A Kenyan university student has won a $100,000 research grant for an idea aimed at decreasing maternal and infant deaths among cattle-raising families on the Kenya-Ethiopia border. Dahabo Adi Galgalo secured the 2017 innovation award from AESA, Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa, for designing a GPS-like device to track expectant mothers in the area and ensure they seek health care for themselves and their babies. Born into a pastoralist family in Kenya’s Marsabit County, Dahabo told VOA Horn of Africa that she always wanted to improve health care for families in the border area who depend on raising and selling livestock to make a living. “The area of the pastoral community is so vast. The hospitals and health workers are very few. In fact, Marsabit County is among the top counties in Kenya in maternal and infant death,” she said. One of the key factors contributing to the high death rates, she believes, is a lack of antenatal care (ANC) for pregnant women. ANC clinics providing prenatal services are few and far between in the area, and pastoralists don’t often visit the ones that do exist, partly because of the long distances they would have to cover. Dahabo says that in 2015, she conducted a study of mothers who gave birth at a regional hospital. Out of 1,042 mothers who delivered during the one-year period, she says, 116 lost their babies during delivery. Of those 116 women, she says, 40 percent had never gone to an ANC …
В українських ПСГ достатньо газу для проходження зими – Міненерго
Україна за час підготовки до зими накопичила 17 мільярдів кубометрів газу у підземних газосховищах (ПСГ) – саме стільки було заплановано для успішного проходження опалювального періоду. Про це, відповідаючи на запитання Радіо Свобода, повідомив радник міністра енергетики та вугільної промисловості Максим Білявський. Цим, за його словами, пояснюється те, що 24 жовтня закачування газу у сховища припинилося. Зараз підземні газосховища України переведені у режим відбору. На сьогодні, із газосховищ вже відібрано 40 мільйонів кубометрів, додав Білявський. «Закачка відновиться у двох випадках: якщо будуть вільні ресурси та виробнича необхідность. Наприклад, якщо у листопаді буде тепла погода, і споживання газу зменшиться – його надлишок закачуватимуть до сховищ», – сказав Білявський. За словами радника міністра енергетики, українські сховища заповнені на 54%, згідно розрахунків Нафтогазу. «Цього повністю достатньо для проходження зими. Минулого року обсяги закачування були значно меншими, але зиму пройшли», – додав Білявський. За інформацією Міненерго, у цьому сезоні в українські ПСГ закачали 8,8 мільярдів кубів газу – загальний обсяг зараз становить 16,9 мільярда кубів. (Близько 5 мільярдів – це технічний газ, необхідний для функціонування сховищ). …
US Economy Expands at 3 Percent Rate in Third Quarter
The U.S. economy expanded at a three percent annual pace in July, August and September, about the same pace as the prior quarter. Friday’s Commerce Department data surprised economists, who thought damage from two hurricanes would cut growth to a lower level. The data show the world’s largest economy is now about 2.3 percent larger than it was at this time last year. Stuart Hoffman of PNC bank says the “solid” growth data is likely to help corporate profits and reinforce the U.S. central bank’s determination to raise interest rates in December. Josh Bivens of the Economic Policy Institute says the figures “overstate” growth, and he notes inflation is still below the Fed’s two percent target, making an interest rate hike unnecessary at this time. Officials raise rates to fend off high inflation by cooling economic activity. Rates were slashed during the recession to bolster growth and employment. Federal Reserve leaders gather Tuesday and Wednesday in Washington to debate interest rate policy. Most economists predict they will not raise rates until their next meeting in mid-December. Next Friday, government experts will publish unemployment data for October. September’s rate was a low 4.2 percent. …
Patients Turning to Alternative Pain Treatments Amid America’s Opioid Crisis
In 2015, 92 million Americans used prescription opioids to alleviate or manage pain, with 11.5 million reporting they misused them. Now more than ever, patients are seeking alternative treatments to avoid using potentially addictive pain pills. VOA’s Elizabeth Cherneff introduces us to a Washington doctor who is helping people manage their pain and combat their addictions. …
Migrants Stranded on Greek Isles Facing Mental Health Crisis
More than 10,000 mainly Syrian refugees who escaped fighting in their country are living on five Greek islands. About 2,500 of them are crowded into camps on the island of Samos, even though there is only room for about 800. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports aid groups say there is a growing mental health crisis among those refugees. …
Who Will Be the Next Fed Chief?
