SunPower Corp. on Wednesday said it would buy U.S. solar panel maker SolarWorld Americas, expanding its domestic manufacturing as it seeks to stem the impact of Trump administration tariffs on panel imports. The White House cheered the deal, saying it was proof that Trump’s trade policies were stimulating U.S. investment. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. The news sent SunPower’s shares up 12 percent on the Nasdaq to their highest level since before President Donald Trump imposed 30 percent tariffs on imported solar panels in January. “The time is right for SunPower to invest in U.S. manufacturing,” chief executive Tom Werner said in a statement. SunPower is based in San Jose, California, but most of its manufacturing is in the Philippines and Mexico. The company had lobbied heavily against the solar trade case brought last year by U.S. manufacturers, including SolarWorld, which said they could not compete with a flood of cheap imports. ‘This is great news’ The deal is a win for the Trump administration’s efforts to revive U.S. solar manufacturing through the tariffs. SunPower will manufacture its cheaper “P-series” panels, which more directly compete with Chinese products, at the SolarWorld factory in Hillsboro, Oregon, it said. It will also make SolarWorld’s legacy products. “This is great news for the hundreds of Americans working at SolarWorld’s factory in Oregon and is further proof that the president’s trade policies are bringing investment back to the United States,” White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters said in an emailed statement. The announcement comes as SunPower is seeking an exemption from tariffs on its higher-priced, more efficient panels manufactured overseas. It has …
Britain to Ban Sale of Plastic Straws in Bid to Fight Waste
Britain plans to ban the sale of plastic straws and other single-use products and is pressing Commonwealth allies to also take action to tackle marine waste, the office of Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May said. It said drink stirrers and cotton buds would also be banned under the plans. May has pledged to eradicate avoidable plastic waste by 2042 as part of a “national plan of action.” “Plastic waste is one of the greatest environmental challenges facing the world, which is why protecting the marine environment is central to our agenda at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting,” May said in a statement ahead of a Commonwealth summit Thursday. Leaders from the Commonwealth — a network of 53 countries, mostly former British colonies — are meeting in London this week. May is looking to deepen ties to the Commonwealth as Britain seeks to boost trade and carve out a new role in the world ahead of the country’s departure from the European Union in March next year. Britain will commit 61.4 million pounds ($87.21 million) at the summit to develop new ways of tackling plastic waste and help Commonwealth countries limit how much plastic ends up in the ocean. “We are rallying Commonwealth countries to join us in the fight against marine plastic,” May said. “Together we can effect real change so that future generations can enjoy a natural environment that is healthier than we currently find it.” The statement said environment minister Michael Gove would launch a consultation later …
Summit Urges Global Response to Malaria Resurgence
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has invested billions of dollars into tackling malaria. It has paid off. Deaths from the disease fell by more than 60 percent between 2000 and 2015, meaning 7 million lives were saved. In 2016, however, that trend was reversed. There were more than 216 million reported cases in 91 countries — an increase of 5 million from the previous year. On the sidelines of this week’s London Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Gates told delegates, including several African leaders, the fight against malaria must be stepped up. “If we do not keep innovating, we will go backwards,” he said. “If we do not maintain the commitments that we are making here today, malaria would go back up and kill over a million children a year, because the drugs and the insecticides are evaded by the mosquito and the parasite.” WATCH: Fears Grow as Malaria Resurges; London Summit Urges Global Action Malaria is estimated to cost the African economy more than $12 billion per year and consumes up to 40 percent of national health care budgets on the continent. Children and pregnant women are most severely affected. Several factors The increase in cases is caused by a number of factors, professor Alister Craig of the University of Liverpool’s School of Tropical Medicine said via Skype. “We are seeing quite dramatic increases in the resistance to the insecticides that we use to control the insect vector populations, and that has been really the mainstay of the gains, and …
