Trump to Unveil Tax Plan Wednesday

Anticipation of U.S. President Donald Trump’s plans for big corporate and individual tax cuts spurred Wall Street to record highs Tuesday, and sent Asian markets soaring overnight. Trump is planning to unveil his tax plans Wednesday, with aides saying he will ask Congress to slash the current 35 percent rate down to 15 percent, a pledge he first made during last year’s presidential election campaign. White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the U.S. has been “uncompetitive” against other countries in attracting new businesses, “largely because of our rates.” U.S. lawmakers have for years vowed to adopt broad tax reforms, but the efforts have foundered. Congress has been unable to reconcile competing demands to eliminate tax breaks for some corporate and individual interests and raise taxes on others. Trump’s tax plans are likely to face months of hearings and debate in Congress, where his Republican colleagues have their own ideas on how the tax code ought to be reshaped. Some lawmakers have expressed concerns that Trump’s call for a big corporate tax cut would balloon the nearly $20 trillion in long-term debt the U.S. has accumulated if there are not corresponding measures to raise more revenue. U.S. Treasury chief Steven Mnuchin said Monday, “The tax reform will pay for itself with economic growth” that would boost tax revenues. Mnuchin called for tax simplification as well, saying U.S. reforms ideally would let taxpayers file their annual tax returns on a “large postcard.” The argument that tax cuts pay for themselves has little …

Jobs, Homes at Stake in US-Canada Trade Squabble

Canadian officials say a new tariff imposed by the Trump administration will raise the cost of new homes in the United States by $1,000 each, and shut 150,000 Americans out of home ownership. Washington’s decision also puts “thousands” of U.S. homebuilding jobs at risk, according to Canada’s ministers of natural resources and foreign affairs. The comments follow preliminary action by the U.S. Commerce Department to impose a 20 percent tariff on $5.77 billion worth of soft wood imports from Canada to the United States. The wood is a key ingredient of family homes. U.S. officials allege that Canada unfairly subsidizes exported wood. Subsidies could make the product cheaper, making it difficult for U.S. companies to compete on price. Canada “strongly disagrees” with the decision to impose this “unfair and punitive” tax, says Canada’s resources minister, Jim Carr. Canada’s foreign minister, Chrystia Freeland, says Canada will take the issue to court, where the United States has lost similar cases in the past.  U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says this has been “a bad week” in U.S.-Canadian trade relations, noting an additional dispute over Canadian milk exports. While the dispute over wood tariffs might raise the cost of new homes in the United States, a report published Tuesday by the Census Bureau shows sales of newly-constructed homes jumped upward by 5.8 percent last month. If sales continue at that pace for a year, 621,000 homes would change hands. Prices also rose. A separate report from a business group called the Conference Board …

Last Male Northern White Rhino Seeks Mate on Tinder

Dating app Tinder is hit or miss for humans, but wildlife conservationists hope it might lead to love for the world’s last male northern white rhino. The move is seen as a last-ditch effort to keep the species alive. “I don’t mean to be too forward, but the fate of the species literally depends on me,” the rhino’s profile says. “I perform well under pressure.” Sudan is 43 years old, weighs nearly 2,270 kilograms and lives in Kenya. And while he has two female companions, they are unable to mate due to age and other limitations. The campaign to find love for Sudan, called Most Eligible Bachelor by the Kenyan Ol Pejeta Conservancy, which came up with the idea. While it’s unclear if any potential mates can swipe right on Sudan’s profile, the group hopes the move will raise $9 million for research into breeding methods such as in vitro fertilization. “We partnered with Ol Pejeta conservancy to give the most eligible bachelor in the world a chance to meet his match,” said Matt David, the head of communications and marketing at Tinder in an interview with the Associated Press. “We are optimistic given Sudan’s profile (it) will be seen on Tinder in 190 countries and over 40 languages.” Sudan and his two female friends — 17-year-old Najin and 27-year-old Fatu — live at the conservancy protected by 24-hour security. “The plight that currently faces the northern white rhinos is a signal to the impact that humankind is having on …

