US Federal Reserve Proposes New Capital Rules for Banks

The Federal Reserve on Tuesday proposed new rules that could allow some large banks to reduce the amount of capital they must hold as a cushion against a future economic shock. The proposal may clear the way for some large banks to reduce their capital levels in the future, but the largest firms on Wall Street are not likely to get such relief, the Fed said. The proposal is expected to reduce bank paperwork and also make it easier for regulators to monitor the health of banks, said Randal Quarles, the top Fed official in charge of regulations. “Our regulatory measures are most effective when they are as simple and transparent as possible,” Quarles, the Fed vice chairman for supervision, said in a statement. The Fed said the proposed changes were likely to somewhat increase the amount of capital required for the 30 largest banks known as GSIBs, or global systemically important banks. The measures should modestly decrease the amount of capital required for banks smaller than the GSIBs, the Fed said. “No firm is expected to need to raise additional capital as a result of this proposal,” the Fed said in a statement. Banks and other stakeholders will have 60 days to comment on the proposal, which is likely to take effect next year, said the Federal Reserve. The new capital standards would be the first reform of capital standards conceived after the decade-old financial crisis. …

Federal Reserve Proposes New Capital Rules for Banks

The Federal Reserve on Tuesday proposed new rules that could allow some large banks to reduce the amount of capital they must hold as a cushion against a future economic shock. The proposal may clear the way for some large banks to reduce their capital levels in the future, but the largest firms on Wall Street are not likely to get such relief, the Fed said. The proposal is expected to reduce bank paperwork and also make it easier for regulators to monitor the health of banks, said Randal Quarles, the top Fed official in charge of regulations. “Our regulatory measures are most effective when they are as simple and transparent as possible,” Quarles, the Fed vice chairman for supervision, said in a statement. The Fed said the proposed changes were likely to somewhat increase the amount of capital required for the 30 largest banks known as GSIBs, or global systemically important banks. The measures should modestly decrease the amount of capital required for banks smaller than the GSIBs, the Fed said. “No firm is expected to need to raise additional capital as a result of this proposal,” the Fed said in a statement. Banks and other stakeholders will have 60 days to comment on the proposal, which is likely to take effect next year, said the Federal Reserve. The new capital standards would be the first reform of capital standards conceived after the decade-old financial crisis. …

Russian Retailers Warned of Price Increase After Ruble Tumbles

Russian retailers warned of price increase after ruble tumbles European electronic and household goods manufacturers have warned Russian retailers of a possible 5 to 10 percent rise in prices after the ruble tumbled this week due to U.S. sanctions, retailers said on Tuesday. Eldorado, which operates over 400 stores in Russia, said the hikes may mean it has to adjust its retail prices. “Suppliers have already started warning of a possible 5-10 percent adjustment in prices,” a spokesperson for Eldorado told Reuters, adding that the warnings had primarily come from European manufacturers that do not produce goods in Russia. A spokesperson for M.Video, which operates a network of 424 stores, also said that some of its suppliers had told them of plans to raise prices by between 5 and 10 percent. The ruble fell sharply on Monday as investors took fright after a new round of U.S. sanctions against Moscow, targeting officials and businessmen around Russian President Vladimir Putin. The ruble extended its losses on Tuesday, shedding over 3 percent of its value against the dollar, as investors continued a sell-off of assets fueled by fears that Washington could impose more sanctions and a realization that Russian credit and market risks had substantially increased. …