President Trump says he is “very close” to picking a person for the most important economic post in the country: the head of the US Federal Reserve. Current Chair Janet Yellen, whose term expires early next year, is one of at least five candidates under consideration. Regardless of the president’s choice, most analysts who spoke with VOA don’t expect big changes in US monetary policy. But as Mil Arcega reports, others say, sooner or later the next Fed Chief could face a slowing economy. …
Advocates Welcome Trump’s Emergency Declaration on Opioid Crisis as Good First Step
U.S. public health advocates welcomed President Donald Trump’s decision to declare the U.S. opioid epidemic a national public health emergency, but say the crisis needs additional funds to be addressed. The 90-day order enables states to use federal emergency funds to fight the crisis, but, although it can be extended, it does not provide a long-term budget. Also, as VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports, there are fears that emergency resources may be depleted by the cost of natural and other disasters. …
Experts Say Measles Victims Dropped Below 100,000 in 2016
The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say the rate of deaths from measles has dropped 84 percent since the beginning of a global vaccination campaign in 2000. Experts say the number of people who died from measles in 2016 was about 90,000, compared to more than 550,000 deaths in 2000. This marks the first time that worldwide measles deaths have fallen to less than 100,000 per year. Robert Linkins, of the Measles and Rubella Initiative at the CDC, said in a statement that “saving an average of 1.3 million lives per year through measles vaccine is an incredible achievement and makes a world free of measles seem possible, even probable, in our lifetime.” Since 2000, some 5.5 billion doses of measles vaccine have been administered to children through routing immunization services and mass vaccination campaigns. The disease is contagious through air particles and can spread quickly. Measles kills more people every year than any other vaccine-preventable disease. But the WHO says the world is still far from reaching regional measles elimination goals. Since 2009, officials have managed to deliver a first dose of the vaccine to 85 percent of the babies who need it, but there has been no improvement in that rate in eight years. And only 64 percent of the affected population has gotten the second dose, which comes when a child is four or five years old. The WHO says “far too many children” — about 20.8 million — …
Greater Scrutiny Set for Nonimmigrant Work Visa Renewals
The United States has announced changes to its nonimmigrant work visa policies that are expected to make renewals more difficult. In the past, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services would generally approve the renewals unless the visa holder had committed a crime. Now, renewals will face the same scrutiny as the original applications. “USCIS officers are at the front lines of the administration’s efforts to enhance the integrity of the immigration system,” USCIS Director L. Francis Cissna said, according to the announcement posted on USCIS’ website this week. “This updated guidance provides clear direction to help advance policies that protect the interests of U.S. workers.” The new regulations could affect more than 100,000 people holding at least eight different types of work visas who fill out the I-129 form for renewals. Sam Adair, a partner at the Graham Adair business immigration law firm in California and Texas, said that for the most part, he expected visa holders would most likely face lengthier adjudication periods in their renewal processes, as opposed to increased numbers of denials. “I don’t think it’s going to be a big shift for us,” Adair told VOA. “But I think what we’ll see is just an increase in the number of requests for evidence, an increase in the delays on the adjudication of these petitions, and really it’s going to just result in more costs for the employers who are filing these petitions.” ‘High-skilled’ workers Of all visa holders affected by this policy, those in the United States …
Trump Ponders New Head for Federal Reserve
