1 New Death From Ebola in Congo, Bringing Total to 26

Congo’s health ministry announced one new death from Ebola Sunday, bringing to 26 the number of deaths from the deadly outbreak in Equateur province in the country’s northwest. Four new cases of the Ebola virus have been confirmed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, according to country’s health ministry most recent statement. A total of 46 cases of the hemorrhagic fever have been reported in the current outbreak: 21 confirmed cases of Ebola, 21 probable and four suspected. President Joseph Kabila and his Cabinet decided Saturday to increase funds for Ebola emergency response which amounts to more than $4 million. Health Minister Oly Ilunga said late Friday the new cases of the often lethal virus were confirmed in Mbandaka city, a city of 1.2 million people where another case was confirmed days earlier. The United Nations World Health Organization declined to declare the outbreak an international health emergency but said the risk of the virus spreading within the country was “very high.” The WHO said there was also a high risk of it spreading to nine neighboring countries but maintained there should be no travel or trade restrictions in the region. A new, experimental vaccine is expected to be administered beginning early next week. The vaccine was effective in a West African outbreak a few years ago. Four-thousand doses are already in Congo and more shipments are enroute. Congolese health officials are challenged with keeping the vaccine cold in a large country where the infrastructure is in poor condition. …

South Korea’s LG Group Chairman Dies at 73

South Korea’s fourth-largest conglomerate, LG Group, said its Chairman Koo Bon-moo did Sunday. Koo, 73, had been struggling with an illness for a year, LG Group said in a statement. “Becoming the third chairman of LG at the age of 50 in 1995, Koo established key three businesses — electronics, chemicals and telecommunications — led a global company LG, and contributed to driving (South Korea’s) industrial competitiveness and national economic development,” LG said. A group official said Koo had been unwell for a year and had undergone surgery. The official declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter. Before its chairman’s death, LG Group had established a holding company in order to streamline ownership structure and begin the process of succession. Heir apparent Koo Kwang-mo is from the fourth generation of LG Group’s controlling family. He owns 6 percent of LG Corp and works as a senior official at LG Electronics Inc. The senior Koo’s funeral will be private at the request of the family, the company said. …

US, China Agree to Increased Trade Cooperation

China and the United States said Saturday that they had reached consensus on steps to substantially reduce the U.S. trade deficit with Beijing. The announcement followed high-level talks in Washington and U.S. allegations that unfair Chinese trade practices meant the United States was buying far more from China than it sold there. China pledged to make “meaningful” increases in purchases of services and goods, particularly agricultural and energy items.  A statement from the White House said Washington would send a team of officials to China to work out details. It mentioned the importance of intellectual property protection and said the two sides would work to achieve a “level playing field in trade.” New York Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader, said the statement offered too few details. He said China often denies access to its huge market unless U.S. companies give Chinese firms access to American technical and business secrets. Schumer said short-term purchases of U.S. goods would not make up for that.  …

Хмельницьку ОДА очолив Вадим Лозовий

Президент України Петро Порошенко 19 травня призначив на посаду голови Хмельницької облдержадміністрації Вадима Лозового. Про це повідомляє прес-служба глави держави. Президент, мовиться у повідомленні, підтримав пропозицію уряду, яку було внесено щодо призначення Лозового на посаду голови Хмельницької ОДА. Глава держави повідомив, що підписав відповідний указ та вручив новому керівнику посвідчення. Порошенко також зауважив, що під час вибору керувався тим, що Лозовий є людиною, яка представляє реальний сектор економіки. «І це є першим завданням, яке я ставлю як президент – принципове забезпечення зростання економіки, залучення інвестицій, підвищення зарплат. Робити все для того, щоб забезпечити на Хмельниччині інвестиційний та економічний бум», – наголосив Петро Порошенко. «Які у мене є побажання? Перше – підвищення заробітної плати»,  – сказав Петро Порошенко Лозовому. За його словами, середня заробітна плата в країні стрімко наближається до 9 тисяч гривень: «Скільки зараз середня заробітна плата в Хмельницькій області? Трохи більше за 6,5 тисяч гривень». Вадим Лозовий – депутат Хмельницької облради VII скликання, позапартійний, 1971 року народження. Обраний до облради від Хмельницької обласної організації партії «За конкретні справи», є керівником депутатської фракції цієї ж партії, член депутатської групи «Захист прав власників земельних паїв». Очолює постійну комісію облради з питань економічного розвитку, промисловості, підприємництва, енергетики, транспорту та зв’язку. Раніше працював на різних посадах в ТОВ «Епіцентр» та ТОВ ​«Епіцентр К».  Президент також повідомив, що колишній голова Хмельницької ОДА Олександр Корнійчук стане радником президента.  16 травня ​Корнуйчук повідомив, що йде у відставку, причини звільнення Корнійчук не вказав.  Корнійчука було призначено головою Хмельницької ОДА у квітні 2016 року. …