Turkish Currency Hits Record Lows Over Fears of Overheating Economy

The Turkish lira Tuesday hit another historic low against the U.S. dollar amid growing financial market concerns that the Turkish economy is overheating. With elections on the horizon, the government is stoking economic growth. The latest figures saw growth running at over 7 percent, making Turkey one of the fastest-growing economies in the developed world. But international investors are becoming increasingly alarmed at the cost of such growth, with double-digit inflation and a surge in imports widening Turkey’s current account deficit (the difference between imports and exports). “Investors are disappointed by the fact the government is pushing growth even faster, rather than addressing the imbalances that show up, such as high inflation and wide current account deficit.” said economist Inan Demir of Nomura banking. “Some people say this: ‘Too much growth is not a good thing,’ ” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech Monday aimed at challenging financial critics. “Why? Because they are jealous. It is nothing else.” In another move aimed at defying critics, Erdogan also announced a new $34 billion economic stimulus package. Much of Turkey’s rapid growth has been achieved by the government injecting billions of dollars into the economy. Erdogan further challenged international markets by renewing his strong opposition to increasing interest rates, which orthodox economic theory demands to protect a falling currency. “If there isn’t an increase in interest rates, the likelihood will be the lira will continue to depreciate,” warned Demir. “More or less, the lira will remain at the mercy …

Gazprom Says Gas Transit via Ukraine to Europe May Fall to 10-15 bcm per Year

Future Russian gas transit flows through Ukraine to Europe may be between 10 and 15 billion cubic metres per year, Alexei Miller, head of Russian gas giant Gazprom, said on Tuesday, which is a significant decline from current levels. Miller issued his comments after German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the planned new Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany could not go ahead without clarity on Ukraine’s role as a transit route for gas. “We have never raised an issue about abandoning the Ukrainian transit. However, the Russian resource base has been moving northward and there won’t be the same resources in the central gas transportation corridor as it was in the past,” Miller said in a statement. “That’s why a certain transit could still be in place, in the amount of 10-15 bcm per year, but the Ukrainian side has to explain the viability of the new transit contract,” he said. He did not give a time frame for when the transit could be 10-15 bcm a year. Ukraine has been a key route for carrying Russian gas to Europe where it supplies around a third of gas needs, but Moscow and Kiev have clashed frequently over energy. Last year, the transit amounted to more than 93 bcm, while Gazprom’s total exports to Europe and Turkey reached an all-time high of 194 bcm. Last year, Ukraine earned around $3 billion in Russian gas transit fees. Gazprom said last month it would terminate its gas contracts with Ukraine …

Україні необхідно залучити 8 мільярдів доларів на зовнішніх ринках у 2018-2019 роках – СБ

У 2018 – 2019 роках Україні необхідно залучити 8 мільярдів доларів на зовнішніх ринках, повідомив у Києві провідний економіст представництва Світового банку в Україні, Білорусі та Молдові Фарук Кхан. «Україні на 2018 – 2019 роки знадобляться суттєві обсяги фінансування для обслуговування зовнішніх зобов’язань і покриття фіскального дефіциту. Це потребуватиме залучення близько 18 мільярдів доларів цього й наступного років, зокрема близько 8 мільярдів доларів – на зовнішніх ринках», – сказав Кхан. Він заявив, що для України важливо продовжувати співпрацю з Міжнародним валютним фондом та іншими кредиторами. За даними Світового банку, в 2018 році очікується зростання державного та гарантованого державою боргу до 75,1% ВВП України, після чого борг знизиться до 73,5% у 2019-му й до 68,4% – у 2020 році. У січні Національний банк повідомив, що Україна має сплатити понад 16 мільярдів доларів за зовнішніми боргами. …

У березні в Україні прискорилася інфляція – Держстат

У березні в Україні прискорилася інфляція, повідомила Державна служба статистики України. «Інфляція на споживчому ринку в березні 2018 року порівняно з попереднім місяцем становила 1,1%, з початку року – 3,5%. Базова інфляція в березні 2018 року порівняно з попереднім місяцем становила 1,4%, з початку року – 2,7%», – розповіли в Держстаті. За даними відомства, на споживчому ринку найбільше подорожчали овочі та фрукти (5% і 3% відповідно). У Національному банку України прогнозували, що у 2018 році інфляція складе понад 8%. …