President Donald Trump says he is “very close” to picking a person for the most important economic post in the United States, the head of the Federal Reserve. Current Chair Janet Yellen’s term expires early next year and she is one of at least five candidates for the job. Besides Yellen, the candidates include Fed board member Jerome Powell, former Fed governor Kevin Warsh, Stanford University economist John Taylor and Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn. WATCH: Who Will Be the Next Fed Chief? Moody’s Analytics economist Ryan Sweet says a new Fed chief is likely to continue current policy at least for a while because “rocking the boat” could rattle financial markets. The Fed’s job is to manage the world’s largest economy in ways that maximize employment and maintain stable prices. During recessions, the bank cuts interest rates in a bid to boost economic growth and create more jobs.To cope with the most recent recession, the U.S. central bank slashed interest rates nearly to zero. The jobless rate fell from 10 percent to the current 4.2 percent, and the economy stopped shrinking and began growing slowly. Critics of the record-low interest rates said keeping rates too low for too long could spark strong inflation and damage the economy. However, the inflation rate has been below the two percent level that many experts say is best for the economy. As a member of the Fed’s board and later as Chair, Yellen supported low interest rates and a slow, cautious return …
N. Korean Debt to Sweden Remains Unpaid After Four Decades
More than four decades after selling 1,000 Volvos to North Korea, Sweden is still trying to get paid for the cars. The vehicles were part of a $131 million trade package delivered to North Korea in 1974, during a period of openness. But Pyongyang never paid anything on the deal, leaving a debt that has now accumulated with interest to $328 million, according to the Swedish Foreign Ministry. North Korea owes millions elsewhere in Europe from purchases made during the early 1970s, when Pyongyang was expanding economic relations with the West. “Volvo Car Corporation sold approximately 1,000 of our 144 sedan(s) to North Korea in 1974,” said Per-Åke Fröberg of Volvo Heritage in the company’s press office in Sweden, who added that he did not know what else was included in the deal. The Swedish government was also unable to say what else was included. Fröberg said the sale of the Volvos was insured through the Swedish Export Credit Agency, or EKN. “When North Korea failed to pay for the cars, EKN stepped in, meaning that Volvo Cars did not suffer financially,” he said. “The deal was closed from our point of view.” But not for EKN, which twice a year reminds North Korea of its outstanding balance. “For the most part, we get no response,” Carina Kemp, the EKN press manager, told VOA’s Korean service. However, “EKN’s position is that claims will be recovered.” Many of the Volvos remain in service, as shown by an October 2016 tweet from …
Отримання траншу МВФ на початку наступного року не є проблемою для України – Данилюк
Отримання траншу МВФ на початку наступного року не є критичним для України, заявив міністр фінансів Олександр Данилюк. Так він прокоментував заяву Національного банку України про те, що черговий транш надійде не наприкінці цього року, як очікувалося, а вже на початку 2018 року. За словами міністра, головне, щоб Верховна Рада ухвалила всі необхідні закони. «Насправді все залежить від роботи нашого парламенту, від ухвалення цих рішень, які залишилися: ухвалення закону про антикорупційний суд і також ухвалення закону по приватизації. Я бачу такий варіант, як це зробити швидше. Якщо ж це буде початок року, це не є проблемою. Але ключові закони мають бути ухвалені цього року. Ми це розуміємо всі», – сказав Данилюк 26 жовтня. Водночас він наголосив: якщо потрібні закони таки ухвалять, в України залишається шанс отримати транш цього року. Раніше міністр фінансів України заявляв, що отримання чергового траншу МВФ до кінця року залежатиме від домовленостей щодо ціни на газ для населення. У березні 2015 року між МВФ і Україною була затверджена чотирирічна програма розширеного фінансування на суму близько 17,5 мільярдів доларів США. Наразі МВФ надав Україні за цією програмою близько 8 мільярдів 380 мільйонів доларів. …
US House of Representatives Approves a $4T Fiscal 2018 Bill
The U.S. House of Representatives Thursday approved a $4 trillion fiscal 2018 budget blueprint, a major step forward toward the introduction of a Republican tax cut bill. The measure narrowly passed (216-212) despite last-minute resistance from the ranks of Republicans. House passage makes enactment of an eventual tax bill more likely in the Senate, although decisions on numerous thorny issues lie ahead. Approval of the budget resolution was a victory for President Donald Trump and Republican congressional leaders, who have vowed to rewrite the tax code, a feat that has not been accomplished in more than four decades. “President Trump has always made cutting taxes for hard-working American families, creating more jobs for American workers, and simplifying the rigged and burdensome tax code a priority, and he looks forward to further cooperation with Congress to advance the Administration’s pro-growth and pro-jobs agenda,” the White House said in a statement. Democrats oppose plan The Republican plan is opposed by Democrats, who contend it would benefit primarily the wealthy and corporations. “The struggle Republicans had in passing the budget shows how uncomfortable many of them are with eliminating the state and local deduction. In the weeks ahead, Democrats will do everything we can to preserve it and work to defeat any tax proposal that favors the wealthy few over the middle class many,” Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement. …