Congo: 3 New Ebola Cases Confirmed in City

Three new cases of the often lethal Ebola virus have been confirmed in a city of more than 1 million people, Congo’s health minister announced, as the spread of the hemorrhagic fever in an urban area raised alarm. The statement late Friday said the confirmed cases are in Mbandaka city, where a single case was confirmed earlier in the week. There are now 17 confirmed Ebola cases in this outbreak, including one death, plus 21 probable cases and five suspected ones. The World Health Organization on Friday decided not to declare the outbreak a global health emergency, but it called the risk of spread within Congo “very high” and warned nine neighboring countries that the risk to them was high. WHO said there should be no international travel or trade restrictions. The outbreak is a test of a new experimental Ebola vaccine that proved effective in the West Africa outbreak a few years ago. Vaccinations are expected to start early in the week, with more than 4,000 doses already in Congo and more on the way. A major challenge will be keeping the vaccines cold in the vast, impoverished country where infrastructure is poor. While Congo has contained several Ebola outbreaks in the past, all of them were based in remote rural areas. The virus has twice made it to Congo’s capital of 10 million people, Kinshasa, in the past but was rapidly stopped. Health officials are trying to track down more than 500 people who have been in contact …

Progress in Struggle to Save Animals From Extinction

Conservationists around the world are making great strides in rescuing animal species from the brink of extinction. Despite the recent death of the last male white rhinoceros, there is hope that science can bring the species back. In Europe, scientists are raising bison almost a century after they vanished from the wild, and California’s population of sea otters has rebounded from only 50 specimens in the 1930s. VOA’s George Putic has more. …

«АрселорМіттал Кривий Ріг» заявляє, що буде забезпечений людьми і технікою з інших підприємств

Комбінат ПАТ «АрселорМіттал Кривий Ріг» заявляє, що буде забезпечений тепловозами і працівниками в повному обсязі. На комбінаті зазначили, що міністр інфраструктури України Володимир Омелян екстрено дав завдання забезпечити «АрселорМіттал Кривий Ріг», де триває страйк працівників, людьми і технікою. На сайті Міністерства інфраструктури цієї інформації немає. Як заявили на підприємстві, найближчим часом комбінат отримає 11 тепловозів з бригадами «Укрзалізниці». Крім того, прибудуть тепловози та працівники ПрАТ «Київ – Дніпровське міжрегіональне підприємство промислового транспорту» з інших регіонів. «З них будуть складені локомотивні бригади, яких бракує металургійному підприємству», – розповіли на комбінаті. На прибулі локомотиви планують встановити радіостанції комбінату, забезпечити їх обладнанням. За даними металургійного комбінату, після переговорів з адміністрацією ПАТ «АрселорМіттал Кривий Ріг» частина робітників підприємства вже відновила роботу. У профспілках цю інформацію Радіо Свобода не підтвердили, заявивши, що переговорний процес триває. 18 травня працівники ПАТ «АрселорМіттал Кривий Ріг» подали колективну заяву до поліції на адміністрацію підприємства зі скаргою на залучення «штрейкбрехерів». В адміністрації комбінату цю заяву тоді не коментували. 16 травня на ПАТ «АрселорМіттал Кривий Ріг» робітники першої зміни залізничного цеху відмовилися працювати на несправній техніці. Наразі через страйк була зупинена робота кількох цехів, але це фактично паралізувало роботу всього підприємства, де транспортний зв’язок між виробничими підрозділами здійснюється за допомогою залізничного транспорту. Робітники вимагають забезпечення відповідності всього рухомого складу стандартам охорони праці та підвищення зарплати до 1 тисячі євро. В адміністрації підприємства заявили, що страйк незаконний, а сама акція «не була анонсована і узгоджена заздалегідь з керівництвом ПАТ «АрселорМіттал Кривий Ріг» і звернулись до поліції. Водночас керівництво комбінату попередило, що через …