«Укренерго» продовжить електропостачання всієї Донеччини до завершення будівництва нової ЛЕП до Авдіївки – Ковальчук

«Укренерго» не буде припиняти електропостачання непідконтрольної території Донецької області до завершення будівництва нової лінії електропередач (ЛЕП) до Авдіївки, повідомив у Facebook виконувач обов’язків голови компанії-оператора Всеволод Ковальчук. «Що стосується Донецької області, наразі рішення про припинення притоків не прийняте, тому що лишається невирішеним питання по місту Авдіївка. Найближчим часом має завершитися будівництво підприємством «ДТЕК Високовольтні мережі» нового фрагменту лінії, яке забезпечить інше джерело живлення міста – і після цього постане питання щодо продовження постачання (електроенергії – ред.) в окремі райони Донецької області», – зазначив він. Міністерство з питань окупованих територій повідомило сьогодні вранці про знеструмлення лінії електропередач на Луганщині із непідконтрольних територій. Через це, за їхніми даними, без електрики залишились Трьохізбенка, Калаус, Оріхово-Донецьке та Кряківка. Як зазначив Всеволод Ковальчук, станом на пів на п’яту вечора електропостачання цих міст відновлено.  Підтверджень від представників військово-цивільної адміністрації області поки що не надходило. Пізно ввечері 24 квітня Луганськ та інші населені пункти на неконтрольованій українським урядом частині Луганщини залишилися без електропостачання. Відключення було нетривалим, в окупованому обласному центрі світло зникло о 23:43, а з’явилося о 0:15 25 квітня, повідомляють сайти сепаратистів. За словами Всеволода Ковальчука, донині електроенергію на непідконтрольні території Луганщини постачали із електростанції у Щасті та з Росії. Національна енергетична компанія «Укренерго» ввечері 24 квітня повідомила, що з 25 квітня подача електроенергії на територію окремих районів Луганської області припиняється. Причиною припинення є несплата протягом тривалого часу за поставлену і спожиту на неконтрольованій території електроенергію.     …

LVMH to Consolidate Hold on Dior in Multibillion-euro Deal

The magnate behind LVMH is to incorporate Christian Dior into his luxury goods empire in a multibillion-dollar deal.   It’s the latest business coup for businessman Bernard Arnault, who has expanded his LVMH empire to include dozens of leading luxury brands — from high-end champagne and whiskies, to exclusive Vuitton handbags, Kenzo and Givenchy perfumes and Bulgari and TAG Heuer watches. Dior Couture, launched in 1946 and seen as the pinnacle of Paris style, would be a starring jewel in his empire.   Shares in Christian Dior and LVMH Moet Hennessy — Louis Vuitton rose after Tuesday’s long-awaited deal. The public offers values Dior at 260 euros per share. Shares in Dior spiked 12 percent to 253.95 euros by early afternoon trading Tuesday, while LVMH shares were up 4.3 percent at 223.95 euros.   According to the announcement, LVMH, which already owned Christian Dior cosmetics and perfumes, would buy Christian Dior Couture, its fashion business, for 6.5 billion euros ($7.1 billion). In addition, the Arnault Family Group is making a public offer for the Christian Dior shares it doesn’t currently hold.   The hope is that combining Dior’s entities under one roof and simplifying internal activities, savings will be generated.   The statement says the boards of both companies approved the transactions on Monday. The proposed deal will still need regulatory approval and consultations with workers. The companies also hope to issue the public offer in June, and finalize the purchase of Dior Couture in the second half of this year. …