Malawi Can Eradicate HIV Infections, Says US Doctor Who Discovered AIDS Virus
Malawi, which has one of the highest rates of the deadly HIV/AIDS infections, is on course to eradicate the virus, Jay Levy who co-discovered the AIDS virus 35 years ago said. Most of the AIDS cases globally are in poorer countries, where access to testing, prevention and treatment is limited. More than one million people in Malawi have the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS, the U.N. AIDS agency (UNAIDS) says. However, according to official figures, Malawi’s national HIV/AIDS prevalence dropped to 8.8 percent in 2016 from 30 percent in 1985 when the first HIV/Aids case was registered in Malawi. Levy cited the Malawian government’s efforts in increasing access to treatment, mother to child transmission interventions, and awareness on prevention and treatment as some of the steps that are helping to fight the disease. “Malawi is not a rich country, but has done a remarkable job of reducing HIV infections and deaths from AIDS,” Levy, a University of California researcher and renowned virologist and infectious disease expert told Reuters on a visit to Malawi. “Malawi could be one of the countries in Africa on target to eradicating infection,” he added. Levy delivered a lecture at College of Medicine in Blantyre, the nerve center for HIV/AIDS research in Malawi, and is touring HIV testing centers in the countryside. Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries, and the country’s economy depends on substantial inflows of economic assistance from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and individual donor nations. In 2016, …
US Manufacturers Seek Relief From Steel, Aluminum Tariffs
President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imported aluminum and steel are disrupting business for hundreds of American companies that buy those metals, and many are pressing for relief. Nearly 2,200 companies are asking the Commerce Department to exempt them from the 25 percent steel tariff, and more than 200 other companies are asking to be spared the 10 percent aluminum tariff. Other companies are weighing their options. Jody Fledderman, chief executive of Batesville Tool & Die in Indiana, said American steelmakers have already raised their prices since Trump’s tariffs were announced last month. Fledderman said he might have to shift production to a plant in Mexico, where he can buy cheaper steel. A group of small- and medium-size manufacturers are gathering in Washington to announce a coalition to fight the steel tariff. …
Merkel Wants European Monetary Fund With National Oversight: Sources
German Chancellor Angela Merkel backs the idea of a European Monetary Fund, provided national governments have sufficient oversight, sources close to her said before a visit by the French president. President Emmanuel Macron, who will meet Merkel in Berlin on Thursday, is pushing hard for bold euro zone reforms to defend the 19-member currency bloc against any repeat of the financial crisis that took hold in 2009 and threatened to tear it apart. His vision includes turning Europe’s existing ESM bailout fund into a European Monetary Fund (EMF). At one point, Macron also suggested the zone should have its own budget worth hundreds of billions of euros, an idea that does not sit well with Germany. Merkel told lawmakers from her conservative bloc on Tuesday that she favored the EMF concept as long as member states retain scrutiny over the body, participants at the meeting said. “It’s not that one side is putting the brakes on and the other pushing ahead,” one of the participants at Tuesday’s meeting said. “We want to find a good reform path together.” German conservatives worry that an EMF could fall under the purview of the European Commission and could use German taxpayers’ money to fund profligate states. They also fear the Bundestag, Germany’s lower house of parliament, would lose its ability to veto euro zone aid packages. Merkel told the meeting that an EMF should be incorporated into European law via a change in the EU treaty, though she did not make this a …
НБУ створив відкритий реєстр керівників українських банків
Національний банк України заявив про створення реєстрів керівників банків, а також керівників та власників істотної участі в банках, які були ліквідовані не з ініціативи їх власників. У реєстрах повідомляється імена цих людей, найменування банку, посада, яку ці люди обіймали, код банку та період часу, протягом якого ця особа там працювала. Джерелом інформації для реєстру стала інформація, яку банки надавали НБУ, йдеться у повідомленні. Нині на сайті Фонду гарантування вкладів фізичних осіб мовиться про 92 банки, які перебувають у процесі ліквідації. Фонд раніше повідомляв, що до правоохоронних органів упродовж 2014-2016 років подано 3346 заяв про вчинення кримінальних правопорушень у банківській сфері на суму збитків понад 281 мільярд гривень. За даними фонду, 80% від балансової вартості активів неплатоспроможних банків (365,9 мільярда гривень) – це кредити, а майже весь кредитний портфель (90%) неплатоспроможних банків є проблемним і не обслуговується. …