India, EU Give WTO Lists of US Goods for Potential Tariff Retaliation

India and the European Union have given the World Trade Organization lists of the U.S. products that could incur high tariffs in retaliation for U.S. President Donald Trump’s global tariffs on steel and aluminum, WTO filings showed Friday. The EU said Trump’s steel tariffs could cost $1.5 billion and aluminum tariffs a further $100 million, and listed rice, cranberries, bourbon, corn, peanut butter, and steel products among the U.S. goods that it might target for retaliation. India said it was facing additional U.S. tariffs of $31 million on aluminum and $134 million on steel, and listed U.S. exports of soya oil, palmolein and cashew nuts among its potential targets for retaliatory tariffs. One trade official described the lists of retaliatory tariffs as “loading a gun,” making it plain to U.S. exporters that pain might be on the way. India said its tariffs would come into effect by June 21, unless and until the United States removed its tariffs. The EU said some retaliation could be applied from June 20. Trump’s tariffs, 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum, came into force in March to strong opposition as many see the measures as unjustified and populist. There were also objections that the tariffs would have little impact on China, widely seen to be the cause of oversupply in the market. Trump justified the tariffs by claiming they were for U.S. national security, in a bid to protect them from any legal challenge at the WTO, causing further controversy. Rather …

China Ends US Sorghum Anti-Dumping Probe, OKs Toshiba Deal

China has dropped an anti-dumping investigation and given long awaited approval for the sale of Toshiba’s memory chip business, in gestures that could suggest a thaw between Beijing and the U.S. as trade talks resumed in Washington. The Commerce Ministry said Friday ended the probe into imported U.S. sorghum because it’s not in the public interest. A day earlier, Beijing cleared the way for a group led by U.S. private equity firm Bain Capital to buy Toshiba Corp.’s computer memory chip business. The moves signaled Beijing’s willingness to make a deal with Washington amid talks between senior U.S. and Chinese officials aimed at averting a trade war between the world’s two biggest economies, analysts say. “I think China is willing to make concessions,” said Wang Tao, chief China economist at UBS. “The Chinese stance has been very clear, that China wants to mute any trade dispute. But of course it doesn’t mean China would heed to all the demands the U.S. would place.” A White House official said China had offered to work to cut the trade deficit with the U.S. by $200 billion, while stressing that the details remained unclear. But China’s Foreign Ministry denied it. “It’s untrue,” said spokesman Lu Kang. “The relevant discussion is still underway, and it is constructive.” The Commerce Ministry said it was ending the anti-dumping probe and a parallel anti-subsidy investigation because they would have raised costs for consumers. The U.S. is China’s biggest supplier of sorghum, accounting for more than 90 percent …

EU Mulls Direct Iran Central Bank Transfers to Beat US Sanctions

The European Commission is proposing that EU governments make direct money transfers to Iran’s central bank to avoid U.S. penalties, an EU official said, in what would be the most forthright challenge to Washington’s newly reimposed sanctions. The step, which would seek to bypass the U.S. financial system, would allow European companies to repay Iran for oil exports and repatriate Iranian funds in Europe, a senior EU official said, although the details were still to be worked out. The European Union, once Iran’s biggest oil importer, is determined to save the nuclear accord, that U.S. President Donald Trump abandoned on May 8, by keeping money flowing to Tehran as long as the Islamic Republic complies with the 2015 deal to prevent it from developing an atomic weapon. “Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has proposed this to member states. We now need to work out how we can facilitate oil payments and repatriate Iranian funds in the European Union to Iran’s central bank,” said the EU official, who is directly involved in the discussions. The U.S. Treasury announced on Tuesday more sanctions on officials of the Iranian central bank, including Governor Valiollah Seif,. But the EU official said the bloc believes that does not sanction the central bank itself. European Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete will discuss the idea with Iranian officials in Tehran during his trip this weekend, the EU official said. Then it will be up to EU governments to take a final decision. EU leaders in Sofia this week …

