Heat from deep within the earth is an underused source of renewable energy. The United States is the world’s largest producer of geothermal energy, but it makes up less than 1 percent of the nation’s power generation. By contrast, geothermal plants in the Philippines and Iceland contribute around 30 percent of their electricity production. Now, geothermal power is heating up in Australia. Faith Lapidus reports. …
Ford Offers Brits Incentives to Trade in Older Cars
Ford Tuesday became the latest carmaker to launch a car scrappage scheme in Britain, joining the likes of BMW and Mercedes-Benz, after months of procrastination from the government over whether to begin a national program. The U.S. automaker is offering customers a 2,000 pound ($2,580) discount off a range of Ford models when they trade in vehicles registered before the end of 2009. BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Vauxhall, the British version of the Opel brand sold on the continent, have all launched similar schemes in recent weeks to incentivize motorists to reduce emissions by replacing their gas-guzzling models with greener cars. The plans come after Britain delayed in July a decision over whether to introduce a nationwide or targeted vehicle scrappage scheme, with a consultation due to take place later this year, despite worries over emissions levels. “Ford shares society’s concerns over air quality,” its managing director in Britain Andy Barratt said Tuesday. “Removing generations of the most polluting vehicles will have the most immediate positive effect on air quality.” Car sales slowing Ford, BMW, Vauxhall and Mercedes sell around 1 million cars in Britain, more than a third of all new car registrations. The scrappage schemes will help support sales at a time when demand for new cars is beginning to slide substantially for the first time in around six years. In July, new car registrations fell for the fourth consecutive month, hit by a number of factors including uncertainty over Brexit and lack of clarity over future government plans …
В Україну вирушила перша партія вугілля зі США
В Україну вирушила перша партія американського вугілля, постачання якого передбачає угода між українською державною компанією «Центренерго» та американською компанією XCoal Energy and Resources. Як інформує ввечері 21 серпня посольство України у США, посол Валерій Чалий взяв участь у церемонії відправки в морському порту Балтімора. З американської сторони участь у заході взяли заступник міністра торгівлі США Ізраель Ернандес, помічник Міністра енергетики США з міжнародних питань Уелс Гріффіт та керівництво компанії XCoal. Домовленості про постачання вугілля були досягнуті з адміністрацією США під час візиту президента України Петра Порошенка 20 червня до Вашингтона. Сполучені Штати стали джерелом постачання вугілля в Україну після того, як Росія захопила контроль над значними запасами вугілля на Донбасі. …
Small Missouri Town Is a Big Draw for Solar Eclipse
There is a saying that “lightning never strikes twice” in any location. The same could be said for a total solar eclipse over the United States, a rare event … except in a small patch of the United States that includes a small Missouri town, a place VOA’s Kane Farabaugh reports is a prime location for current and future stargazers to study a rare phenomenon. …
New App Helps Relieve Stress Through Guided Meditation Exercise
A common complaint for busy, stressed out people is not being able to find the time and place to unwind. A new smartphone application promises to solve these problems by helping users practice an old Chinese form of healing meditation while on the go. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke has more. …
US Air Force Awards Contracts to Boeing, Northrop for ICBM Replacement
The U.S. Air Force has awarded Boeing and Northrop Grumman separate contracts to continue work on the replacement of the aging Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile system, the Pentagon said on Friday. Though the award for the new Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) comes amid rising tensions with North Korea, the Air Force had asked the defense industry last summer for proposals to replace the aging ICBM system and its nuclear cruise missiles as the military moved ahead with a costly modernization of its aging atomic weapons systems. “The Minuteman III is 45 years old. It is time to upgrade,” Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein said in a statement on Monday. Northrop Grumman was awarded $328 million, and Boeing $349 million over the three-year contract. A milestone contract The relatively small award is a milestone that would allow Boeing and Northrop to continue parallel detailed development and prototyping for the Minuteman replacement. The Pentagon’s office of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) has said the total could cost the United States $85 billion. The Air Force has estimated $62 billion. Lockheed Martin Corp, Northrop and Boeing were all competing for the contract which is needed to perform the three-year technology maturation and risk reduction (TMRR) phase of Minuteman replacement. A Lockheed representative said the company was “disappointed” and looked “forward to a debrief about the selection.” Boeing’s Strategic Deterrence Systems Director, Frank McCall, said in a statement, “Since the first Minuteman launch in 1961, the U.S. Air Force …