Відтепер «Укрпошта» зможе обслуговувати клієнтів з використанням платіжних карток – НБУ
Національний банк України зареєстрував договори про участь «Укрпошти» в міжнародних платіжних системах Visa та MasterCard, відтепер «Укрпошта» зможе обслуговувати клієнтів із використанням платіжних карток, повідомила прес-служба НБУ. «Укрпошта» має понад 11 тисяч відділень. Таке рішення дасть змогу розширити платіжну інфраструктуру для здійснення безготівкових платежів. Крім того, цей крок є дуже важливим для побудови в нашій державі cashless economy (безготівкової економіки – ред.) та збільшення обсягів безготівкових розрахунків, особливо в невеликих містах і селах, де зараз переважають розрахунки готівкою», – заявив директор департаменту платіжних систем та інноваційного розвитку НБУ Олександр Яблунівський. Також Національний банк України ухвалив рішення надати ліцензію на переказ коштів у національній валюті без відкриття рахунків, зазначила прес-служба регулятора. …
Уряд поновив роботу антирейдерських штабів для фермерів – Петренко
Міністр юстиції України Павло Петренко повідомив про поновлення роботи створених минулого року антирейдерських штабів для українських аграріїв. Про це він сказав під час засідання уряду, зазначивши, що за 4 місяці роботи згаданих штабів минулого року розглянули майже 500 звернень українських фермерів. «І серед цих звернень, окрім фактів юридичних, скажемо так, порушень з боку рейдерів, фіксувалися шахрайство, мародерство і навіть грабежі», – заявив міністр. Окрім того, за словами Петренка, фермерам надавалась правова допомога з оформленням документів, аби ті не стали жертвою шахраїв, а також запровадили декілька технічних рішень, щоб запобігти подвійній реєстрації земельних ділянок. Під час роботи штабів співпрацювали Мін’юст, Нацполіція, Генпрокуратура, Держгеокадастр та органи місцевої влади, зазначив він. Відповідно до рейтингу, який укладає Всесвітній економічний форум, за захищеністю економіки від впливу криміналу Україна цього року посіла 113 місце зі 137 країн, охоплених рейтингом. …
Уряд затвердив бюджетну резолюцію: в 2019 році очікують курс – 30,5 гривень за долар США
Кабінет міністрів України затвердив бюджетну резолюцію на 2019-2021 роки. Це рішення схвалили в ході засідання уряду. Згідно з документом, в 2019 році очікується зростання ВВП на 3,6% в 2019 році, інфляція на рівні 6,5%, зростання цін виробників на 7,2%, а курс гривні – 30,5 гривень за долар США. Номінальний ВВП прогнозується на рівні 3 733,9 мільярда гривень, а безробіття – 8,9%. Бюджетна резолюція – постанова Верховної Ради України, що визначає основні напрями бюджетної політики на наступний бюджетний рік. Бюджетна резолюція розробляється урядом. Минулого року Кабмін вирішив змінити підхід – перейти до середньострокового бюджетування, не на один рік, а на три. …
Training Surgeons to Perform Robotic Surgery
Since 2000, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave approval to the world’s first robotic surgical system, almost 4,000 of these sophisticated machines have been deployed in operating suites around the world. Recognizing that the proficiency of the surgeons who use them can be subjective, a group of surgeons at the University of Southern California, in cooperation with the manufacturer Intuitive Research, is developing a system for more objective evaluation. VOA’s George Putic reports. …
EU Pushes to Approve Japan Trade Deal
The European Commission will put forward a proposed free-trade agreement with Japan for fast-track approval Wednesday, hoping to avoid a repeat of the public protests that nearly derailed a trade pact with Canada two years ago. The European Union and Japan concluded negotiations to create the world’s largest economic area in December, signaling their rejection of the protectionist stance of U.S. President Donald Trump. Now they want to see it go into force. The agreement would remove EU tariffs of 10 percent on Japanese cars and the 3 percent rate for most car parts. It would also scrap Japanese duties of some 30 percent on EU cheese and 15 percent on wines, and secure access to large public tenders in Japan. Canada deal memories The commission, which negotiates trade agreements for the EU, will present its proposals to the 28 EU members, along with another planned trade agreement with Singapore. EU countries, the European Parliament, and the Japanese parliament will have to give their assent before the trade pact can start. The EU is mindful of protests against and criticism of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in 2016, which culminated in a region of Belgium threatening to destroy the deal. It provisionally entered force last September. Both Brussels and Tokyo want to ensure the agreement can enter force early in 2019, ideally before Britain leaves the EU at the end of March. If it does, it could apply automatically to Britain during a transition period until the …