WHO: Ebola in Congo Not Yet Global Health Emergency

Congo’s latest Ebola outbreak does not yet warrant being declared a global health emergency, the World Health Organization announced Friday, as health officials rushed to contain the often deadly virus that has spread to a city of more than 1 million. The vast, impoverished country now has 14 confirmed Ebola cases, with dozens of others probable or suspected. WHO officials, speaking after an experts’ meeting on the outbreak, said vaccinations could begin as early as Sunday in a key test of an experimental vaccine. The health agency called the risk to the public in Congo “very high” and the regional risk high, with the global risk low. The Republic of Congo and Central African Republic are nearby and are among nine neighboring countries alerted. WHO said there should be no international travel or trade restrictions. Dr. Robert Steffen, who chaired the expert meeting, said there was “strong reason to believe this situation can be brought under control.” He noted the almost immediate response by WHO and partners after Ebola was announced in Congo last week. Without a vigorous response, “the situation is likely to deteriorate significantly,” he added. If the outbreak spreads internationally, the expert committee would reconvene to reconsider its assessment of the epidemic. Congo has contained several past Ebola outbreaks but the spread of the hemorrhagic fever to an urban area poses a major challenge. The city of Mbandaka, which has one confirmed Ebola case, is an hour’s flight from the capital, Kinshasa, and is located on the …

WHO Mulls Emergency Designation for Congo’s Ebola

Congo’s latest Ebola outbreak now has 14 confirmed cases as health officials rush to contain the often deadly virus in a city of more than 1 million.   The World Health Organization was holding an experts’ meeting Friday to determine whether the epidemic warrants being declared a global health emergency. It now calls the risk to the public in Congo “very high” and the regional risk “high.” The Republic of Congo and Central African Republic are nearby.   Vast, impoverished Congo has contained several past Ebola outbreaks but the spread of the hemorrhagic fever to an urban area poses a major challenge. The city of Mbandaka, which has one confirmed Ebola case, is an hour’s flight from the capital, Kinshasa, and is on the Congo River, a busy travel corridor.   “The outbreak is potentially a public health emergency because many of the criteria have been met,” said Dr. David Heymann, a former WHO director who has led numerous responses to Ebola.    For a health crisis to constitute a global health emergency it must meet three criteria stipulated by WHO: It must threaten other countries via the international spread of disease, it must be a “serious, unusual or unexpected” situation and it may require immediate international action for containment.  Tests vaccine Ebola has twice made it to Congo’s capital in the past and was rapidly stopped. Congo has had the most Ebola outbreaks of any country, and Heymann said authorities there have considerable expertise in halting the lethal virus.  …

Switzerland Seeks a Study of Starting Its Own Cryptocurrency

Switzerland’s government has requested a report into the risks and opportunities of launching its own cryptocurrency, a so-called “e-franc” that would use technology similar to privately launched coins like bitcoin but have backing of the state. The lower house of the Swiss parliament must now decide whether to back the Federal Council’s request for a study into the subject, which has been discussed in Sweden. Cryptocurrencies have drawn scrutiny from lawmakers and international governing bodies coming to grips with the technology’s rapid ascent. The coins use encryption and a blockchain transaction database designed to enable anonymous transactions that do not require centralized processing. Other countries interested Several countries have begun evaluating the viability of introducing their own state-backed digital currency, with Sweden’s Riksbank saying an e-crown might help counteract issues arising from declining cash use and help make payment systems more robust. But existing digital currencies such as bitcoin have been hampered by extreme volatility, high-profile hacks and doubts about long-term viability. Venezuela has issued a state-backed coin, but major developed economies have so far steered clear. The Bank of International Settlement in March warned central banks to think hard about potential risks and spillovers before issuing their own cryptocurrencies. Swiss bank cautious In Switzerland, if the proposal is approved, a study will be produced by the Swiss finance ministry. No timing has been given on when it would be published should the go-ahead be given. Swiss lawmaker Cedric Wermuth, vice president of the Social Democratic Party, called for the …