НБУ підвищує облікову ставку до 13,5%
Національний банк України від 27 жовтня підвищує облікову ставку з 12,5% річних до 13,5% річних. За повідомленням прес-служби НБУ, таке рішення правління банку ухвалило 26 жовтня. Облікова ставка є одним із інструментів, за допомогою якого Нацбанк встановлює для комерційних банків орієнтир щодо вартості залучених і розміщених коштів. Фактично вона визначає ціну грошей. «Правління Національного банку України ухвалило рішення підвищити облікову ставку до 13,5% річних з 27 жовтня 2017 року. Більш жорстка монетарна політика сприятиме зниженню споживчої інфляції і наближенню до цілі у 2018 році», – йдеться в повідомленні НБУ. За даними Нацбанку, споживча інфляція у вересні 2017 року прискорилась до 16,4% у річному вимірі і перевищила траєкторію прогнозу Національного банку, опублікованого в липневому звіті. «Це зумовлено насамперед прискоренням зростання цін на сирі продовольчі товари, підвищенням виробничих витрат, а також певним пожвавленням споживчого попиту. Як і в попередні місяці, через дію факторів з боку пропозиції на внутрішньому ринку високими темпами зростали ціни на фрукти та овочі, м’ясну та молочну продукцію», – йдеться в повідомленні. Востаннє НБУ знижував облікову ставку – до 12,5% річних із 13% річних – у травні цього року. У березні 2015 року НБУ облікова ставка була на рівні 30%, згодом Нацбанк почав поступово знижувати облікову ставку. …
Twitter Surprises With Third Quarter Earnings
Twitter is reporting a loss of $21.1 million in its third quarter, but turned in a better-than-expected profit when one-time charges and benefits are removed. Shares of Twitter Inc. soared almost 9 percent before the opening bell Thursday. The San Francisco company had a loss of 3 cents, but a gain of 10 cents if those non-re-occurring events are removed. That’s 2 cents better than industry analysts had predicted, according to a survey by Zacks Investment Research. Revenue was $589.6 million in the period, in line with expectations. …
Young Scientist Invents Device that Detects Lead in Water
What looks like clean drinking water can contain harmful chemicals, like lead, and there is no easy, reliable way to detect it. So, a young scientist invented one, in the process, winning the 2017 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. Faith Lapidus reports. …
Lung Transplant Recipient Singing Again
The extent to which organ transplants can allow recipients to not only survive but thrive was on display this week at a medical conference in the U.S. A former opera singer who received a double lung transplant five years ago returned to the stage, to sing with her donor’s daughter. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports. …
Ancient Origami Art Becomes Engineers’ Dream in Space
Robert Salazar has been playing with origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, since he was 8 years old. When he sees a sheet of paper, his imagination takes over and intricate animals take shape. “Seeing the single uncut sheet, it has everything you need to create all of the origami that have ever been folded. It is all in the single sheet so there is endless potential,” Salazar said. The endless potential of origami, folding a single sheet of paper into an intricate sculpture, reaches all the way to space. Salazar’s 17-year experience with origami is appreciated at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. As a contractor and intern, Salazar is helping create objects that may one day be used in space exploration. “Origami offers the potential to take a very large structure, even a vast structure, and you can get it to fit within the rocket, go up, then deploy back out again. So it greatly magnifies what we are capable of building in space,” Salazar said. Folding a large object into a relatively small space is not a simple task. “A big challenge in origami design in general is that because all of these folds share a single resource, which is a single sheet … everything is highly interdependent, so if you change just one feature it has an impact on everything else,” Salazar said. “One of our guide stars really is keep it as simple as can be,” said Manan Arya, a technologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “Don’t add unnecessary complexity …
A Tale of Tesla Seats Hints at Why So Few Cars Built