Plastic Eating Worm Could Help Ease Pollution

A type of worm could help solve the growing problem of plastic pollution. The common wax worm, or Galleria mellonella, researchers say, can eat plastic and could help reduce the waste caused by the one trillion polyethylene plastic bags used around the world annually. “We have found that the larva of a common insect, Galleria mellonella, is able to biodegrade one of the toughest, most resilient, and most used plastics: polyethylene,” says Federica Bertocchini of the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria in Spain. The discovery about the caterpillar’s hunger for plastic was accidental, said Bertocchini, adding that the plastic bags containing the wax worms “became riddled with holes.” She said the worms can “do damage to a plastic bag in less than an hour.” And after 12 hours, researchers saw “an obvious reduction in plastic mass. They also found that the worms transformed polyethylene into ethylene glycol, an organic compound used in making polyester fibers as well as antifreeze. It is unclear if the worms produce enough to be commercially viable. Plastic is not the natural food of the wax worm, but researchers say that since they lay their eggs in beehives, the hatchlings feed on beeswax. “Wax is a polymer, a sort of ‘natural plastic,’ and has a chemical structure not dissimilar to polyethylene,” Bertocchini says. Researchers say they still need to better understand how wax is digested, but that finding out could lead to a biotechnological solution to plastic waste. “We are planning to implement this …

Ляшко: Мене допитували в НАБУ 4 години як свідка

Національне антикорупційне бюро провело допит голови фракції «Радикальної партії» Олега Ляшка у справі щодо незаконного збагачення, заявив сам депутат. За його словами, допит тривав 4 години, питали «про все на світі». «З ким я живу, де я проводжу свій час, хто така моя дружина, хто моя мама – коротше, про все на світі питали. А коли я їх намагався спитати, у чому мене таки звинувачують, жодних даних надано не було», – сказав Ляшко. За словами депутата, справа є політично вмотивована, і якщо це виявиться, то обіцяє притягнути до відповідальності керівника спеціалізованої антикорупційної прокуратури Назара Холодницького. У НАБУ і САП цю заяву поки що не коментували. Спеціалізована антикорупційна прокуратура передала до Національного антикорупційного бюро справу щодо незаконного збагачення лідера Радикальної партії Олега Ляшка, повідомив 24 квітня директор НАБУ Артем Ситник. У березні програма «Наші гроші» повідомляла, що Олег Ляшко за останній рік нібито придбав нерухомості приблизно на 20 мільйонів гривень. 24 квітня у НАБУ повідомили, що передали до САП остаточну підозру у справі голови ЦВК Михайла Охендовського.       …

Winner of ‘Green Nobel’ says India Plundering not Protecting Tribal Lands

India is plundering the land of its indigenous people to profit from mining, with little regard of the devastation caused to poor tribal communities, said an Indian land rights activist who won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize on Monday. Prafulla Samantara, 66, from India’s eastern state of Odisha is one of six winners of the annual prize — often known as the “Green Nobel” — which honors grassroots activists for efforts to protect the environment, often at their own risk. Samantara, recognized by the Goldman jury for winning a 12-year legal battle to stop a multi-national firm mining bauxite on tribal lands, said he was honored by the award but voiced concern at the continued mining threats faced by India’s tribes. “The state has a history of not honoring legal protections of indigenous people in the constitution. Corporate influence and the promise of profits continues to tempt the government to disregard indigenous people’s rights,” Samantara told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview. “The mining-based industry has become priority for the government and the global market, but it does not support the common people. They are often led to believe that mining is for their own benefit, but then they are displaced by destructive development.” India’s tribes make up almost 10 percent of its 1.3 billion population. Yet most live on the margins of society — inhabiting remote villages and eking out a living from farming, cattle rearing and collecting and selling forest produce. Many live in mineral-rich regions such as Odisha, Madhya …