McConnell: ‘America is Not Going to Default’
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says there is “zero chance” Congress will allow the country to default on its debts by voting to not increase the borrowing limit. McConnell’s comments came Monday during a joint appearance in his home state of Kentucky with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. It was one of McConnell’s first public appearances since President Donald Trump publicly criticized him for failing to pass a repeal and replacement of former President Barack Obama’s health care law. McConnell did not mention Trump in his remarks, and he did not take questions from reporters after the event. But in response to a question about where he gets his news, McConnell said he reads a variety of sources, including The New York Times. “My view is most news is not fake,” McConnell said, which appeared to be a subtle rebuke of one of Trump’s favorite phrases. “I try not to fall in love with any particular source.” The government has enough money to pay its bills until Sept. 29. After that, Congress would have to give permission for the government to borrow more money to meet its obligations, including Social Security and interest payments. McConnell sought to calm a crowd of nervous business leaders by interjecting at the end of Mnuchin’s answer to a question about what would happen if lawmakers did not increase the borrowing limit. “Let me just add, there is zero chance, no chance, we won’t raise the debt ceiling,” McConnell said. …
«Укрнафта» анонсує скорочення персоналу через непродовження ліцензій
«Укрнафта» заявила про намір «істотно скоротити інвестиційну програму» у другій половині поточного року через відмову продовжити 9 ліцензій на видобуток нафти і газу та пов’язаних з цим фінансових втрат. Про це йдеться на сайті підприємства. «Компанія також розглядає низку заходів щодо зниження витрат, в тому числі заходи для скорочення персоналу в деяких структурних одиницях, з тим, щоб забезпечити повну і своєчасну сплату податків. Компанія підготує відповідні плани і почне їх реалізацію до кінця поточного місяця», – мовиться у повідомленні. За підрахунками компанії, станом на 18 серпня через вимушену зупинку видобутку недоотримано 560 мільйонів гривень чистого доходу, а до кінця року очікувані втрати складуть близько 1,8 мільярда. Борг «Укрнафти» перед бюджетом станом на кінець червня склав 13,2 мільярди гривень, повідомляла прес-служба компанії 16 серпня. Одним із акціонерів ПАТ «Укрнафта» є НАК «Нафтогаз України», що володіє пакетом акцій у розмірі 50 відсотків плюс одна акція його статутного капіталу. Другим за величиною акціонером ПАТ є структури, пов’язані з бізнесменом Ігорем Коломойським. …
Millions Watching Total Solar Eclipse
A rare total solar eclipse began in the Western state of Oregon Monday, as millions of people across the U.S. are watching the phenomenon from the Pacific to the Atlantic for the first time in 99 years. The temperature in Oregon dropped significantly as the moon moved to cover the sun. An estimated 200 million people live within a day’s drive of Monday’s path of totality, which starts from Oregon’s Pacific Coast, across the U.S. heartland, all the way to South Carolina’s Atlantic Coast. WATCH: Washington, D.C. eclipse watchers on watching big event Cities, towns and parks across the path have been prepared for an influx of people with telescopes, cameras and protective glasses to watch what NASA said it expects to be the most watched and documented eclipse in history. More than 100,000 people gathered in Madras, a town in Oregon with a population of 7,000 and one of the first places that will witness the celestial event. According to the Los Angeles Times, the National Guard had to be called in to assist with traffic jams in Madras because so many people wanted to view the eclipse there. The total eclipse will last longest near Carbondale, Illinois at 2 minutes and 44 seconds. “It’s chilling, it’s cool, it’s a life experience,” Gregg Toland, who traveled from Palatine, Illinois to the airport in Perryville Missouri to see the eclipse in the path of totality through his telescope, told VOA. “It’s something you’ll never forget,” he said. The first …
US Health Chief Lauds China for Help With Opioid Control