Elon Musk was fed up. The seats on Tesla Inc’s new Model X SUV were a mess. An outside contractor was having trouble executing the complicated design, spurring frustration and finger-pointing between Tesla and its supplier. How would Tesla ever pull off mass production of the upcoming Model 3, the car intended to catapult the niche automaker into the big leagues, if it could not deliver on something as fundamental as a seat? Musk made a decision: Tesla would build the seats itself. But industry experts say Musk’s insistence on performing much of the work in-house is among the reasons Tesla is nowhere close to its stated goal of building 500,000 vehicles annually by next year, most of them Model 3s. Missed target The automaker this month revealed it built 260 of the vehicles between July and September, badly missing its target of 1,500 Model 3s in the third quarter. In a statement, Tesla blamed manufacturing “bottlenecks.” It declined to elaborate, but assured investors “there are no fundamental issues with the Model 3 production or supply chain.” Tesla has demonstrated a commitment to vertical integration not seen in the auto industry for decades. The company has so far sunk $2 billion into a sprawling Nevada factory to manufacture its vehicles’ batteries. In-house programmers design the bulk of the complex software that runs the Model 3, which Musk has described as a “computer on wheels.” Tesla controls its own retail chain, selling its cars directly to customers and bypassing dealers. But …
Giant Sequoia Doing Well 4 Months After Idaho Uprooting
A 10-story-tall tree moved two city blocks on giant rollers last summer has new growth and appears happy in its new location, a tree expert said Wednesday. Tree mover David Cox of Environmental Design examined the 800,000-pound (363,000-kilogram) sequoia in Boise, Idaho, and pronounced the tree fit. “She looks pretty good,” he said. “But it’s still too early to tell. You still need about two or three growing seasons to really say that she’s recovered. We’re not in any danger zone. We feel like the tree is still happy.” Moving the tallest tree ever attempted by the company required cutting back the root system that’s now being monitored for moisture content with underground sensors at the tree’s new location on city property. Three of the four sensors Cox examined indicated the root system was not getting enough moisture, so he ordered a water truck. One was already scheduled to visit once a week this winter, but hadn’t started. An irrigation system that includes misting hoses at the top of the tree was recently turned off by city workers in preparation for winter, and the area dried out quicker than expected, Cox said. Cox also said he’s a bit concerned about some broken bark and smoothed-over bark at the base that might have been caused by animals or vandals or somebody climbing. He said the bark is about 9 inches (23 centimeters) thick so the living part of the tree under the bark isn’t being damaged. Naturalist John Muir, who played …
Ivanka Trump Promotes Expansion of Child Tax Credit at Capitol
Ivanka Trump teamed up Wednesday with Republican legislators to try to ensure the tax overhaul package under construction on Capitol Hill includes an expansion of the child tax credit. The White House adviser and presidential daughter, appearing at a Capitol Hill news conference with GOP lawmakers, framed the tax credit as crucial for working families. “It is a priority of this administration and it is a legislative priority to ensure that American families can thrive,” she said. Also attending were Republican Senators Marco Rubio of Florida, Mike Lee of Utah, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Shelly Moore Capito of West Virginia and Dean Heller of Nevada; and GOP Representatives Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Kevin Yoder of Kansas, Claudia Tenney of New York and Martha Roby of Alabama. Rubio and Lee have worked closely with Ivanka Trump on the issue. Details are still being worked out, but Rubio and Lee would like to see the $1,000 credit doubled and made fully refundable. The GOP tax plan would cut the corporate tax rate from 36 percent to 20 percent, reduce taxes for most individuals and repeal inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates. The standard deduction would be nearly doubled, to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for families; the number of tax brackets would shrink from seven and the child tax credit would be increased. Democrats and liberal family advocacy groups say the overall plan would provide limited benefits to low-income families while offering major cuts to the wealthy — and they say …
Widely-used Toxins Excluded in US Agency’s Chemical Review