Chinese Takeover Bid for US-based MoneyGram Scrutinized

The financial industry is closely watching Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial’s attempt to acquire Dallas-based MoneyGram International, the world’s second biggest money transfer company after Western Union. Ant is offering $1.2 billion, more than U.S.-based competitor Euronet Worldwide. If successful, the deal would turn Ant Financial into a financial behemoth with access to MoneyGram’s vast network of 350,000 outlets of retail shops, post offices and banks across 200 countries. At present, Ant’s business is largely based on the Chinese yuan. The acquisition would also give it access to U.S. dollar funds and escrow accounts for managing the funds. “If you look at MoneyGram, what they might be doing here (to Ant Financial) is bringing a unique extra key that has much to do with that escrow account surplus and be able to hold a lot of dollars,” Jacob Cooke, chief executive officer of Web Presence in China, told VOA. “That, of course, will give them access to a whole bunch more opportunities to Ant’s financial services.” Bidding war As Euronet entered the race, Ant Financial hiked its bid by 36 percent, leaving no one in doubt about its determination to acquire MoneyGram and take on Western Union, the world’s biggest money transfer company, on its own terms. But Euronet has so far refused to give up, saying it is reviewing the new situation. Euronet is also battling the Ant’s bid at another level. It has gone public in saying the Chinese acquisition bid poses serious security risks as payment companies hold …

Борг Луганщини перед «Енергоринком» становить понад 5 мільярдів гривень – речник

Прес-секретар «Луганського енергетичного об’єднання» Євген Наседкін в ефірі Радіо Свобода заявив, що борг Луганщини перед державним підприємством «Енергоринок» становить близько п’яти мільярдів гривень. «На початку 2014 року борг «Луганського енергетичного об’єднання» перед «Енергоринком» складав близько 700 мільйонів гривень. На цей момент цей борг становить близько 5,2 мільярда гривень. Водночас саме користувачі нам винні 5,5 мільярдів, із них 5 мільярдів – це борг користувачів непідконтрольної Україні території», – зазначив Наседкін. Також прес-секретар озвучив рівень заборгованості місцевих підприємств. «Один мільярд боргу у Алчевського металургійного комбінату, який до останнього часу працював в українському правовому полі. 500 мільйонів гривень – у «Свердловантрациту», майже 200 мільйонів гривень – «Краснодонвугілля», – сказав Наседкін. За його словами, наразі механізми відшкодування боргу не обговорювалися: «Жодних домовленостей немає, жодного розуміння, як повертати борг немає. Суми астрономічні, навіть не уявляю, як це буде відбуватися».  Раніше заступник міністра з питань тимчасово окупованих територій і внутрішньо переміщених осіб Георгій Тука в ефірі ICTV повідомив, що загальний борг Донецької і Луганської областей за електроенергію становить близько 11 мільярдів гривень – 5,8 і 5,2 мільярда відповідно. Пізно ввечері 24 квітня Луганськ та інші населені пункти на неконтрольованій українським урядом частині Луганщини залишилися без електропостачання. Відключення було нетривалим, в окупованому обласному центрі світло зникло о 23:43, а з’явилося о 0:15 25 квітня, повідомляють сайти сепаратистів. А вночі 25 квітня угруповання «ЛНР» припинило постачання електроенергії кільком підконтрольним уряду України населеним пунктам Луганської області. Упродовж дня 25 квітня енергетики планують відновити електропостачання.  Національна енергетична компанія «Укренерго» ввечері 24 квітня повідомила, що з 25 квітня подача електроенергії на …

US Senator Calls for ‘True Reciprocity’ in US-China Trade and Diplomacy

U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan on Monday called on both the American and Chinese governments to exercise “true reciprocity” in relations, including trade and diplomacy.    The Republican senator from Alaska, in a speech concerning Chinese outbound investment, and in an interview with VOA afterward, said China has been aggressively buying companies in key sectors such as robotics, biotech, advanced machineries, software, entertainment and media “throughout America and Western Europe. But if you’re an American firm, or a firm from Germany, and you want to go to China and buy Chinese companies in those same sectors, you would be told ‘no;’ you would be prohibited.”   Making “true reciprocity” US policy   Sullivan’s proposed “true reciprocity” is rather simple and straightforward: “If Chinese companies want to invest in America’s biotech sector, then American companies should be able to invest in China’s biotech sector. It’s simple, it’s fair, it’s what China has said it wants to do but it doesn’t do, and we need to be much more serious about implementing it.”   Should China continue to ignore Washington’s calls for equal treatment and a level playing field, Sullivan says he is prepared to introduce legislation aiming at closing what he identifies as China’s “credibility gap,” and making sure that “true reciprocity” becomes official U.S. policy.   The Alaska Republican, who serves on both the Senate’s Commerce and Armed Services Committees, called on the U.S. government to reject “Middle Kingdom diplomatic practices” that fail to grant U.S. diplomats the same level of …