America’s Equal Pay Day Dismay

Tuesday, April 10, is Equal Pay Day in the United States. Advocates designated the day to mark how much longer women must work, on average, to earn as much as men averaged in the previous year.  Germany recognized Equal Pay Day on March 10. The Czech Republic will observe it on April 13. While assigning a date to the gender pay gap is a way to make a point, it makes for an easy gauge of whether the pay gap is getting worse or better from one year to the next. In 2017, the U.S. Equal Pay Day was April 4 — meaning the pay gap is slightly worse this year than last. There are a number of explanations for historic gender gaps in pay. One of the major ones is known as “occupational segregation,” meaning a particular job is seen as “men’s work” or “women’s work” and is dominated by that gender. In a study by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research in 2017, among the most common occupations for women and for men in the United States, only six occupations overlap. In the fields that pay best, men tend to dominate, said the IWPR’s Chandra Childers. She adds that when men start to leave a field and women start to move in, the average pay for that field begins to drop. Some say the pay gap is due to more women taking time off work or assuming less demanding professional roles so they can care for their families. …

Світовий банк закликав Україну прискорити реформи задля економічного зростання

Світовий банк заявляє, що для прискорення економічного зростання до 4% чи більше Україні в найближчі два роки потрібно зберегти макроекономічну стабільність та завершити реформи стосовно створення ринку землі, оздоровлення фінансового сектора, протидії корупції та приватизації. «Всі ці реформи є необхідними, щоб стимулювати зростання інвестиції та продуктивності. Якщо проведення реформ затягнеться, то в умовах невизначеності економічне зростання може суттєво сповільнитися, а ризики неотримання необхідного зовнішнього фінансування суттєво зростуть», – попереджає Світовий банк у найновішому економічному огляді стосовно України. Реформи ж будуть важливим сигналом для покращення інвестиційних настроїв, допоможуть зберегти макроекономічну стабільність та забезпечать необхідне зовнішнє фінансування, вважає Світовий банк. «Прискорення економічного зростання необхідне для покращення рівня життя українців, які ще досі потерпають від наслідків кризи 2014–2015 років, – сказала Сату Кахконен, директор Світового банку у справах Білорусі, Молдови та України. – Для цього необхідно терміново, в найближчі місяці, завершити очікувані реформи, які допоможуть покращити інвестиційні настрої та гарантувати збереження макроекономічної стабільності». За оцінками Світового банку, економічне зростання в Україні прогнозується на рівні 3,5% у 2018 році, але за умови, якщо реформи у сферах протидії корупції, створення ринку землі, державних банків та приватизації проведуть у найближчі місяці. Це також буде важливим сигналом для інвесторів. Якщо проведення реформ затягнеться, то в умовах невизначеності економічне зростання може суттєво сповільнитися, а ризики неотримання необхідного зовнішнього фінансування суттєво зростуть. У 2018–2019 роках Україна може зіткнутися зі значними потребами у фінансуванні державного боргу, фіскальним викликами, пов’язаними зі зростаннями видатків на виплату заробітної плати та соціальної допомоги; мобілізація ж відповідного міжнародного фінансування важлива для підтримки макроекономічної стабільності, наголошує …

New Way of Defining Alzheimer’s Aims to Find Disease Sooner

Government and other scientists are proposing a new way to define Alzheimer’s disease basing it on biological signs, such as brain changes, rather than memory loss and other symptoms of dementia that are used today. The move is aimed at improving research, by using more objective criteria like brain scans to pick patients for studies and enroll them sooner in the course of their illness, when treatments may have more chance to help. But it’s too soon to use these scans and other tests in routine care, because they haven’t been validated for that yet, experts stress. For now, doctors will still rely on the tools they’ve long used to evaluate thinking skills to diagnose most cases. Regardless of what tests are used to make the diagnosis, the new definition will have a startling effect: Many more people will be considered to have Alzheimer’s, because the biological signs can show up 15 to 20 years before symptoms do. “The numbers will increase dramatically,” said Dr. Clifford R. Jack Jr., a Mayo Clinic brain imaging specialist. “There are a lot more cognitively normal people who have the pathology in the brain who will now be counted as having Alzheimer’s disease.” He led a panel of experts, working with the Alzheimer’s Association and the National Institute on Aging, that updated guidelines on the disease, published Tuesday in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.  About Alzheimer’s About 50 million people worldwide have dementia, and Alzheimer’s is the most common form. …