Chinese City Turns to Wind Power Lottery
The city of Yanan, a major wind power base in northwest China’s Shaanxi province, has introduced a lottery system to decide which wind projects will go ahead this year, a sign that grid constraints are forcing local governments to restrict capacity. China has been aggressively developing alternative power as part of its efforts to cut pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Grid-connected wind power reached 163.7 gigawatts (GW) last year, up 10.1 percent on the year and amounting to 9.2 percent of total generating capacity. But capacity expansion has outpaced grid construction, and large numbers of wind, solar and hydropower plants are unable to deliver all their power to consumers as a result of transmission deficiencies, a problem known as curtailment. Grid constraints According to a Yanan planning agency notice seen by Reuters, the city was given permission to build 900 megawatts of wind capacity this year, but 1,300 megawatts (or 1.3 GW) have already been declared eligible for construction, forcing authorities to whittle the total number of projects. “After study it was decided that the lottery method should be used to determine what plans will be submitted (for approval) to the provincial development and reform commission,” it said. The authenticity of the document was confirmed by a local municipal government official. He declined to give his name or provide details. China aims to raise the share of non-fossil fuels in its total energy mix to around 15 percent by the end of the decade, up from 12 percent in 2015. …
Venezuela Arrests Two Chevron Executives Amid Oil Purge
Chevron said on Tuesday two of its executives were arrested in Venezuela, a rare move likely to spook foreign energy firms still operating in the OPEC nation stricken by hyperinflation, shortages and crime. Venezuelan Sebin intelligence agents burst into the Petropiar joint venture’s office in the coastal city of Puerto La Cruz on Monday and arrested the two Venezuelan employees for alleged wrongdoing, a half-dozen sources with knowledge of the detentions told Reuters. Venezuela’s Information Ministry and state oil company PDVSA did not respond to a request for information about the detentions, which come amid a crackdown on alleged graft in the oil sector. One of the detainees, Carlos Algarra, is a Venezuelan chemical engineer and expert in oil upgrading whom Chevron had brought in from its Argentina operations. The other, Rene Vasquez, is a procurement adviser, according to his LinkedIn profile. Arrests comfirmed The U.S. company confirmed the arrests, which are believed to be the first to affect a foreign oil company’s direct employees. “Chevron Global Technology Services Company is aware that two of its Venezuelan-based employees have been arrested by local authorities,” Chevron said in a statement. “We have contacted the local authorities to understand the basis of the detention and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of these employees. Our legal team is evaluating the situation and working towards the timely release of these employees.” Disagreements lead to arrests A Chevron spokeswoman declined to provide further details on the case or the status of its operations. The …
US Commerce Secretary: Trade with Latin America Could Grow
VOA’s Celia Mendoza interviewed U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas in Peru. This is an edited transcript of that interview. Question: Secretary Ross, tell us what the importance is for the United States to do business with Latin America, especially now that we have a global market and China is trying to come into the region. China has been arriving in the past few years, bringing more investment and starting to bring more goods and services to the region. Wilbur Ross: The U.S. has 12 of its foreign trade agreements, free trade agreements with Latin America. That is 12 out of the 20 that we have, so the majority of our trade arrangements are with Latin America. Second, Latin America exports far more to us than it does to China, and third, Latin America has a surplus with the U.S. and a deficit with China, in fact the surplus with us is almost twice the deficit that the region has with China. Question: In the past few weeks, we have talked about tariffs, we have talked about the exchange of goods, but recently we learned that Argentina might be one of those countries that might be buying pork from the United States. How does that affect that exchange? Ross: We’ve been having very constructive dialogues with Argentina. President [Mauricio] Macri and President [Donald] Trump have a very good working relationship and so we are exploring all sorts of things, bilateral things, …
