when a dam designed to hold back mine waste burst in November 2015, killing 19 people and leaving a trail of destruction for hundreds of kilometers. Samarco and parent companies Vale SA and BHP Billiton Ltd. said in June that they had signed a deal with Brazilian authorities that settled a 20 billion-real ($5.30 billion) lawsuit related to the accident. Waak, speaking on the sidelines of a mining event, estimated the total number of families entitled to receive damages would eventually rise to 60,000, but he did not say how much the remaining families would receive or when. So far the foundation has spent 4.2 billion reais to repair damage, according to information posted on its website. Around 500 houses built by the foundation are expected to be delivered early next year, Waak said. Samarco’s operations have been halted since the disaster. …
Lawyer: US Youth Activists Will Appeal Setback to Climate Lawsuit
The dismissal of a lawsuit filed by young people claiming government climate policy falls short will be appealed and marks a minor setback in pursuing legal action on behalf of youth and their rights, experts said. The legal complaint arguing that the state of Washington must do more to cut carbon emissions was dismissed Tuesday by a judge who said it was a matter for politicians, not courts. The judge’s ruling marked the first time a court has dismissed a case filed by youth demanding authorities ramp up efforts to curb climate change by arguing their constitutional rights to due process are being violated, experts said. A half-dozen similar cases have been filed in states including Florida and Alaska, said Our Children’s Trust, a youth advocacy group that provides legal assistance. Tougher plan sought The Washington complaint, filed in February, asked that a statewide target to emit 50 percent fewer greenhouse gases by 2050 be invalidated in favor of more ambitious goals, court documents said. The dismissal will be appealed, lawyer Andrea Rodgers of Our Children’s Trust told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Scientific consensus holds that the emission of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of global warming. Washington Superior Court Judge Michael Scott wrote in his dismissal that he hoped the activists “will not be discouraged,” but Rodgers said they were “devastated” and wanted to “present their constitutional claims in a court of law.” Several of the cases by young people base their arguments on their rights to fair treatment and due process under the U.S. Constitution. The remaining cases could still be effective in …
No Special Rules Needed for Now-Common Gene Therapy Studies
U.S. health officials are eliminating special regulations for gene therapy experiments, saying that what was once exotic science is quickly becoming an established form of medical care with no extraordinary risks. A special National Institutes of Health oversight panel will no longer review all gene therapy applications and will instead take on a broader advisory role, according to changes proposed Wednesday. The Food and Drug Administration will vet gene therapy experiments and products as it does with other treatments and drugs. It’s an extraordinary milestone for a field that has produced only a few approved treatments so far, and not all experts agree that it doesn’t still need special precautions. With gene editing and other frontiers looming, “this is not the right time to be making any moves based on the idea that we know what the risks are,” said Stanford bioethicist Mildred Cho. What is gene therapy? Gene therapy aims to attack the root cause of a problem by deleting, adding or altering DNA, the chemical code of life, rather than just treating symptoms that result from a genetic flaw. When it was first proposed, there were so many safety worries and scientific unknowns that the NIH created a panel of independent scientists, called the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, or RAC, to assess each experiment and potential risks to patients. The risks were underscored in 1999, when a teen’s death in a gene experiment put a chill on the field. Since then, much has been learned about safety, and …
Scorching Weather Helps Uncover Archaeological Sites Around Britain
Britain’s hottest summer in decades has revealed cropmarks across the country showing the sites of Iron Age settlements, Roman farms and even Neolithic monuments dating back thousands of years, archaeologists said Wednesday. Cropmarks — patterns of shading in crops and grass seen most clearly from the air — form faster in hot weather as the fields dry out, making this summer’s heat wave ideal for discovering such sites. Archaeologists at the public body Historic England have been making the most of the hot weather to look for patterns revealing the ancient sites buried below, from Yorkshire in the north down to Cornwall in the southwest. “We’ve discovered hundreds of new sites this year spanning about 6,000 years of England’s history,” said Damian Grady, aerial reconnaissance manager at Historic England. “Each new site is interesting in itself, but the fact we’re finding so many sites over such a large area is filling in a lot of gaps in knowledge about how people lived and farmed and managed the landscape in the past,” he said. The archaeologists are mapping the sites to determine the significance of the remains beneath and how best to protect them. While some may be significant enough to merit national protection from development, local authorities or farmers may be left to decide what to do at other sites. “We’ll hopefully get the help of farmers to help protect some of these undesignated sites,” Grady said. …
Study: Smokers Better Off Quitting, Even With Weight Gain