New US Sanctions Hit at Hezbollah-Linked Financier, Companies

The United States sought on Thursday to further choke off funding sources for Iranian-backed Hezbollah, imposing sanctions on its representative to Iran, as well as a major financier and his five companies in Europe, West Africa and the Middle East. The U.S. Treasury said Mohammad Ibrahim Bazzi was a Hezbollah financier operating through Belgium, Lebanon and Iraq, and was a close associate of Gambia’s former president Yahya Jammeh, who is accused of acquiring vast wealth during his decades-long rule. It also imposed sanctions on Hezbollah’s representative to Iran, Abdallah Safi Al-Din, who it said served as an interlocutor between Hezbollah and Iran on financial issues. The department said it had blacklisted Belgian energy services conglomerate Global Trading Group; Gambia-based petroleum company Euro African Group; and Lebanon-based Africa Middle East Investment Holding, Premier Investment Group SAL Offshore and import-export group Car Escort Services. All were designated because they are owned or controlled by Bazzi, the Treasury said. “The savage and depraved acts of one of Hezbollah’s most prominent financiers cannot be tolerated,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. “This administration will expose and disrupt Hezbollah and Iranian terror networks at every turn, including those with ties to the Central Bank of Iran,” he said. The sanctions are among a slew of fresh measures aimed at Iran and Hezbollah since U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal last week. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is set to outline in a speech in Washington on Monday …

Afghanistan Attacks Threaten Health System Gains

Deteriorating security is forcing Afghanistan to spend more money on trauma care, rather than investing in women and children’s health, its health minister said Thursday. The government has come under increasing pressure over rising violence, with a string of attacks this year causing hundreds of casualties in the capital, Kabul, alone. “The concern is that nowadays, suicide bombings and armed conflict is the third (highest) cause of deaths and disability in Afghanistan,” Ferozuddin Feroz told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview in London. “Instead of focusing on maternal health, on nutritional status, we will spend it on trauma.” Health care gains Afghanistan’s health system is rudimentary, battered by decades of war and conflict. About 60 percent of the population has access to health services, defined as being within one hour’s walking distance, Feroz said. Feroz, who is a trained doctor and has advised other countries on health system reform, aims to increase this to 75 percent by the end of 2018. Afghanistan has made gains in maternal health, with 400 deaths per 100,000 live births, up from 1,600 per 100,000 in 2002, according to the United Nations Population Fund, but it is still one of the worst rates in the world. “Maintaining these achievements during an increasing security situation is really a challenge,” Feroz said. “If we maintain the current rate of funding, that also would help us to maintain what we have achieved.” Feroz was in London to meet with researchers from the London School of Hygiene and …

UN Forecasting Global Economy Will Expand by Over 3 Percent

The United Nations is forecasting that the global economy will expand by more than 3 percent this year and next year — but it warns that increasing risks could trigger “a shock to investment and trade” and a sharp drop to 1.8 percent growth in 2019.   The U.N.’s mid-year report on the World Economic Situation and Prospects launched Thursday says growth in the world economy is surpassing expectations, reflecting further economic expansion in developed countries and broadly favorable investment conditions.   However, the report said, “downside risks” have increased including “a rise in the probability of trade conflicts between major economies.”   Dawn Holland, chief of the U.N.’s Global Economic Monitoring Branch, cited the Trump administration’s imposition of tariffs in January and proposed new tariffs against China as well as the renegotiation of the U.S. trade agreement with Mexico and Canada, which has left “a void of uncertainty.”   There are also negotiations between the European Union and the United States partly linked to tariffs on steel, she said, and an increasing number of disputes have been raised with the World Trade Organization over the last six months.   The report said other factors also pose risks including uncertainty over monetary policy, increasing debt levels, and greater geopolitical tensions including in the Korean peninsula, Middle East, South China Sea and Ukraine.   But the U.N.’s assessment was generally upbeat citing continued economic improvements over the last several months including accelerating wage growth, improved investment prospects, and the short-term impact …