As Congressional Republicans Push for 2nd Tax Vote, Democrats Say ‘Let’s See’
Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress are moving forward with a plan to vote before the 2018 midterm elections on a bill to make permanent the temporary individual tax cuts in their recent tax overhaul. It is not yet clear, however, if the plan would pick up support from Democrats, whose votes would be needed to pass legislation in the Senate. The Republican tax law, approved in December without Democratic support, permanently cut the top corporate rate to 21 percent from 35 percent and created a permanent deduction for pass-through businesses. It created lower rates and new credits for individuals, but those expire at the end of 2025. Democrats have said the tax code rewrite favors businesses and the wealthy, and that working-class taxpayers will see little benefit in their paychecks. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said last week that the tax bill, as written, is projected to add $1.9 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. “We fully intend to make these things permanent, and that’s something we’ll be acting on later this year,” House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters on Tuesday, referring to the individual rates. Making the individual cuts permanent after 2025 would cost an additional $1.5 trillion over the next decade, according to a Tax Foundation analysis of data from the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, asked if he would hold a vote, said that if Democrats are interested, “that’s something we ought to take a look at.” But …
Global Leaders Seek to Reignite Fight Against Deadly Malaria
Renewed action and boosted funding to fight malaria could prevent 350 million cases of the disease in the next five years and save 650,000 lives across commonwealth countries, health experts said Wednesday. Seeking to reignite efforts to wipe out the deadly mosquito-borne disease, philanthropists, business leaders and ministers from donor and malaria-affected countries pledged 2.7 billion pounds ($3.8 billion) to drive research and innovation and improve access to malaria prevention and treatments. Spearheaded by Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates, the leaders warned against complacency in fighting malaria — a disease that kills around half a million people, mainly babies and young children, each year. While enormous progress has been made over the past 20 years in reducing malaria cases and deaths, in 2016, for the first time in a decade, the number of malaria cases was on the rise and in some areas there was a resurgence, according to the World Health Organization. The disease’s stubbornness is partly due to the fact that the mosquito that transmits the disease and the parasite that causes it have developed resistance to the sprays and drugs used to fight them, health experts say. It is also partly due to stagnant global funding for fighting malaria since 2010. Climate change and conflict can also exacerbate malaria outbreaks. “History has shown that with malaria there is no standing still — we move forward or risk resurgence,” Gates said in a statement ahead of a “Malaria Summit” in London on Wednesday. $1 billion extra pledged His …
US Drug Agency Wants Tighter Rules on Making Opioids
The U.S. government on Tuesday proposed tightening rules governing the amount of prescription opioid painkillers that drugmakers can manufacture in a given year, in hopes of reining in the deadly opioid epidemic. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Drug Enforcement Administration’s proposed changes to regulations covering addictive-drug manufacturing quotas. The plan could sharply reduce the annual production of painkillers. “Under this proposed new rule, if DEA believes that a company’s opioids are being diverted for misuse, then they will reduce the amount of opioids that company can make,” Sessions said in prepared remarks. The plan could affect opioid makers such as Purdue Pharma LP, Johnson & Johnson, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries and Mallinckrodt, as well as companies that distribute the drugs. Hours before the announcement, federal, state and local law enforcement officials in West Virginia announced