China has been an “incredible partner” in cracking down on synthetic opioids seen as fueling fast-rising overdose deaths in the United States, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said Monday during a visit to the country considered the source of many of the deadly substances sought by addicts. Price said China has been quick to respond when regulators identify a threat from a dangerous drug such as fentanyl, the powerful opioid blamed for thousands of fatal overdoses, including the death of entertainer Prince. “When a particular drug is identified as being a problem, China has been an incredible partner in helping to stop the production of drugs like fentanyl in China,” Price told The Associated Press. A bigger challenge comes from the “rapidly changing ability of individuals to formulate new chemical makeups that are a different drug and that aren’t in the controlled arena,” Price said. “The challenge is to get those taken care of much more rapidly. And so that’s the conversations that we need to be having.” Last month, China banned a designer drug called U-47700 and three others following U.S. pressure to do more to control synthetic opioids. In China, U-47700 had been a legal alternative to fentanyl and potent derivatives like carfentanil. Its usage has been growing among U.S. opioid addicts. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has long said that China is the top source country for synthetic opioids like fentanyl and its precursors, assertions Beijing has said …
Державна фіскальна служба обшукує 27 державних спиртзаводів
Співробітники державної фіскальної служби проводять обшуки на 27 державних спиртзаводах, які не входять до складу ДП«Укрспирт», а є самостійними підприємствами, написав у Facebook заступник голови ДФС Сергій Білан. За його словами, фіскали виявили та вилучили тисячу тонн необлікованого спирту. «Слідчі дії проводяться в 11 областях: Вінницькій, Житомирській, Івано-Франківській, Кіровоградській, Львівській, Рівненській, Сумській, Тернопільській, Харківській, Черкаській та Чернігівській. Рішення про проведення обшуків було прийнято після отримання інформації про можливе невраховане виробництво і продаж спирту без сплати акцизного податку низкою заводів. До того ж факти неврахованого виробництва спирту на потужностях легальних спиртових заводів України підтвердилися в ході попередніх етапів спецоперації», – написав Білан. На початку серпня Кабінет міністрів ухвалив постанову, якою підвищує як гуртову, так і роздрібну ціну на окремі алкогольні напої. В уряді повідомили, що роздрібні ціни на горілку та лікеро-горілчані вироби планують збільшити на 14,0-19,41%; віскі, ром та джин – на 6,5-6,6%; коньяк (бренді) – на 12,3-29,1%; вина з додаванням спирту, ігристі – на 7,1-13,3%. Таким чином Кабмін має намір боротись із контрафактом. Підвищенню цін на алкоголь передували повідомлення про отруєння сурогатним алкоголем в кількох регіонах України у вересні минулого року року. За даними Державної служби з питань безпечності харчових продуктів і захисту споживачів, станом на 28 листопада 2016-го 150 людей отруїлися через вживання неякісного алкоголю, з них – 73 померли. …
Venezuela’s Maduro Warns of Action Against Price Gouging
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro says new measures will be rolled out this week to combat economic speculation in the crisis-ridden country. In an interview distributed via state-run media Sunday, Maduro said he was working with a “special commission” of the new, pro-government Constituent Assembly to clamp down on price gouging. The commission is “going to announce a set of actions so that the maximum price of the products is respected,” Maduro said, without providing details. He also warned that “very severe justice” would “shake the society.” Venezuelans constantly complain of scarcity of food, medicine and personal hygiene products — and of outrageous prices amid soaring inflation. The currency has shriveled in value, down from eight bolivars to the dollar in 2010 to more than 8,000 bolivars last month, as CNN Money recently pointed out. A single-serve bottle of water can cost about 1,200 bolivars. Maduro previously declared a war on speculation in 2013, according to the Washington Office on Latin America. Carlos Larrazabal, president of Fedecamaras, a union representing Venezuela’s business sector, accused the socialist administration of trying to smother private enterprise. “The government has a political agenda. Instead of correcting problems of supply and production,” the Constituent Assembly has “deepened” Venezuela’s crisis, Larrazabal said in an interview Sunday with Caracas television station Televen. The assembly declared on Friday that it would wrest legislative power from the opposition-led National Assembly, a move denounced by many in Venezuela and beyond. The United States does not recognize the Constituent …
«Нафтогаз» збільшує з вересня ціни на газ для промисловості на 6,3-6,7%
У вересні ціни на газ для промислових споживачів зростуть на 6,3-6,7%, порівняно із серпнем цього року, повідомляє НАК «Нафтогаз України» на своєму сайті. «Запропоновані ціни на природний газ із ресурсу компанії диференційовані у залежності від обсягів закупівлі, умов оплати та стану попередніх розрахунків з «Нафтогазом»», – йдеться у повідомленні. Відповідно до комерційної пропозиції, зазначена ціна актуальна для споживачів, які закуповують газ за передоплатою в обсязі понад 50 тисяч кубічних метрів на місяць, за умови відсутності боргів перед компанією, і для 100-відсоткових дочірніх компаній «Нафтогазу». Компанія зазначає, що з 1 жовтня 2015 року в Україні діє закон «Про ринок природного газу», яким передбачено, що постачання природного газу здійснюється за цінами, що вільно встановлюються між постачальником та споживачем, окрім винятків, зазначених у згаданому документі. Раніше, 17 серпня, прем’єр-міністр Володимир Гройсман заявив про те, що уряд не підтримуватиме жодних підвищень цін на газ на новий опалювальний сезон, оскільки для цього, за його словами, немає жодних підстав. …