Dental Students Play Doctor in Virtual Reality

There’s a big difference between practicing dentistry, and finding a way to practice being a dentist. But thanks to the world of virtual reality, dentists-in-training have a new way to practice their craft through the relatively new technology of mixed reality (MR), where the virtual world meets the real world. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports. …

Experimental Blood Test Distinguishes Malaria from Other Infections

An experimental blood test can quickly and accurately diagnose malaria from other infections, so treatment of the mosquito-borne illness can be started promptly.  The symptoms of malaria, which strikes an estimated 200 million people around the globe every year, are non-specific.  That means the fever, aches, pains and chills in the early stages could be mistaken for any number of infections.  Identifying and treating malaria promptly not only increases a patient’s chances of survival, but also helps prevent the disease from spreading to more people. The blood test, developed by researchers at Stanford University in California, looks for patterns of immune system activation to determine whether a person is infected with the malaria parasite, and not a bacterium or virus.  It is reportedly 96 percent accurate. Purvesh Khatri, a professor of medicine at Stanford, helped develop the biomarker test, which looks at which genes are switched on or off, depending on the infection. A simple blood test measuring these immune markers could be helpful in resource-poor settings, according to Khatri.  “So a test like ours is useful,” he said, “You could take a blood test that would not require an expert technician, and they are more sensitive than the rapid diagnostic test than we have now.” Khatri notes the current test is not very accurate because it looks for a molecule, called an antigen, that activates an immune response in a malaria infection.  “And the problem with those are there are not enough antigen,” said Khatri.  “So treatment then [could] …

Workers: GM Fires 2,700 in Venezuela After Plant Closure

General Motors’ Venezuelan subsidiary has sent a message to almost 2,700 staff informing them that they are no longer employed by the company and had received severance pay in their bank accounts, according to two employees. A Venezuelan court last week ordered the seizure of the company’s Valencia plant, ruling in favor of two dealers that had filed a case in 2000 against the subsidiary on grounds they had not complied with an agreed sale of 10,000 vehicles. Workers say that before the seizure was announced, GM had been dismantling the plant, which has not produced a car since the beginning of 2016 because of shortages of parts and strict currency controls in the OPEC nation. The seizure, which GM called “illegal,” comes amid a deepening economic and social crisis in leftist-led Venezuela that has already roiled many U.S. companies. “We all received a payment and a text message,” said a worker who had worked for the company for more than a decade, adding that his corporate email account had been deactivated over the weekend. “Our former bosses told us the executives left and we were all fired. There is no longer anyone in the country,” added another employee who received the same message on his personal cell phone and a payment to his account. He had been at GM for five years.   The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the layoffs or the worker allegations it had already been dismantling the plant. GM …

Tesla’ Big Model 3 Bet Rides on Risky Assembly Line Strategy

Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk took many risks with the technology in his company’s cars on the way to surpassing Ford Motor Co.’s market value. Now Musk is pushing boundaries in the factory that makes them. Most automakers test a new model’s production line by building vehicles with relatively cheap, prototype tools designed to be scrapped once they deliver doors that fit, body panels with the right shape and dashboards that don’t have gaps or seams. Tesla, however, is skipping that preliminary step and ordering permanent, more expensive equipment as it races to launch its Model 3 sedan by a self-imposed volume production deadline of September, Musk told investors last month. Musk’s decision underscores his high-risk tolerance and willingness to forego long-held industry norms that has helped Tesla upend the traditional auto industry. While Tesla is not the first automaker to try to accelerate production on the factory floor, no other rival is putting this much faith in the production strategy succeeding. Musk expects the Model 3 rollout to help Telsa deliver five times its current annual sales volume, a key target in the automaker’s efforts to stop burning cash. “He’s pushing the envelope to see how much time and cost he can take out of the process,” said Ron Harbour, a manufacturing consultant at Oliver Wyman. Investors are already counting on Tesla’s factory floor success, with shares soaring 39 percent since January as it makes the leap from niche producer to mass producer in far less time than rivals. …