Spurred by the chemical industry, President Donald Trump’s administration is retreating from a congressionally mandated review of some of the most dangerous chemicals in public use: millions of tons of asbestos, flame retardants and other toxins in homes, offices and industrial plants across the United States. Instead of following president Barack Obama’s proposal to look at chemicals already in widespread use that result in some of the most common exposures, the new administration wants to limit the review to products still being manufactured and entering the marketplace. For asbestos, that means gauging the risks from just a few hundred tons of the material imported annually – while excluding almost all of the estimated 8.9 million tons (8.1 million metric tons) of asbestos-containing products that the U.S. Geological Survey said entered the marketplace between 1970 and 2016. The review was intended to be the first step toward enacting new regulations to protect the public. But critics – including health workers, consumer advocates, members of Congress and environmental groups – contend ignoring products already in use undermines that goal. The administration’s stance is the latest example of Trump siding with industry. In this case, firefighters and construction workers say the move jeopardizes their health. Both groups risk harm from asbestos because of its historical popularity in construction materials ranging from roofing and flooring tiles to insulation used in tens of millions of homes. Most of the insulation came from a mine in a Montana town that’s been …
У НАБУ повідомили про підозру співробітнику «Енергоатому» і екс-депутату щодо розкрадання майна
Національне антикорупційне бюро повідомило про підозру у заволодінні майном ДП «НАЕК «Енергоатом» екс-народного депутата України та його ймовірного спільника, керівника структурного підрозділу ДП «НАЕК «Енергоатом». Про це заявили на Facebook-сторінці відомства. «Як з’ясували детективи НАБУ, учасники угруповання у 2008–2012 роках штучно створили умови проведення низки тендерів, завдяки яким переможцем визнано чеську компанію Škoda JS (фактичним власником є російське ЗАТ «Об’єднані машинобудівні заводи») із завищеними на 6,4 мільйонів євро ціновими пропозиціями, що в окремих випадках складало до 20% від вартості обладнання. У подальшому, після отримання зазначених коштів за контрактами, укладеними з ДП «НАЕК «Енергоатом», Škoda JS перерахувала 6,4 млн євро на рахунок компанії «BRADCREST INVESTMENT S.A.» (Панамська Республіка), єдиним власником (бенефіціаром) якої є екс-народний депутат України», – мовиться у повідомленні. За даними НАБУ, на рахунку зазначеної компанії у швейцарському банку за запитом Національного бюро про міжнародну правову допомогу арештовано кошти у сумі, еквівалентній 86,4 мільйона гривень. У повідомленні НАБУ не називає імен посадовців, кому саме оголошено про підозру, однак вказує, що розслідування тривало із 2015 року. Між тим, як раніше повідомляло Радіо Свобода, у 2015 році детективи Національного антикорупційного бюро відкрили два кримінальні провадження, які пов’язані з екс-депутатом Миколою Мартиненком. Одне з них – за фактом одержання хабарів при закупівлі підприємством «Енергоатом» обладнання в чеського акціонерного товариства Škoda JS. За повідомленнями, Мартиненко неофіційно контролює цю компанію в галузі ядерного машинобудування. Крім того, стало відомо і про слідство в цій самій справі щодо Мартиненка в Чехії. Він ці звинувачення відкидає і називає їх нісенітницею й маніпуляцією. 22 квітня 2017 року суд відпустив …
У НАБУ повідомили про підозру співробітнику «Енергоатому» і екс-нардепу щодо розкрадання майна
Національне антикорупційне бюро повідомило про підозру у заволодінні майном ДП «НАЕК «Енергоатом» екс-народного депутата України та його ймовірного спільника, керівника структурного підрозділу ДП «НАЕК «Енергоатом». Про це заявили на Facebook-сторінці відомства. «Як з’ясували детективи НАБУ, учасники угруповання у 2008-2012 роках штучно створили умови проведення низки тендерів, завдяки яким переможцем визнано чеську компанію «Škoda JS» (фактичним власником є російське ЗАТ «Об’єднані машинобудівні заводи») із завищеними на 6,4 мільйонів євро ціновими пропозиціями, що в окремих випадках складало до 20% від вартості обладнання. У подальшому, після отримання зазначених коштів за контрактами, укладеними з ДП «НАЕК «Енергоатом», «Škoda JS» перерахувала 6,4 млн євро на рахунок компанії «BRADCREST INVESTMENT S.A.» (Панамська Республіка), єдиним власником (бенефіціаром) якої є екс-народний депутат України», – йдеться у повідомленні. За даними НАБУ, на рахунку зазначеної компанії у швейцарському банку за запитом Національного бюро про міжнародну правову допомогу арештовано кошти у сумі, еквівалентній 86,4 мільйони гривень. У повідомленні НАБУ не називає імен посадовців, кому саме оголошено про підозру, однак вказує, що розслідування тривало із 2015-го року. Між тим, як раніше повідомляло Радіо Свобода, у 2015 році детективи Національного антикорупційного бюро відкрили два кримінальні провадження, які пов’язані з екс-депутатом Миколою Мартиненком. Одне з них – за фактом одержання хабарів при закупівлі підприємством «Енергоатом» обладнання в чеського акціонерного товариства Škoda JS. За повідомленнями, Мартиненко неофіційно контролює цю компанію в галузі ядерного машинобудування. Крім того, стало відомо і про слідство в цій самій справі щодо Мартиненка в Чехії. Він ці звинувачення відкидає і називає їх нісенітницею й маніпуляцією. 22 квітня 2017 року суд відпустив …