Російський ринок і рубль падають другий день поспіль

У Росії 10 квітня другий день поспіль триває падіння фондового ринку й національної валюти. Таким чином інвестори продовжують реагувати на запроваджені США 6 квітня санкції. Станом на 11:25 за Києвом провідний російський індекс РТС втрачає близько 3% – після того, як 9 квітня втрати склали понад 11%. Дешевшає також рубль – за долар дають уже понад 63 рублі, за євро – майже 78. 6 квітня Міністерство фінансів США запровадило нові санкції проти 24 російських чиновників та олігархів і 14 компаній, що належать державі, та наближеним до Кремля олігархам. …

«Укренерго» розпочинає спір із Росією через втрачені в Криму активи – Ковальчук

Національна енергетична компанія «Укренерго» розпочала інвестиційний спір із Росією через втрачені в окупованому Криму активи. Про це повідомив виконувач обов’язків генерального директора компанії Всеволод Ковальчук. «Кілька днів тому «Укренерго» вручило росіянам офіційне письмове повідомлення про інвестиційний спір щодо активів нашої компанії у Криму», – написав він у Facebook. Ковальчук додав, що листи отримали міністр закордонних справ Росію Сергій Лавров, міністр фінансів Антон Сілуанов, міністр юстиції Олександр Коновалов, прем’єр-міністр Дмитро Медведєв та президент Росії Володимир Путін. За його словами, «Укренерго» в цій справі представлятимуть юристи міжнародної юридичної компанії Covington & Burling, яка раніше в аналогічній справі надавала допомогу «Нафтогазу України». «Якщо нам не вдасться врегулювати спір мирним шляхом до кінця вересня, ми зможемо подати позов у Міжнародний арбітраж проти Росії, як це вже зробив «Нафтогаз». Наш позов буде стосуватися не лише майна, яке ми втратили через анексію півострова, але й доходів, які недоотримали через таку втрату… Тільки наша кримська електромережа коштує близько 1 мільярда доларів. Це тисячі ліній електропередачі, десятки електричних підстанцій та багато чого ще, не кажучи вже про два пансіонати, де раніше оздоровлювалися українські енергетики», – додав Ковальчук. Публічних коментарів російської сторони з цього приводу немає. «Укренерго» здійснює диспетчеризацію енергосистеми України і передає електроенергію від електростанцій до мереж енергопостачальних компаній. …

US Designers Use Repurposed Materials in High-End Interior Decor

Landfills around the world are getting overloaded with waste, much of it hazardous and slow to decompose. As it becomes increasingly difficult to find new places for discarded unwanted items, people around the world are looking for ways to re-use as much stuff as possible before throwing it away. Designers are embracing the trend and are increasingly using recycled materials in their new creations. …

China’s Xi Promises to Lower Tariffs this Year, Open Economy Further

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday promised to open the country’s economy further and lower import tariffs on products including cars, in a speech that comes amid rising trade tensions between China and the United States. Xi also said China would raise the foreign ownership limit in the automobile sector “as soon as possible” and push previously announced measures to open the financial sector. “This year, we will considerably reduce auto import tariffs, and at the same time reduce import tariffs on some other products,” Xi said at the Chinese Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan province. The comments sent U.S. stock futures, the dollar and Asian shares higher. They come amid rising trade tensions between China and the United States following a week of escalating tariff threats sparked by U.S. frustration with China’s trade and intellectual property policies. Xi said that China will take measures to sharply widen market access for foreign investors. China will also speed up opening of its insurance sector to foreign investors, Xi said. …