US Warns China Against Imposing ‘Political Correctness’ on US Firms

U.S. officials and politicians say they are increasingly frustrated and looking for ways to fight back against what they see as China’s use of its market power to impose “politically correct” behavior on American companies. Airlines, retailers and hoteliers all have been pressured to alter products and promotions that offended Beijing. “These actions are outrageous and disturbing,” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific affairs Alex Wong told American lawmakers Tuesday. “China is very much well aware that it’s wading through treacherous waters here. And they understand that if they continue along this path, continue to employ these tactics, that will negatively affect the U.S.-China relationship and that there will be consequences,” said Wong during a hearing at Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on East Asia, The Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy. “The consequences are under review,” Wong added. His remarks come after American clothing retailer Gap apologized and recalled the sale in the Chinese market of its T-shirts showing a map that’s seen by Beijing as politically incorrect. The T-shirts were also destroyed.  A Chinese student earlier this week posted pictures of the T-shirt, which did not include Taiwan, parts of Tibet and islands in the South China Sea that Beijing claims are Chinese territories. Gap quickly apologized, citing “unintentional error.” Photos circulated on Chinese social media network Weibo were said to be have been taken at an outlet store in Canada.  A Chinese government spokesperson took note of Gap’s apology and the American company’s pledge to …

Trump Meets Chinese Vice Premier Amid Tough Trade Talks 

President Donald Trump stepped into a round of tough trade talks with China on Thursday after the White House confirmed a meeting between the U.S. president and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He. The two world powers are taking part in a second series of trade negotiations that started Thursday. The initial talks were held in Beijing two weeks ago. Speaking to reporters before his meeting with Liu, Trump repeated his strong dislike for previous deals between Washington and Beijing. “The United States has been ripped off for many, many years by its bad trade deals. I don’t blame China; I blame the leadership of this country from the past,” Trump told reporters before a meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. “China has taken out hundreds of billions of dollars a year from the United States, and I explained to President Xi [Jinping] we can’t do that anymore,” Trump added. The talks are aimed at “rebalancing the United States-China bilateral economic relationship,” according to the White House. They are also aimed at avoiding a full-blown trade war after the two countries exchanged tariff threats in March. Despite the tough talks, Trump tweeted over the weekend that he was working with Xi to give Chinese phone company ZTE a way to get back into business. The U.S. slapped sanctions against the Chinese telecommunications company last month for breaking U.S. trade control laws by selling components to Iran and North Korea. The move prompted ZTE to shut down its U.S. operations. U.S. law enforcement and intelligence communities …

Does Our Galaxy Sound Like Funky Blues Music?

Interstellar space is mostly a vacuum, so there is no medium that can carry sound. In other words, space is totally silent. But astronomers have often associated the movement of heavenly bodies with music. With the help of modern technology, one astronomer has turned the signals from the Milky Way into a funky tune. “It was an idea that I had for a long time,” said University of Massachusetts Astronomy Research Professor Mark Heyer, “and only recently has some of the technology come about that somebody like me could access that.” The visible light coming from distant worlds carries a lot of information that can be analyzed with a spectroscope. Heyer developed a computer program, or algorithm, to convert the movement of large clouds of atoms and molecules of different elements and compounds, into music. “I take the spectrum and I, essentially, mathematically resample that to a musical scale and that gives that spectrum, which is inherently atonal, it gives it the tonality. And that is what really is the key stuff to make it sound nice,” he said. Heyer randomly assigned different musical instruments to different gases, forming a combination consisting of a saxophone, a piano, an upright bass and some percussion woodblocks. For instance, a certain atomic gas, which fills much of the space between the stars, is represented by the upright bass. “It gives you that driving pulse, I think, that drives the music forward. And the woodblocks sort of do that as well,” he said. After some …