Spain, Brazil Want EU-Mercosur Deal, Worry About Venezuela

The governments of Spain and Brazil on Monday reinforced their commitment to completing a trade pact between the European Union and South American trade bloc Mercosur despite protectionist sentiments. On a two-day visit to Brazil, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said he agreed with Brazilian President Michel Temer about the need to wrap up a trade deal that has taken more than 15 years to negotiate. Rajoy also called for elections as the only way to reach a negotiated solution to the political crisis in Venezuela, expressing “deep concern” over the volatile situation in the neighboring country. “We agree that given the degree of confrontation and the volatility of the situation, a negotiated solution is needed, and it must inevitably involve giving back to the Venezuelan people their voice,” he said. Rajoy is heading a large delegation of Spanish businessmen who are looking for investment opportunities in Brazilian banking, energy, water and infrastructure sectors. Spain backs deal Brazil is the third-most important market for Spanish investors, who account for the second largest stock of foreign investment in the South American nation after the United States. Spain is one of the strongest backers of an accord to lower trade barriers between the European Union and Mercosur members Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Negotiations have been delayed for years by the reluctance of European farmers and Mercosur manufacturers to face competition. “Spain has always been and will continue to be a firm supporter of the agreement,” Rajoy said after meeting Temer. “In …

After Global March, Scientists Plot Next Moves

After an unprecedented global rally in support of science-based policymaking, organizers of last Saturday’s March for Science say the real measure of success will be whether they can translate the event’s enthusiasm into action. After crowds rallied in Washington and more than 600 other locations around the world April 22, march planners now urge those who participated to go out into their communities and advocate for science. “WE MARCHED. NOW, WE ACT,” reads the updated March for Science website, which lays out It lays out a week of action. Suggestions for Monday target local engagement: Start science game nights or book clubs, for example. Tuesday calls for contacting policymakers on science issues. The more than 260 groups that backed the march also are urging their members to stay engaged. The American Geophysical Union (AGU), which represents 60,000 earth and space scientists, has five weeks of action planned, with a similar strategy: Write your representatives; speak in your community; organize. Symptom As a scientist-led movement, the March for Science is unprecedented in its size and reach. It is a symptom of the concern that has been building in the scientific community. Scientists say ideology has overtaken evidence as the basis for policy on climate change, vaccines and much more. “Certainly, though, recent political events in the U.S. and around the world have heightened that incentive” to mobilize, said AGU Executive Director Chris McEntee. “So, we are seeing larger and larger numbers of our members who want to participate.” Others are seeing …

Очільник «Діамантбанку» пов’язує неплатоспроможність банку із затриманням Мартиненка

Голова правління «Діамантбанку» Олег Ходачук пов’язує неплатоспроможність банку із затриманням акціонера цієї фінансової установи, колишнього депутата Верховної Ради Миколи Мартиненка. Про це Ходачук написав на своїй сторінці у «Фейсбуці». «Останнім пострілом у нас став арешт акціонера банку Мартиненка Миколи Володимировича. Безвідповідальність в цьому плані регулюючих та правоохоронних органів призвела до паніки серед клієнтів і, як результат, введення тимчасової адміністрації», – зазначив він. 24 квітня Фонд гарантування вкладів фізичних осіб повідомив про запровадження тимчасової адміністрації в «Діамантбанку», основними кінцевими власниками якого вважають колишніх депутатів Давида Жванію і Миколу Мартиненка. Микола Мартиненко наразі є одним із підозрюваних у справі про розтрату коштів державного підприємства «Східний гірничо-збагачувальний комбінат». Сам він свою провину заперечує. 22 квітня суд відпустив Мартиненка на поруки. …