If you quit smoking and gain weight, it may seem like you’re trading one set of health problems for another. But a new U.S. study finds you’re still better off in the long run. Compared with smokers, even the quitters who gained the most weight had at least a 50 percent lower risk of dying prematurely from heart disease and other causes, the Harvard-led study found. The study is impressive in its size and scope and should put to rest any myth that there are prohibitive weight-related health consequences to quitting cigarettes, said Dr. William Dietz, a public health expert at George Washington University. “The paper makes pretty clear that your health improves, even if you gain weight,” said Dietz, who was not involved in the research. “I don’t think we knew that with the assurance that this paper provides.” The New England Journal of Medicine published the study Wednesday. The journal also published a Swedish study that found quitting smoking seems to be the best thing diabetics can do to cut their risk of dying prematurely. 10 pounds or more The nicotine in cigarettes can suppress appetite and boost metabolism. Many smokers who quit and don’t step up their exercise find they eat more and gain weight — typically less than 10 pounds (4.5 kilograms), but in some cases three times that much. A lot of weight gain is a cause of the most common form of diabetes, a disease in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal. …
White House Condemns Turkey’s Tariffs on US Products
The White House on Wednesday condemned Turkey’s doubling of tariffs on products imported from the U.S. in response to Washington’s moves on imports of Turkish goods. Tensions between the two NATO allies have been strained amid Turkey’s detention of an American pastor and other diplomatic actions. The United States doubled tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminum last week, which contributed to a tumble in the Turkish lira. “The tariffs from Turkey are certainly regrettable and a step in the wrong direction. The tariffs that the United States placed on Turkey were out of national security interest. Theirs are out of retaliation,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters. …
Report: US SEC Subpoenas Tesla Over Musk’s Tweets
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has sent subpoenas to Tesla Inc. regarding Chief Executive Elon Musk’s plans to take the company private and his statement that funding was “secured,” Fox Business Network reported on Wednesday, citing sources. Subpoenas typically indicate the SEC has opened a formal investigation into a matter. Tesla and the SEC declined to comment. Musk stunned investors and sent Tesla’s shares soaring 11 percent when he tweeted early last week that he was considering taking Tesla private at $420 per share and that he had secured funding for the potential deal. The electric carmaker’s shares were last down 1.9 percent at $341.00 on Wednesday. They have erased all their gains following Musk’s tweet last week. Musk provided no details of his funding until Monday, when he said in a blog on Tesla’s website that he was in discussions with Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund and other potential backers but that financing was not yet nailed down. The CEO’s tweet may have violated U.S. securities law if he misled investors. On Monday, lawyers told Reuters Musk’s statement indicated he had good reason to believe he had funding but seemed to have overstated its status by saying it was secured. The SEC has opened an inquiry into Musk’s tweets, according to one person with direct knowledge of the matter. Reuters was not immediately able to ascertain if this had escalated into a full-blown investigation on Wednesday. This source said Tesla’s independent board members had hired law firm Paul, …
A Rising Concern? After Straws, Balloons Get More Scrutiny
Now that plastic straws may be headed for extinction, could Americans’ love of balloons be deflated? The joyous celebration of releasing balloons into the air has long bothered environmentalists, who say the pieces that fall back to earth can be deadly to seabirds and turtles that eat them. So as companies vow to banish plastic straws, there are signs balloons will be among the products to get more scrutiny, even though they’re a very small part of environmental pollution. This year, college football powerhouse Clemson University is ending its tradition of releasing 10,000 balloons into the air before games, a move that’s part of its sustainability efforts. In Virginia, a campaign that urges alternatives to balloon releases at weddings is expanding. And a town in Rhode Island outright banned the sale of all balloons earlier this year, citing the harm to marine life. “There are all kinds of alternatives to balloons, a lot of ways to express yourself,” says Kenneth Lacoste, first warden of New Shoreham, Rhode Island, who cites posters, pinatas and decorated paper. Following efforts to limit plastic bags, the push by environmentalists against straws has gained traction in recent months, partly because they’re seen as unnecessary for most. Companies including Starbucks and Disney are promising to phase out plastic straws, which can be difficult to recycle because of their size and often end up as trash in the ocean. A handful of U.S. cities recently passed or are considering bans. And the push may bring attention to …
US Retail Sales Rise Solidly; Productivity Accelerates