Congo Ebola Virus Moves From Rural Area to Urban One

The World Health Organization reports one confirmed case of the deadly Ebola virus in the city of Mbandaka, a city of more than one million 150 kilometers from Bikoro where the outbreak started. WHO says as of May 15, 44 cases of Ebola have been reported in the DRC and more than 20 people have died. Except for the confirmed case in Mdbandaka, the other cases have been in Bikoro, a remote, northwestern area that is very hard to reach. The Ebola virus is endemic in Congo, and despite Congo’s experience with the disease, the difference between this one and previous outbreaks is the location. Bikoro lies near two major rivers that could transport infected people to urban areas including Kinshasa and Brazzaville. Mbandaka is also on the Congo River about 4,000 kilometers north of Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC, whose population is roughly ten million. Dr. Peter Salama, WHO deputy director-general for emergency preparedness and response, called this latest news “a game changer.” WHO’s regional director for Africa said WHO and its partners, including Médecins Sans Frontières, or Doctors Without Borders, are working to rapidly scale up the search for all contacts of the confirmed case in Mbandaka as well as those in Bikoro. The WHO is holding an emergency meeting Friday to evaluate the situation. The speed of the WHO’s involvement and those of its partners is one of the major differences between this Ebola outbreak and the one that ravaged West Africa between 2014 and 2016. …

«Укрзалізниця» з 30 травня підвищить ціну квитків на 12 відсотків

«Укрзалізниця» з 30 травня підвищить ціну квитків на 12 відсотків, повідомила прес-служба компанії агентству «Інтерфакс-Україна». Це буде перший етап індексації тарифів. Другий має відбутися з 1 жовтня – тоді ціни на квитки також підіймуть на 12 відсотків. Відповідний наказ мають оприлюднити 29 травня в «Урядовому кур’єрі». У разі купівлі квитків до 29 травня на більш пізні дати доплата не передбачена, уточнили в «Укрзалізниці». В компанії зазначили, що остання індексація тарифів на пасажирські перевезення проводилася в жовтні 2014 року (на 12 відсотків). Водночас фактичне зростання індексу споживчих цін становило 192,2 відсотка, індекс цін виробників промислової продукції – 206,3 відсотка. Читайте також: «Укрзалізниця»: «Щоб пасажирські перевезення стали беззбитковими, тариф треба підняти удвічі» «Таким чином, тільки у 2017 році «Укрзалізниця» отримала від перевезень пасажирів у дальньому сполученні 3,6 мільярда гривень збитку. Але навіть у таких умовах за останні чотири роки компанія майже вдвічі збільшила фонд заробітної плати залізничників і розширила соціальні гарантії для працівників», – заявили в компанії. Ціни на квитки мали підвищити з 1 квітня, однак цього не відбулося через непогодження відповідного наказу Міністерством інфраструктури України. У січні 2018 року виконувач обов’язків голови правління компанії Євген Кравцов заявляв, що «Укрзалізниця» планує підвищити тарифи на пасажирські перевезення у 2018 році. Він зазначив, що «пасажирське господарство для УЗ збиткове», а тариф на пасажирські перевезення не піднімався вже кілька років. …

European Commission to Move to Block US Sanctions on Iran

The European Commission will initiate plans Friday to prohibit European companies from adhering to U.S. sanctions against Iran, a move to help keep the Iran nuclear agreement intact and to defend European corporate interests. “We have the duty to protect European companies,” Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said following a meeting of European Union leaders Thursday in Sofia, Bulgaria, “We now need to act and this is why we are launching the process.” Juncker said the commission will begin the process of activating a so-called blocking statute, which bans EU companies from observing the sanctions and any court rulings that enforce U.S. penalties. Juncker also said the commission would continue to cooperate with Iran and the European Investment Bank would be allowed to facilitate European corporate investment in the Persian Gulf country. The commission’s move is in retaliation to U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal and a subsequent move to revive stringent sanctions against Tehran. The U.S. actions sparked concern among European countries over how to incentivize Iran to maintain compliance with the accord signed by world powers in July 2015, and the blocking statute is the most powerful tool at its immediate disposal. European leaders are also confronted with the threat of U.S. tariffs on European steel and aluminum exports. The Trump administration’s temporary exemptions from the tariffs expire June 1.     …