Busy Bees Turn Afghan Schoolgirl Into an Entrepreneur

In war-torn Afghanistan, honey is regarded as a traditional cure-all but for one schoolgirl, the sticky commodity has also created sweet opportunities to work and own a business in a country where few women do so. Three years ago, Frozan, now 19 years old, obtained a small loan, bought two beehives and learned about apiculture from Hand in Hand International, a non-governmental organization that focuses on poverty. The bees collected nectar from flowers growing near her home in the Marmul district in the northern Balkh province. Their first harvest produced about 16kg (35lb) of honey, which enabled Frozan to pay back her loan and still have money left over. She now has 12 beehives and last year collected 110kg of honey, which earned her 100,000 Afghanis ($1,450) in a country where GDP per capita is only about $600. “The village I live in is a traditional village and women are not allowed to work outside,” says Frozan, who goes by one name. “But when I started beekeeping I realized that it’s an easy task. I told the people about beekeeping and then they accepted it.” Since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, the lives and status of women in society have improved significantly. But traditions, insecurity and recently a decline in international donors, have slowed progress. A Human Rights Watch report, quoting government officials, says 85 percent of the 3.5 million children who don’t go to school are girls. Only 37 percent of adolescent girls are literate compared with …

Iran Unifies Official and Open Market Exchange Rates as Rial Hit New Low

Iran unified the country’s official and open market exchange rates, state media said, after its currency, the rial, plunged to an all-time low on Monday on concerns over a return of crippling sanctions. The U.S. dollar jumped in a day from 54,700 rials to 60,000 rials in the open market in Tehran on Monday. A dollar was worth 36,000 rials in mid-September. After an emergency cabinet meeting, Iran’s First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri was quoted by the state media as saying that from Tuesday the price of the dollar would be 42,000 rials in both markets, and for all business activities. Iran has long been trying to unify its open market rate, used for most commercial transactions, with the official rate, which is a subsidized rate that is only available to government departments and some importers of priority goods. Jahangiri said from Tuesday the government would not recognize any rate but the official rate, and “it would be illegal to trade dollars with an unofficial rate.” U.S. sanctions lifted under Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers in 2015 will resume unless U.S. President Donald Trump waives them again on May 12. Trump has effectively set that as a deadline for European powers to fix what he called “the terrible flaws” of the deal. President Hassan Rouhani warned on Monday that Trump will regret it if he pulls out of the nuclear deal. …

Jaw Fossil From English Beach Belongs to Monstrous Marine Reptile

A jawbone fossil found on a rocky English beach belongs to one of the biggest marine animals on record, a type of seagoing reptile called an ichthyosaur that scientists estimated at up to 85 feet (26 meters) long – approaching the size of a blue whale. Scientists said on Monday this ichthyosaur, which appears to be the largest marine reptile ever discovered, lived 205 million years ago at the end of the Triassic Period, dominating the oceans just as dinosaurs were becoming the undisputed masters on land. The bone, called a surangular, was part of its lower jaw. The researchers estimated the animal’s length by comparing this surangular to the same bone in the largest ichthyosaur skeleton ever found, a species called Shonisaurus sikanniensis from British Columbia that was 69 feet (21 meters) long. The newly discovered bone was 25 percent larger. “This bone belonged to a giant,” said University of Manchester paleontologist Dean Lomax. “The entire carcass was probably very similar to a whale fall in which a dead whale drops to the bottom of the sea floor, where an entire ecosystem of animals feeds on the carcass for a very long time. After that, bones become separated, and we suspect that’s what happened to our isolated bone.” Fossil collector Paul de la Salle, affiliated with the Etches Collection in Dorset, England, found the bone in 2016 at Lilstock on England’s Somerset coast along the Bristol Channel. “The structure was in the form of growth rings, like that of …

Fossil Human Finger from Saudi Desert is 90,000 Years Old

A fossil finger bone dating back about 90,000 years that was unearthed in Saudi Arabia’s Nefud Desert is pointing to what scientists are calling a new understanding of how our species came out of Africa en route to colonizing the world. Researchers said on Monday the middle bone of an adult’s middle finger found at site called Al Wusta is the oldest Homo sapiens fossil outside of Africa and the immediately adjacent eastern Mediterranean Levant region, as well as the first ancient human fossil from the Arabian peninsula. While the Nefud Desert is now a veritable sea of sand, it was hospitable when this individual lived – a grasslands teeming with wildlife alongside a freshwater lake. Our species first appeared in Africa roughly 300,000 years ago. Scientists previously thought Homo sapiens departed Africa in a single, rapid migration some 60,000 years ago, journeying along the coastlines and subsisting on marine resources, said anthropologist Michael Petraglia of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany. This fossil of an intermediate phalanx bone, 1.2 inches (3.2 cm) long, suggests our species exited Africa far earlier. “This supports a model not of a single rapid dispersal out of Africa 60,000 years ago, but a much more complicated scenario of migration. And this find, together with other finds in the last few years, suggests … Homo sapiens is moving out of Africa multiple times during many windows of opportunity during the last 100,000 years or so,” Petraglia said. The discovery …