Qatar Airways Sees ‘Manageable’ Decline in Flights to US

The CEO of one of the Middle East’s largest carriers said Monday passenger numbers to the United States have dipped slightly over fears by some Muslim passengers that their visas may be rejected upon arrival, but expressed confidence in President Donald Trump as a “very good businessman.”   Qatar Airways CEO Akbar al-Baker said uncertainty about travel to the United States is “affecting the business, but to a very small extent.”   “We didn’t have massive decline like other carriers so we still have robust loads to the United States and we will continue our commitment to our passengers in the United States,” al-Baker said.   Emirates, the Middle East’s largest airline, slashed its flights to the United States by 20 percent last week.   Dubai, where Emirates is based, and Doha, Qatar Airways’ main hub, were among the 10 cities in Muslim-majority countries affected by a ban on laptops and other personal electronics in carry-on luggage aboard U.S.-bound flights.   “Qatar Airways does not plan and will not reduce frequencies to the United States,” he said. “I am sure that these uncertainties that passengers have soon could be resolved by statements from the United States’ government.”   Al-Baker also expressed hope that Trump would resist pressure from American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines to block aggressive expansion into the U.S. market by Gulf-based carriers.   “I have repeatedly mentioned that President Trump is a very wise individual and a very good businessman, and I don’t think that …

У «Діамантбанку» запровадили тимчасову адміністрацію

Національний банк України запровадив тимчасову адміністрацію у «Діамантбанку». Про це повідомляє прес-служба Фонду гарантування вкладів фізичних осіб. За даними відомства, тимчасову адміністрацію запровадили з огляду на рішення Національного банку «Про віднесення ПАТ «Діамантбанк» до категорії неплатоспроможних» за 24 квітня. «Згідно з даним рішенням, розпочато процедуру виведення публічного акціонерного товариства «Діамантбанк» з ринку шляхом запровадженням в ньому тимчасової адміністрації строком на один місяць, з 17:00 24 квітня 2017 року до 23 травня 2017 року включно», – йдеться у повідомленні. Про час та порядок виплат вкладникам банку повідомлять додатково, зазначили у фонді. Основними кінцевими власниками «Діамантбанку» вважають колишніх депутатів Давида Жванію і Миколу Мартиненка.  Микола Мартиненко наразі є одним із підозрюваних у справі про розтрату коштів державного підприємства «Східний гірничо-збагачувальний комбінат». Сам він свою провину заперечує. 22 квітня суд відпустив Мартиненка на поруки. …

Astronaut Breaks Record for Most Time in Space by American

U.S. astronaut Peggy Whitson on Monday broke the record for most accumulated time spent in orbit by an American. Commander Whitson, who is aboard the International Space Station, was congratulated by U.S. President Donald Trump, who spoke to space station astronauts via video. “Five-hundred thirty-four days and counting. That’s an incredible record to break,” Trump said from the Oval Office. “On behalf of our nation, and frankly on behalf of the world, I’d like to congratulate you.” WATCH: Trump congratulates Whitson The 57-year-old Whitson is the most experienced U.S. spacewoman. She is scheduled to return to Earth in September, at which time she will have spent 666 days in space over the course of three flights. “It’s actually a huge honor to break a record like this,” Whitson told Trump. The two also discussed the potential for further space travel, including to Mars, which NASA has said it wants to accomplish by the 2030s. However, Trump moved that deadline up, telling Whitson that he’d like to see a Mars trip “at worst, during my second term.” It wasn’t immediately clear whether the president’s comments were meant to be taken literally. Whitson also explained to Trump how technology in the space station allows astronauts to convert their urine to drinking water. “It’s really not as bad as it sounds,” she said. “Well that’s good, I’m glad to hear that,” Trump responded. “Better you than me.” Trump also spoke with U.S. astronaut Jack Fischer, who arrived at the space station for the …