Millions Converge Across US to See Sun Go Dark
Millions of Americans converged on a narrow corridor stretching from Oregon to South Carolina to watch the moon blot out the midday sun Monday for a wondrous couple of minutes in the first total solar eclipse to sweep coast to coast in 99 years. Veteran eclipse watchers warned the uninitiated to get ready to be blown away. Planetariums and museums posted “Sold out of eclipse glasses” on their front doors. Signs along highways reminded motorists of “Solar Eclipse Monday,” while cars bore the message “Eclipse or bust.” WATCH: Solar Eclipse Fuels Demand, Anxiety, for Viewing Lenses With 200 million people within a day’s drive of the path of totality, towns and parks braced for monumental crowds. It’s expected to be the most observed, most studied and most photographed eclipse ever. Not to mention the most festive, what with all the parties. In Salem, Oregon, a field outside the state fairgrounds was transformed into a campground in advance of an eclipse-watching party for 8,500. “It’s one of those ‘check the box’ kind of things in life,” said Hilary O’Hollaren, who drove 30 miles from Portland with her two teenagers and a tent, plus a couple friends. Astronomers consider a full solar eclipse the grandest of cosmic spectacles. The Earth, moon and sun line up perfectly every one to three years, briefly turning day into night for a sliver of the planet. But these sights normally are in no man’s land, like the vast Pacific or the …
Schools in Eclipse’s Path Seize on Ready-made Science Lesson
A fourth-grade class at a suburban Kansas City school erupted in wonder when they tried on their solar eclipse glasses for the first time and turned toward the sun for an eclipse “practice.” “The sun looks like the moon!” “It’s really dark!” “There’s just a little circle of light!” “It’s just a speck up there!” The students at Clardy Elementary School in North Kansas City were practicing the proper use of the glasses Friday in anticipation of Monday’s solar eclipse. Their teacher, Christy Lister, had gone through slides detailing how and when to wear the glasses, how to care for them and proper behavior during the eclipse. It was only the third day of the school year, but the students had already talked about eyes, the solar system and other eclipse-related topics. The district’s teachers and administrators began planning for the big event last May and worked through the summer on age-specific activities for the district’s 20,000 students. The activities will include kindergartners using beads that react to ultraviolet light from the sun, while others will conduct experiments measuring atmospheric changes during the eclipse or create solar viewers with 3-D printers. U.S. schools along and near the coast-to-coast path where the sun will be totally blacked out by the moon during the eclipse are taking widely varying approaches. While some districts are seizing the opportunity for ready-made lessons, others are closing for the day or keeping kids inside because of safety concerns. In Idaho, districts in and …
China’s Great Wall Confirms Interest in Fiat Chrysler
China’s Great Wall Motor Co Ltd is interested in bidding for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), a company official said on Monday, confirming earlier reports that it is pursuing all or part of the owner of brands including Jeep and truckmaker Ram. There has been speculation over Chinese interest in FCA since Automotive News reported last week that an unidentified “well-known Chinese automaker” made an offer earlier this month, triggering a jump in FCA’s Milan-listed shares. “With respect to this case, we currently have an intention to acquire. We are interested in (FCA),” an official at Great Wall Motor’s press relations department, who declined to give his name, told Reuters by telephone. He gave no further details. FCA Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne is seeking a partner or buyer for the world’s seventh-largest automaker to help it manage rising costs, comply with emissions regulations and develop technology for electric and self-driving cars. An acquisition by Great Wall Motor would be audacious, and one of China’s highest profile manufacturing deals to date. Earlier on Monday, two people familiar with the matter said Great Wall Motor had asked for a meeting with FCA, with the aim of making an offer for all or part of the Italian-American auto group. Also on Monday, citing an email from Great Wall Motor President Wang Fengying, Automotive News reported that Great Wall Motor had contacted FCA to express interest specifically in the Jeep brand. The industry publication cited a Great Wall Motor spokesman confirming interest, but saying the …
Reports: China Accuses Luxury E-Retailer of Smuggling