New Projects in Brazil’s Amazon? Not Without Congressional Approval, says Court

Brazil’s government has been told that development projects, including hydropower dams, in protected areas can no longer go ahead without the prior approval of lawmakers. Last week’s ruling by the supreme court followed the use by the government in recent years of the controversial “provisional measure”, a legal instrument that allowed the president to approve projects by reducing the size of protected areas. Campaigners said the decision should ensure the country’s forests and reserves, including the Amazon rainforest, were better protected. “This decision puts an end to a spree of provisional measures in the name of environmental de-protection,” said Mauricio Guetta, a lawyer at Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), an advocacy group. In recent years, the government has used the measure to open up protected areas for controversial projects, including building two of Brazil’s largest hydropower dams – the Jirau and Santo Antonio – in the Amazon. The use of the measure to shrink protected areas with immediate effect had brought “irreversible consequences, irreversible damage to the environment,” Guetta told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone. The eight-judge bench ruled unanimously that using the provisional measure to reduce the size of protected areas for any reason was unconstitutional.   It followed a lawsuit in which the court heard the measure had been used in 2012 to allow trees in six protected areas of the Amazon to be felled to make way for five hydropower dams. “The (provisional measure), later converted into law, reduced the level of environmental protection by deactivating due legislative …

Apple: All Its Facilities Now Powered by Clean Energy

Apple on Monday said it had achieved its goal of powering all of the company’s facilities with renewable energy, a milestone that includes all of its data centers, offices and retail stores in 43 countries. The iPhone maker also said nine suppliers had recently committed to running their operations entirely on renewable energy sources like wind and solar, bringing to 23 the total number to make such a pledge. Major U.S. corporations such as Apple, Wal-Mart and Alphabet have become some of the country’s biggest buyers of renewable forms of energy, driving substantial growth in the wind and solar industries. Alphabet’s Google last year purchased enough renewable energy to cover all of its electricity consumption worldwide. Costs for solar and wind are plunging thanks to technological advances and increased global production of panels and turbines, enabling companies seeking to green their images to buy clean power at competitive prices. “We’re not spending any more than we would have,” Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president for environment, policy and social initiatives, said in an interview. “We’re seeing the benefits of an increasingly competitive clean energy market.” Renewable energy projects that provide power to Apple facilities range from large wind farms in the United States to clusters of hundreds of rooftop solar systems in Japan and Singapore. The company has also urged utilities to procure renewable energy to help power Apple’s operations. Encouraging suppliers to follow suit in embracing 100 percent renewable energy is the next step for Apple. The suppliers that pledge …

Pakistan Launches Countrywide Polio Eradication Drive

Pakistan launched a nationwide polio vaccination drive this week to try to reach 38.7 million children and eradicate the paralyzing and potentially deadly virus in one of the last countries where it is endemic. Nearly 260,000 volunteers and workers fanned out across Pakistan in an effort to vaccinate every child below the age of five in a week-long campaign, Pakistan’s national coordinator on polio, Mohammad Safdar, said. “We’re really very close to eradicating the disease,” Safdar told Reuters, appealing to the people to cooperate with the door-to-door effort. Pakistan is one of only three countries in the world, along with Afghanistan and Nigeria, that suffers from endemic polio, a childhood virus that can cause paralysis or death. In 2018, Pakistan has had just one polio case, reported last month, Safdar said. The number of cases has steadily declined since 2014 when 306 were reported. Last year, there were only eight cases, he said. Efforts to eradicate the disease have been undermined by opposition from the Taliban and other Islamist militants, who say immunization is a foreign ploy to sterilise Muslim children or a cover for Western spies. In January, gunmen killed a mother-and-daughter vaccination team working in the southwestern province of Baluchistan, where the year’s only case so far was later reporter. Three years earlier, 15 people were killed in a bombing by the Pakistani Taliban outside a polio vaccination center in Baluchistan. Polio teams working on Monday were undeterred. “Yes we feel threatened, but our work is like this,” …