UN: Developing Countries Must Join eCommerce Revolution or Be Left Behind

More than 700 global leaders in business, government and civil society from 65 countries are meeting to explore the opportunities and challenges offered by eCommerce, with a special focus on developing countries. The future of e-commerce could not be brighter. The  U.N. Conference on Trade and Development or UNCTAD is kicking off “eCommerce Week” with new statistics, which show the global size of the market in 2015 reached $25 trillion. UNCTAD Secretary-General, Mukhisa Kituyi urges developing countries to join the action and not be left behind in the eCommerce revolution. “Those countries, populations and small enterprises, which have no presence on the digital platform are not only invisible, but they basically cannot grow, they cannot compete,” he said. Kituyi says his own country of Kenya shows how the danger of being left behind by the digital phenomenon can inspire governments into taking political action. He says four years ago, Kenya enacted a new law to provide every school child with a laptop. Since computers run on electricity, he says the government accelerated moves to make this service available throughout the country. “In four years, more primary schools have received electricity in Kenya than in the preceding 55 years. So, the appetite for digital inclusion with sound policy can trigger investment in infrastructure for other purposes, which had been held back because of low political priority,” he said. eCommerce week will feature panel discussions on topical issues such as cybersecurity and cybercrime, digital trade, and youth employment in the digital economy. …

Kenya, Ghana, Malawi Chosen for Breakthrough Malaria Vaccine Trial

The World Health Organization has announced that trials of a new malaria vaccine will take place in three African countries – Kenya, Ghana and Malawi. They have been selected for their high prevalence of malaria and strong existing immunization programs for other diseases. The announcement was made ahead of the U.N.’s World Malaria Day Tuesday – and the chosen theme for this year is ‘a push for prevention’.   Malaria remains one of the world’s deadliest diseases – killing close to half a million people every year, mostly in Africa. So the testing of a new vaccine called RTSS has been greeted as a great step forward. It’s hoped that 360,000 children will be vaccinated between 2018 and 2020 in Kenya, Ghana and Malawi. The World Health Organization’s Regional Director Dr. Matshidiso Moeti made the announcement Monday in Nairobi.   “We are very appreciative that GSK the pharmaceutical company that is developing the vaccine will provide this for free of charge for this pilot,” she said. “And the vaccine will be assessed as the complementary intervention in Africa that can be added to our existing tool box of proven preventive diagnostic and treatment measures.” While a malaria vaccine would be an invaluable tool, other methods remain vital in preventing malaria.   Dr. Thomas Churcher of Imperial College London uses mathematical modeling to highlight the best way of killing of blocking the main vector that transmits malaria – the mosquito.   “Currently the majority of control is through the use of …

WHO, Medical Workers, Mark Progress in Southeast Asia Malaria Fight

Concerted campaigns in the Greater Mekong Subregion [GMS] to radically reduce the impact of malaria has lifted hopes a vital target to eradicate malaria from the region may be within reach. Deyer Gobinath, a malaria technical officer with the World Health Organization (WHO) in Thailand, said the outlook is positive for eliminating severe forms of malaria across the region within the next decade. The goal is for most of the GMS countries by 2025 to try and eliminate falciparium malaria – the most severe form of malaria – the falciparium malariia – and then by 2030 basically all forms or all species of malaria,” Gobinath said. In 2015, WHO leaders said there were 14 million malaria cases across Southeast Asia, resulting in 26,000 deaths.  Globally, in the same year, the WHO reported 438,000 lives lost, mostly in Africa and warned that 3.2 billion people – almost half the world’s population – face health risks from the disease.  Mortality rates decline; challenges remain The campaigns in Southeast Asia cover Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, all reporting consistent declines in mortality rates, by as much as 49 percent since 2000. Populations most vulnerable to the mosquito-borne disease are largely in remote border regions, isolated from infrastructure and immediate medical support. The key areas of concern lie in regions between Thailand and Myanmar – also known as Burma – and in Cambodia among others. But Saw Nay Htoo, director of the Burma Medical Association, said collaboration between medics and local communities has had …