The founder of a Chinese luxury online retailer has been extradited from Indonesia to face charges his company smuggled goods into China by having travelers pretend they were personal belongings, news reports said Monday. Ji Wenhong of Xiu.com joins a growing number of Chinese fugitives who are being returned from abroad to face charges of corruption or financial misconduct. Ji faces charges of smuggling goods worth a total of 438 million yuan ($65.5 million) into China while failing to report their true value, the news reports said, citing government officials. The reports said Ji was accused of arranging for his company to buy designer clothing from Europe and the United States and have it shipped to Hong Kong. They said the company arranged for travelers to carry it to the mainland in their baggage, avoiding import duties. Ji left China in May 2016 after being charged with smuggling, according to the China Daily newspaper. He was returned Saturday by Indonesian authorities. In a statement, Xiu.com said some individuals at the company were under investigation but didn’t mention Ji. It said the company was operating normally. …
Lebanon Prepares for Syria’s Post-war Construction Windfall
The port of Tripoli in northern Lebanon wants the world to know it’s ready for business. British safety managers are training local hires to operate heavy machinery and Chinese technicians are running diagnostics on two new container cranes that tower over the harbor, just 28 kilometers (18 miles) from the Syrian border. After six years of civil war in Syria, markets across the Middle East are anticipating a mammoth reconstruction boom that could stimulate billions of dollars in economic activity. Lebanon, as Syria’s neighbor, is in prime position to capture a share of that windfall and revive its own sluggish economy. Battles still rage in Syria’s north and east, and in pockets around the capital, Damascus, but the survival of President Bashar Assad’s government now appears beyond doubt. That is introducing an element of stability into forecasts not seen since 2011, when the war broke out. The Damascus International Fair, a high-profile annual business event before the war, opened on Thursday evening for the first time since war broke out. The 10-day event kicked off with much fanfare, with participants from 43 countries and hundreds of attendees. The World Bank estimates the cost to rebuild Syria at $200 billion. For Lebanon, that could be just the stimulus it needs — the tiny Mediterranean country’s growth rate has hovered around 1.5 percent since 2013. And though the capital, Beirut, has grown visibly richer over the years, Tripoli and the impoverished north have lagged behind. “Lebanon …
Chasing Eclipses Across the Globe a Way of Life for Some
While Monday’s total solar eclipse in the U.S. will be a once-in-a-lifetime sky show for millions, there’s a small group of people who have experienced it all before and they can’t get enough of it. Glenn Schneider has seen 33. Fred Espenak has watched 28. Donald Liebenberg has logged 26. For newbie Kate Russo, it’s 10 and counting. These veteran eclipse chasers spend lots of money and craft intricate plans all to experience another mid-day darkening of the sky. Many work in science and related fields and they’ll travel around the world, even to Antarctica, to see one more. “I do this not so much as an avocation, but as an addiction,” said Schneider, a University of Arizona astronomy professor. Russo, a psychologist in Ireland who wrote a book about people’s eclipse experiences, said some people find the experience life-changing. That happened to her. “Eclipse chasing isn’t just a hobby or interest,” Russo wrote in an email from Wyoming, where she traveled to see Monday’s eclipse. “Eclipse chasing is a way of life. It becomes who you are.” Monday’s eclipse will cut a 70-mile-wide (112-kilometer) path of totality across the country, when the moon moves between Earth and the sun, blocking it for as much as 2 1/2 minutes. It’s the first coast-to-coast full eclipse since 1918. Many of the big eclipse chasers are planning to be in Oregon or Wyoming because there’s a better chance of clear weather there in August. They’ll be ready to drive …
Initial NAFTA Talks Conclude Amid Signs Schedule Could Slip
The United States, Canada and Mexico wrapped up their first round of talks on Sunday to revamp the NAFTA trade pact, vowing to keep up a blistering pace of negotiations that some involved in the process said may be too fast to bridge deep differences. In a joint statement issued at the end of five days of negotiations in Washington, the top trade officials from the three countries said Mexico would host the next round of talks from Sept. 1 to 5. The talks will move to Canada later in September, then return to the United States in October, with additional rounds planned for later this year, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo and Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said. “While a great deal of effort and negotiation will be required in the coming months, Canada, Mexico and the United States are committed to an accelerated and comprehensive negotiation process that will upgrade our agreement,” the officials said. One person directly involved in the talks described the schedule as exceedingly fast, given that past trade deals took years to negotiate. The three countries are trying to complete a full modernization of the 23-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement by early 2018, before Mexico’s national election campaign starts. U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to scrap NAFTA without major changes to reduce U.S. goods trade deficits with its North American neighbors, describing it as a disaster that cost Americans hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs. The joint …