U.S. retail sales rose more than expected in July as households boosted purchases of motor vehicles and clothing, suggesting the economy remained strong early in the third quarter. Other data on Wednesday showed worker productivity growing at its fastest pace in more than three years in the second quarter, but a drop in labor costs pointed to moderate wage inflation. Strong domestic demand supports expectations the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in September for the third time this year. The Commerce Department said retail sales increased 0.5 percent last month. But data for June was revised lower to show sales gaining 0.2 percent instead of the previously reported 0.5 percent rise. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast retail sales nudging up 0.1 percent in July. Retail sales in July increased 6.4 percent from a year ago. Excluding automobiles, gasoline, building materials and food services, retail sales advanced 0.5 percent last month after a downwardly revised 0.1 percent dip in June. These so-called core retail sales correspond most closely with the consumer spending component of gross domestic product. Core retail sales were previously reported to have been unchanged in June. Consumer spending is being supported by a tightening labor market, which is steadily pushing up wages. Tax cuts and higher savings are also underpinning consumption. July’s increase in core retail sales suggested the economy started the third quarter on solid footing after logging its best performance in nearly four years in the second quarter. Gross domestic product surged at a …
У Києві запрацювала система громадського велопрокату – КМДА
У Києві почала роботу система громадського велопрокату Bike sharing, повідомляє Київська міська адміністрація на своєму сайті. Планується, що такий прокат буде коштувати 30 грн за півгодини, місячний абонемент – 199 гривень, а на сезон – за 599 гривень. Щоб узяти велосипед в оренду потрібно скачати мобільний додаток Nextbike, зареєструватися в ньому та зчитати QR-код із велосипеда на парковці. «Система велопрокату столиці спочатку буде розрахована на 33 велостанції. Їх розміщують у найбільш зручних місцях: біля станцій метро «Лук’янівська», на Оболонському проспекті біля станцій метро «Почайна», «Золоті ворота», «Арсенальна», «Оболонь», «Мінська», «Героїв Дніпра», «Лівобережна», «Харківська», «Позняки», «Осокорки», «Тараса Шевченка», «Контрактова площа» на Верхньому Валу біля Київського велотреку, на Софійській площі, Майдані Незалежності, Михайлівській площі, Контрактовій, Поштовій, вулиці Хрещатик (біля КМДА) та вулиці Архітектора Городецького, в парку імені Тараса Шевченка, на Райдужному масиві, Русанівській набережній та інших», – мовиться у повідомленні на сайті КМДА. Поки що, зазначають в адміністрації, у проекті задіяно буде тільки 100 велосипедів, але до кінця наступного року за умови інвестицій цю кількість планують збільшити до 2 тисяч. Також у КМДА обіцяють облаштувати 64 вулиці столиці таким чином, аби велосипедистам було комфортно ними пересуватися, а також створити три магістральних веломаршрути та встановити велопарковки біля комунальних закладів міста. Як розповідають у КМДА, компанію «Nextbike», із якою міська влада впроваджує пілотний проект велопрокату, було засновано у 2004 році у Лейпцигу. Вона оперує системами громадського прокату велосипедів більше ніж у 150 містах, у 25 країнах світу. …
Experimenting With the Magic Ingredient in Beer
Only four ingredients are needed to make one of the oldest staples of mankind. Mix water, hops, malt and yeast and you’re well on your way to making beer. But as Sadie Witkowski reports, it’s the smallest ingredient in beer that’s making the biggest splash. …
НАЗК винесло припис Нищуку за неврахування конфлікту інтересів
Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції винесло припис міністру культури Євгенові Нищуку щодо генерального директора музею «Національний музей історії України у Другій світовій війні. Меморіальний комплекс» Івана Ковальчука. Про це йдеться у повідомленні на сайті відомства. «Припис, внесений Євгену Нищуку стосується порушення вимог частини четвертої статті 28 ЗУ «Про запобігання корупції»: Міністерством культури України як органом, до повноважень якого належить звільнення з посади Генерального директора музею Івана Ковальчука, не вжито передбачених законодавством заходів щодо врегулювання потенційного конфлікту інтересів у його службовій діяльності, зумовленого спільною роботою зі своєю дружиною. Встановлено, що дружина Івана Ковальчука обіймає керівні посади з 1995 року та до сьогодні перебуває в прямому підпорядкуванні у свого чоловіка – Генерального директора музею», – зазначають у НАЗК. Згідно з приписом, НАЗК вимагає усунути виявлені порушення, провести службове розслідування з метою виявлення причин і умов, що сприяли вчиненню правопорушень. Припис Національного агентства є обов’язковим до виконання, за його невиконання передбачається адміністративна відповідальність. Закон зобов’язує державні органи перевіряти факт подання працівниками декларацій та повідомляти Національне агентство про випадки неподання чи несвоєчасного подання таких декларацій. Згідно з законодавством, серед функцій Національного агентство з питань запобігання корупції є контроль та перевірка декларацій осіб, уповноважених на виконання функцій держави або місцевого самоврядування, зберігання та оприлюднення таких декларацій, проведення моніторингу способу життя цих людей. …
Індія хоче відправити свою першу пілотовану місію в космос до 2022 року
До 2022 року Індія відправить свою першу пілотовану місію в космос, заявив прем’єр-міністр Нарендра Моді 15 серпня. За його словами, Індія буде лише четвертою країною – після Росії, Сполучених Штатів та Китаю, – що запустить власну місію. Посилюючи свою конкуренцію з Китаєм, Індія в останні десятиліття вклала великі кошти в космічну програму. Планується також відправити безпілотну місію на Місяць в січні 2019 року, про що Індійська організація космічних досліджень оголосила минулого тижня. За її словами, науковці мають намір збирати таким чином дані та зразки з поверхні Місяця. Індія також запустила в 2013 році апарат до Марса, який вийшов на орбіту 2014-го. …