Smartphones Could Help Measure Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms

An experimental smartphone application could monitor changes in Parkinson’s disease symptoms throughout the day, sending data to doctors to help them treat patients, U.S. researchers say. “Like diabetes, Parkinson’s has variability and symptom fluctuations, which can also vary the treatment. We can’t measure these fluctuations at home, and you can only do so many measurements in the clinic,” said senior study author Suchi Saria of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. The app developed by Saria and her colleagues asks patients to complete five tasks that assess speech, finger tapping, gait, balance and reaction time. From that, it generates a “mobile Parkinson’s Disease score,” which doctors can use to assess symptom severity and adjust medication, the team writes in JAMA Neurology. Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects dopamine-producing nerve cells in the brain. Symptoms include tremors, body stiffness, slow movement and difficulty walking. “This new development is very exciting because this wasn’t feasible even a few years ago,” Saria said in a telephone interview. “Patients seem eager, willing and curious to do this with their phones.” The researchers developed their app, HopkinsPD, for Android smartphones to assess performance on the five tasks as often as patients want to use the app. The mobile score is based on the types of assessments usually done in doctor’s offices. To test the app and the scoring system, the researchers recruited 129 patients who completed more than 6,000 smartphone assessments. Scores ranged from 0 to 100, with higher numbers indicating more severe symptoms. …

Rice Breeders Report ‘Eye-Popping’ Productivity Gains

The grain that feeds half the world may have taken a big leap forward. Scientists report the biggest improvements in rice productivity in decades. If the results hold up in further tests, it could greatly increase harvests of a critical staple crop at a time when global population growing rapidly. Researchers found one version of a gene that increased the number of branches in the flowering part of the plant. Each plant produced more rice as a result. They used conventional breeding to introduce this gene version into five rice varieties. These varieties produced from 28 to 85 percent more rice than the parent strains, according to a new study in the journal Nature Scientific Reports. That’s an “eye-popping” yield increase, said University of Arkansas rice breeder Xueyan Sha, who was not involved with this research. Normally, he added, “if we can achieve 6 percent, we can probably consider it a great achievement.” Cautious optimism Rice yields have not improved much since the 1960s “Green Revolution.” That’s when breeders found a gene that made plants shorter and less likely to fall over and therefore able to hold more rice grains. Farmers called the new variety “miracle rice” for its dramatic yield gains. Experts say big increases in food production will be needed to feed the additional two billion or so people expected on the planet by 2050. The new research was a small-scale, controlled experiment, Sha noted, and it’s not clear how the results will hold up in farmers’ fields. …

China: US Trade Talks Currently ‘Impossible’

China’s Foreign Ministry said Monday that trade talks with the United States are impossible under current conditions. The comment from spokesman Geng Shuang during a briefing with reporters came a day after U.S. President Donald Trump predicted there would be a resolution of the U.S.-China standoff on tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of goods the world’s two biggest economies are threatening to impose on each other. “China will take down its Trade Barriers because it is the right thing to do,” Trump said, without offering any direct information. “Taxes will become Reciprocal & a deal will be made on Intellectual Property. Great future for both countries!” Regardless, Trump said that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping “will always be friends, no matter what happens with our dispute on trade.” The threats Washington and Beijing have lobbed at each other in recent days have rattled world stock markets, with wide swings of hundreds of points in stock indexes. U.S. stocks plunged more than 2 percent Friday after Trump threatened to impose tariffs on an additional $100 billion worth of Chinese goods beyond the $50 billion worth of products he had already said would be affected. Beijing responded in kind, saying it would impose tariffs on U.S. goods “until the end at any cost.” Both countries have published lists of goods they intend to tax, with the U.S. hitting steel and aluminum imports from China, along with aerospace, tech and machinery goods. Other levies would target medical equipment, medicine and …