Solar Eclipse Coming with Nearly $700M Tab for US Employers
Add next week’s total eclipse of the sun to the list of worker distractions that cost U.S. companies hundreds of millions of dollars in lost productivity. American employers will see at least $694 million in missing output for the roughly 20 minutes that outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas estimates workers will take out of their workday on Monday, Aug. 21 to stretch their legs, head outside the office and gaze at the nearly two-and-a-half minute eclipse. And 20 minutes is a conservative estimate, said Andy Challenger, vice president at the Chicago-based firm. Many people may take even longer to set up their telescopes or special viewing glasses, or simply take off for the day. “There’s very few people who are not going to walk outside when there’s a celestial wonder happening above their heads to go out and view it,” Challenger said, estimating that 87 million employees will be at work during the eclipse. To get the overall figure of nearly $700 million, Challenger multiplied that by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest estimate for average hourly wages for all workers 16 and over. Just as the Earth is a mere speck in the universe, however, Challenger said this is still a small sum. “Compared to the amount of wages being paid to an employee over a course of a year, it is very small,” Challenger said. “It’s not going to show up in any type of macroeconomic data.” It also pales when compared with the myriad other distractions …
Britain Calls on EU to Move Brexit Talks Forward
Brexit minister David Davis called on the European Union on Sunday to relax its position that the two sides must first make progress on a divorce settlement before moving on to discussing future relations. After a slow start to negotiations to unravel more than 40 years of union, Britain is pressing for talks to move beyond the divorce to offer companies some assurance of what to expect after Britain leaves the EU in March 2019. This week, the government will issue five new papers to outline proposals for future ties, including how to resolve any future disputes without “the direct jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ)”, Davis said. “I firmly believe the early round of the negotiations have already demonstrated that many questions around our withdrawal are inextricably linked to our future relationship,” Davis wrote in the Sunday Times newspaper. “Both sides need to move swiftly on to discussing our future partnership, and we want that to happen after the European Council in October,” he wrote, saying the clock was ticking. EU officials have said there must be “sufficient progress” in the first stage of talks on the rights of expatriates, Britain’s border with EU member Ireland and a financial settlement before they can consider a future relationship. That has frustrated British officials, who say that until there has been discussion of future ties, including a new customs arrangement and some way of resolving any future disputes, they cannot solve the Irish border issue or …
What to Know About the Solar Eclipse
A total solar eclipse will march across the United States on Monday, casting a shadow from Oregon’s Pacific Coast, across the U.S. heartland, all the way to South Carolina’s Atlantic Coast. Why is this eclipse so anticipated? This will be the first time in 38 years that the mainland United States will experience a total eclipse, and it will be the first time in 99 years that a total eclipse will pass from the U.S. Pacific Coast to the U.S. Atlantic Coast. The last time that happened was in 1918, traveling from Washington state to Florida. Hawaii experienced a total solar eclipse in 1991. Total eclipses happen every one to three years somewhere in the world, however, they are most likely to take place over the ocean since most of the Earth is covered by water. What is an eclipse? A total eclipse happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun and completely blots out the sun’s light, except for the corona of its outer atmosphere. From Earth, the moon will appear to be the same size as the sun. This is possible because while the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun in diameter, it is also 400 times closer to Earth than the sun. When the two line up exactly, the skies go dark. Where can I see the eclipse? The path of totality, where the moon’s shadow will completely cover the sun, is a diagonal …
Former Brazilian Seminary Offers Sanctuary for Threatened Wolves
Conservation efforts come in many forms – financial, political, personal… and even religious. A former Catholic seminary in Brazil has helped protect South America’s largest canid, the maned wolf. Faith Lapidus reports …