a crackdown on an opioid trafficking ring in Huntington, known as “ground zero” for the epidemic. West Virginia sued the DEA in December over drug quota rules, arguing the agency’s policy wrongfully sets manufacturing quotas based on amounts of pills drugmakers expect to sell, not legitimate medical needs. That approach, the state argued, has contributed to the growing addiction problem and the illegal diversion of pain medication. “We must end senseless death in West Virginia,” said the state’s attorney general, Patrick Morrisey. West Virginia is among the states that have suffered most from the crisis. National emergency declared The Trump administration has made combating the opioid epidemic a top priority. Last year, Trump declared it a national …
Bat Key to Tequila Trade Taken Off US Endangered Species List
Wildlife managers in the American Southwest say a once-rare bat important to the pollination of plants used to produce tequila has made a comeback and is being removed from the U.S. endangered species list. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s announcement Tuesday made the lesser long-nosed bat, which ranges from Mexico to southern Arizona and New Mexico, the first bat ever removed from the nation’s list of threatened and endangered species. The decision comes a year after first being proposed and three years after Mexico delisted the animal, which depends on the nectar of agaves, cactuses and other flowering plants. It has taken 30 years of conservation efforts by biologists and volunteers in both countries as well as tequila producers and agave growers in Mexico to rebuild a healthy population. There were once thought to be fewer than 1,000 lesser long-nosed bats in 14 known roosts throughout the region. Now, there are about 200,000 of the nectar-feeding animals and dozens of roost sites. With the population trending upward, regional officials with the Fish and Wildlife Service say the science shows threats to the bat have been eliminated or reduced to the point where they can consider the species recovered. In Mexico, tequila producers who rely on agaves are integrating more harvest and cultivation practices in recognition of the bats being key pollinators. Some are marketing “bat-friendly tequila.” In southern Arizona, residents for a decade have monitored bats’ nighttime use of hummingbird feeders. It provided biologists with a clearer understanding of …
Man With 3 Faces: Frenchman Gets 2nd Face Transplant
In a medical first, a French surgeon says he has performed a second face transplant on the same patient — who is now doing well and even spent a recent weekend in Brittany. Dr. Laurent Lantieri of the Georges Pompidou hospital in Paris first transplanted a new face onto Jerome Hamon in 2010, when Hamon was in his mid-30s. But after getting ill in 2015, Hamon was given drugs that interfered with the anti-rejection medicines he was taking for his face transplant. Last November, the tissue in his transplanted face began to die, leading Lantieri to remove it. That left Hamon without a face, a condition that Lantieri described as “the walking dead.” Hamon had no eyelids, no ears, no skin and could not speak or eat. He had limited hearing and could express himself only by turning his head slightly, in addition to writing a little. “If you have no skin, you have infections,” Lantieri told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “We were very concerned about the possibility of a new rejection.” In January, when a second face donor for Hamon became available, Lantieri and his team performed a second face transplant. But before undergoing the second transplant, doctors had to replace all of the blood in Hamon’s body in a monthlong procedure to eliminate some potentially worrisome antibodies from previous treatments. “For a man who went through all this, which is like going through a nuclear war, he’s doing fine,” Lantieri said. He added that Hamon is now …
Study: Diamond From the Sky May Have Come From ‘Lost Planet’
Fragments of a meteorite that fell to Earth about a decade ago provide compelling evidence of a lost planet that once roamed our solar system, according to a study published Tuesday. Researchers from Switzerland, France and Germany examined diamonds found inside the Almahata Sitta meteorite and concluded they were most likely formed by a proto-planet at least 4.55 billion years ago. The diamonds in the meteorite, which crashed in Sudan’s Nubian Desert in October 2008, have tiny crystals inside them that would have required great pressure to form, said one of the study’s co-authors, Philippe Gillet. “We demonstrate that these large diamonds cannot be the result of a shock but rather of growth that has taken place within a planet,” he told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Switzerland. Gillet, a planetary scientist at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, said researchers calculated a pressure of 200,000 bar (2.9 million psi) would be needed to form such diamonds, suggesting the mystery planet was as least as big as Mercury, possibly even Mars. Scientists have long theorized that the early solar system once contained many more planets — some of which were likely little more than a mass of molten magma. One of these embryo planets — dubbed Theia — is believed to have slammed into a young Earth, ejecting a large amount of debris that later formed the moon. “What we’re claiming here,” said Gillet, “is that we have in our hands a remnant of this first …
More Than 100 Parts for NASA’s Orion Capsule to Be 3-D Printed
More than 100 parts for U.S. space agency NASA’s deep-space capsule Orion will be made by 3-D printers, using technology that experts say will eventually become key to efforts to send humans to Mars. U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin, 3-D printing specialist Stratasys, and engineering firm PADT have developed the parts using new materials that can withstand the extreme temperatures and chemical exposure of deep-space missions, Stratasys said Tuesday. “In space, for instance, materials will build up a charge. If that was to shock the electronics on a space craft, there could be significant damage,” Scott Sevcik, Vice President Manufacturing Solutions at Stratasys told Reuters. 3-D printing, or additive manufacturing, has been used for making prototypes across a range of industries for many years, but is being increasingly eyed for scale production. The technology can help make light-weight parts made of plastics more quickly and cheaply than traditional assembly lines that require major investments into equipment. “But even more significant is that we have more freedom with the design … parts can look more organic, more skeletal,” Sevcik said. Stratasys’ partner Lockheed Martin said the use of 3-D printing on the Orion project would also pay off at other parts of its business. “We look to apply benefits across our programs — missile defense, satellites, planetary probes, especially as we create more and more common products,” said Brian Kaplun, additive manufacturing manager at Lockheed Martin Space. Orion is part of NASA’s follow-up program to the now-retired space shuttles that will …
МВФ погіршив прогноз зростання ВВП України у 2019 році
Міжнародний валютний фонд погіршив прогноз зростання валового внутрішнього продукту України у 2019 році до 3,3%, йдеться в огляді світової економіки, оприлюдненому МВФ 17 квітня. Раніше у фонді прогнозували, що ріст ВВП України у 2019 році складе 4%. Водночас МВФ зберіг прогноз росту ВВП на 2018 рік на рівні 3,2%. У Міжнародному валютному фонді вважають, що темпи інфляції у 2018 році прискоряться до 11%, а в 2019 році вони складуть 8%. Уряд, зі свого боку, прогнозував, що ВВП України у 2018 році зростатиме на 3%, у 2019 році – на 3,6% і в 2020 році – на 4%. Також Кабінет міністрів давав свій прогноз щодо інфляції: у 2018 році передбачалося уповільнення інфляції до 7%, у 2019-му – до 5,9% і в 2020 – до 5%. …
IMF: World Economy Expands Next 2 Years; Growth Fades After 2020
International Monetary Fund experts say the global economy will continue growing well for the next two years, but expect expansion to slow after 2020. IMF research director Maurice Obstfeld said Tuesday fading trade could hurt growth and, “The first shots in a potential trade war have now been fired.” He repeated a warning the international rules that nurtured “unprecedented” economic growth after World War II are at risk of being “torn apart.” Many economists worry that Trump administration efforts to slap tariffs on China and other U.S. trading partners are sparking retaliatory taxes on U.S.-made products that raise the cost of trading and hurt demand, stifling economic growth. Administration officials disagree, and insist their trade and tax policies will boost growth and not spark soaring deficits. Trade squabbles are a key issue this week as top economic officials and experts gather from 189 nations in Washington for meetings of the IMF and the World Bank. Obstfeld and his colleagues are also worried that efforts to stimulate economic recovery from the 2008 recession, such as low interest rates and massive purchases of bonds, are now ending. They put the current global growth rate at 2.9 percent, and say this moment of good growth is the time to make changes in tax and other policies that will help economies weather inevitable future downturns. Growth in advanced economies like the United States is hampered by an aging population with larger numbers of people retiring and leaving the workforce. Slow growth in productivity and …